Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jul 1976, p. 6

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6 W»s Canadien COMPFOM Wed., July 21, 176 Game FsNews Otris consevation off i- is eye on sasse gnd troal cersîgome ardess do sal waters for tie tl con. Don lobe on indly la fisis og. Kearoey ani Dicli Kempier Wieo two Americao anglero iave bsen boving gond loch in trimi 10 eod borne wilis more tbe Monkoka ditrict aod lien hait a ton pon haIt a las have sasse nmcelobte rot In nf Onario walleyes (pick- prove il. erel! lbsy made a vry ad Norths End Dolzunof Mi- and cotly milake and ils t0n had heir assni lfisisg for srs lbsy ail! tnd n tip la Parry iSosd las! ympalisy rom on or aoybody meesd and cauglt a cuple els. o! good fssda of blackbharo. lais nols e tise real scom Local people ssnlise tip on sar waters, lissy luise bn- ers oner Norman Coller. dreds of fisis over lhisr limîl. luJonGlbert, Dan Micheon, mithoul a liongistfoc felo Don Brrsll. Dan Jensen, fobeormes. Bob liollaod ami myssît. In lie pas!miesuscis viol- Norm as usai lonissd aler aors ers caugbl lie îadge lie cookisîg ciores. Safari in or opinion asoa way Ion leadsr and expedilionsot was iciesl bul sol anymors. We Gilbert, folnmsd by yors hope lise Imo Illinos is iser- rly. men ilI change Ibir ays. Clsos-up crsm consislsd o! Las! Mosday isitesora Micheon, Jensen, and Bar- Court Jadge S. J. No!- ccl!. and rescascrw a tisgham ised a Lorispr! lollaod asd Wry Winger. Lavero issper and is baddy Ail bn al it as a lrsd bl $110 oncisasd ordered tisir saatisd crsw lial sbomed up i3,lOOboat pIonslise malor and for ork on Mosday morisg troder perssanenlly ssmnsd. Tianlis Norm. Tiey had 249 piciersi inlieir Tie allon Sporlumens Possion.1 237 morslthon summer pcnic ield oslie thir lsgal limil. Tie cae is clubs properly onstBeeles set aver yet as Ibir gide Ave. las! orekend as usual and resorI umsr ats boh cas a ige saccsss. Msmbers ieen chargsd as accesuories and Ieir amilisa enjoysd a and riS appearmncourt at a day o isiing, iarbscseisg, loler date. etc., also membsrs are enjoy- + +. . ibgteir summer vacations. Hersa a good idea rom .+ + + lise ntario Federalion o! This is lie ime mien busy Anglers and Huners. Il's a sprtumenscan gel amay lom pad f 25 als! sîed Sports- Ieir tsdous jobs in indusry, mas Csaresy Cards asai!- gel aay frnm cromded tours, able lo any memiser miso en- dll meetings, away from Iis rollIs sise ederaions lia- crazvtsoctetv o people ryisg istiily imsurasce plan. 10 eep upwiîb lths Jones asd Il's suggesled Ial a card tryîng 10 ho somebody bhal ho gives 10 lie lasdornor on bhey are 001. mios proprly e is uninf Mapie wen ce ail cosse or fisisg as pron! othlie tact bck 10 work aler our boIt ise s a ehiable and respos- days e ili ask ourselves: subIs imsured sportsmnan. Arn I doîsg my share inthlie + + + cormrnsnîy all1live inand Local sportsman Jtm elping 10 maise il a boter Smilb said fishi g as tees place s lvs Happy boli ju0t s0-bs year bulihs dots im-4& WITH THE FLAG srapped around is hand, Bn Gates' run for Syesa. Randy Rami!t uncdentified Milton Sports ployer ends Peter thes play. Flag Football Penne y edges Foberts Srgent Furno tigitesed Ieir grip on irs! place in Milton tflalfotbialaction tat orsi mtb a cosvincing 5-38 wts oterlise iapleot Milton Auto Body squad. In lier actios tas! eeli. Frnney- Real Estale ois a earîbreaiser ron the rital Foiset eaty squad. mîsotof 2-26 and lise rapîdly improt- tsg Syers Broadloom club lied Mitos Sports Ulirnted 32-32. In lise trst iall!outhIe Sar- gent Farrngaame, tie trsams traded potsntor pot bt tie inasa bielonfed Io Saeg ents wothtis lbp o! stellat lmo-ay pertfrmancesisy Fred saises and Vie ( Tomer- Wlyrn TwosTilt for Bakrs Baises auld intmo tsuei- MILTONS MARY STEELE watcheS a long fi y bail drift into leftfield. She was ou, but Miton teammute