-2 The Canadion Choapion, Milton, Onf., Wed., Joie 17, f974 Save dollars New firmn explains cold heading approach There isot mach es' cil roent or glamsr related te toolesero or acreurs. A fasiener la a baSaener la a fasiterer . Or aii lesait Cotua Che poputar opinion. Boi acrordisg te Sans stopp. preaident of Production Tout sd olden Triasgle Fastenera the prdoiof 51 arema and eifd producto la a ioscinoiing husiness. Nem approach Siopp and several of hin key Peuple mere ia Milton 10 in- irodsce represtenfaiives of tradte magazines te Che firmas oea approarfi ta the cstd heading tehnique. The tirm will open a massn- facturingarm ofCtebusiess inMilton scia msnthr af their plant os Harrsp Dr. PMast manager Vir Hatt50 has dnvnisped mhaf he claimes te be o oew approarshi eh csfid headisg preress. Hatton clirems hisa pproach mili affil fine firm te develsp, mony variatios an meS as fhe fstadard type of fosensers and pors oser bagle savioga 15 ihe costomer. fdd pais Usf il nos Che firs hbas hem serving os a distrihutison arni for other manufactureera. returtare of moafartorar ordiay wuon e of dia hey Accordlog 10 Stupp the t0 try osythiog sout of Che reasea for ennaninu. GOLDEN TRIANGLE FASTENERS hopea to be in production in August ait their Harrop Dr. plant. The 29000 square foot plant makes proviaion for sana batlis, showers snd a pool room for empioyees. A demon- stration of new techniques in the business was held ther. Monday for tiie benef'at of representatives of the trade media andîlocal press. Committee wants say Moire po~ Halfos tiegionol Plannng ~ Commiee twilil h:h province fa Jet the mos cipofifies n l o a have a coice on the imilring of licences for qoorrien ond extracie industries. Thic commiftec passaid o l... recaiofîan af a meeting font .L w eek oshing ihai the province checki official plans f0 mohe f-y fthe province do not conflict ocifh officiai pions for Che No licences The rcsoliîiont aenf forCher and ashed fi.e province fu issue no licences osil Che region ond area j munîcîpolifies hod as op- portnicty fa comment. Th1e cammîflee mas SWEI iMING AREAS were crowded, parking was almast non-existent anîd peuple were everywhere around Kelso during the hot weekend weat lier. Nearly 1300 cars entered Kelso Conservation Area on Sunday Wel i'it was closed at 1.30. After that many peuple parked on Trentaine fRd. antd walked int the park. Authorities estimated about 500-750 people walked in hefore the park was finally reopened about 4.15. Both thie pool areas antd the beach were extremnely crowded. Bath rentai and private IxtaIs skimrned across the water on the lake with passengers basking in the suit during the weekend. It was the second consecutive hot weekeîtd tk.ît lorced early gate clostogo. (Photos hyS. llsi Milton Council briefsJ Dlciît it reliar isceting Jt\,[ellp l iiy 9 5l2?iU f-d turf ras Giigi impsy Canada foc ý ,i k doncovthe rorm and a. avswr n Niais Si. f:. i otsced thicCfris lad aged le crrct asy cdeiiencscc dae te pour mark- ..iiaf-ip A porion ai if-r ica'c ewr casv e inv spraird outl Rlias ORgîsa (Caoseria tics ,Autif-ny coîrpicird certaîin msrks. Ageerd tu sk thereion struction tfa cci 18 iacs iiiavîieericak sescrîikth iiaf-ct ri a aea fa replace tf-c 1'acaoi station. The Oea trusk srmer illi replace if-e inadiqeaic Robkert StI -Asked pilanning staff ta I.nacvned Jamsi MI pcseîdn a leaf-aical repart iîiappnoiithecdcisiieî Loceeraîog Kingway NasagoicceyatComit Piasingo Lfd. o reqocol se Adismeni Tf-ai cslaf-iisf- o sen-dcIocf-ed keacti wiii f-cf-nid JîtI dmeiino CurtfSf.oanifaof P-In Min S. The ares s zoaod singln famiiy dacelfîngs. A r iLeannd a mneting ouf-A a r feinao Piannen Ed Cais îsîng siafnd for Juiy i5 f-ad f-en dnferned. Ciancit mîihno cont ra( ta dîncuss a number cf regianai pafîcins