Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 1976, p. 23

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Tourlum meana a lot 10 (ktarlo-5ôO0jolbs, *2,0,0in revenue, end iltmakea nue province look gond in Uic cycu of thse world, uayu a cureot goverpsoot adver- tAalog campalgo.- '1»0 Mistuty of -idutry and Tourlisi mwante uail 10 ha tourismn itsmns.4sy bcbng frendly An vialtoru, maklng - Uiom fee1 welcome and islpteg Uiom flnd thele way if tlsey gt lest, HelpAng touriste, helpa u aIl, ayu thcad. 0f courue thse hast way to ha knowlédgoable about our province Îhe folwing bit of proueite ot original but porbaps n thoe "mixed up" timea t beara reprintAng, if only to asaken usu 10 ae0 f thc current trends You cannot bring about proaperity by discouragtog Urift. You cannot treogthen the woak by weakenang thes trong. .You cannot help umailimon by tearleg down big mon. You cannot iselp Uic poor by detroying the rich. You cannot lithUe wage earner by pulling down thse wage payer. ?bu cannot keep out of trouble Perisapa tise role of Uic amal busineas nAnhUiceconoomy 0f Uic nation ia bcginising An atlract denerved attention. One of the provisions in thc recent federal budget waa aimed et improvmng Uic lot 0f amaîl buaines and ohen you look around a community like thia ynu gel aome uskfuratandAng of Uic mporance 0f Uic amalbuinesa. Look along Uic commercial core of Uic tOWn, or in Uic numiser 0f amali industries ansd add up thefr impact on Uic total community n any of thse normal yardaticks, employment, taxation, or service. Expending government An one 0f Uicetireata to amaîl businesa becauae of higIs levela of government apending and bureacratic controla, When profitability An threatened by impoued increaaes owners neek purchaera while a buainesa An tilI viable, aUinng larger companica. Power la Uien concentrated amocig a feoc larger firma. Thia concentration tenda to Weaken sanller communitica. 'ise Japaneae have a phrase: "Building smalA firma is cheaper than welfare, " t relected n their dynamic economy Wiere goveroment consumea only 20 pur You dont fuily realize thse hard- sisaof our pioncera until you remember that day afler day, tisey plodded thier say wetward into the setting aun-selthout sun- glaises. Tlhe tragic death of a Toronto flve-year-old n an unuaed refrigerator reminda us thet parente must ha warned about leaving old fridgea itting around wiUtcedoue intact. Suffocation in mne of Uic mot atrocioun nnd terrifying experiences o child moy encounter, sys Ontario Safety Lengue. la to firut uem au much of t aa you cao. We ail droaco of vacations n the "aunny south" but you canbhave au much fun and loaro more about your homeland if you ipend your vacation Urne right bore n our province. Sa Lt out and look around Ontario. Tho more you know about t, the more help you'll be ton viitora, and thse btter "aaleaman" you'il be. Beidea, touriam helpu ua al pay thse blla. by apending more than your incarne. Ynu cannot furtiser tise brotherhood of men by inciting clana iatred. You cannot ctablish uound security on borrowed money. You cannot buld ciaracter and courage by taking away a man'a initiative. You cannot really help mon by having the government tex Uiem luo do for tisem what they cao and should do for themnelvea. -Anonymous cent of thse national product and 0$ per cent of the manufactures Work force An employed n nmall business. In Britain t'n tise reverse: 60$per cent of Uic national product An connumed by government and only 20 per cent of Uic manufactueing Work torce in employed by satll busness.n More and more legilation reflecîs government intervention n Uic mnrketplace. Often iAllsaa renuif of consumer demand for protection. And more and more bsiness An being painted an a villian n gencral tersa, Therc s a auriaun danger n this dircctAôn, f À pplicd n a blanket-like flasion. 