Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Mar 1976, p. 22

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BATh. Canadien Champion. MO., Mardi 31, 1976 XI ares~ CheFéf Js bv helen aodwin BON JOURNO! I heorh 1 mmitd show off my very llmitsd unnweege of thetalienalaaguage. Today, as yen laveprahbly guesaed, t lave snne favorite Italan reclpe ofm mn. t hqse yen i wt mnjoy hem as much as my famty amdi1Idd. ScIre Ue recipes thmigh, 1 feel 1 muet Ihank ou readers for d le vely leters t have ecemnsd ami the malsteslit seg- POm ien geseral ta thia cotamn. Thadi ymi very mach issteed. Vosi have noaide& how much 1 enjoy hearlsg front yen ami receiving yurcocnmmnae Many of the lettem recenlty bave een regarigts Cook hooh t mentioned onesourdangh. 1tamunluhdng lte nrne oM the bookhelre loday ami tie addressu Mftie hdshqr tha ordeced il for me. t have spdien 10 Brtnns amid a auued me they are silà fillitsmWasecaal dees. 1hen tga mine il san lahevicinlty oMIS. halseus twoyarsago. "The Cmtete Sourduugh Cadi Bok," hy Don ami Myrte Hlin. Ahert Brîlrefls Book Shop, 765 Yorgeifreel Torono M4W 2G, phone 924M2. SPAGHiET1 SAUCE This lu the recipe ay mother las handed damat in s wlUs a femmir chages. f theullvery bhtlhere in torasre. This recipe uhmld Uc peparmi Use dayhbefore. 2 Ih. hamburger or grmimi chch 4-5 oischapped 1 green pepper chupped t/ Ih muhrmims slced 1 celery stn optionylal) chpped 2-3 clones Mf gar le t inety mncnd 12oz. tin oflaomatoes (or etuivalent frmien> 1 14moz. tia tomatuusaucee 13 oz iln lamato peule 148 r. in tmato or V-8 juice 2 a taves cruued chlhen talanste (tuse itop.) 2 lup. sait 2 tup. mgar a sprinkte oM oregano Brown fle hamburger one medlium hatunit' lItshuatn the rmd cuior amdi t la eparated. Thea add the rut Motise igrediento ia the rder glvan amihrng tante haling pint Trn umner dosen la immer ami cadi tue 2-3 hmims. Let utand overnighl lu refrigeralor. fany fatcmsta tIhe tpîtl os eauy ta remove Ue net day. This recipe con then la dvided antofour orfive, depeadag o mieof ymrfamdly, tea fremen fr up ta uix mruttm. Heal thrmigb ami serve over cruhed saghetti speldIted wuUs parmesan cheeoe Magafica' LASAGN A This oabe prepred aheadoM tie ami roznaor atan theusame day. tthkeetlawelIithetlarldge fora day, tm. 1lMt grourud chuch eý ue miored aoi 2 loves garlie finety mncmi sai ami pepper 1 thap boil 1lutp. rruenrury 3 llap. prley Ifs for cheese mxture) 1 i9az.con tomatoeu t ozru* con tomalo sauce t um con M ofunmto pste 12 cop gratefi parmesan chese ta o. cottage cheene t6 u. monaretta eheese 1 egg Coah naadtms and heep la cotd ater untlt needed. Ta knu haw maay noode ta caok, lay Usmout in your nt3 pan oatitte lrger mmid'l hart> ami cmli foue finies s many as fil in Ue botoru, an ymi witt hume Uree loyers ami Monelaver ta decrale selU. Browa met and add Ue net ine iagredlent, ualuw mly hal f MtUeparley. Simmer forla mine. While lhe sucoe lu cruiag, me taether Ue cottage cheese, puemmsan chasme, egg, the ret oM Ue parstey ami a lllteusatl. When thes auce iu madyuarrange