4 'The Canadian Champion, MilItos, Ont., Wed.. July 17, 1974 Leaside gives village * Campbellville seniors were chers-Wayne Emma. Iasdatrdlin.eetdfolh game lath SsasZLn W ~~~subjected lu a merciless Garnet Miitcel, llil Dssi Emms sas the gelar.fu T omtss as1elcdb e an e aé troocnghylie Lasdeas LnaFaggo-t re Leaside's awesame dlsplay rlgt baneTanro.Ie two bits wltb lu' l ~ -cs eading Leaside squad a record la Camebtelivllle. te wn. pichisa up. 059 ai t homped te lona 22-1 in Most effective of te viae tsctodod ornons te Maple Carnpbellvitln played 'The loss infitil - htwspoal h ortmudmn ws f e dbiprswr wh emaslta at lais lae d gUe deteal in Cacophellville field, second baseman girasd nom arners by 01bachtn a prbEvas bot tird plcl Stosiaxpoai h nrtmudrnn ns lf Lesoosd rptrswr ihot rsla s a ltur li banchait history. Faggion wba held the Canningand Riverso. ou akpbenibtilhrdlc!l:. Four CamnbechclleI ai- accaarhos ta osivone ras la Ie grand alarnmera bit would have takea-smore tbas leae. lsey are Lowville mnidgets take first place IN PLENTY 0F TIME ait third base Campblllville pounded the Campbellville team 22-1 Sunday af- playing coach Ken Moore strikes up the dust as the ternoon. Campbellville holda third place in the sacker wvaits for the throw. Moore was unable to Halton baueball league. score as the front running Leaside Maple Leafs Wilson, Flyer coach announces Gooding Milton Minar Hockey coach Dor Wilson coiS moce up ta coach te Junior 'B" Flyers tis yesr annmunced team oner Vere Gonsg ti neeh. Wifaas replaces gob "Pie"L~ee woba os since muccd tu, Michian ta, supervise o senior hockey pragrsm and belpi ta organise o junior program. "Pie" wno tu, Michigan Tech University as s hockey acbolsrsIap secersl yeas silo. Standast record Wilas cornes tothe Flyersnita olandosî record os coach ofteCredilUnionaspesred peenwees for fivryres. coachof teMltonsJucesile squad aothoryearana hcisý l outnilbh midiet houas lesose inants. The nen coch bod nced tree yera nit te nid Miltas lninrmediateclab preceied hy a stint nit thn Actes Junior "C" leam. "Ria oce played for hammill respect bias." said Goniing aller recîening hiu sewcoamho' record. 'We ledl hc'n reaay- he dmserces o cbonce." Gesdîng esled Wilson bl hoccoa regolar spectator ut asast ofteFlyers ome garestis session. "I liheteides of a home tosn coach," ceshinued lin oconer. Retied pro Goading hao aisa secured the services cf rcbired pros Pierre Piloteasd EnioScdisizî luaudeas adcisurs lu, lhe coachînil staff ci te local Junior 'O . This yesr'sFlyersnill play in samaller iesguc Ihîn season agaimst dclab ftra Gaville, Barlisgton, Blreetucille, Bramp- ton and s sew entry in the Central Junior "B" loup, Dixie. The Central leogae ost clubs froim Preston, Hespeler snd Dundos la atlnr seigboring leagams. Coptignitb teoidCentral testms Stis pastsesn Mil- les raabed secomdin thUn regular season hebiod Gabville and asi55 mnt Burliogles, Blreelucille snd Brampton. Dundas and Une Cambridge clabs nere league duormalu. "This lmagae a gena le losgh," cancedes Goodiag. "cocre ready, tosg." "We'S henweil repreceted." Training camp Flycra open training camp carly ia Beplember aI the Ki- wnsaaremcoinBurliogtossandnill moce toiMiltocnbwen icois ready in te Bron SI. oreca Sept. 15. Gasding bon four prue- lices in Burlington bef ore bc icrings lhe club bomne. Winn norh as compleled on Une nen Tbumpo Rd. ariens teFlyersnill mooecntocil. Dueltulachcfsericescilteceo Omagh loses Danica and tourney at Glen Gmsgh hanîan girls baud- Omogb fielderc rusuait lly defesîed Gles Willias 24- rash of 'burg rocs. Sin te only scheduled HRSA gains es aweeh but came ap on te corong end of a 10-2 Rotary ups score ta, a strossg tbllaburg club si te Oies Williams tany "0'I nekesd. Richardson tmg asreulair Danica WdS wa t eso o t Rutary Club acd Ri brohe ber sale aI te tsar- ocn Chev-Olds lesasi ney. wnat may be clled th Heother