wr &îniiabiaun MILTON, ONTARIO, WE=DNESDAY, AUGUS r 7, 1974 T6 lty-Teo Pages P Ifses Centn ire spread -"lke boxt of mtches"' Afour-year dreum toc the ound Othes und befocce tlrespreod through thehoune bouse, Tbey ons muo!e monthr.ecp tect ufn George olcKeoose tumily tell coo!d getuîsug otmutertp libsa bus ut mutchco suid uft 6e beuongigo in uet n itelatfo1: ;r and a e dysesh obemu forccd oe Icee the lu 6ter George Mso bhil nh buphk, The= hmtey bud becsî boums MoKono e is o sucher oladcudtglot buildings oIees Ans- utb Lîke bus otonatces" Cooss ugo Collcgc and bod On Toesdoy thsy lii heod 6 e stmtso h a o!Cmblnlie cuugbt Itics insot yesure, hutîbhetre dsgsd the huse h mnelf grv mâà hf uteln s hI r hav 6e nrcied u and bursed to0eperoud, mus00nught oehavehees Thestomi liaid muvsd oe moOser mhuhbasninthe stuioofhew-sr mî00 almout sverytbisg the cusd bv the atteesoos so BconeSOt. fronm Hamiton tenu hospîtat. ths oesio hus boA utceudy cosl mue fumity omned is il. magsitied 00snsgb a mssdnm yeoeo ugo and ooced un the Nons ufte ritsliy oece thon $00. Shurlene, 17, said! sibe mas osts somne compremsed sn- ut home in the bitobes mbeo notation. The mutIn bad juot -9110O oite hourd snms csucbtiog in heso put sp and tbe sotide oeofbhe upsatirssoomn. Bbc brick mus not yst on, s0 00e 139per cent increase SInflation affects' * Vi teacher contract SIFTING THROUGH THE RUINS of theîr cees home, deotroyed by fîre Moeday eight, arc Shar- lene and Bruce McKeezîe and eîghboro Susme and Barry Piekef, wîth whom they have been stmyîeg olece the fire. They recovered some china, sîlver- more and oremmeofo je the rotes cf the fîre Tues- doy mornieg. (Photo by Paf Ford) Future city site Farmling now, housing later Accoedisg lu aucesen-mobed miii 6e sssted or Former Oubvîlte Cuoncits ar'es tue fuemîsg une. OsOnse of Ontario Hosnog Ieosed tolarmersstutisgnout and ceginol councdi hove Rîggn cluimed homeose Copca ore ipnncm osiv en ohsgtco gseseally opposed osy plas thul 16e segîn and 16e " courage moe tnno dîtiosal tond, Riggo suid. lue a Noro- Ouhoille Cente. provnce mccc not con- ognicultucot uprationo on, 16e Tbe ftue city is csfscced Recesîly 16e cegîonno îeodîcîing une usoihes. 2,300 acees nf tond 16e lu on 16e North Oohnlse planni ng commi îles "Bsyusd 10 ysocn youe minstc bas eeceotly Cestre is nos gonerment denignoled t6e noser tonds cyotsl bol]it as goûtd on acquiren in Milton. cepacts ood 10 sitoated is retsrsd toasafu tuoe North mine," -c 6e oud, reeecng lu R. W. Rîggn, o spahesmos mhto nom the Sooob-ess Oohnîlle Ceosres o orucul ploans toc the tond. for o-s corpoation suîd oh- ortion nf Milton. lnd ol$sy .-- ugtsntnt t MbcS-tOsteongager- . 16 te indetisite futbe. plansoraxs, Riggs suid naiton i-ills strikes b d e Bsynd Ihol homener, o-crs the pIons mers speliesi ont in b d e aresplanstorasemcitymitb o senserut g ovn ero Fient mosicipalîîy sn toms loopoyes ose aoth1e population ot op to 250,000. docoments and noed no00isg Hollos cegios to steihe o miii oaime os ls ysoc mitb lsn The 1usd mus rcentty the gonecomeont i0 duisg nom cois atler 16e seginsbde -ssmi ocqsieed b heOBC. Whdle0i coolcudicîs sorties mus octasla" mes bas Hulon Eoqoeoisgnounîlloo Les oppeors pIons tue develop- statements. Biuts, us omolgumoatios ot Coon ond Dinh BomitI mecs ment ose nul immisenl t6e In ail 2,300 acen hans beso Acton, Eoqossiog ond onboppy miîb 16e