Lynda Brooka did manage a hit-the tSly one off wînming ptcher Laura Wlkes. Georgeto wnjuveniles crush Halton ail-stars. Leurs Wiks pilcbed a one- toortis and tires in tie sisth is isers. itter toc tise juvesile toc tbe in. Ai-sar pîlcers Lynda Brooiss ut Mlton ah Georgeown Rooelles oble ere Mary Curtis of liornsy lie only hist of Wlkebr tets bier leammales s!omped os mbssltarled. Cindy Safford o! losers. tiaI csrinifn tise lrsl Ires differes! ptcbers Gen Williamsmis rsieted sn nnîng. Satoeday nigi s utlie Royal- tie Iird. and Melody Spers etes crasied an a-star lsam o! lillsburgb Juniors miss tram liseliallos Ladtes came oninthe sixtis Nons Longue 9-0 ta kirk of! tise had any lacis agaisst tise FO D kî Hroby Gardes Party. poertul Royaleites, mis FO D IRENI Raaleucredtforrn suled tise Peel Juvenile -CNIETL in lie iird innisg.Imo in lie Leagos. ,CNIETL Played wihot Sers - MONARCH In deesce othtie al-stars. *BOOCATS Sens thie leaguets fielt Lomvile ndgets dropped place lsam. miss ers om aviîe 1-S Tumsday otgt mtted tu play in. a tourne- but bonI -i Moaday 10 the mnt elsemer. Genio HatS ura otbalaSnbtie iird ring, Bresda loague gamsse lut euh Smiths reaebed houe on as is ans Dntarbo Riral Playft error. lies cnective ito 65 garins, Lowivlle crasised isy Janet McKay, Ciarlrss HIchoa1,-in E a gorne is Milon, Diane Marshall asd w" ~ Dall Couteau anîiy Kerisy brosighi or o a ý&is"E'g, tsar Lv" DrF , vie4 luEth-fluiJ timinga lue- D mUese ultsrmues a nise onhoier Sp Betty Marais- ~~~tingg ithe sixtiiment sored Smiths and la eE'tihe nyi. Georgetions uealu.d e". lid14 .rkbs lnutinie amaie acTa se Im J«Itd*wpu thie km.platse'nth iseobtison hie' bp E'" in 1-iBe iMad marg Milr, amd tbéàem tai afaBt*f !rToaB-0tars lf Mhi oEurn- e.mnt i e ' os,.inai, - moued a on- for tis doms passes rsrn Andre t. Jobs and vteras milyrnan contrisuted one TD as oel as several isey delenive plays. St. Jobsnmiso continues 100use al is receiterseffetvely. tirem stibes 10 Mise Kesd- rici. Ken Kisbta and a pair lu speedy Rasdy Joison.s Kendetcis on usbaci tise seeond iaî iicioît for sis points and coslriisuted Imo 10-point conversions. Tom Blancisard and FeelHarris also added coversionssin tise bîg-seorîsg ultair. and Bîtt EllisI booted a cosyert and a stnge to round oui thetSar- gents scortof. Flemng injred Nicb ilicci slurred for Auto Body scrisf onl 100 perfect psss ro!rm Gary Fleming. and picktng sp a tiird major tramn Jirn rougitos. Flem- ing.,miss as ltaer sidelined mitian injury, tsnsedomter passes tu AI Irots andteve Brascier toc majors. Irmin playisg a parttcutarly strong fume, Brougitos. illing is toc Fleming hisî Mark Duty toc stx points and JobsnlHer- iert added a mwo-pois! con- Syes ielmoransBoisMil- liard scored mn loucidowss and icbed mo single ptîsts and JobsnIleriseet added a mso-pot! et.e Syers emnsaniso Hlt iarduscoredmwo toucsdomns and iiciscd Imo singlc points 10 coninue is renetir scor- ing pote is final major care nthie dying seconds f1 tbe game 10 aro lise lie. Alsoi scsrtog for Syers ers Jobs Ferris. Ricis Kiesoeod and1 tise indomitable Mise1 McCluskey.1 Mrray scoresa Fleellssled MSU qoarter- bacis Date Mrray rosspsd tor one lsscisdomn 10 opesnlise scrîsg and manged asoliser os and end rus. Mrray also losed iombs 10 Jon Bnrady, Joise Doeriog and lasky Busdy Hammltons. Pal Moras picised up Imo poinsuos a con- Tuesdays malcbup s00 100 tradition] ritals, Pensy asd Fober!. lorS oras n an esciliof contes!. Altbougih Pesscy squeezed ou!tlise tic!