in layera in a IntS pan (or tm-lhree umatter paru) in Ue foflomirra order, sauce, nacmue, mozarelmla, and ctage clamse. Keep mepeollng the layera untilteveeythiag luuaed up, and decoate wils 111e triangles col rut Mf the noadies andmomarela cheeeIf Ilere seemu 10, la lea mch for the pa yen an maeah nivdelervng and eet. Bake3 mina. ati 37 degrees Le utand for tan mne. befre ervin. Chase(It 48mbhalu gaodhye) Spring hike for Brownies this Si Milton Guideu ond quel Tueuday, Apili 6 ut Brownien, her leaderu and RobertBaldwin Sebrut. ler ýren ta itI jai l a day of tapie ml la, What Da Ymi BoeSturday, Aprl 4. The Want ta Be Whea Pru ram pril igos f Brtng hie wlB tare place aoang Ue Bruce ___________ Trait. They iii eave fraru Ue a M parking tot al Hitan Fal t ut lonOfM ontt 1.30 p.m. Joyce Bealon will bhUe O e i e guevl peaker auth4e ecand O e i gSe annual maUer-daughter ban- Baptized 11pîicatithns bei Two hilren erebaptzedCbildren uoday morniag Up the Ren. Lomne Brown. For tistormatio Sndra Margaret, daugtar f Bruce ami Margarel Gai- brih; and Richard George, son af Lambert and Herma Cati Gail Elsi Lewis wem prescrit for the sevice. Shamrocks decorate music social TRIP TO JAMAICA bau been offered by Waly Costr ta the Milton District Hospital Auxiiary. Compimentsaof Waly Crouter Travet and Wardair, the trip is for twoaund will ha drawn at the Atxiliar'n annual Maytime Bal May t ah Cancer campaign underway ise Aprl appeal for Imido for Use Mittan Unit rof the _Caian Cancer Society of tlclalpopems April 1, ut' Usaugbn meecaavanuers may aeayhave slarted thele home-ta-hor usat. Tisarane eobjective i $14.500, up $2,500 frain laul yesr'u goalof $12,000. But taut peartailton and district enceeded its qaota and $13,581 ma raiued, se Use 1976 goal lu reatiy lins thon $1,000 more Usun Use ttalirained inla1975. Captalan and canvassera are callilagan Uomes, mider Use gridance of eainpuigc chairaran Mes. K. P. Mur- uhoi. Edgar Fosler sn charge of the industirl-coin siereut coanvan. Saturday 1Up, Litte Girl? r The dinner mli la for the àuecand, Uird and ulaUs Milton rBromnie Pacha. tessori Sehool the Galaxy Club in Oakvlle. Arratngq tint <etails wth Waly Crouter are Axsa peuent June McCuaig, pat preident Joan Herand memberu Doloren Melanaon and Shirley McColeman. ipegg-j's *Ladian Foshionu for Spring & Summer nu T'T~5 NEWSYORK-PAI * r T1SI lTERNATIONAI LONDON -OGME Whita & Cotor Uniformu * Cor Colt J ey EXCLUSIVE ~(a nîitoul LADIES'WIEAR 246 Main St. 878-3961 DRESS DESIGN and DRESSMAKJNG Mrs. M. Emma Adama, highly j servics todesign anldfashiof pour dprgand esignar dd-paud1ofrhe FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE PHONE 878-6381. The ISalvation Armyl 1PICK-UP TRUCKU In lvtoin & Area IEVERY TUESDAYI Your - CHAMPION CARRIER ns oparaling hU$or Sac aun lle huIneas. Rame lalp Uy papn premplly uhan hef citî la calletIaIet amiendai "nch amert. Tlay de- If ou're mavnsapluasa pay yaur carrier apta- dlam. Shamrackn and St. Paîrcha Day greeaary decoratad Use comunaareai Mf Brace Si. partunentsasa Ue