Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 1974, p. 23

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82 The Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont., Wad., Juiy 17, 1974 Putting it altogether, the an- nounicement of the major hydro line location means another "wsl" on the nortb of Miltonas urban ares. Add if to the CN elevated railway and 401 to get the impact. Mix in the major greenheit designations on thse three aidea to get thse com- plete picture. TIse hydro route, as now ap- proved by the province, twill parallel Highway 401 fromt High- way 6 east to Milton's west boun- dary. It does aome wsndering around the racetrack, above Five Sideroad and then juat east of Highway 2a dips along the railway lmne before angling down to bet- ween the Fourth and Fifth 110e to s major substation at Main St. and the Fifth Une. The line hetween the Fourth and Fjfth Line is then projected north ton to near HigIs- way 7. Continuing east along the railway line the horizontal route shoots south along the Ninth Une fo a major aubafation at Milton's southero boundary. Those Who seul be happieat with tee decision are those that wjll not be affected by if. We ail kout, the need for hydro and tee neceaaity osf transmission corridors but we al prefer that they be somewhere else. Undoubtediy the route has been tee subject of study and public debste. At somne point s decision hsd te ho mode and the provincial goveroiment ended up wite te teorny problero. Hydro had earlier chosen a more norteerly route and test drew protesta in Nassagaweya and Wellington. Now tee route hs been shifted south. Moving thse lino soute mont undoubtedly increaise land pur- chase conte with land prices being higher in tee furteer soute areas. We suspect that prices in thse Missinsauga ares will ha much different than those furteer north. The lino attempts te follow green haIt designations imposed esrlior for service facilities. In te Milton area those service corridors or green halte are tee largont on te map 50 it would seem the town's other houndaries may so Solon see furthor 'barriers." Putting it ail togeteer if mesns test Milton's urbain growth is hammod inon ail threo sides with another block to the soute esst left wide open for the 00w town visualized in the Toronto Centred Region Report of noverai yearn ago, ail of which is in tee present Milton boundaries. The im- plications of that planning are yet te ha revesled, alteough govern- ment land purchases in tee ares may give a hint. MAPLEHURST CORRECTIONAL CENTRE IS nearing completion. The $13,500,000 ultra modern facility ia scheduled to be completed by March. The aerial picture gives an accurate viene of the sprawling complex. Sgrand Spice Perhaps there was a plaintive note in Regional Chairman Alan Masson's suggestion test wo should give regional governtnent a chance, but ho cao hardly have been realistic when ho recently suggested criticism should wait te 1985 rateer than 1975. The chairman waa spesking in bis informaI press conference that ha periodically holda te discuas the operation osf the newly-esinblished regional goveroment for Halton. He vilas ohaerving that people expert foo much fou fast from regional goveroment. Ail regions, ha suggested, wite tee exception of Toronto, are too young te ha properly judgod. If is frue that tee peth te rogional govertiment bas 00f been onsed by those firaf introducod, for teose test followed. Halfon, 000 of tee 15sf introduced, seema f0, have provided as msny horror steries as we heard from those living in arons which wore regionalized earlier. Experience, vie suspect, should have eliminated some of the problema. Introduction of regional goveroment bore W55 n0f without ite preceding