roral cuis orso hon becs usd olillis soecueed, boooded hy Fit- Gleorgetomn. ncesse hecuse the large dsigsutedassagomthuaes Lîss, Eighth Lse,3eey Rd. Tuxes ment op bot unty Foqosoîngosueplus meot lu- Leused bacb and Lomer Hune Lise. mo!ecutsly tue Gsegeto mords asem oceno located in Lands Ihal ose cossestty Riggn noled the tond beîsg ond Actun mhile Eoqoesio. g Geoegetown. heisg Ouemed ose beisg ocqoicsd mooso nt i he cotspayesnfaceoaohtfieighi Munt ie îbsenoccîooe leused orerstedhachioeland- greeshoît and mon mithus o mill iocceose. The cton hihe oeemed ouhohfed mîlb 16e omsernmbiciulnds nuthoing prujosird geumth sente. mon fins mOtos and Gsege- hesthoudget. Give museum "back to people" Teucbern io the Htîn The nepucutesocboot hourd bepurate Scboot Systsm mml mpos3M4 leuchecs and rcecve as average nceuse, p=iciu. Peiscipals mitI ce- of 13.9 percent tor 00e 1974-75 ceive frnm $17,500 lu $22,000 nebout yeas. The ugreement aod vice priocipals eceive mon reeucbd ut o meeting ot $2,200 plus theirsanutay de- 16e sebout board Toeoday ot pssdisgn Ibeir plocement in lantmwesb. thesstry grid, Superiotendent of Bussisess and Finasse Bcady soid! the pecentmicreases for M tea- chero and 3.9 pecceot on in- ceemens uod tcisge beoctits. The pont wili cost the hourd i xeso! $305,000. Board eboismus Loso Beuidu ouid 16e negoUiatios mestiogo lied Toduy in Tbc Chompion: hssn fcieodyosesions. -Il masoa "Ms." sot o Hs bold tbe boaed Ibe "Miss" mbo mon o-c pluy- negutiatios mers affected by gcoond qsess bItle. se page t6e ioftonury cycle. Tbe 3. meetings mecs long asd as- -bic Hudfistd and Asdy duu. be soid, ooting Ibere Botbgate open Ibsie nem golf wece ibres limes on musy course seuc Milton. Ses page meetings ibis youc os o-crs 5. mecs ]st year betors o stOle- -Miton Girts' Pipe 0usd m u ws tioutly reched. nets ncm membern. se Nosse ut minimum page O. 'ihe natary gcid prnniden -Classiiedo, pages 7 lu Il. for teonhers tb ho paid tsom -Repartes Gave Pink ce- $0,700 lu $111,N00. Vesy tem vies progreno 1usd delasn isucbecn rceise 1he mini- on Miltoo'o ebasselloatin mumn ootary, il aisy OStrhong prujeot. Ose page Bt. salaeies tor leneis ose, Imo -Editociols. page B3. aond thcsecrngeco$,7001 t Birds ut pcey ut Mosots- $7,900 but aIl tsocbes comiog hocg, page Bs. otu 1he peofensios nom miti -Ceotîve ptoygroond us- seccine ut teost $0,000 6e- der construction, page B7. coune ofth1e cbuoge in tbe OSummec john mîth o dit- qualiticotions for seen tea- fecesuce, page B0. chers. No teucheen cnmisg tn -Duen thos beoveen' lu ths peofensîn miBl nssIr 6e- Page 010. tom tevet four un 00e gcid. -Getîog t6e "FACS" on The seittlemeot sa compas- the encoepmssnt, page OIt ablte luh1e sillemeo Hol- -A look ut otd cemnelesies ton's public ochout teaches se Real EsOste Moshetloce mwon sver eulms sgo. section. DEBHY BOYCOTT likes fresh rospherries at o reasoomble price oa ohe gels bolh wen hote goeo In Gleomor Forms, five miles north cf Milton. its pick-your-owo style otîrocts mmey people from the citieo, eopecîolly Torooto, Hamilton ood Hurliogton. HRCA, mnuseum supporters discuss merger Eftt Ou hng Bltten Ms- speiol commîttes sot domo tcom s bncie by BRCA Choir- tion us the nsntre nf ReIs seum ondes the misg of Bol- mih epeesestatives ufth1e mon Bcoch Hucris lu Bollen Connernation Asso. ton Region Conservotion Fris o f nIh1e Mousm gcoop Reginol Cooscul, liad