Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Apr 1976, p. 14

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1 ToCaainChamplen, Wsd, Aporl 14.1976 Cash for Indian Relîcs Arroonheads, apear ponts, scrapers. Phone 844-3694 41mi1 BABY arriagn. gonds con- dtion; prt,0,t Siatetr npin dryn. 054 202. 4 M51 .3725 SWmNGSu et w nten 0 0d04con- ci llon Cal 7e.265a. 500LBS. Goup 1,Pooliquota in Soutern Ontario. A»o 100000 los. market sharo tuota. Cal cooiict 519-34-2210 WANTEDOl014Canadien cam, use2104or unusOd. 8ola. 41MI-62 INCOME TAX Preparation Farm - Business'i Personal Reid Frank 878-6960 INCOME' TAX PREPARATION s10 pr return RON NEWELL Milton 578-5625 Acton 853-3423 cipOO bsements. garages ubbih re,00504 and 000 04 jobs. C a ii 78-9521 Otior EXPERIENCED painterin PERSONAL l00010 Tac prepired 1U.01 05 2,0.7000 tm 9.0p.m. Mnday 70 Frl4 ;1 000a.-1 200p01 SSaV Fou. let 60ifo 0000001,0 t.C. 532041 43.g44824 ICOME TAS 0etu00 Pr0 pondît 05 n p 078703 epenings an eeesosb NmeCo.o070 DVE080SIRS:0I. .00.00 000.o iehh ce Jos. 7, o. o.omfi. -.. JOIN OUR TEAM PULL TIME AND PART TIME KITCHEN AND SERVICE PERSONNEL. No xperi once necessary. Cl Stwees 2 .0. 0n4 5 p.m. tor more Inormatîio. 878-8125 .20151 St Puos United Church Mlton0 RaqIron A CLEANING PERSON tor loors. wIndows, turnture, etc. Cioaolng eqolpIont suppiioed. Salary negotlable . Empioymeot nitmdiate. Phono 878-6780 42,09OS2 BUS DRIVERS Train Nom For toptomber If yon mould 1kg to drve an am. or pot. sool rote or charter trps, contact INGLIS BUS LINEO 854-2171 20171 PART TIME WORK 2 Tlophono Canvassors reqalrod Immadiatel y. For appoltont Cl 878-8105 Dola for Thres. 42,nl WANTED for Milton0 Tennis clob., cort attendant for weekdlay enenlog. tltablo position for 500er cltm. .&ery nagotlebl. F1,01. 00g B 00047, /o The Carlalen Champion, 191 mats St. Mlon. The Halton Region Conservation Authority la not acc.ptlng epplioestions for AQUATIC PERSONNEL et Kelso Conservation Area Aquatic Director Assistant Aquatic Directors Fuil-Timne Instructor/Lifeguards Fuil-Timne Lifeguards Part-Time Lifeguards Applicetions are eveilable from the Hlton Raglon Conservetion Aufhorty, 310 Min Street, Milton, Onterio. 878-4131 Appicetions wiiI be ecoepted until April 30, 1976. 42mg52 CLERKTYPIST/BOOKKEEPER Experlanced -Meimum 2 years in bookbaplea. typng and tilllg. Fluent Engish ena sot to bondie tolepbone enqurles and proces nom orders. Good Satry. LANDSCAPINt FOREMAN (Mêle. or Femle) Eprlenc.d -Mnmum 3 yers. Be able te mork mtb mnmum supervisone.must hove chauffeurs' lcene wittbgocid *10100record, tome lset momer repINr knomldgan esoai. 0004 wago. FENCE ERECTORS Mnimum 2 yers experlence in cion 11k and Wood fonce erectlo. Msf have choters licence wth good drlslng record. Ooo0d Wago«. HELPERS For landcaplngand04lancne. EBoreoco heiptul. Cali: 878-5141 150 Wilson Drive, Milton. 