Eces borled te T-hall garme 10 date, Sa upescg fve insisgs tuPace a muroins. streng Gsnagb performance The mcl ouled t Igolast Ste Oies. Dusica coachine came ansy WMo camel tubte moocd fur 19-16 mcc ucice org lice Ias Imo iccices coi i îcield play and clool Lesne MacKiccoc bondled tiog te= pl chiri ores. Sîrpcc Doeuay ho t.scn it tren limes fcr fon Rotary cohîle Tlhom D atwth Heathen Eces, and Dsguay sddec emeMcKee' Diane Las douhled eacb. Braisda Vivienamd tocc McMurracandiduark Woad eomlag trugb nt a hatataered ouI doubletl poir of bits eacb, Kar'encJohn- Pal Puy nos t. son and Ans Raseola casItni- standing Richardson huted aingleai. nilIsa o menun i OmagIs sesn record opesing iaslag and a slenda ai alce nina and tee lain lte gamne. leUSa. Ores Gaston hnishîn Taaraoy tigle Richardson gains s Atr bsating Omoighotathe triple playin the flrst Gien, Illilbures nt on la tbeeaenagged a D win the taseney ite. smashbbltinthe third t OrnJIs, minas four rega- the aide asd leav la de pfrta Daalco, noce Rtoanians se Wtry ileasl Eves pltabed neil Richardac 10, IIAW 4, but he bey errons la te 2, U5W t. dîina s cbard- met in e bst turday totuey with a snized ly ic mered ns Orr i In Geeg Nenby e out- botter n the triple ted te ugooy retire e two Ewaey tacilty Flyer wll c frced topen teir season inthe Bron St. ice palace. Flyces null postpose teir official borne opecer until liny moce int te oen orena. Gooling solicipoles bocing tu play tee orlfou gainesinte ld rink. In liglIt of the recîned junior hochey rulinil raisine the age of eligihility frum 20 lai 21 aItl st year Flyers coul be able toi play on tis years' club. Mlssisg reilolors Goodcog wcll bemissiog sonnelast year regularcobrccthe ceaouocartu cn October honever. Defeoceman Bon Tmiss cons clacmed hy teJunior "A" Peterborough Petin othe midgel draft Snte spring and captaco ttarry Merry cill be atlendili Carleton Unicersity in lthe fait. Defencccos Georgehoc as becn aocepted intoQueeo's University and PeteChuchh bas acceplcd s hockey schularchip ni Curneil Unoiversity i Guodiog bopes talice upsonne prc sease hihîlcn as esr wict leans tromn Guelph, Madoban and Elmirs in tl Sep- lember heture te craoostclrtu. Stan Callard and Doue Tcocuc cilI he rejuiocof lice Flyr Lowvile scores As ut snly c Alunm Aeloc 23, Lancîlir t Squirt Lancille 47, Aclon 2 Lancille 27, Aclon 6 Olec Williams 9, Laocîille 8 Per Wee Lovnville 23, Horchy 8 Lancville 3, Ormugh 2 Lancvilîr 16, Acoo 3 Gmsgh 1l. Loncille "«B" I Laocville "A" 20. Aclun 7 Laocville "A" 25, Lancille Lancille "A" 14, Glen Wil- lians 13 Midget Glen Willias 7, Lancille 3 Lanville O. Guelph 7 Lancille 15, Gmagb 6 Jueeilen Loille. 6,lp GIM5 Horny 9, Awvile 9 Lancille 25, Glen Willias Squlrt Girls Lancille 5, Glen Williams 2 Lcocil 41, Horehy 0 Lanville 19. Limehous 1 Glen Williamcs 2, Lancille 1 Pre Wee Girls Lacoscîle 20, Gmagb 8 Boslsm Girls Lowcille 22 Omagh 20 Acîoc 20, Lancille 9 Giec Willcams 18, Laociille 17i~lc.1 occ '11c Lonsille Mcdgels cash liraI place in the Hailon Rual League hoaliog lnelemasd 13- acdtyiog tornhy 6-6. Lon- cille eîîded the ocheduir wit 13 wins, a lossancd a lie. Againsl loglecood, Del- ort Cornie hadt a double and tcoo singles, Dace Poder- chech and Rich King humer- cd aod douhled, Jeff McAn- ally and Breot Cocilson aiog- led Icoice. Blair Duhenhire doohled and Matc McAnaly, Gerald Molalyre, John Laur- cs naod arias Cocdsn aIl singled. Gerald Mclnyre clarled os the ronoed and nos relieved hy Dace Aaderrbech in the third înniog. in the gade ogoinat Hors- hy, John Rosashon bit o tna ruc horner ia tbe nint ta lie the game for Hornby. jeff McAally led Loncille coilh lhree singles, Ricb King, Brens Coalso, Lyno Powell and Brad Colllng ail singled once. Ricb ins pitcbed eigbt and a tird inings andnoas relieced by Dace Ander- check. Lancille's necl home goe will probably ho sent 4Mo ta atart the playoffs. llmith, Scott, Ksight