Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jun 1976, p. 34

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Sýý'I CrudW ai.Champion, We., .iun. 30, M6y On, the farmfrn Oa Jane 15, tbe inaoOppositmna partielunited ta jolie. Wob maore and Mare countrien bin-g anaille delent thle GC aeata fana stabilisation biâ. Tbenu ta pradare eaaagh food, lie paer c qd- they gave thie goverametat o cir directive ta rnporting cauntrira cotinaally locresea. Ontario develop, by October 3l, farm inceste protectiona dam nul need and cannt affard ta abift iî. logislation, enbodying an innranre type plan, open poition fean being anet exporter of fanai ta tealal faxrs nummoditien and involving a legally major dependeare on importa. cnsntitaird negoiaîing raie for frmers. Tile income protection legisationaOFA propared The Legitilare alane directed tint font mnd thie Legilatare lba directed lhe gaveramnseat organinaiiooa be invotved ib e deveiopmsenî of tile ta develop ilii provide price taulilty inathie fard leginiation. lodanîry. Ih i provide frmera witb the Victoey forFanaaera aasuraace tîlotheir rmta willilec nuvered aid 1 Thaia a great victacy for frmera and for tile tilerefare provide îilem witil the capital ta Ontario Federation of Agriculture. Wr have bren improve eficiency and qualily of prodnct. h mWini pressing tile goveremeat for joat sncb a plan for thie assure Oanta of enoagil fanters ta prodane lat yer and a baîf. enoagil food ta fred its people. A lot of people monder cily fane era nerd an PrograonWouifBe Volaary tincarne protection plan. It asunda ta tilenluke Tep rmOA agtamad l onlr "codding' thinefficient. bTil fornl cmmodi t rapaaw o l avdoaly Mot Canadian fanai pricea are et in tenta ofthebe pror ethcmoiygupadfrnivul 1 sarld grain marklet. Thia mean tbe prie Ontarioa fleair s cf a cammodily. i mold provide farmers receise a ssmpleiely indepradeai of thi le xib îy for tbe developmneaî of differet quanuîity and qoaliîy of thie Ontario seop. For commodilien. For instance, soute commadiiien migili enample. liley may have a pour srop, because iai la bave a igb pereenînge afmets cenîber conditions ilere, and, innîead o h rc oee a pns analiltuera migili s nat a a heing fairly iigb besoane of a short aapply, $ l. N p a nd sividani radar etorgntapaf farmera may get n lac prise besoone, aay Ite plan aiai.N invdu]poceorgu f F Soulera US. lad a large crap. prsdaoern caaid be forced ta participate in amy of d Wbaît illaislaioly meanaasniasaf production teWbisuace-ypplana.T bear very ltile reatianabip tWpieaatfnt OFA cantn île gaveramet tadevelop in pradarin laOnario. t c o am enaahing irgilatian wcul a legolly cniuaaited H Famen ednegatiatiag raie for fanteca. Tha i inll aoie a Famr'edfrmerstecarl ot ibhil ae ethl Ontario frmera, therefare, nerd seemetbatid rilt a laa th e nd o nppor thear 1 whernily they con ha assured of sue of ibeir cotas cmoiygopat n ed.l of prductisn, ai tle se"). easi. Dierciar, sm aiyrocannne fanters are refi piaying a dicry game cith WorelWith Govermnoneai baakraptey. Wr are loing frcard ta e oniag nu- E Wiîhaaî thila ind af assoace, farmer' speraiiveiy cih île gaverament la develaping tbe i cosfidence ain he fnemîag iadaniry la qaislly rnnbliig legilaîlsa ta cbicb tle lies apposition Y diaapperiag. Tilry arr isclined ta stap farming partirs have asie diresîrd tbe gasecameni tn aabmuii O cilen ihiaga gritatsatogh. And yaung people ta the Legisiainrerby theemd afOco .O Onaos nerda adeqasie and erird food production. *Gordoa Hi la Preident af île Oantao C If cie dant pradase sac ieafood, ie ciii snsabe ai Frdernîisa of Agriculture, wce repreenato aeariy at lthe eecy of higil pricerimporta. Agri-pocere snons 25,000Onatario frmera. M Omagh h Communion linens dedicated at churchba tirs. Jaan Acce anats sr- ta Say the large truck mas the traîtere. Wr learned tilat ther c itai ily bis parean, a bratil cictar wcul nat mch dacaee. persoas daiag thlerereni bara i e and sisters. The tragaiy bot lte ncailer vendce waas emaussuararyn ind tn ha bit- accarai ohen tle