42m5l ACCOUNIANT Senior eccountent r.quIred by textile man- ufacturer located ln Braeale area. The position requires an Individuel with 3-5 yeers experience covering a broad range of accountlng sodi as financial statements, budgets, and statistîcai reportîng. The candidate must be a self starter and able to communficate effectlveiy. Th. company offers attractive salary, benefifs andi retirement plan to the in- dividuel mith appropriate qualifications. Please forward resume le: Personnel Manager BURLINGTON CARPET MILLS CANADA LTD. 45 GLIDDEN RD., BRAMALEA. ONT. L6T 2H-l 42am27 EXECUTIVE and MANAGEMENT POSITIONS Nom and rapldly epandlne compoy hs opologs for persenso lth ambition and motovatlon (noaiale or eorîenocodscrimnation). Company Benefts -tolid and succans orlontod trainlng program -Part-tîmo and tol-tîmo positions lapprolmatelY $15,000 . $20,M Opr yerl -Unique motloatlon and remrd systemn -Persmiai groth tralng -Ecoltgy mlndod -World travel --lighmst calibre corporate tsàm and assoclates Phone 878-2543 AkortMr. Kooles 42,051 BILINGUAL SECRETARY John Tant (Canada) Limited Requîran a tlly bllngoal Executive Secretary for thelrMilton Office. Abllltyto toke Shorthotd ln both langagesnplus provldo complatotar.latlolvital. Ths 10 an Important, challongîng position mth romoneration accordlngly. Applicants shotld telephone Mrs. McDonnell1 for appointmenf Tel: 878-4175 John Tann (Canada) Llmted 316 Alliance Rd., Milton, Ontario 4»e51 SALES DESK Eopandlog palry procensor Of fra a grosod fi-0 apportooty tat rai0le salas. A gond tliaphone ablity la reqored For Iervielw Pu» oColi personel Maago MAPLE LODGE FARMS LTD. 416-455-8340 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR AwelI establlod Carpe MNIIinshaePosition evallale for third Shlft Supervîsor. Thse successful appicant mulet have uper- visory exparlence. Good salary and beroofits for the successful appilcent. leagl e sondresumo fta: Personnel Manager, BURLINGION CARPET MILLS 45 il(dden Rd., Bramaloa, Ont. U6T 2H9 42ats57 NEEDED CmSe tnior Volunteer mt ls reflred, at east 55, linos n lAitie. Te Voisteer should ns mobile. 000w the community, and bo aSie to commîtth ulboe.(vtehaà year of service ta Seniors. Up te 03.00 monnly esposse account lis avahiobie. Apoiy by AprI i 30. 1970 te: Senior Citzen Consultant, Mlnlshry of Commanfty and Social Sorvices, P.O. bo fI, Hamîlton. Onterlo 42MSI 1 INVENTORY CLERK Clrîcal opnlng 1 ln nentory Co6Wrol Dertiment. Provios experloflco fot nocesoary. tome typng requlred. APPLY IN PE RSON TO: COMMERCIAL SHEAR ING LTD. 6 COMMERCE CRES. ACTON, ONTAR 10 42001042 DE PE NDABL E PERSON Who con mork mltbout super. ai10. aro 14,000par0170.. Contact custonnern 000004 M9Iton. Wotrain. WrIte F. E. Dick. Pros.. Sotbmstorn ltstroleum, Brampton, Ont. LT 2J6. 42011 tUMMEO taieSsition,00A0010 area. sar7101010d1atel0 University 1724007 p0070000. commission bas5s et 0xcel.. arrange in7000100 8533070. 12oo0127 73 PEROON ogoted for 00000 c Ianlng, o. 5501000570i. bies.îone000870-1212. 42015.3720 LIJIE PERSON four0 010070 we0e0. atm0lot 00100, t 70 clay ook. A600 y ln 000060 Aotors. 655 Min S5. East et 420151 30 WANTED: 090720001400perso babysit one ch115. li00.10 pre0e000dStrtonsvilio. 1.826 170.00000070005 PHSItooo Et,0070 for 0503 S72 DENT or ont 1004 000030 for THE ROYAL Cnadien LoOc MilonOOOOnh 1360100000 o George CR00. John W ils, Lou NOIOln, B. Pickering, V. Galbraith, E. AliarS.W 0000, Ms. P. Roiins M., Morton, B. 001010, R. Mauro CC Among,0 .I Burns. E. 60700200 l. M. K n0wles, K. Fr7nch. J. Kennedy.S. Tonlil CIoCO was won by J. M. Irving. POYCHIC 0SF 0015100. 090- lion 621012. 