'he semaîl business operatAon, whiicis ran't afford 10 treat ita clientale n otiser than a propre fanion, An nmothercd by Uic rulen denlgned 10 overcome practices of others seho cen operate on a larger acale. Ties mall buincna-owner in soon frutented by Uic rules and regulations, by Uic ncw legilation, and by tise reeulting paper Work. Small buninennseis ethe n a community lke tisn, or acrona Uic country, denerve na pecial recognition for Uic contribution Uiey make. We hope Uic indicationa n tise current federal budget are tisat tise message io gettlng througis, In China, people are PAID 10 recycle tiseir tenns and Wastc aI apecial stations. Ansdiuman aolid exceement in converted into gan for iscating and ligiting. And l Uie industries were movcd 10 tise downwind nlde of tise city of Pcking, ail port of the continuing baIlle 10 combat pollution and conserve natural resoueces, "Only n China? Wisnt a pity" Its cncouraging Su nec six denominations of cisurcis co- operuting lu produco commun mterials tue use in o study missiun on wurld cunceens and sume ufthtie basic issues in Canadian society. Tise cisurcises are Anglican, 'Bibmonh maks ic 3115ains s a vsotip5ao Ou 0i,0 MR0ft arsth 0 Brn- ut C a ,Preabyterian, Roman verary oUich delivery ofthefrtM téi and United. CAKE package to people sn mar- tomnEurope. Over lO,0(0,Opack- + + + ages seere aent n 1940 and 1947, Burîington and Oakviile Post dthei CARE organisation diver- Offices are goiog te computer- ufied itto medical and vareod de- asteted mail processing anon, and veloposont assitanc. In 30 yearu tisat meas your mailmil move CAKE bau providod more tban $1.9 fater theougis those centres f itlat bilion worlls cf aid to 77 needy ne. proçerly coded wAit the oew six- tins,, Ibuns 1 the gonoeosty of digit postal code. Btter chseck your tise Cagadiso andmi orcngope ma" ogBat andi mako sure you -a notable accoonplsment. bave thc correct postal codes for Sugar and Spic Sonso moens itearlu are mon ity Frencht perlunse, miot rouIs, and diamnsdnIve manage o t1e cierno ibis type. AIil it es ltonîaito ny ile ihappy is a nom machine. Aller yoaes of comparative povely, duriîîg mnîcit verytbing me had iras socosd-ltatd, iilittg aparl, or iroten, I aroccasionally able 1n gralify ber lunI for somelbing Ibot bums, pures, growsi or mrus. None of titose verte applins 1n m0, ity te ay. il dosnlt mater wirbot is, anylting trons a iitchon gadget 10 a grand piano; il pIeuses ber pinit, tue a whie Not for ber te big bouquet on Motees foy, te tanry rarringo on ber birltday, te colaptuous dressng gown for Christ- iras. Siteirants no part of surit Irivolities. Just gîve ber sometbing ltaI bouts or citorns or soms or polinites, and sites in ecnlacy. t dido't tnom ibm itohn me more lient nsaeied. I thougitl site mas a normal, greedy immun, and kitpl rying in pleane ber hy buying blouses Ibat didolt fil, sireaters te irong rober, eureingn site wouldntbelfound deadin. My irsl bnowiedge nf ber fr00 rravings on malerial possessions, rame aller red boon maeeiod a year. I mus a student cetoran. Gar total incomo mus ana a monlt, helteve il or n01.GOr rent mas $75 a mont. Wr aie onlyhecauose I luit parI-lime and vacationtoits. otne duc I came itome and mas slonsed 10 dincocor sbed bougitt a sewing machine, for $149.95. Site bas aino sigord up for a sewing couese, ai $15, and had bougitl malerial 10 mate a nuit, foe $20. I have nover bren stingy, bull1iras a trille agbosl. Site bad bougitt t on te totaiment plan, natueally. Theo story bas a tes- sonably happy ending. Site qoiitlite sewing course aller a loir lessoms, linally tem ouIte suit malerial, about 10iyears later. But site teaded in tat soming marbing on a nom one te ater day, and got $75 for te old one. So ber sewing bas rosI ber about titree dolaes a yoar, ocer te ynaes. Evon a stinflint couido't qurrol m ittaI. "Mîgaid, I tougbt. "Halo 10 do il, but ir g010< in bave 10 itove itor rommilîrd. Wecve gotta educato te tida, puy te morîgago. Siteli rom us." Anoter day I came home and steans slaeled comiog ouI of my nacel miten site roolly intormed me ned bougitt a grand piano, for about $40090, aiso ont ment plan. Gar inrome by tii juI about $4,000 a yoar. oe again, iter ostravaga. 