teenagr recbed. Na are mon badly ingoal. A stadeai fract Trent m as tilarlag graund hogs on injureci Unieiaraity, Pelerorrad the tas father' faran. Tien angaages aeconay qalificatins nd a A large truckl and ascaiter It is iaterrsiag ta nain tint did the carl in thiaxaea. Wr i atsnnwagon coilidai ai tle cantrsseroy avec apeail- wander cily nacrane iorally Faurtil unr and Derry Raad ing Freasil han dcawn mch mas nat given le jobl, as Fren- ase day tis meril Nerdiessatatentiona cul pilts and con- chl speaking forcnera la thua lacaiity a ot05mraay -lE aay). DrumquinMes. Hilde Ram, mile af DrumquinWilliam Ross, pased aea). Jim Day is named hrsep J.adMs ons0s oece frequent vioitora ai 1cagilsore ihterstr to O y p c t a s Rumaiynd HaroldRutherford aad hod resenly retucned ny Mra. Ceeil Polteran Get weti mishes ta Douglos frac their minIer home in Thle finai rusile party fsr Word cils is sanvaicscint ai Fiarida to aiob up reaidenre lhe seaoon mas tond ai Horn- bia Eigilti lite home tn Milton. Mns. Ram lenor- ily Ceaire an Satscday rvee- tailaig o resent cr ccri- sived ily hec ilsannd, bo tag Jane 26 mitil1 tales la dent. Orry to lornatotfag sans and sistrMns. Ruther- ptay. Prite minsees merela nursing o hadly injared ford. Iniercent oaa in Met. W. Nia, Mca. W. Maoan, ilnee. Ocagil Preabyterian Chorehil Mes. Webbl, Ctoire Wilsan, M. Congratuations ta Jic Day cetery. Peasasil, Neitie Laae. A apes- of Samson Forma, Trafalgar Birthday greetiaga and sa r ehad prizedoated Rond and bitharse Sympat- gond miohes ta Mns. Robert ily Vi Pretone as wosnily ico on tileircssaiu the Se- Brawnridge on hec speciai Ralpil Fratîrtan. Maay rond Olycpie trials hrtd ai day July t. tonky draies trac nnh Taulle Monircot, Mas and uis Wocld Mcs. Orville Statt mon mere given ast. As a grond on Sonday Jsnr 27. Jicm as - mvrd froc Mianisaogo finate to bile mîster s tue, al] naced ta île Casadian Hosupitaila Milton Hospitl on enjayai île detigilitatlsnch Eqesatrian jumping teocn Satacday, Jonc t6, ohare sIe t cake, otrocharriesndutire (otiuisprogcaming oeillfract are- reemn. lanbioedopagettl cent tait and oailraien 11mb. e Planters a Candies *Pots *Giftware e Rug Hooking Kits e Artiflcial FIowers ay Ms. teli Patterona Many sîsitars morsiippeli ai Ocagil Preahyterian Cilsîci an Saaday Jane 27 milen tile saacraet ai communion mas heid. Rev, Rsd Lewis dedicard the aew ccuin aiaeas wchi oece givra a cemrcay othîe lair M. aad Mca. F. E. rscaridge ily tileir lamily. Thle anthern "la Recem- brance of Me" mas sang by lte chir with Miss M. Ritey 1wth eletrîs organ. The con- Ogrrgation il oshi for 1wy inonlil af Jsty. Frienda ratead icr aympatily ta Me. ad Mes. Fred Acier sa tle suddea accidentai passiag sf their grandsa Stephea Acier sf Caiedaniat Stepila oas the 14-year std son ai Mr. and Superior Pro ducer PtochrsleLiza Savereiga. a pareilerd Holstein sc bred andscwnedhbyH. C. Reidaofi Milton, ba recrived a Gali Seat Lifetime Production Aard frac the Hlstein- Frienios Assciation af Canada for s total sf 10tac- tationa yielding 1tan4a5 lin. cIii, 7,005 ths.fat wcul a3.97 percent trot. Hec tatrat lacta- tise as a t3 yrar sid aile prsdaced 22564 lt ciil, 976 ins. faimitila 433 per ceat teat r OCA indices ai 221 per sent for cl and 269 per ceai fat sihicil qualifies ier as a Superiar Pradscec. Iiza aisaaae Vrry Gssd dasgilter. Plscilrail Anse Achilites and sac Very Gaad sas, Piachraile Atoc Achilles Sie as siredhbyltoetaad Refiectias Savercîga mia is ctasaifird Eaceltent and Saperiar Type. Her dam is Plcailoe Saverriga Liada. Youf CHAMPION CARRIER onlfle uis lins aaeie elp by paying prnmpfly rie btey ceil Icild a athie eut nf @Ahmnefi They de- - on son. ý, e -eiaaplama parc «carrier ap-f a- Sfit. ied Arrangements I Paintings OMa FLGWER & GIFT SHOP 228 Main St. 878-MI0 FREE PARKING AT CEAS OOPaTONE e Dr! p E p h( Di Ko be nil Ml.. MalwnS L IOSr O&ra filgar w a b d n t C ua n tela J.. lweon ber wlth gifla aad good The ball ao eilraofivly decoated for tl.he ou"a wtb piÉ and whita niruarn eas, beilleand aaIiit e corated