studios. There were many and if seas hoped mont of the possible problems would have heen anticipated and ronolved before Many municipal peliticians are hasitant f0 grant permite for the construction osf homes toilons town neafer ils supplied. The reaaoning in teat some day neelI neatur may not ha available at that location. That stand offen appears te ha unduly raufious or planning for eventualitios that will nover bappen. Politirians placed in surIs a position miglst do well te ronsider tee plighf of Robert Slessor 0f Old Waterdown Rd. Siessor hooghf bis home toco and n half yenrs ngo nsumîng an adequate water supply neas available. If neaso't, and n0w Slessor is faced wite poying $7,0001 for asone inch lino ta book ont o thse fosen neater supply and a furter $5,000 or $6,000 if a town water main was ovor to ha oxtonded along test rond te service tee nine or 10 oteer homes in tlsaf ares. Sleanor te apparently liilling te deal in those terns but a joît like test would mon giving up tse implementaiion. From tee weekly nenes reporte if ils clear f0 noe that W55 00f the case. The form of govoromnent has been buffetod by criticism sehich bas been legitimate and which wo hope will pave thse way for more respensivo and responsiblo form 0f government. Those elected aro frustrated wite the comploxity of getting teingn done which once were simple; those appointed are frsutrated wite tee absence 0f key policies that have not bad time te mature. Priorifies are missing as esch representefive attompta te clear up the mont immediate problems wite whjch ho is familiar and little time bas been available for long-range planning. Holding tee election i0 Octohar should have provided good lead time but procrastinafion tonk ite teil. The full impact of the new form of goveroiment ia about to reach the citizens when they finsfly gel a complote fax bill. Early indications are so confused thaf they def y analysis but the resoîf weill soon bave f0 ha conveyed fa those ex- pected to pey the coste. We suspect tee rafepayers eon't ha content te witeold their criticinm until 1985 for some solemn and detached judgment on the succens or failure of regional government. bouse for many homeownera. Somefhing toi think about. Our Readers write OPPOSES SUstvev Tn tise Etitor, Dear Sic: i haveimt readihe tatest diatribe isy tise Ron. Kes Campbelli, seatosi tise type sf boks iigis sehont sitents wttt ha reattoe sn Haitsn's hieis seisos. Me. Campsei eites issrvey as tise snqustionahie yard- sticks tn mensure public opinion i dtis matter. i cisallenge bis sseney tn ha ne- ceptet as statisticat enidenre, Tise qunestionnaire sisooid bave iscen made avaiale ta ail eeidents ofHaitonnnt jst tisoso sympathetie to Me Campiscits cosse. t didn't receine tise questionnaire, nocr tid maiy people i bae spaisen ta. Mr. Campbseit retors te tce "Ptoyhay' Magaoine, aid hoe immodiatoty issis bis argument on that score. 'Payisoy" Magazine, JuiY tOto tise, eosiairiod tise mont comproisive interiewe I haro alite road on tise envicosmes. Tise interiewes, Barry Commenter, seorit Isos enviros- mestalst, prested rions utisa sssd ha dohated in al] tose blts scisosis; In Oaci, te iterview oasd ha roqsired readisg. William A. Johans. R.K. 2, Racswood, ont. Juiy 12, 1974. fnTbere sa a tair bit ot ponie in tise nuarmty that yen, be Onosgbt thte tanmat n'oetd tbese days. one ni Ger- a realfttuefo me tnthe CO many's big booiks faited. Tise stocb market yen, be tbooghtbnemîghtbfndsap ta more ttke a ooomp tban a mareket. In- sn tiree orfour montin, butidh flation asringthes tof people and at tbe bottine, ttbe eneryotte es ouosId be aftertedl personatly. Sure ettongb, goodn'ages. Tbatts pcobabty nobi tve beeragbîmin a persno id andt1 ta