001te bcsitreird doaling. Slibe, lesnons, the iids irore oduraled, gage in puid. And te othee day, bold ber the grand piano, as il morti aitout $5,500. 1Icompare Ibese gambits it investnsenta, in mninit a couple tf dolaes morlt oI stockts inovitaitý us 50 shares of mooso posture, a te anytbingbitu tmble. Tiis bas <000 on 9roogb belmeen, and I've nover cous unsurd aut tiis momansting ab machine. Ther's only one flawin her a Getber a piano and yoa nover gi Sites tobuay piaying te tiing. record playor, and ecerybody sl n range must bc interviemod about reading a itook or relaxin Rigitt oom, il's the nos machine. Ils a beauly, arcordiag Bernina, the Cudillur o seing r Il wiii do anyting. In a flasit,> ment il have seven nom boîtonsbols or a monogram te tîcbmd onto te pocitotin pueple thread. -eWo'r proitahly te only people in tw who can read in bed without taking a bout. oey Wejst ure domn the sbeetm andspelinaut mitIsbe bat stilcbed ali over tonsr. - M Tbingo lite. "Cold fret mate coul ited- telloms" and "Somne limosaineos my ite ioutli nomîng macbing, uand Hoir oni, brown time mas com." It'ti a lot nf fan. bal its bard 10 gel to sle it labat Braille slitrbing tappitqg mc unc ouI messages on your analomy. gave piano lIlI admit tbe nom machine iii do lis te mort- yan expert everylhing bol ballon ap your fly. Bol il's istands, is playing bovor miSs sur domostic hIe, lite cant drag bornel amay Irons il. it my own Thte ld Lady is op aIl ice oclocit in te f toasand moretog, semtng. Sitesnnouts down aller ly mnd op te nemn aIlI1pir. 10 wbip off a loir slil- and Icant cites. 1 hace 10 <e t ofs n te meain Sitebas lte years ime t10 rot only one shittand masit one noli 10 be pair of sorts aI a ime, mirit raîher toeps aout a000 me on edge, sartoriaty. I air harraged witi tlolaliy inconsprebenaiitie trn surit aberration. as torts, darIs, pleals, basling, galteiog. et a moul. 1 hnow il mîtl end, once site in on ýGel ber a tamiliar less tititer nom loy. Bal unlil cito ronses thon, il in ralter tube living mt a child ed. Forgol mito bas discovered mitaIton Ii in 1 poand in. on a drens. O sewing Maybe t sitoold bave gol ber ose o 951 bo er, a tote gardon trartors, mt a tiller and machines. cultivalor. At loant ned te gtling some yoar gar- Iresit air, and Id te getting somo peas. Phiosobits By EdiIb 5barpe Did yuu evor itoar of anyoe mito said ltaI ugliness, like teuuty, ix unly stin deep? Toîbhe preacher hifes a.sermon, lu Ibm luger les a je., To te miser lite ix mooy, 10 te Iouler Ifes a rosI, To te soldier les a baille, b lite tourber Ifes a scbol. Lilo's a geaIting for the tiiniter Bot a flly 10 lthe fout. Lîle is one long vacation 10 teiran mito loves is wirn, But il's constant dodgixg daty, 10 te eor- lasting shirt. Lîlo is miti e tey 10 mate il, Ille ix a tuey To te laititIsI rarnest irorter, irbat, my frerd, is 11e In you? Wr nitouid al]l tram lu deive in sucita nîantteetaI ose icense expires before me do. A good oture citt almays sspply the ab- sence ofhauty; bat itraoty cannot tate the place of a good nature. Wbmn it coses tb giving, soefolk stop ut nolbing. "Self-portraits" are anualty -coord. No tiro people are alite - and chancs are botofthIem are lad of il. +F + + We areririting a gospel, a cbapter a day, By deeds taI me do, by mords that me say; Pesple read mit you write, mithItr il's a ie or tle; Say tere, oîy