6 4-S 6410BUSI3ESS i.... NIIE PAOT TIME detaliassistant, Mil ton ares, inclu500 007. u05000,0000010100 poOerred. so017oieriOOi mrk. 0010 transportation. P0i7050en. clsere 000 o oxNo. 48, The Caien lChampionMil 42015 34t1 .AA. E r002 4for1 y000 od by ona pat lmebais. SCHOOLTEACHEOS rpmire in theiF homoe0I7ntheohawk arnsa eiable mature7207lady 70 baby. Cali aller 5 .01 M542103. 62m51-3306 1071 TRAVEL Mate harcitop traiter tor sle. 878-2137. HARDTO POcamper for sle, turooce stoS, sink ion bo. 170700 Ï. $600. Calil78-2046. 0001f 3720 CAMPER Traitelor 00top. sporn wynl. sienos 4 250. HARDTOF 2camping 700iinO. gaoo ondilion.Coui 878 51t1. _6151 3493 HAROTOF 7lent 77401100 OOleii Super20006. 70.6170. 8 fi. SLICE il truck camper 72117 00li000, for000176v 7th 0100k.Clii 87-9360. 09010050.2940 IMPALA 25 7. Travail Traiter tfor salo. $5,500. S000007e be40,070. 4 PC. 00700000, 12h0 equippd and iron. dit710004 As nam'. Cali 053- 1235.0035 700E 00400001hoUsekeeping cottage on 000 Lake. Excel lent s.imi70071and05fishing, 22 mie otho Hutsvile,$5, a meek. $10. more 01176 foot. 87 78-700for0more infrmatio. f.... 381 TENDER UNIQUE INDUSTRIAL OPPORTUNITY A unique Industriel oppurtanity (n avalloble for onrprisino irm. Tthe location. m101fliBer spaeaof0appraolmatohy 20,000 sq.. . I nar Milton m101 mmed(ate accans te Hgbmoy 401 and 25, and mlth;e cIose proximIty 10 Trono International Drport. Compeels aro Inted 10 0ake proposais for ostabilshleg and operethng an lnduntry In the rcontly opotsod Maplhurst Carrectionai Cantro. This idustry mould pronîdo on.tte.(ob traning empoymgnt and mork exper(0005 to approolmately M0 lotates. Maoutactarlng uperathon miticitroqoîres oaply leaoe.d tesic skllls mlght tie mont sultabis but other suggestions Mili aso recelve carefol comsideralion. Field proposail oui bu receiond p ta1630 fours on Tusday, Maay 11 176 by the Tenders Ofice, Mnistry ot Corection tovices. R0001 Rl. 2001 EgInton Ave. East, Scarooug2h, Oloaria. ML 4F. Proposais are to be ubmltted Inaà dstncte nlopo and on1 the Proposai Documents supp((04 by the Milslry. Instrctons to propoers, Proposai Documents, envOetpos a04 uther reated Informa tien may te obte(o.d fr0,01 John PahepIlli. P. Eng. Manager Industriel Programoi Branch Miniîtry of Correctlonal Services 5 D Room 9811, 2001 Eglinton Ave. East Sorborough, Ontario MLAPi 416-965-335 Ontario 64 m01 5 1 4 ý, Ht ý p VYAN j TOWN 0F MILTON 1 i TENDERS 0145 will b600e1e1004 n »sied gnvlops by the Prciesîng Agent. TOWN OF HALTON HILLt, 36 Main StreeltSouth, Georgetown or toegfollomîno Equlpmoot: 1964 Mrcory ifh Brantfard 0and proador 1W01 .M.C. 4 Tes 1%90 CNoorolet 1/e Ton 1970 Ford '/2 Ton t960 Massey Ferguses 0MF 200 Tracter and Loador 1960 Mssey Hrris Fony Tractor and Rotary Moer 1%90 John Deero Bockbon otachmsoot 4 Tolgato Sand tpreaders 1 Ton Ton Avellng Bartord Roller 2 Brantford tond Soreodors Ooods. are oftered "AS It, and4 WHERE I15. Municipal Vehilo Lcnces cannot Sa transterred s00700 must pronîdo a means of romovlng the vohicles ram the promînssiln 22 hoorn of notfifctonof accoootance of Bld. Poymoont by cor- Wifed chaqueg or Cash. 00040 con te lmod Aprîl 20h and 21s, teteen o 1,000o6 9:30 t 130 am.004d12300o3:30p01 t the.Yard etl15 Mspo Avenue Georgetown.PMase 0,5 for Mr. Kelth tmlly Si ds cevd tol12 000e April 2204 1076. 