akor a rate increose ene don'tbknon'sbetter to go toc bruibe or go tor yearu, tn coospensote tor tier the toits. generomily to tbrmr emptoyees. tuve been a pretty big obarebotder of a Anymuay, te bottom didn'tt stockbcattcttPeeltEider. thave 25 bnes. appeat. tdibailsometingint Itsalng storyoadI'eetoliîsefore, Bot1 i te Vicrt'rendentinrboarge of gotin ontbe gconndftour, asn'e saynBay tattoons St aind WalltSL Teseaea coupte of nett bnonostreetsithe financîaîwora. One ot Sntubsonk itrenemty bythse tbem rues domot the bnyncase youn'aoî tbatnîncerity fiot onty a V-P in ta dronon yosrsetf urben tise marbet sa PRt cao monter, tttnied lunm, otnmpîng. Tieoiberhasa waîgorpoundisg "Montnt tabe any more of y50 yose bond agatont in tbe saine enentooiiy. banc to dasb t tce Royat Ynrb nmtb Jars McCiettosit of MeCtI Wett, asi1ons oaving, t got in eary. Was Steuwart, iben catch tise alternaio dioritacgedtromtterartforceuîsthaope Mootreat, obere Peesident Cen ofl tbsusasd burbu the paymnaser bad CPR bas beeo trying to gnt hotdt tbongbttoity pot an'ay torsme wbite t nuasn s neeb. ty tbe nay. if yo get n prison camp. Bell,tloobmeuptinoayeaorsn, a havensomettong foryou. Just e tisait decided t oasn'tgong teutog andt Smîiey Assocmates, tnrnrpocat seat ailtmyblfe ost toalleaiing. t mention Limited.t wan gotg ta mdtemtffast and makistig. Attlease1 t ettmssth is m i inobet tbebfeld oner pretty careintty. bat t n'on neetng, iosidc. Sot seacnbng forcaeer wth a boiltmn ecat- octiente otde, butt1an'ay stsc. And thse fietld lombei riebi barb ai me sote. wih odadsel ysyni fet -Wbat do yoo bnenn bsn to do, besides Anwy troue ont ofthn Lieutadin an aieneaft in a ptnn'ed y -tiey n'ont it lit go tl atone, f Ther was't eall muc 1 oudan- tises ait n'itton fine yeacs. l'It p Teren' tanea,1ttonst, Teone ian tihestoctimarbet and bsyiitcm tse big corporatioon, wben tdnry mont cav narniandcognt rcrgnmoe tatent, drtne and obeer abiity, vi n i orso tf. enen tbnngb thne arenstariogîthe rgb imn yooog and ineperincc,îIsknsn thism mît., rorpocate eyr, ofbig bsinenss Tise bonil stean' arrinet n'ben n per- So t pinnged. tt ws lise a sonnet manager at Bll Tetepbn tntd me plonging at a bott etcpbast. We're glad te see the CN station neilI definifely ha moved f0 a new site af Unity Park under the leadership of fthe Chamber csf Cotmmerce te art as an information centre. If is a major underiaking and we hope the Chamber will ha able f0 marshaîl support for in- dividuals and groupo te make the project possible. There must ha tense oho would like te porficipafe pltysicatty und in 0o.-ne of the research and reuforafion to make if a community projerf. No doubt Chamber officiaIs would ha glsd osf any encouraging offers. Halfon Rilîs is trying f0 boy Georgotosenîn Chapel St. school and tee Norval Public Schoul from tee Board of Educafion for $1. BotIs achouls are f0 ha closed. If the Board seIta for $1 if must owe Hilton a refond for tee price paid for tee old Bruce St. schoul site. TIse tosen peid tee appraised value npany, omît lare toc me ire to stnrt ttm sas tise $48 a Beti paid 'they hane icoopte ni i neroibise mnd more bond, wîts chsarge ni ast saut, ne tisre. i for tunsh ettont ast n traintfor mp ot tise of me toc a iris ni Tise onit I migisi tntaet Bilt ti sot to oush open, mec peopIe ado it n ece, mot- mthse ay tl tentcoy tunge into, aut np ast aten and tisejargon isottrty insa donl ocitI tIse Ontario Housing Corporation and the municipality Hilton Library is 00W locsted oit part osf t he site. Congratulations f0, the Hilton Tennis Club on the recently rompleted resurfaring osf the courts in Rotary Park. IS one of tense projerts that wan undertaken quiet ty isy tee club oîte o requonf te the tbsn for fondu. They did it fliemselmes and we're happy tu uer some fhings stîli done test way. Times do change but ecumeniral activifien arenît confined f0 todayîs churches. Noticed in lasf week's 50 yonrs ago columo test 600 attended tee union Sunday Srhoul Pirnir, Moteodint,' Anglican and Presbyterian, in Gaît. Sunday ScIsoul pirnis seem te have died out but vie hope n0f ho spirit osf co-oporation that seas apparenfly ovident years ago tou. Oh,. 