lriend, mit is the gospel, accordtoîyou? Tou many peuple loduy Sont rare mit itappeos, as long ac il doesnnIthappen 10 tem. Il you are nul treaîrd us you dosorce 10 te -te Ibuottul. Salute to Legion Fifty years of service Filly yors As a notable asnivernacy la the hitory of ouy rgonAsation. To the Royal CasoodiAn Leglon At mouasitali a rolxury of coumitiated osperionce la uteelig ttc peoblesos ofl irnvilOans and ter ependouta, The Leglon bas Iearned a greruldealtintone 50 yearsoand ubal AItbus Iournnd bau bren ond la teAng titrned ta good amaont la lis legisIatAne actviies, is servcre boSs lu velerono and the corn- munitiex acrosn Canada, and la ils constant endracors 10 transate iuts action ttc spcrit oltotaeudsbip andsacrifice uponmwhicb ils aimo and objecta are bosod. 7he Legton's S-yor history la bightly studded niASsenesand epsodoutal mate sllssulatlug reudlng. Titere on 9the patng 0f the Wae Vterons Alloaroe Leglon ta, bing fnanctai itelp teour veterana pro- oterely uged by mue usivice. Tiere mere tensraseithe Iegion placedlU lisAt resestces aI lbe dispussofuthe . <vers- frAcoda and business acqunAn- tences. Encoded mail milha uorlod more quickly by machine WLen Uic nyalcms tarta; unencoded mail mil ha alowed dom n ic bo hnd- surting process, postal authoritieu warn. nient; eoduclrd a natAioal xorvoy of moui- pumer; orgonized the VetermnGurd of Canada, and providsd specill ecroulional and edarcatonal servcro for lise Iroupu la Canada ond uvorsouu. There wasTite Vterons' Chatrer, 9501 package uf legisIation provAdtug bosplisi- oullion servcro ond retuailton hoellîis for WorId Wor Il volerons, aIl emuing frons Legionreopreseolalions. tente pos-World War Il pericd te"out- wrd ortok"ite Lgion emerged oIt ils ivolvossiont la comosostty progeains of aIl tonds, taucintho 9e yoong and the old and gvlag the rgonlualion a nos, sema o purpose. 'ibte re mas lins Woods Casi- mAllerrepart seidhrit rulted ila u n Pension Art cnnîateteg the most etensive asti ar-rourbbog revulions la hall a oenttiry. Il ma loaetiby the goverut- uont's accuptare of a n and more remslistlc tsste rate for dlsabilty pensina. And sor-e recently, tn.o m ax the opestog ollbslogindoorate onu d daunersof heginmember and ta non-veterms inl sn-scuogm mebershlp calegorlon. EwAy leaders ofIthe5e tgon contrlbute udsastlily tu the snId oidallon 0c i aI htutboomsu Cns<ta largus a ose otrs toeaalngamd Useérsuocted vie othse voeai on Pa.lwssoolu.l Fleld-Marsbull Haig once said tal'lte power of te Legiox ta telp the eo-service rountty by is direct itenevolence us iroli as by lis advorory wudt te peopettenl ta is concenforIthe natinus a bole." IL la goud ta boom tallie Leglon tus teedeti, and heedsd supremely weil, tbAo exhort- ation frons ils ctael ondar. In a uorid whitre maleriuSlir considerations play a largo part, il tAs eO 1or a nation 10 bave la is idstua group ofomen andwoison uho place service Wlamog the cirt-uel, tot continue la timex ut pouce 10 te gmided by Suat teliou feeing ami sense o dol y tateir mlmtry and countrymos tul arr umong the tom goud tigs otgendered by mar. Every Leglon memnber shoud be flled witprlde ai e Leglet's arettplilnts trougis the pears. lis bas nver stood iigher lilas il dues "ody for il bas dssunstrated tethse CaaIlupeople tati l lau aigrusndynamnir urgnAzalon oblcb has extended iesitseois eyond the wefare of ose nterons tathe sery labile 0f Our Socety. Tiseala no dast tal is existence lt as necussry Ioday an Il osa whiteA so ousded 50 years ugo. -Bqtclsted fro ogon biega, wrttnby larm Mbncbdde, Eil ~I1amiOfl Editorial Page LAsKE ONTARIO la calm on a Tite Canadien Chaenpion, Wedi., Jane 2, 1976 83 su101y day at Bronte Harbor. 