tenansbl termon-. tinsial eang oMarch Il.1 Zaucal har mas arrd ly Judy Hanter sud Anse Aiehnaaad EBoli- aeth Phîttips. Stephea Wiloughby tram M tta DistitelHf.Hugh chruthan ptayed the troruhane ac- eampaaledhby M. Hanter on Ueplana. Dan Brai lydfr judy Hntera mia mhich mere eajymi y al. Mra. O f Usenior Ciluea' amialan helpad enatrlin.A nanagfM ad lime tanin mre enjapmi. Slrnhdsy cahe ElizabetUhad RoUie Hanter each sang a mino accampaaled Up Uele mther an the pano. frealdeat runks Jaaes lanch tattalsg Usa prearami, tlrdie at Ue pape shaMm. Snling mua Usa can- md. s rgui acn.vawseaisaealm a" hae s iahtaeMUs vns hirhdy cake oM Usa moUs Flfih flanc tenats servaid ifpan ne anmemthl unsa MONDRGARTEN REGISTRATION THE HALTNRMA CATHOLIC SEPARATE ICHOOL BOARD ADVAfcua retâtratonafor Usoni naud,-o oib- tins shoonTH URSDAV, APR1L 1lut, 1976 i:15pni. ta 620 pin. ChllOrnasen e u 5 duoh oreainem. m elsns- b ra, 2aN. ait 'ern ofn e a rnuuO. uaseanu Cafhiio hool. L .rads Ph.D., Chsasun ni tha e d Dînntar ofEdansilm Tudor-House - Upholstering With A Difference Genecaliy spuaing. turni- ture uphoistereri do nat bave a gond repotation la tUe public's mmnd. TUep sem ta canb mitU higb pressure nleninen, and people are ary af thein.' Pechaps Iis image in juil .tereamar an omîol lot of people uho bad toait an cushions on tUe fCrue for one a manth wUlint amait- ture ... but the trauble mith an image is that once il lu set, it ecomes avecy diffi- cuit thing ta nhake. One campany tUaI sa try- ing ver hard toshake off this secdy image of up- hoiterers lu Tudar-Hoose. Thepastress tUe gaad aId tru- ditianal vrtuen service and quality - n their adver- about ymir aid dad. J CESo: What iitMd dad, whamwlllha 46ttaa year, what JOYCE FaUsr: irve eolled la a course utiaoleage. oa: Ha, ha, ymi dad? Whtre yrutahlag? - Father: Snilogy, sun B EATON on: Wht da ymi u n n ta lae socilaIfor? Why loi donltymi tae T.V. repaiea or machine ahtp. Bcilogy la n o mp ig ymr mii, gmod d dad. r:DntyuthinUk yoor fathee'a mind coulud A breafast cmveratin.... bc impraved? Soaa:t1ma ltn iutmy imelable ami course on: Weil, sare, lai mhy baliser lahlng uaeUslag seecilnfor namI yeae ami I flnd t con la lhrmigb sou elesu? grade 13 a ear eartp. FaUer: Why, mier ail tUsme yeurs, t con cati my- FaUsr: Thtu retsmn oM mine. sef a collage sudtaa. Here. loah ai my stadest card. Sn: Y, 1tUidit e a yeae ofad ork. on: Ha, h,dad,I1caa ee ymi namwatlag doma Mther: ithUink Uata iwnderful, non Mf mine, pou Ue hlls la ymr beaale, ha, ha. My dad ailcatege. con palsoome miney amuy for ymr tilion. Fther: 1thitnU Ibis audest cord lu reaily great, Sou: Tuilionha! 