Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Dec 1976, p. 45

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Oakvile, Georgetown PROUD WINNEIB of tropbies i lte MtSo Fftire»patmenvaI~ 191 grade five fire preveotion pester cootest were top girl Chitine Opsteen fet, tobo arren elanson cetntre)ndonoralementon wnner Marco Iuante (rht), al of Holy ltosry School. Fire Chief A. E. Clement, plctured wtth the winners, presented the trophies lie made hlmlf, bearithe tow' new coat oi arma. Christineos and Warren's postrs ereentredin he aIon Region conteat where Chriatine's was given an honorable mention prise. Research clothing needs students top artists Wiorrrs of the 1976 lir Audtv Kovorn io Si Ovehier of Sprvside School in rvninposter coîritt foi \tt.niil'. ScoAtiii okov ilî[aton Iilos ActontU l',îo Ballon ' grade five siadeoir Top boy is Movhaol Jobs oi Walsh of St. Avo' in Oakoillr ocre aooouorced hy the Park Sohovi, Georgetowne and Mark Bert i ofAsceosvo sponsoring Ballon liegion Four raeeerscup are Sehoci. Buriogteon "ire Prerentico Commiiiee, Christine Opoteen of Miuton's The six wiooiog posters Top girl on the coints mas Hoiy Ronary Scho001 iCarole ocre seleeied frtem huondreds submritid ivy grade lire stodenisfon itemrves Haton. Mr oal cempetitisons were held hy the oorlegton, Oakville, $10j0,lto Arton and Gorge- tome iire deparirnents:and te legcal.widnerstent ot reetion,d horoast Tie Brampton Pire Dpartment terhd.i regiona ior thi year. Att six students will reteive a desk peo net ie recognition oft ileir efforts. and the presentations wilt be made at aHallon ilegional Cocoril Meeting Wednenday. Dec. t. en addition, nohool trophies donated ho Halweti Mulcal l nareore ciii ho prrsentod f iv Aadrey Kocymnans' and SMichael Jacohe' srbools. to ho displayovl there for cote The tee wioniof pontoos . ît f0001000 o a all-Ontario o o$reet cponnored by the e Ontario Pire Chiefs' Associa- lion 0001 springf Ail the posters cere drame on the themo PFire Preveobion in the Home." The Canadien Champion, Wed. December 1, 1976 C ~ A VOTE FOR ROSE HARRISON Councillor Word Il Mea ns e Attention for people's problemns " More jobs " Responsible spending As an active community worker for the past 10 years, 1 care about Ali of Milton HARRISON ROSE X COUNCILLOR, WARD Il for elderly citizens The simple art of dresaing ing afler themselnes and ene's self cao pose a roai mielt deal willi clollsing frhe or lte elderly. problemsona regolar haisa" FarM wit cleotimg maso- le tact, senior ctitese are farlurers concernaed more Oie major Oirs ofthOe Pro- with fashion thoan fonction, ject, whicl is1 designed te Most senior cilioens are promote independence and doemred tu struggliog with self-rare for the elderty for as buttons that are ton smnon and long as possible. zippors tliey canit reach. "We hope thal hy derelop' Helen Lleyd, co-erdinator ingrclothing Oiat is easy te pot ot Allied Health Pregrams for on. comterlable and easy te Sheridan College, Daitnille looh after, the elderît mià hoe South Campon. hopen to ahle te remaio on their o change ail that. longer," nayn Lloyd. Lloyd bas heen amarded a Battons, zîppors 110,200 Local Initiatives .In mmlt rases, huttos are Project gmol frem, the tee omaîl, armitooles are net IoderaI gorernmeol 10 hire cul large esougit and oipà Oiree porsoos In research thie are tac, ditticslt, te bandle.e clsotimg oeeds of the etderly 'Ilose hired for the projecl and dosign sarments espo- will hase lied ome epr Cilny for them. ience in lashien