20 years ago Tsiten from the lsoTbeCanadiss Chmplss, May 31,1950. Congratulations are extended t0 Mes. George Hemssîreel, wbo marked ber iolst birtlnlay at ber homne on May 22. Mr. Hem- street recentiy celebratrd hos l95rd bit- day. Tbey are lte oldest living copte in Canada. One bundred hard mupte trs eesre plantod arosnd Milton. Saturday moesting miten members of counicît and colunteer worters toueed te town, stopping and planting tem mitrecer tbey foît noces- sary. llesidento are asked temater te Irons mnre daiiy for a tom mootits For generat exceltence and typo- graphicat exreltence, The Champion rtaimod two provincial amards ai te Gntario Weobly Nespapers Asooiation convention in Windsor on te molsend. The Champion bas prevcusly mon aads in Canada-wide compeiiomsbohse aro tbe lirst amards in te Onario conts. Celebration of Victoria Day, in hmnar of lte Quoen irbo reîgoed for 64 yearn, hy Miltont PsblicSchonl childeen, masbiite formol a concert and prograns inthe Rony Thieatre Tusmday and Wednmsday aller- noon. Musicalt nmers of patriolir nature tooup most of the tmopograms. 50 years ago Tatonleont ibissue slTheCanadlas Chunspios. Jssol. 1920. The annual convention of Halton Womens Institute wao hetd ai Oarlisgtn on Tsnsday, ils president Mrs. Agonir of Acton in te chair. Tbere more about on lutndred delogatm .Lonceon iran serood by the local itrancit Addremss mowre delivered hy G. A. Patterson, of Toronto, Provincial tsuperintendent, Mm ,Dunn of Hamilton, and Mita E. Baxtor. Gfficees more etected as folloss president, Mrs. G. Agneso, Arton ire-electedl; irst vce- prosideol. Mrs. Athtnn, Oronte; second vice-presideol, Mrs. Claridge, George- Ion; secretarytreasoror, Mrs. P. W. Mercy. Hornhy ire-electedl. Invitaions have heem îtsued 10 te mmers of theGastle famiy toils nislb reomion, mnicit sill be beid on Satarday aI te home of William Atridge, Waterdown. The fiost Mr. Gatlie 10 camneLto Cansda setted in Nelsoo 98 years ugo. Theite 95 anniversary ith e celerated athbebhome of George E. Goste. The resulis of foarlt year examînations in arts, Toronto University, more published on Taesday. Miss M. E. Gicit passed in Grade S and Miss Madge Galbraithin Grade C and M. M. Martinîn thie modern bastoey course. The resais in lihe second year onsoinations are pubtibed today. Mst Frances J. Cements passedîin Grade B, tiird yeare 75 years ago Taben loni leissae oTeC»nadlan Champion. May30, 1901. Dartng lite 11fr of Qseeo Victoria lin eater was so mach lte rote on ber hirlt- day in titis part of ber domimonltai Qneens Weatiter hecame proveritial, bal te sies appeared 10 moop for lte dead Queeo ast Frtday and tbey pot adamper on lte Victoria Day ceteitrations everyobore. No ceteitratton wos contemptated here and te only nports arranged Ïor. a hasehail match hetmeo tite Victorias. MitIons jsniors, ami St. Marc's ilcras postpoottd. The Torontohboys came up by te mornmng 5mb, babt the met, cbily mater and te msddy state of te grounds made play impossible. Diappoinîmeol man general. The Milton band bad heen engaged 10 pay at a ptcntcaiMonsherg, almnhichonof lte leadtng attractions mas 10 bave been a hasehail match hetm'eeo te Freetton and Milton mm s.Thte picte dîd net come off and thehband and halt players remoîned at home. WCTU Gttîcees toc 1001 Presîdent. Mes. Inmao. tient cice-presideot Mes. Horning, roc. and cor. sec. Misn Holltng- raite, troanarer Mes. Pichoît, soperintend- rnts ot dopartments: Ecangeliatic, Mes. McKenzie. Sytematîr Gîcîng, Mes. Robertson; Press. Mes. White; Sanday Scitool, Mrs. Oastedo; Scientifie Temperance and Narcoties, Mes. Wittmott; Lumbermen, Mins Smîloy. Flomees, frait, etc. Mes Pictett ami Mes. Roacit; Parior meetings Mes. Robertsoo. TH E CANADIAN CHAMPION 0f Sl DtLLS PRINTtNG Ch h OAND PUSLItiHING CO. EA sonsosass at tnist et 191c dseM0 St.,O«Il-i OMM-1.0 ss e t.c.irkogs0stemmsO j' Vak"ie participants

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