1 didn't just rnar arouod buying up Comnparues. 1 didn't huybst any otd stocks 1 'îistb1 ad. tboughiesnn i)nwteois n'aunt dry onthe crttiiaten. Butt1proreeded witbraution. toasn1 going Lo be tabein by saine smooth-tatbing operator worbsg out of a telephone bouffi On the adv ce of my tandtady's noster, n'ho hadl fier bair dnce r), Wednesdoy n'îth atcîend wbo baby-saîtfor apromiret stnrb brnbrr's foromer toife 1 derîded ta ptnnge mie Nnrtbern Ontario gotd. Mybfrst choironas a tnrby one. t bought into arotpany vith aiproperty sa rch tat enen the inclue whnorsd itîfr pa.,re ad gntd ttttîogs in tbeir teet. And t didn't fnnt aennnd n'îtb penny stocktn. Tbatns for tbe lttte gny îîtb tino bnndred bnrbntmnvest. Nn, tnuenttfor the saild, bine rbmp stuff. 1sonppedupnone tbnnsnadnisho tis stocb fner 22 cents a sba re Witttin to days iltbad sbat op too23ents' 1 tnanon my onay andtI'nenevee tnnbed ba sioce.I ttt tou inucb. ictbrreo eeute sockboasî't tmsted on tbe t maniat1 page. i stitt tbinb tl n'asberaunseie iotype oeat0o.n'a sune beranuennof u ntnmeesakig fortunes, and b eftthenane ofthe mie out nt tbe bost tbrnugb ubeer npite. Out ailtt iis mn getting os nnmnbere. t staeted nnt tn tell yoo bow a coopte nf big cooneeaîes or condominiums ot wbat- ecer tbey cait tbem are ganging up tO get botd ot ony 25 ubares of Peet Etder. Titey'ce ofteeed to boy ibemn for $13 a share andi1 cotldbhavesalttbem a montbago for $11.7 a sbare. Tbere'sonreibmg tioty gomog on, and it t cao get to tbe bottoon ot tl, lIt expose tise wooe tbmog on nxto weeb's cotamo. Joot bang in tbern ndn'adt 1idon'tont tuee aisier simple stocbbotdeen get bort. Pages of Ithe asti F roct Chameion Files 20 years ago Taises frs tehIssue or Tse Canadian Mmapieai.July 1s, 1%so Construcioo on tise noew four lane costrottet aeeess isigisony Usai oniti rat Raton andi HiOisoay 25 heiwemn Milton and Acios, s espectet t e asiaried tuis year. Tise section on onhicis constrsction oaan icîpabt la nient tront Toronto to Ot asd Kitchener. Forther investigation juta tise cmt osf iontatlation of oanaciog signal on te CNR MarinoSt. crosino nias ortered hy cosiei, moeeting in cegatar session Montay encning. The couse toc the CNR, in a better te Use Bard of Transport Coos- missooers, suOOested protection nias soi secensary bab il Use Bard toit otiserteise Use raionay nionit approve instaltation cmit of1$5,900 ot weinch 30 per cent semit ha poit by te CNR. Maintenance calts of the signaas sa entiosatet ai $00 asnaty. Renonatios are ooternay abUshe Milten Inn euttingdon tise star ofthUe tising mont, ant eniiendîng tha tounge. NewnittmrinOisiseing putithoUe ouny buidings in the tront hsall, lobby ast of- fimces. 50 years ago Taises front theIssuentfThseasadian Chamspion, Jaiy i17.1924. It sa annoncet totay liait Premier Feruson bas fiset on Tiussesay, Oct. 23 oet s thetdate ot tise Ontario pIethiscite on tise tiquor question. Tise toron ot the question onitl ie annooncet in gosdt ioe toc nct andry caspain pupses. Accoring iona Canation Press despotes troon Regioa, Saskatchewnan yestcrtuy tefeatet pro- iition by a terisive sajority. l sutl ha repiacet by gonernosent ecental nithost tisesale ofther ontcnse presises. Faroret sy bise tinesi ot nicotier, aest Saturtapos cetebroton ot tise onnirersary ot tise Battie of tise Boyne, ut