76gam27 ACCEPTING TENDERS FOR DEMOLITION oahouse and twobarns. Lcation: HNse anod Born t 7063 Bronto St. Barn only, 713 Bronto St., Milton. Contact Mo. M. Chontysbyn or Mr. W. Tldey. ALLIANCE BRONTE DEVELOPMENTS, 101 Duncan Mlii Rd. Don 091111. Ont. 416-449-0310 76m152 HALTON C00550i01201 cor- poration No. 25 0 n A00 0111 Sason nd 5ealI0tenders, including g0a0s c 'Iting,7t101 mi05, f001iz00 0et. Ploose 8orward oapplications 70 Box 0,.Aton, Ont. 60April 23, 1001057 460 AN4TIQUE AUCTION SALE Every Sunday 1.30 p.m. Cessîgmaents taken onyllm. Double "A" Auctions StationS t.. RockmoodOlt. Actloor .-AIWarren. 70-mO NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE EtTATE 0F Richard Jacobs, Rothred 800k Emnployen, Single, de- ceased. Ail prsons hovîno dlaIms agant the atateof 0the aboveno rone.4.loteo f fhe Townof Milton, n the Reglona( MunhclpOlIty of Halton mho 4(04 ai the sald Taon of0Milton on the 145h day ut January 1t76, aro requird to file proof of u010 with thae uders(gned es or tetore lie 1201 day at May Aer 0101 date lb. Public Trustee mîi proceed to d(sfrl- bute the. estate, boobng rogard on(y to the cdaims of mhlcb ha tbe sf011hane hod notice. Dat aIetToronto 01Is501 day of April. 1976. PUBLIC TRUSTE E, 145 00070 St. West, Toronto ADMINISTRATOR 770101 Fît cumpete Auction Setrvice Chrîs A. Schottt AUCTIONEE R sales of ail types tales coducted anymbore. Tel. 878-2576 S.R 3, Mltn.0Ont. NÉW' 10W RATES Ist and 2nd MORIGAGES ServIce%'goieV mll Up TOgo%VALUATION --CombIne tt and 2n. --%oble, dols. -Buildia.oaes. --Md aroom. 2nd Mortoaas Mfrme13 porcoot. CALL: JO! REYNOLDS SERVICES 639-1043 (Evenings) or 527-4557 Hamiton (9 arn-S p.mj. 6tmtt I HAVE $10tOotto 11,000 ta 1000 on sacurityuof a goiirt or second nartOage. it 000 0156 to borram monayet maisron. obetse , colt F040,43-10 1100 FOR THE RETURN 0F BRU TU S A Large YeIIow Lab Lost ln the Campbell- villa area since March 25. Cali 854-2386. LOSI Labrador Retriever tSnailiblack tlmaie. stlttoas In blndlegs, tamnllY pt. Remrd 854-2788 70,051 BROWN pilastic ippered brietooseof aIno value ta .nyoe ccopt theoamer. il tound roturn ta 0Miton Poice topo tmet 70,05l 3630 jo 1 TENDERS for thesmcntructIon of . TENNIS COURTS lai Setof 3 courts Campbaell- ville Aras (bi)Sot id 3 courts Kigsna Prb (Woodward & Wllsoo TEN'DERSont f forons sppiad bytlb . ofe Milton wmlii bu racit.d, te ssled ooolopas clearly mnarkadse oconente by 0Mr. . Gidlgw, Meagoer, f lb. BofniMorel, 1lU Mai Sit. E., Milton, Ontaria otfil 2:00 pm. local lIme on Mo00451, May 3,15076 for lb. construction of lai ibra. ligbtod tenns courts ln lb. CamnpboilvllioAru (Guelph Lino oSons Hwy. 401) (b) lie-a. ilgted tennis courts ln Knmon Park (Woodward and Wilson 1SreesI. Plans, opacifications and formo f Cndr moy b. o- tao.d et tb. office 0f thse Direclor 0f Park$ & Recreallon located le the Town Hall et0251 Main lit. E. The0 lomeof or any tender wIli 00f nessarlly b. accepted. MRS. A. J. MACARTHUR, MAYOR MR. J. MGEACHI E, CLERK Crporatlon of lb. Tome of lNoe 701055 1WTENDERS Tbe Haltes Bo.rd of Educe- non mili reclve tenders for: 1. ASPHALT PAVING--noon and resarfacîng lomo0ftary and ecendary schoss 2. PAINTING-the exterlor and loterlor f element.sry and ectndary scoes Detaillo andspeclflceflons anallabla fr0,0 CntraI Ad- mloltrallon Office, 2050 Guelpb Lino. urllngoo, cOtario, L7L 2G4 Tenders mli clone et 4.00 p.m.. Wdnsdaey, APrîl 2, 1976. The loest or any tender mli not e.cassarlly b. 00. cepted. Mbs. J. Alexander Chalrman E. t. Lavonder Drector 77mo51 AUICTION SALE FOR Dispersai of RACING STOCK& EQUIPMENT FOR STAN HENDERSON STABLES Sltoalad 1 nietoralgbt of Caonpillnllto (S mie f rom: ameyl. ON SAT. Il APR IL. AT il A. M. MORSES i(l-Atl rogistered Staodardbadcsrreoly racils or redy tog0--$Traiteraend 3 Pecrs: 1. ARCHIE--f yur- ol4 taion, Ont. sreddlgibto, gaaetsd INes (Trot.