beld s Bulton Museum mao 051g Aotbosuby tmbseh omnn Ose lu dehots 1he muneum's fu- mueeting surlies asd decudsd slly o noosty nuncd prolsel land ut Kelso os mhich Ose tocs. t figbt 16e tube-oser. They and opeesled mib on sdvî- mooeum silo) monsd unoOses The Felendo, olustned aI had aise copsesssd coscers sue3 cummibtee ut nutizesu ntep cImses tb sality Wsdses- seriser press repars ahout o aout usy pessuhiluty of mon- =s nooncilluen, seopessihîs doy ochen membeen ut a ssm peopmsed Iabe-oneceresoltiog isg 16e moseom fiome ils locu- to 16e nuostycuscit. Wbsn ceguosol gnneenmentmuo uin- ieo!ocsd this yeus Ose mon- ssm mus put ondes the reg- t na oosodo' Comoo0iy Servics Committes and 16e sdnisuey boord mas disbusd- ed. Cleor ais The FreesofthesMuseum us os ouoioeay body o! citi- znsointsnented inthe mu- cume ,ochinh bon heen helpîsg obtais and sesîne s e ocuitacto and caisiog mnîony tue spen iol peojests oitho- rmettme Wedneuday's mess- ing cleoced theairsna nom- bereofconnesnsthe Fiends gnoup bua HRCA mnembeco Hsoch Haorsi, Les Cons, Teeey sit on the spscia?'conisittes ntodyisg 16e ntalos ufth1e mosom, esplaiscdothemos- comn mould peobohly be bettes off us s beonnh afthOe con- servation outbosity, moskmig ugous ondes os odnisosy nom- milltes. Thsy soggmsted s spe- cilmusom rommîttes noold be stabbnbhed mObh auhoot tour ORCA membeen and to freum Friendof uthOe Museum. Maintenancewouid be en- ter, thcy soid,hocooneBBCA soiduore e scs hus osillcd muehocen in 16e "We'eutmosiuonlcusqut Kelsu oses al]the lime. The loess oves Itis' sou boni psobtem, of 16e dooble odmis -Fresds pneoudeot Mes, Sud nion chorge (t'o $2 a nue ot itb Gushelle ut Gsegetown 16e Kelso gots plus 25 cents The muoeom vain buildinge admission lu 16e ioseomi 13 tîyessud admo'sien coutl be cîserd op ilfo mus a ns. obse vuffeosd eom-onsitoilsceived o Fiesdsusetelluaveu buuld refondaithbe guteuonlovig. tugvwooldnot usi theu Thin nyntem mored ut o se- lin simuspheef titi uth6b b nent festival ut the mooeumn soid thece vas su aesu. il noold oui murk 365 ays o u a r Wbes the Fres delegutes s 1 comptoinsd abut o sggsi if i ed selocution uf the moocom, a k clouer be 16e wpoica ugricotosl mooseue aI the Musagmn g n aor p rosI end ot Keso, choiemon peus te be a rm, seiga Harriooid tboio staconustrcnforemocbesi Mil peoposal, ooly o Olbîsg peint ton Limesone Aggregots bn is receot hcuef lu the Abut 30 employes uith1e cegiosalecoosicil, "Thoi ideo, qooeeymwennstsncue Joy 10. id notcomrn rmsny pce- Thequaeyhoasbeenssst sntmembee, the mvemas dmnsiolce then oa mont disconsed us euely as 1962" tronko use bosocisg 16e pin- besaid. The movensuggesn betl bs. mos only pot in 16e brief tue re Hottes, osrepeests "discussion posposo" b htiveofthetItenatuonalUn- sud, the bruef mss usly nies- ted Cemeot Lime and Gyp- dedloesuy"-hee eaonom- sur omW sendOBrno Goe bereof tbingnmwhich have been tou Choi Stemsrd ut Locul ms un is oted truster tif Mltotn tLteraso Cunultu Mssselltbell 16e Buart. atusoded 16e meeting musommwusld bebetten adt s obseven He saidui as mînusiecsd 6v the conserva- "a netrogeesso e ctep- lo diso tionauhouby. Atithenregonul bond the ntuceum bosed vs- nummilles tevet "il geus toot causetbtoat enotodv bac un the ges 6016o usiness poet.cuiaoîatouio ton us ibsi hss lu 6e dune." and bus co affisie Osecuomend solfered un budget ialsîon cu i th e a1111111steatov soîutd