ikof anc sf Iotase f-cf-tt cancers I t e fh n. Ccamit icc miii n amardng if- c aonc -Wnnn adsised of on tMS apcrain of if-c laits f-cocngit araobjectiaosof oanitary'afl sitt Alfrediînrrso a ppoiîsg insace (Citracti a dncisian ofthe landdision Branttord. cismifien. Juro fiscs in Chat Tf-ai tirai lsdcrnd partion af Milton if-ai mon prie et 16 cents per fncmcniy nocif- Burlingion. per mncif Tf-ai tecd The keacîog miii Se f-nid Jaiy kancd on if-e papuatt i4. Haiton Ilutt>and MfIile tîmn capithe tas ai ci:Appr::id acepact f-y [ ida;th u e The rpart decil Zsitf- a L d rciiit f-y Wiispny Homs 181 MAINSTRiE Tf-cdi-setitpe rcancquoesIin F ou Chineso eland Cuedia Foods lic f îirrcrtui,î i -îdnraiîi OC tf-c pa.ssîkîtty DON'T FORGET OUR ,asn peuit op aose r 1e "SUNDAY DINNER SPECIALS" Ontario Sf. Creefi monit Se carried oui for fao or Chren For Reservafions Phone 818-9061 years. -Deferrdoadecision of ______o _____ y oppronai ai the Prezef Tamahoose Pion an Robert Frae: Chinsi Food Defîssry Si. ion a aeeh osl fordier On: 10% Off Chinas Food Pick-up reports coutil Se otaloed. Ondari. (Min. $5 Ondan. In Town DOl.11 -Appnosed plans fan a lOURS: Mondos fa Thotodos 11 oam In 12 midaiglia foai-pies apanimeni unit for snior ciiienCson Cur i. J. Fidy and Satutday la.s. ta2 aaa ttevisnr made application Sondas 11 a.n. taS8 p. for thc.ýprojects. Iandaobjecivces far con face of a quorny. She noed leginiofion noarefricted operof ions odier nhin on tep of the escarpmefft t10300 foot. 00e espressed csncern about the heort of the escorpmenl Seing gai ted and a 300 foot ledgeneot heing ahle t0 aithsa od on eorf h remor sr coi exensive hlanting. support commiion Staf hadll suggnsted Che commiflen shouti sapport Che Niagara rscarpment Commission in Che area Chal agency contrais and realea applicotions outaide their jurisdficfion. Thereisaonlyone of te eit sations oI the interlm ponno meosares sr goals yet f0 Se presesfed. ThIat aiSl Se deuif it ai 0fa meeting Tuesday atternoso. Faiiaming thaf Che policles are tu Se revised ts reileet changes suggested hy corclosand preaented te coosicif for impfemestatisn. fhe cammiffee wiii ronaider fthc paf rien aso a hsle Srefore recommending them, for conrciPs considerafiso. region pli Providing thot tinaal arrangements- mlth the p rvince are mado, Hallon Rego mii arrept reapan- sihility for approvnag ilh division Plas os of Utie. S Halls. Platiners mer. adviaed ai1m regioa meeting bat meeS of mipal ea Cialt direction. il stands nom subdivisioa contrai ail approvals rests mith the pIas adiistratin Sarh of Che ministry of houoiag. One shot deal? Menihers of Holton Hegional Conseil 'a Administration Committee Slnd of a one chat demi." Srhmantn mas tryig ta coavey Che ide& Calt Che purchose of revolvers a o apt t0 Se a recrring Ching on police budgets. merdiaI and indunîniaf develoispet in the regios. Mac h f af discussion ceslred arsosd the qsarry isdantry . As eoraged Milon Mayor Aane MacArthur soted a recent repsrt releaaed on Che malter an- dicatel Che liceocing ahoit be leSt la the honda sf Che province and the mosicipalitins soi involved. Nechange Barlinglon Coosicillor Mary Mosro nsted Che province hod heen carrying on Cha1 aay for a long lirme. She ciaimed the BarI ingion csorcif oppoaed licences Seing granted sn specifir cases hut mere overroied hy the province. hirs. MacArthu orgued d quarry athentd be allsaed fa operate alChin Ma feet af the Projeots get grant , from Youth in Action Vauf h an Action providen sommer empfaymenf for yaog people sn co- speraiiveiy fasdnl romn- csaoifyvecreationaf projecin. These projecis are coul sharcd by Ce Sports ond Hecreofian Bureau aI the Mîiiry and o municipal aif-ariiy. rncreotioncon miteor aiher commusify cgevcy. The program prasîdes the apparfosify fsr coamnioiy