By tshssCallinnc flcaffos's," HoanIon sald. Cliff Houtan's social, "flop hicod me as a store rccealinai and ooplla- clech unOl the tenson mas linai i le hase simays Noen, onec. Ai tiaI Ornie Oie dopres' caccenîl y are asd pcobahl y so aas about ha nlcihc asd ail i alinnyn ho affeofedl hy hie busnss an tinte. They nid insolserns in the cste' lhey lcI me go foc 1ha1 tnsily atlefia scese-ovn reasort." thonigi ho insI rceosly Hosohn's ahOily as a hase ceficod (cto hin 1oh ait P.L. hall piayec eastod hlma a job RoNrtson's si iona allter 35 aI Westinghose. yeact of osrio. "I aas a ldge membnN in Houslons OhileOr onides- Hamtns," Hinston cotnoa- noce , Nieil an a goaifosdec in Ncs. 'The isdgo spssssod hockey oc a isacatchoc in Oie haaohaii foam I playod hatai,, hase shaped is 111e foc. I sooded a job and the and hase led bite in Oie point lodge rcoonrendod tisaI I afns Ie pett hoe noa matks. contact a iodge rner abo Ho has playod and arnpiced migh licre me ai Westing- hanebali and ho has also honte. piayed and cofecood hochey Houston wochod foc mont aI bis Ic. WnOtnghs an a oech in tise .Obvisssly, I didolt stocl office ustil be aas let go i rny caceec ai P.L.'s," the 1930. tligb0qy gcaying Hlonntan Ho cotunnd la Millon asd eaid. l asled leaodg- aas hiodftoaohatDomin- gmst anda t naced out an a ion Woolestand Wocitedsin dcnggisf. I appconticedl as anc Petocborough shocly aftec- abito I nan piaying bockey in ads. Harnilton. Ao il happened t Ho aoched in Peterbocrough aas injoced and hy the limre I foc sux yeas. Whilo theco, ise gaI bock frot, rny injocy, my mol bis aile Lii. Tboy have johawas gone."1 Non mrnacied foc 43 yeace. Houston, noa 69, soid Ni Ho decidod ho aanlod far acol hack la Oie loam oallec corne haoh la Milton and is iîjncy had hoafed and aocked in Oie isochey ntich enpiaisodlto Ohn ie homs hocl facfocy foc a short ahilo. and losn bis jais ahîlo pioying Wben Miltnn Wool bis foc lhem. opeied, he moched Oiece foc "The oponsor ai the Ia fouc yoacs, pntting Oieic wsa ciothing stoce caiied mochinecy logethec foc Juveniles blow final billonsa Wilson Anclioneer anted bo ain Oiey bad! t javoniios tcaneliod bn Ocasge- backchoch. The billon sie la Lahe pact in the meeh- defencorn and goaitondec long Kiternen Toacoamcnt. aereoflonileft althe mccyaof biilton ccashed St. blacyn a-, thee asd linr bount Focest the pce-lnacney favarite aîhachecs. Woodsloch 5-1, ton Sna 71 The citent billon came ta osiy lt alOtobMont Forestin aînning mas aben Tom thebfial-4. Chochmach îcocod fcamt AI Itmwas stciclyno conlenlin Scisci and Rab Champeon la Oie fienltIhee gamnes foc lie the noce 1-1, laIe in the billon as Oiey played paociy opening peciad. The opposition but mon easiiy. Agairnl St. thon nailod fine goalsai suc- bacy's Jeccy Dean teade twa cession toalaibhegane amay. eaciy bey sarvon la pcosecve Aiforno Crisci, Bi Lyons and hisnêhalouand blaned Wod. Jay Nociand scocod focbiilton stock in fhe second gane anlîl la mohe thc gamenscoce 30osecosdscremained inlthe cespectable. play. In Oie o lininent action The local playod Ohiî monst Erc Eliion mas the top gateofîthe yoac. accocdisg ta teochsman foc billon