- fi; 2. 0010-6 pear 094 Mare 2.08 correnti' roes Ige FlamboreoTroter, 3. KID 000-7 pur 094 Golding (Trot), 2.MBcrretyracloget Fla,050007 4. WAMPUM'S PRIDE- 4yser old Golding (Trot) rean, crretly et Fiamboro (rac-' In); 5. $11IA.WAY.DEAN-4 yurrsld Gldiog (Trot) GreMn, curreny et Fiboro racloa ,4. STEINWAY KNIOT- lty s Id 0.1405 Iacr; 2.4 curret)7 af Flamnborg Irac- lo); 7. MIS$ DEAN ABBE-3 yer old FIlly IPacari reced a 2 yoar ofd-ready ha Go; 8. NOTED KNIGHT-3 yoar 014 Gldltes Pacerl-ready ta Go. HORSE & STABLE EQUJIMEN1m-Crowno2 2ote r oier- igod--spare tire, hydroolic brukeo;COhawo Joi carte (Brodmur whoeésiJog cerfw. motsrcycle wbools; HigbDesh-: emO racoeb -00Alforo edias, eaald boriegai Brodeur race bie; 2 race bib. Wlform maled boorlog mboeos; 2' Brodeur los cerftmbeels (2), il ats ternens-t s.fs nyon, and 2 l.olber,* 4 tecb treoks; 10 steels sf011 gardo; 4 est hoesien ad nylo tefgrs; 2 full italt doors w. tenson; 10' ms a enostsf011 gardsu 32 mb arrow: (large); gaitieg, slropo, b.adpoias, ohIp, eroes, oko 004 pull.ys, ke bots, trottiog boots, fronts 0,1 boots, bits, eb.dow rails,' bandages, Sandage ratiers,. aniete, bMooiet recta, bonds, mossein. bite, bandage rocks, hoy rocks, soit lick hellIrs,' boptots, horoesSagp, clippers, lsmala nd largo), fend tubs- oral polis, fend terrai cradias, mlter stable shoots, sommer stable shoots, onsd aprens, scalporas lhend04mi, 44d2* ring on.rcb..çks, ope caks, Kant sa. teck skden, bli104 cheaks, couelra (imad, Bell bouts. TRACTOR, IMPLEMENTS ETC.-342Neffild Diesel troc.- tor-gesd; set f choie. for trectoru Koof s fora.e agor P.T.O.; Gre. aaf-unoedieg ageon. Saok feader alfacb- mrent; 0M.F.saide rabs; farmb.04 Saebsncb.r; Sob 0flothay' rocks l0018; st oble borromn Issodi; 4 tnon Somar igood; grader bleds good; scroën for truck ; 12 post bol@ augor PF7,0.; solt-prop. lomo memer I(godi; lrs. SoroC Notar 5Km. (Industrilltypo); alamIum exot. ladder 32; stsp laddrs; mtors. visas end 5510. tls etc.; oulldo buildingsto beS 044end ruoed--2'o16'xr--odo a gffair, 2"x6x6 umbr; lumber 21lx6"x1'boards 75 lin. f.; coder rails; coer poste; many more places 0f lomber; 2 cannaes' tarpo. 000x2'; uto f cor rocks; terrai rock: cupboords Ioondi end etra copboords., ANTIQUES & FURNITURE-Doubto bed end dresser- Anisque isesd one); china cobiot-aontlque lgood one); cck-aentique Paqoosoutusngle bad end mutnent; baby prom lgesdi; 2 bob 5100 hobords; 2 twib sloo bockcoas hedb.rds; 2 bedroom (amp,,3 drsser,. OFFICE EQUIPMENT-Ail staui-goed sacretary dock; esecoflo. desk; f illog cablaot-4.*awer; secretory smloel chir; anecatIne s»Ivoi armchair: largeoffiOce tabl.. APFLIANCEO--Electrlc stone-AdonIrol (cntieaous cloon 000011 rerlgerlor-McClaryu dry. mad automnaflo masher .E.; ait abone loanocedo; froer-Town b Country; etr& blit-in onon le menable cabnet; smo(i ktcbon appiloocon, pote, pans. etc. Fnrnture s.lls f rt-lben mloc.. home oeqlponent end thoo' the borsos nd04 oir harnais. Trainng Centro sod--Owner molng-Everythlng la bo ra- movnt Sy 204h Aprl. TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH .D.