'm gogtInhap a cr. Uey ave boster cobiru for tartio i eu la raid Mther: Fallar, s&ukhta poursune. mcoUerf you have ymr caran - Msotin San: Why, uhata s ermalter,ltousmgh pru put Ue oa: Y, dad, ami ymi coa go ta Ue uchrut prum laby hammamway esch mruUformy cottageedumioon. omi everyUing? Wht da yru ant ta la mhm ymi MoUer: t have neyer rid aay uch thing. t geudute, dad? acuamered that hahy Uonus money aver tis e pre on Father: O, t doal hnamw son, mayha l'Il jut bhaa anch Usngu aa Carrbbhean cruisem, mik coas 1111e mare road-minded ami a li11e wser. idreamner!) and Ue meehty trip to toblams. Son: Wam, dod, Usotus a flue-mt idmi'1 Wait '8i1t tell Faher: Ohsnaof mine, 1haveuaineas for yru Ue gayu, ld daoMmine. ONTARIO'S NO. 1 UPHOISTERERS! Tubar Xaiuse, THIS 15 WHAT UPHOLSTERY IS AIL ABOUT!! NOl GIMIMICKS JUST HIr4EST, RELIABLE SERVICE & VALUE Handreds af Fahrice Iro Chas Fam Shl anad Dedicaled Cattme For Pour FRE Easirma Cal> ColIect 878-7655 Free Pck-Up and Delivery - 1-10 Day Serice t l u ime CrionWir FUL5 Ylt.WSOKMANSIIP GMStEE I 'DOfrfktue (Ontario) Olo. Sclamhuîg- MtIhu- Caetrd uRiin- Nsi0au 11SERVING RURAL ONTARIO" (Tr) 669-9234 the lonest pelees la lama. One ofthbe unique testuren of the gramiug Tudar-Hause buniness lu that they dant ohm t the ig ity imarkets, but conretrute soielp an the rural sreun of King, Vaughan. Caledan. and sur- raunding districts. "Our estimaters drive a- bout 1501 miles as day.'* anys Tudar-Haune preident Alan Riding. 'Saine ot thein drive as fr narth as Oillia'. The Tadar-Haune esîin- tars are ail highly trained n the fied ot furniture uphaîtecing. and cn an - amer vituaiiy sny question po might have about yeac chestcrtieid or fanourite chair. They carry mitU themn avec 700 labele sampien that y ou can co e f ram, ta fuel. pour biggest prahlein mith Tudor- Haute etimators may ha that pou may bave tu invita theni tac napper sehite pou try ta doride mhieh faUne oand style pou mant. Once tUe prablein of deel- ding lu thraugh,.yoar turni- ture lu sent tallae companys brand nem plant in Concord, mhere shop taceman Loule Passa und hblusaffttglves pour furniture ils tucelitt. Scven ta tan dayn later, jut asthe advertising pro- mises, yoo'li have pour nese lob furnituce bscb haine. And pou mili Uc in toc a pleasant surprise mes pou puy the bill - Il mii Uc cnuctly uhat the estimtar said Il mauld Uc, mith no etras added. Prenident Alan Riding nays the enmpay cen char- ge lamer priees tUas most aI tbeir nampetitara henause at the volume af huainess that cames la frein the hoge rural aesthey caner. Tudar- Housen primo hune henamne so pepolar, in taçt. that they are ptranized hy a major hotet ehuin and seneral bou- pitais - «The big thing in that me do whut me say eli do," uays Me. Riding. If me uap il ii tabe us seven ta tes daynthen it willbe seven to ten duys. It me ay il mili crt $200, then it mili cost Wy0. is ail purt ot changlas the image - and the conta- mer willbe themwinner. Tudnr'Hanee Preidesi. Alea Riding Tadar-Hanse Shap ParessasLanie Pana ... and al the fun pouil have with an aconomical, efficient nturaI gas brbecue in pour own bock yard, Turc pour patio or back yard it a fan centre. Just add food and riendu acd ighi a match, WEl'E GOT '4-M ... COME GET 'EM Modelsavneilabta frram 15,000 STU input ti' 40,000 BTU Nas et pra-nawsn spatial pinas. Milton Naturel Gos 184 Main St.. Moltn, Ph. 87611 Ken Jones, Prop.

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