chirferlhbrdetbo. ha. Bile cao aasted loy ber alater-in-law BarberaLiater the rlbbon bow bot. tiaasen forathe bar ap lispfor ber n- btuleand ta mma. Sly Harria and MrL E. Plckett for arra the 1 eveaig. Lunch cee aerved so aacial lUr n ujyed Elaine cli bo a Jaiy bride.' Famâyremale Thie am"uaMcllagb Iamily reanita picole waa bald on Par 5hnabu 0 dc dents of thelote Mr. aid Mca. Thomas MciOagi gatlbered for dinner and aapper aseala. Mr. and Mca. Stanley Mc- Hugil were bouta for t1e day and bad acraaged a fine pra- gcam cf spar.aebiwo eajayed aa rea le co.n petitioco and rcconfor aid and young. Speclal prises went te,1theaident lady-Mn. Eva'Torl; the aident geatle- an-Bah McHugil, and the yoangest the infant daugilter of Mr. and Mca. Orlon Faller of Ranilwood. Mc. and Mca. Gary McHugh and inrnily of Port Perry orne the fartlout. fi con a happy event enjoyed hy ail atleading. Nexl year Mc. and lira. Bob McHagil Jr., of Oab- osa whU ehbouta tac 1we day. Eaehre wlaaera Thle weebly encilce waa held ai Hocaily centre on Jane 12 wililthe foilawing prise 'inner : J. C. Canningilam, Ed Parans, F. Peocc, WiI- rrt Nta, V. Sinclair, Isabel .aylloa. Tilere were eigill tbles ia play. Salorday eveaing Jane 19, the weekly ouchre waa bald lbt eigiltblon. Wianera aere Mildred Mason, Houri Preston, Floreace Paraons, E1hl Martia, V. Sinclair, Ed Prsons, Olive Raine, Glaire Wilan. mWrnsoredwlIfrfetâ oand Ebenezer by Mrs. Rn MeLra Inteaded fer loat ceeb Htappy Oirtilday ta Grog hamond, Diane Taylor and lilhy Joilns. Tile stracilercy social ia ta eJane 30. Tile Saaday Snbool ta plan- îg a picaie foc July 4. campisauthew Dale Carnelge cotas. on seil baprovornent and thecimax wcaabanquet and dance iield on Saturday evenlag Jane 19 ai itnly Roa- ary Rail. Membecsanmd friende aid parents abolitlta ta ait, cern gueula ait tila pe- cial evat. Ail grnduatea re eelved their diploman aid ne- veni apeclal acarda cern made. Tierecwere 42 youag peuple wbo cern prlvliegled tu aioe advanage af thilacourne; it con aniber 4H finit for Hl- tan County. Siacera appreclo- tion and giflta cerepVreseatrd the leades, Mns. Teronna Hailand, Jeffrey Carrail and Prealdont Dave Matilen. AU memilen frit il bod beeu a girent learnlog raperience ta The Blind Persons Heres what the new law~ says and how OntarioI reidents can help. This new Act provides thal B blind person accompanied by a dog guide has the same righls, privileges and obligafions-wilh respect la public places-as anyone else. He or she cannol be discriminaled agiinst or denied any accommodation, services or faciliies BviIBbIO in iny place 10 which the public s cusfomarily admifled. Il os important Ihaf dog guide owners know Iheir rights under the Acf and thaf the public, especîslly employers and lheir employUfls, be made aware of the provisions of the Act and iheir responsibilifies undsr if. TheAttorney General of Ontario will issue identifi- cation carda f0 dog guide owners. The card will carry a pltograph of the owner and dog, as wsfl as fheir naqois, and wlII also carry a summary of the main fe&Wm oIfthe Acf. For furfher information, application for an Identifica- lion Card or a copy of the Acf ilsoîf, contact: Office of t ho General Manager Minisfry of the Attomney General 18 King Street East Toronto, Ontario M5C 10C5 Mlnistry 0f1 Aftomey G ýte manDvl sier Province of Ontario -N -, -. , -~ ~ -~ -~ c---.a~ - MASTER GLOSS ALUM INUM SELECTED ALCAN DEALER SSIDINO eSOFFIT aEAVESTflOUCH * OORSe WINDOWS AWNINGB *Fre stl.ut.s *0IeuseebI. Prises PHONE ERROL MUCPH El 878-5337 BUY DIRECT FROM DEALER NO SALESMAN reuniE Hom3 01a ~Z~'r...tii. a mUiIdaqe h foc *MW, MBW Mbor.t M= laid aiffmeeuit beBatÉgaAclaFeaL.Boeta e yo.gaipe hmaia .,I.ifsclem id pa4chfol=i- = l4 on, e a l ie IUOSilW~C;wn li.ea.u.àe CiialolMr i PbtAaeiaufa mmMUtaV, ha celelv"ana Geý anW =om &W bd g if.h nui wi i edlgnni.- ai Llfn eà ofa ___ bonon iaim.aIe-nayo=an 0 P adr i e eamh liliJapMapa,«c= -H fi - per e" for aammer pl#huro~dt' ROIOî E ~ dBgalncTyptaia beon, 0

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