design eOa The researci-lenig they ca mraite semple items project. scheduled In hegin of clothing based en Oie needn Jan. 4, milI hoe t irst of ite Oiey dincorer dsrlog Oieir teod on Canada te tocie olely research of Oie elderly. os the needsof thOe aged. These sample cloOios wilI Srvey teutors then hoe tehen inte Oie nsrsing The fursl ntep in tho tire- homes, and senior citîoens' monOi projerl will ho to renidenres te lest Oiemt and survey residente et narsn o tain the rearlisos of homes, homes for Oie aged seniors. soid senior citizeos sport- 'Me prejeel han receivesi ments te lînd out chat rloth' ronsiderahle support tront, ing proeem the etderty lace the FanIlion Counil et and what they would lke 10 Canada. mhich han eopressedl seetinthe way ofimpove an ioerest inotiiigthe mains. final study resulte. -We milI shOrt with senior "MWe hope Oie project mdll citiznos tiret." says Lloyd, hareons mnfluenre eo Oie "hocaune Oiey are still loo- germent indsry anis gîre RKOBft NOORK ",< '»" * 70-M Ied q* * Ud Downieme Georgetown Milton Mal 87-4690 878-181t Oiem the necessaty pmsh te hegin manutactorinf cloOig for Oie specifir needsofe the elderly," says I.Joyd. "WiOi Oie porrentege of elderly in or society con- stenlly increaning. geriatrir cloOhig as omething tha miel hoe loelsed at seriounly. l'os conrinced that Oie elderly tan hoe os tanhionahle as aoyone etso if Oiey haro rltOing dmsigned proporly lorthOem." -Eleotion roslts are obteaibe hy lelephone next Monday ereoing trom The Champion, 8-2341, or yoo cao etoit elecliso head' qierlerseat Memorial Arena, ThompsoRd HONORABLE MENTION in Milton Firo Department'o 1976 fire prevention poster content wss won by Brookville School student Kathy Johnes, pictured receiving a trephy from Assistant Deputy Fire Chief Jim, Coulson. Her poster warned "Watch Thooe Cigarettes". P e tr'aray C i i EVERY SANTA NEEDS A LITTLE HELP nw ~tGifts z7-tMM«ý A$100 Robais Coupon is maiting for yeu at North End Daisun Ltd. After me elfer pou our boni deal on the nom $100O 1976 DATSUN of peur chu ce. DATSUN NISSAN AUTOMOBILE COMPANY CANADA LTD wi -ge REBATE you a $100 Rebato upar completion oft ho purchose or yn 1976 DATSUN. And. . thep' givo pou a $300 COUPON re',ban on the Pc chase ef a 1976 DATSUN 280Z. (Expires Dse. 31, 1976) Datsun T-Shirts Chîtdror's $2.25 Adoits 13.00 Datsun Saves Piggy Bank 13.75e.a Datsun RaIIy Jacket 115.95... Datsun Steering Wheel Covers 13-95... Datsun Seat Covers iasnortedclves) Il16.95 set Datsun Key Fobs 'l.00e. Datsun Crests 1.0 Datsun Block Heater 110.40.a. Datsun Battery Warmer 74a. Datsun Shift Decor Knob 15.20...e,15.95.. NO~~~~' RT N1ATULD cIIOUSE ~ " Nov* 3Oh/ lot1, nd2d OPrice 120.00/ cut included Phono 878-2501 136 Mai St E. Mito I"LET THE PEOPLE'S VOICE. BE HEARD" DOn7 Goerlo à not oa* a Iwrlwo<kn' honestPaïâkÎia, buit a ocnd ciOI 0 Wheeî Don Gardo says ho stands behieid yos - hie means if. a*Don Gardn hasfoughtfor the people asna cosocil mati- and ocil continuOe to do so as mayvr. a Don Gardo ts a dedîeated, hard- workieig humîait beieîg' flot a ltigh-puiid. ctould' care-less polit îcîet. mWhen Don Gar"o deais wîth people- probleoss he does sv on their loe!e - and ctttiO fes t our door. uDon Gardo makes lime for the people - not excuses. M A votefor Dan GardonI is a vote to put Milton back on itsfeet. "Vote for NO. 1"I "Don Gordon for Mayor"' Paidfor by a grp of coneernedlMilo eneoiaen SILENCIEUX MINUrE mUFFLERS 10 25 B.P. SERVICE CENTRE

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