- ry. lie Fober! club ers 5 yards amay ram tl isrns a lise isa! gos sounded. Fobeel's quarterbacis Sas- dy "ie rile" Aqilanti boll - cd is ay over for Imo major scores. selisg tbe puce for is learn. Great individoal eforts uccounîed for otiser Foets scsriog. tIse-bond pais Rod McTaggart mode a oseltand grais f an errant Aquilastpaso asd Iteloe tise goalline toc ose TD, mits the new irnprosed Broce Licgis pllcd doms a long b bsieind lise Pessey de- leste and troted over for asotiser. Gary Gouldes added a to-pont cnviattt The potes! Fenttey offence, direclcd byion UsSusuii TH A HOP 20 -50%/ SALE CONTINUES 245 Main St.,Mlton 878-3302 AMPLE PARKING AT THE RtAR DP STORE THURS. PRI 9 -O9SAI 9 -O provsd 10 o bejuIa bit Ion mucis for Fsb.ertu. isomever. Suzuki relied on lise surs isands of Sois Baylor for Imo Penssy toncisdoms Taylor's las! scorè givisg lisem aSt lbey seedsd 10 salitaway lise Dtber paint getteru mere Larry McGrsgur and Ken Jonsns ils majors, and Tony Schafer and Tom Ham- kins mils couverts. Cam Thsomson cnriisuled a soltd tws-may performance. (Ofletobs gel ceedit Mucisofthlie credit for lise sacconu ofthlesapue 10 dole must go lise excellenltonem o! officiais, miso, unlibe tise players. con neyer min: Glen Wilson, Bill Barretl and Gerry McLean. MIir 00 E'inmotitmoaqidE'boue aue y wpa ltiser th a 4- Wn w«o inMtel r oqaz Canaden Mate Co. 4.3 Bronie aaâe'd Lioms " am CMC abatant Milton Comshuoty Credt Union I-0. Pm dtise OptimDiste, who have nom won eigh games mithout a lmaor ie, BrE'n Bell and Scot JolI7 scored tua goal each. Brion Bergin and Cameron MaclCloey e- pllod for MMS. Berglnaiaso scored a goal InMloinms min ovr Canadien Meter, in a gosne i- schedledtfrom auearBer date. Ofier scor- en were Michael Barsow', Mark liaitt Atom Tim Pollen Optimissatois team ieptpare mls moaqoila cooterparl, recordlo lE' ev- enlis wio in as many docionlanolt eeb wilis a 3-2 sqosaber over Limsoton. A & W crosed Anolda 7-0 and Itinomon slipped paol Brancier 3-1 ins taer gomes. Tim Pollen netted ail throe goals for Opimiats, mhile Kevin Baconanad Bohisy Warwicis replied for Limsotone. Tbersmweretfitre diferentascorers for A & W, witb Broceselyer lading themway mth a bal tricks. Single goals enit 10 Jeffrey Las- der, Michael Eager. Robert Polaod and Pee wee ,Duffet-rin sti In lisepes es i osas leaue division, in mhich tise Optimisls doalt have a team enlered, Dufferîn sportsanas obeaten re- cord mtis seven consecotive iss. Dfferis louted thei alias Casadian Club 6-3 is its game last eek. b Intese scond game, Milton Travel Service deteated Kareo's Flomer Shop 3-t. Scatt Morey mas thse osly lwo-gssl mon for Dut terin. mitb single markers poted by las Jackson. Greg Morey, lgy King and Jet! Ruigroke. Fred Noseworthy scored aillimhe ICC bu i peazBatota à11*. Pal nSs a lat tricis for Ben.- le.04G. Failedisoor added a suDo" miste LUu.eoromer egan APedut mitis two aMd Gs'eose fMoinso. ': in Cnaidian Metr's ahutout dver MOCCI, Kevn Vesrstetaled twise. W L lPte. Can. Mater IIIt MWMS 5 2 1 Il Bromnies 3 4 1 7 Liosa 1 7 0 MCCU 0 71 1 nets three Davd Harrison. Bill Bruah oetted tma goals for Klm wtb tise adorasse Ely ocored by Gar Lqpgo. Wayne Wycliff acored theloWte E'y for Broocier. aatiage Opîlmiss Kinsen LimesEom Brancier A&W Aessldn W L 7 1 t14 2431 5 2oes1,o il unbeaten goals in o loaing effort. Aodrsm De (Iront lallied Imice for MIS in lhisiniover Karensmitsthe lisird goal by David Jay. Steve Psdden sorrd liseIons mariser for Kares. Standings Dotterin MTS Kares Elsley IaIs-Cas 7 0 0 14 4 2008 2 40 4 150 2 1000 Tise tîlae otElor mil iorrowm axuimum ut $45000 for tisirsnemarena. 1 DUR qUALITT lt's on. of the lest So why puy more mon.y if welli do, It for less Now Pro fessional Cleoning ai A Price You Con Af ford! ANY SIZE LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM AND HALL $4495 FOR ANT 3 ROOMS: $5995 Cati now and save-Askfor Davel "White cerpets flot lncluded." A.A. CA RPET CLEAIJERS 827-6627 or CVCC HweNow - $315 PLUS POEP. CHARGES 111011EST TRADE I lU OAC -ho money youSaetgz... wilb Our s! JULY ACTION Tise Fantastie V.W. Rabbit BAZ MO RS..mhereaftersasrvaoce la topo BA M TOS 1D

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