hc sd b -soit bacbtu thuipole GorugeiJonof Mitn a0 Continond onpage 3 out on strike t standstill :366 sopousso 16e demonds 16e munhees se msisg. Acnuedung lu the imu repessotauves 16e union us sbug toc 75 cents os boue tbis yese sud 75 cents neot ysoc us meli as nusi of liing hononesuandîinuueoses in the bolîdoy psy. Wocbees nom ce- neuve (rom toue te six percent and se shg toc up lu 12 perent bue employes mit 15 yeasoftserviie. Bssensate tue Ishunees is $3.50 per boue. Rsteo eusse up lu $0.6 ptier bous. ,,tilloadamuont Annoeding be Guelun ouf Ostien, 16e union un dt odo- mont about uts demands and the mensvon'teîunîutebr ontl the> semt Geneal msnager eorge Wilsoo sud ohees huid heen offensA 65 censo ibis yssc and b6. nentsnsent 10e solo! Ihol wssmlr te tu seutis uet au then quareles un t6e aeWilson stO16he 6crm Contnued onPagen3 Mayor, Italian consul open Valleyview v u i Cunudian and Italien flagn MaucArthure iersction ut Laueier Ave. cight bece on Miltun uiog 'iicuiuialed agigoct* mdb ftutteeed one the enteance ts The 109-lot subdivision uod the Commueccial Si. the peotensiosot ood business sorie uftihe receot huiog Vutleyniem fluedenu, MitIon's feauses uarger homes us extensiou. Eusteceot 10 peopte mho cootd uttocd lu otevetopmnentv u'bicb cuise lu 4neoces' and mmlt prentius tueger nos and intcoduetoey boildiog 61 homes in the tient puy a 11111e muee focsa quutîty a umuer incomne people. sl!vsion os Fldy mbe peices rn trom $84,9o0otb stage u'itb 408l tutnmlo tIse bhome. The sumne humes on "Tbnb yuu tfoe beingîog th myoc ot MiltûtnadOs $94000. 'rley songe rsn Toeonto toduy mud sel] tocrbstvt ohîîisl Hl s. con..sl te Cosuda 1,070 lu 2,343 squore test and ooîildec Vecuni suid $30.000 moee, be suid. Milton," obe sout us obe sbored in a double cibbon- eucb home bus o singls us "sveeyboiy has heco scued Liben luiger homsse soi psd the mide chite eibhus t.. . .cots g cecemon ts oticially doubls gucuge. The fourchasic tohbuitd abeiisc qsoityhn'cins Maor Macerthur asS sovsd s psce toc her o' pen the deetpmesl. models isc3ode bauksphits, in Miltoun hut t mooted lu do mstcumed the devetupment lu geuming collection ut *Italian consul Giovnni sideuptits, bongalowns and tO il." The sales office did nul -ouc vccy heoutitot toms" msmueuhtîua. Cesoti muws pesent os the ntocsy homes. ofbiciutty open uclîl Sotocdoy und strssd Ibe bmspitoltiy Gin0 Veeni, son ufthie VALLEYVIEW GARDENS dcveiopmeet, a 109-lot as builder Carlo Veroni cf Emoîcreat Homes (leftl invilulios of boldes CarIs but buth the hoîtdsc and and fresdtinsm of Milton. huitdsc. pessoled tbe mayor subdivision ie the south-eant corner of town esas and reaitor Mimen Brown I right) watched. The Vesosi ot Esstcrest Homes, Tostlges scolsos Atoc Bowuineport Sbc suid sibe tiked the tueges mith o dooso red coss. und be sbacsd the ribboo- Tbe devetopmest is lncated Isnters mus eunnîng bigh nOls and bettes qsaliiy homes llseeobmsnts and luonch uses officialiy opcncd Friday. Mayor Ane MacArthur homes arc je thc $90,000 brueket mnd feature larger nifp.i g cscemucy witb ment ot Higbwuy 25 and Juot Bruo noid b e it the mois and sggenled tbe more ut- oered lu aboot 35 invîled and Italian Consul Giovanni Ceruti eut thc ribbion iotsaond larger floor ures. Mi ttoon Mayor Ansnc sortb ot Dercy Rd. nous tse market toc the homes mus tIsent peopls bons been gosts. Vo. 11d No. 15 k s d e