miOi Oieie coach, in Oic final biveoals and fourcasnista. Bill againsl Fornst.He said Frcnt Lyonf ailiedfinrcginls and an masthOe bnt tinte billon had asnîstawhiie JîrLongdhiut foc mte in the liunameni bal baur machens fiici palled o soand banc dcfcaled thoem paie ailh finc ansista and handis tiaso Marshall scoced once The Aachionecns pichcd ap and asstnd on fine aiis theomajocily ofthe penalies Jay Naciand scocedaonce and os "stapîd infrconi andaodded awoasnista and Chach lhoy had facgollen thai if lhey mach haliîd a single. CTC midgets lose ,but team haes guts Milton Canadian Tice major goloy play bal cooldolt pal Oie miagela drappea their hersl pach inia the set. bilton, in an gante in the Oiisec Stich allempl la gcah the lie foc foncnamonl and hotled tlI Oie ovoclirne, pnlied Oieic goal- finalisecandsnofOihecconola. tender andncamalooosgnea lion final ahen a goal inter an the maccent foc enocalion and ernpiy netended teic hapeoof ficea Ima qalsh goals Inia the cotocsungawithhardmace, apenanet. The CTC midgcOs hase pioyed hadiy shoclhonded focr, the paslmanlh and hdOieic canbis factcer depleled miih ployeco allondisg la lheic part ttune jobi. Wilb foac allornale playens an the hasch ihey hotled lbcîc ay la the son- noialian hinal and tcoai jf fiisilnnidithey arenacclyithe lcammith lternosl "galo' in billon. la gamne anc Miltan but la Whilby 5-3 an Mihe Shepherd bah Oihe goaiiendiog daucis. Whithy mont hase saaghi nbophccd an the nap) an lhcy coisuime r ncaced an a shal frot, the costeiioeand an anc framt the In game Ima Milton edgcil loanogadnnttoandah St Cathain~s 5-4. Amaoing secvcaniopcandcnowvea 1 pecrfcteances frct oO evcsRprsnaiea ployers incioded dedicafian WRMhnîna WoIs displays hy saplaun John Le- prich aha cacely lf the ice, i acango, anpe Nocte Fieminglan and Scont 1iemon,sunpee ENa Who doblc and tciplc icop granula shultod Nletest facmacd and ocaphcaansua defense asd "Tigec" tinane 2lcapsinaoc Starks aho a evec stoppait 4sticksncinain hitling asd îhaling. Whon the A/, teaspaaia steake a clearcd, 'Tigec" 4cupseconsti Starkhhaitnaiinhfincrgoals. arange jules Fiernon naied the afhec 4caPS pinoaPp« goal foc the min and annalced ia copcacoinn vee a aouAsr LoaSic tiaI- Slueaapeelefruiii uaan tiacvaywasaosand u us hall and place us heat billon aidnceaih u sacepan, combine nagacn.i Miltn adanc La he cn- ancaveccd 10 teinutes. Add solationfinalsîagaînslcBraa avec ioa flarne. Pouc avec iea-Chiigoacoony aI the bat. ugahnaboutt12cops. Eancliffereina Phase Caonsmec Iniocte biltos piayed diaciplised oafcitinn food idinol cool hoy and oliamed fhe sppnsing teats ta lahos Oic pnfe. ,TNe m-als mec Telephone peridbutsatlealato tis a Toil Free 1-E goaltornahea Oieaahinccoach os a grai hy "Tigor" Nuiach front Flornington. CTC tintea coach said Oiey cosfcailod Oie tira parlaid mith iinplcodV POINTING OUT HIS Milton Banobali Club teain picloro takon doring the laie 1920s aMilton native CilE Hauston. Houston rotired Dcc. 23 aller noarly 35 yoass midi P.L. Roborfoon's. Ho rot rised a goid osaicli froca the dopn ana leathor mailot filied aiih cash fraca friiaa emplayersq Bcasiandbnckoy bave