-PLEASE REG-, ISTER AND SHOW I.D. CATALOGUES AVAILABLE. NOT RESPONIILE FOR ACCIDENTS. MAX STOREY, Rockwood, Auctioneer. 700151 AUCTION SALE (GOOD FRIDAY>I APRIL 16 AT 11:00 A.M. CONtISTINGOFDpiModern end Antique turnîtura. Depllances, Goisa, Chie., Teos, Cales, Lampe, RuSga. 10.. sic., le Milles atheboFrgrounds, lntte AgrIculturol Hall, on Robert Street. FiJSNITIJSE-Bom front siens chitna cabine.t. 2pc. Colonal chesterfleld suite. Roafon coffeeo04e04 tablas. snge poter bed (gond one).,te old mooden bod ioery nîceol 4coder chest. îpooi-ieggod round coftbo tabla cioner lui design, 2 tier te01her Illld tabe, 2 metchîna mahogesy amp tables. dromor o(4 chat mll swing mirror, 5 droser cott nery aid m101 moodon knobs, end saneral olitar chesta et dromarn. 1 porior chairs. rlting 4.0k, 9tpc. dlnn o 000 suite lncludlng. china cabinet, table. buffet, 6 chairs. 6 Prasaad teck armohaîrs (Il mtchinal gond oses, antiquo holltatblo or. dosk, unuual. 4 uphdter.d dlnlng chairs, soneral porlor tales, apholsterd prler chair, 7 pc. ktoten suite. antque smokers stand. spoot.1ffled drop (sol table, Klgoar 9, dramor drosser and chest, 6 moodon foldleB chairs, several ' booolind otoss mirrors, kldney stae dressins fable. mioker. salIee, mood bail r., sanerat (amoli1 tables, t.lepbons. table.,501011 trunk, 2 bar sf0015. aRlty cabinet, fotst ools, tub chair. mooden modclne.cabinet mlb mirrer addramer. rocliniog chair, flreplace fr0m,.mantlo mIrror. APPLIANCES-Wsstngbaoso pright freezer, Copprtome rofrlserateraend stono COpportoeeaustfao, 1"tloortfan, 2W' .C.A. colo.r TV, t(esr pollohor, wrlflgor mîshîns machine. Lomyt 0vacuum chooser, and hossock bon. GLAOS. CHINA. TOOLO. COINS, LAMPS, MISC. ETC-74 pc. Banorlon dînner set, Bristol glass vase, brou boangios amp wtb Crnloal glmassses, lanterna, 2 brou table homps, marle table (amp. sse. Crrier end Ives reprints, plus olber pcturesad framas. Cabinet modali*swing machine. creckary end4bras$ ambreita blder, sonorol cost iron pots. f oor amp, cool 091lamps, cast roin mapis sugar mould, 3 0(4 glss cesdy (ors. m(lb (do. bambo screeO power lame momor, ponh mower, amn farnîtaro. oloctrlc cippers, 001er had and gardon toul. lame tertiier spreader. 4 bicycles. 3 tirls' and 1 boys. seonra i aid keys, copper baler. 4 meat 60061, 2 ol4 quIlts, tter be4ing. hiens, 0set fgolt clubos0endbg, îmaii oloctolo applletoan and ~5 glass and chie.. 094 Enflotd rifle, teyonwte. Onx 12 Duminter rag, 6 x t Barristen rug. both rugs lnexocellent s"Po, cales 1882U, 99-19, 01, 13-16-17, arse pai«s. 103. 22-2247smell penies, 193g».2P5-293 -47-51, nîchias, 1963-"4 63, hall dollars, 1923-1900-180 shIn phsters. Terms are cash, or choqeawmlb .0. No resernas. uncl> ano((able, Provhom fromn 9.300&.01. day 0f sots. Omier, Hall Bourd, or Actesater nul rasponsible for Oc. cidot. REMASKS: Ladios end Gentleene 01(8la 5a04 od diarss offeres. Won't ya loienout At lbls f rst bollday toto of the Yser. AUCTIONEER: CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN 878-2576 70en1 41.1m .1 -

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