gencies te e- tend their esisiing recreof ion sevcsor deveiop in- noaaivin programa fa arel the need of the geseral cammuoiiy or special disadvontaged groopi. TMe fuiloaing proleci a in Orarshave received grants: Head Stan i Miton, the Rural Playgrsusd f'rograim on Milton, Che Waier afety Pcogramn in Achin and the Wildereess Day Camp in Narval. Appoioicd hy flic Quesn as icr rcprcscoiotivecin Canada. on fthe adiie aif the ranai l gaveroacont, Che (toveroor- Genera servesusually fora termni urie ycors. TE ANIA71 CHAMPION AuOchorized as Sond Iciass Miîi racial Registrationv Il homame ce iar1 SI=~ and hfil aatirat.Clo therarreat hosinesa fiatesiera i Camada do net and miSl ast supothCe, dis- trihutara hut tiioeldract mhaa they ros. Rtupp rerall il tesgpo to maaufacturaral ari d a ittie front dia standrdoolp qimesao that,wmeranI do 1h10 or waa't do that." Design reseenrels to a ý,W?~r oney de~rae.arh. "e'4 ai parla hrrught 10 lsand if mei cao doitmem. Wa'll roider il, ont diarard il. If me rosIt do i weMl iay, Ratinairsuma oy Claga raa ho produced hy the cel halin techaique Cal are hngprodacrd hy more est- pae mans o. Hattoa points sut Calt sne of Che proeini lahe is- duîtry la thal design engineno doatlcommanicalte rihte a ouins a fver for machine and mina sout oa a lot sî_practiral advlce. The preîeata tisa highlighted a nunshor of preducts being deaigaed for prdutioa excluîively hy lbdon Triaagle. Teleolsion timers, spark plus ceaire pols. ellectredea and rivets are amoag Che Hot. Marketia s manager Ronald Mli plans te nos aboat 90 per cenI ialio something othar Cao Cate atandard predil RulS, a readeat of Milita and former employaseof P. L. Rohertsan plaso tasrve boCt a Canadiao and Iateraiosal market and use dist'ihutora in Che U.S.A. ai aa estmatioa of Che males aria.' Puhlic Relatios Officer Norm Larme t01d reporter. he inteads 10 conduet sminar. for itodenta in higs achool; colletiezaad uai- ver.itien aa meR a s people in Che husinesa t0 itrodore Che aem apprsarh t0 cold heading. Stupp aayî "me'l he maklng a lot of bony loshisg Chingo mh Chia oea concept Cialt me'v heen hild ranItb dons." Thne tirs esperet oipen opraiss i Ston neot m a th ahot5 or St employees ti sarS. anners PIANOS Temovo la desigoedc te WANT aED redore Che amerait of lime i An mk timbes, t0 get approval for or Size The 5i ton:~ Pionnera eWill pick up and agreed ts acrept thof pay cash for lau oretahlefior et is rerved I -4 Y aritiog from the provinre.187 » 5 1 Toyotai Commu.ity Omiendar ri Whatas dolng in thie Central Holton Arecal PICNIC The Senior cîsîzens Picote wiii ho hol don Wednesday, JUIY24 lat Kols Park. Rememhn to e ng a fanch and a hacorago. Cars wmll iiv ing5 St. Pou' U nited Chorch afir Il&m. This sa an aoc.eent opporfonIty f0 vsit the Museum an ns charge. SURVIVAL WEEKEND ffoantîharg Wiidiifo Costra confinons midi their Sommet' infsrprafioo Program. Each weekand offers films. speciai demostraos. malfis and masos ridns. This coming meekend, Jaiy 20 and 21, miii ho Soraival Waakasd, feaforing sorvia fechniques fhroooh film and demosfnafion. This avanf plsfo ho an enloyahle lemmngnoeperioncs for the reira family. Seo how much car your money wii buy ut S878-4 826-293 NHwy. 2Just North of 40r1ý on quarry licences MIKE'S RESTAURANT *Rib steak special- Everyday *Business men's luncheons *Full course famnily dinner *Speedy , convenient takeout service VISIT OUR NEW LOCATION 222 MAIN ST. i, MILTON 878-2690 Conveoicnf cear enttosce-Free Parking MI KE'S ice Creami Parlor NOW OPEN! 192 MuhiSt. David L. Ph illips, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Trafalgar Square 310 Main St., Milton Suite 203 OFF-ICi HOURSl Mondas 9 - 6adl7- 9 Wecdnesiay 0-6 Tf-iodas 9-t6and 7- 9 Friday 9 -6 OTIII-,R HOURS BY SPECIAI AppoiNTMENT 878-5656ý