and ferenee of 21 rnt. Osharne applyla te reat. Nisehkits lje.e Camphellville bottera RlhFEur o b ogdss isbtnr Leanide starter bat nos able tumaie use of tora. Bob Leanide t 7 0 t 54 2 0 12219 0 Casphelicille O O O 1 O 0 O 0 0 1 9 3 Leaside'-Fleury, Tamersse (4) and Jodos Camsce llille-EOtns, G. Mitchell (2), Dessin (b), Fagglan (II)an R. Mitchell, Andrews (6). Elge ref-in-chief .Absentee Holloway elected MRA pres. nos elecled president of te Milton Referees Asociation Campbellvile beat Iowly Mississauga Miccisaug wascbesleou6-2 b> the vicilioil Cucophdclille seniors lant Tuesday. Il cons s scorelrcs lie oclil the lillh inclue cslecc Ray Esans douhled, cccl 10 (bird and scored oc ac infield out. in ltce sislh invcîog Hearea Iooh ficsî on an erur, idole second and ncorcd on Wade Ochar's cingle. Ticrer nmare ciailurs crosced theplate cn the eigblb follocoice single' hby Henres and Clemnent. a sucrifice ly, Behar's cicce, an error anda oild piteh. Tesoslroguer Cocopellville scored Iheir finai ras in lice ninth baiigi roule for Comphellcille cohco Mitchell scored friom giciog ap only ais h ils. firsî on Faggion's Texas Mang i tw league siogle-nbicb Moccisaga ite wIna Mississugo tren round te Gillsieoag d iînl coi Park. doubled 00d Crai n Minsissua scored teîrai ad co uassinothebolttmofSthe Dreona siangled. ninlh nheo Gillespie duubled, Wade Bebor bit Ina singles the cillagera erred asd Crolg for Campbelîcille wit Roy and Dreonan ningled. Ecans camding troug nit o Hecoil and Bhirley basdlcd double asd Rich Mitchell, lice pitchios for Minsinsugs. Den Otearlls, Rich Clemeet, Heoi touh te Ion. Laris Faggian and Bull Denais Gare Mitchell wna the aIl bitting une bossera. Cacopellcclle o o o t i 1 O 3 1 6 8 2 Micciscaugu 2OI2OO 6S2O C.amphellcclle-G. Mitchell and R. Mitchell Missiccauga-Henîl, Shirley 18) and O'Neil, Ecvans (9). Asaor aly t2 Atouts Acono 29 Loco île O Per Wee Loncîlle 10, Lnmehouse 9 LaocvllcOî2 Hornhy7 Glen Williams 17 Lococlle -Bs Hoy 5Lcnie "As4 Omagic8, Lanie "A" 5 Mldgci Laovle 13, lclecood 9 Lan ile 17EcO 6 Pee Weer ls Glec Williams 23, Locosille , 'p BastOm girls Glec Williams 15, Losîille 10- Opti bail stand -ings KEPNTERAQT JUNIOR GIRLS Pîsun Smohe Shop 14, Klcen KEIGTERCU level is important inacrucwor, Bo VDrs0 l s WaIl Services 10. SI. Clair points out f0 the first session of tennis students. Two more two week Psicî t, Peggy's of Miltoc 0. sesos are being offered three times a week by the Recreatioc INTERMEDI ATE GIRLS '. Ch'icken ceec's 9 Deportment. Miltoc Fillies 9, KngcI's Clescers 7, Kioamen7. SE2NIOR GIRLS Trafalgar Ford 14, Opli- 'i. Miltoci Sos Lices 2, son ai Se M.R.A. aaal mein ate Legin Hall te meeting. Jim, Elge nos re-elected referea-in-ebief aller edglsg by challenger Murray Mc- Coesell in as 11-100 cote. Mc- Coneel nos re-occlaimed as M.R.A. vce-president. Immediote p a aae oed Hosselft 'nmis lakenly elecled pralesi masi- agr te association bul nul s.ol ho alloned la serve tnu execatice positions. Mis uP Sud Thoms, elected a ses- lor, directar, pallaid second la the pratest managercvote. Bill Pressioh polled second in te senior diractar balloting hut the M.R.A. in auasre bon ta, approcb te mix-up. Hop Gales mas resccloim- ed as secretary-treosarer nit Gary Dance sou Dereb Griffîlhsoappointaid junior dîrectors. Ookvllle.. Camphellvitle Mississago P'tidi nill be hs#g Os iady afleras Take Breai Ducho liaI fly qac ap. Rernember là deys - whesoat It te garagesà wlt lthe tanni Ymu hoo yao' cohen the TV drives up in a smeaseas faoi anotyss; Ifeo l tatas crltlelor. Of ail dc. Se mode, ne hocn y tha1 beau s des And sotblsg tastient fssd . t doassit hove t, Murray Huns Steelea Ave.. 878. daya wee - p. M saie don + i las r wnet t cime ast in Itrouble ep1crmn dg scribe a, that's Si tous, si+ e t'a~ Incos Pen f 7h ti atIr NGK * BELL * RED-X * WISECO *,KLOTZ .SALES *SER VICE *PARTS 181 MILL ST. MILTON 878-4212 1~