Acton seas the greatest errer seen in Raton ant tise ceoint assembiet tise arent in Acton's istory. The loalarrangemsents were peret ont tisere nias a greot ttspay ot flags and oronge deenrations. Joisn Wtlson, tnroserty ot Nelson, urrined brr n aturtay ef'ening tront Winnipeg, atter hatog in buosiness on tisst ctty toc a nluoshr ot years, iti a brceaks foc to yeacs. sn Vancouver. He says con- titions are bot in Manitoba wmus mucs unrspoymest. He sayshlesaseoonnesaeis tu Ontario to stay. 75 years ago Taisestroos Sic issue of Theanadios Chas piei.Juiy2s,189S A cannf reauras amientaly apset oint spitird at Use CPR staion Saturtay ion enebonge noys thab a certain nrn'nPaper pemotet on item te Use ettec t tisot a crtain resiqent,niimoose amei di n gîre. isad brucer ntop bmssing bis ireit girl, or be smgbt ha tourt oint. Tinenty-scren people rouiet on Use etitor, stoppet their paper nnd ocruset bisn ot ioterfertng mn Useir dinstîr affames. John Feohrstosie ont Paitrnon Bros. mate niîpoenîs ot stonck troos tha CpR yards un Montay, the tormer stopping 20 bogn and tise latter 95 buogs, 23 fat catUle, ib moires and 10 iaonbs. Serre ofthUe Omags yoong peopie*ai- irodedtuhe Sonday Seboni picote ot me- Corty's Metisotint Cisorcs on Saturtay aftroon ast badthUe piensure ut ieadtng Useir bicycles home mn the mot and coin. Tise Lsnnmiie corresponden reparte tisat ttrnry Wallace is baitig' tales.ii tus a girl. Historical yet modern city Halifax loses tl ban taises 30 yearu for titfax, Noua Scntiaus capital and tise largent city in Canada's Atlantic Provinces, na nsae ott in disma wae tise image, In tise sindu nonf uarsremsen, statînd isere peiner t esniarbîng for tise Enropean une zone in tise 000s, ibis ensi Coast port nuitl erains mentries -if tingy bildings, pour reutaurants, gs peicen, seagenigstlite and tise infaso VEday Tiseynwond isacdiy cecognîne tise "ne' Mnny oftheod ilidngsuutii resais, bot ibey bave bren cacefoiiy centoced, reveniing n cisnes tisai yrarn ni diet ast grise isad nbitterate. Many hsave historie vaine and are revitatiord an boutiques, reestaournsnaiioffices and atgaiccies. Non' iiey stand in tise nsadon' ni nieri bî hgs rise bsuildings isoosiog offtres, aparisents and isoteis. Oc îisry compete for space suitsuprasing shopping complenes, givingitherCity a ense ofistory fionored n'ît sodern eficeney ti , ltnr .mhtm mn'.my bca,. ito, ml,,n ennntieunntmp. tisai une i. deepeýaire iaciitmru, stands tise imposmng Ciiodri. Locaird 000a bilt mn tise don'nton'n area. t ttne camparn oece noidiy but to ward otf invaters. siso bore yet to aunesk tise tress. Totoy tise ramparts penside an encellent nien'ing acea of tise panorama beow - tise iosting dossnon, neigisisr- ing City ofartmoths, isosy isarber and tise istor Atlantic scyond tl Insite tise toctrens souls, inteesting msuos depîct tise is.,tofyn tise cîty. Ocoune tise acea isetineen tise isarbnr ontl tise Citode sas tise bois tob isettiet sisen tise city n'as foondet mn 1749, sot bisoidingls of histnrcat intecesi are tocatet Waterirnnt buildinîgs tbai nce bmutied Nartime image wius tise activities of seccits, nhappers, tradesorn andbusinessmen are eorrenty undecgoing a massive restoration prooras. Thiset rejsncnation unit iransoros tises moto boutiques, restaurants, a grni on andt ofticen, wius accens to tise n'air toogs n open coortynet. .Nearsy, hintorie St. Pont's Cisorni, bout in 1750, isoits tise resano ot msen nibo n'ontinota un eage 8n TH E CANADIAN CHAMPION -1 E5 - , -.,c, Nia nem Osso i5, -l. i , i on, . n d i. n., n C .....,, ia cn Ados, ca,, . acni ite a t s fo n ti o aO i th tio i,,, , lit.onaa , n.h ,, 5 norn - mil- .sani, mnrnaicnmia ,iii.naim

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