ohapod Houafon's 111e-and ait limes helpod hlm find employinont. lbomn-a sbiii heobnhainod white mckiog on Poeerbor- ongh. Beoaccthensiiiaenhcrohe, Houston loi; and hogan a ru tineofn appling foc a job ai P.L 'o, Ho waa piayiog goal for ihoir hockey am in the Onstario Bocal Hockey Association. "Thingna'ece prolly cnngh for a ahite," fHoaston naîd. "Bal an My 35ni birlhdoy (May 4, 1943) 1said la Lii, my aile, I ba a feeling Ihiogo accc goingloachange-omc. ihing goal mas goiog la happen. Beooe 1 soaid gel it ail oat there mas a koocb on thiedoor. Themnagercai PL's Oas ait the dooe and ashed me iflancdltaolaci woching the oral mocning. i oaid yeooand hase hees thece esc, noise'- Houston, o nolise Milton- ian, aochod in the shipping ana paokaging deparîmoni ai P.L.' the ontice ienglh ai has employacol. He nas a foir- mon aI difleceni sections ai thehaulh ohipping divsion and the labrcîngoand ccîanog division las aine yeacs, Emploayic and ariage- m nncuprsed Housonsih a cobiremeni paciy in has hanor Fcîday, tic 2& Appcaimaly lia pople galhcced aoond the Milton ipaclonan and pcesoned bus aîth lahena ai ihcîc appesia- lion foc has 35 yeoc effort. Mlanagement preeei hira ilh agod alh and the enipioyeen gase hima ale hiioed wiih a nîneohie amaoin ni aoncy. Houston han no delinite iong lorni pions flath relire- "Myawiloand1lanaiagosIn Bachados lac lhcee meobo noon,", Houston smiiod. "W'sehbeengaingithecelfor formation rmng panciifo afte ng Yaar ocalCnsur n'on tiascesommends: TER PUNCH ciod lcd Ina sugar leojoice tutediemonjuise do, discacdusg ends. slice proal pilter In lacge noies and spires; k e tho ibrets jais; cosmi shiccd fcait; serse piping sIon laday lac mor 526e2472 e0263-696 osdi heu' a îusacdary -l hope us ksry incuilu ced mth salihil us ilton a' - Oaiciastadaioisel. 'l' lîk liit cotne as an ispuccacai 0mar Il depcads oa ao ,r lîsng,, iluugli lisoiasthe lroiS laitici' lsi'îilh. au. au Auu 'anada pilot. Otarsa,4 hl lis or s'cil su, Dsa 5I'lay. anS 'ai 28,ia ylooa duca- 'uPc rIuet Siau us rla rý1oHg vho nOk DOWNHILL SPEEDSTER. Glen Eden ski his more in fuit swing osver the wcckend holiday wih the area reporling good conditions Nil I XCIAN 1 i R \'o i UIIIltNil DURINC \11 LI: Altocotions Ai Caos -8MAIN STRI-ITT Mît ION Open48 Mon.-a.-6Tus & Fsi tilt O Ths Casiauias Champyion, Wod. Jan. 4, 1978 B5 Ciff Houston retires Basebail, hockey helped shape his work career Prefinuished Paneling SPECIALS! TRAILBLAZER GOLD e VAIL CEDAR e GRAND ELM e SUGAR PINE FIRESIDE CEDAR * BOBBIE OAK *FLINT OAK $595 $695__ $795 Free! car top carriers And Do-lt STRAPPING 2"Ix2"-.8 fI. 72c RGI VAPOUR ECONOMY LUMBE-R INSULATION BARRIER 2x3-.8 fo. 59C 4x83/ $2 u 1, toa auu - 2x4-8 ft. 79C 4x81'" $47 0 Sa. ROLL ~45~~ r' ~- "~ COLORED PANEL DECORATIVE MOULDINGS A9DHÇSIVE STUC $995 WV car a large ses $1175 OagM 44 Lb.. ino rfnre Rsad tuse 1a gai 890 on. Pkg $2 gain orbak, as se tin..... $22 2Yhi. $2 9 Poq 10 s alcto sas n at OPLAND -~70 Ma, Ls&I&i E 8;8-8171 e4 COr AND LTD iON ONT a to FREI Yoer Oine Stoip Compete ,1"Home mproffleent Cense" eM Free Deivory a .01111vw *UI311I~ 11II will it cost ustodoa Recreation Room? 'DRU