oI1e MÀILTON, ONTARIO, WEONESDAY, JULY 17, 1974 Ti y-Pou Pages-FPitecc Cents E 1l Set hydro route EL straddling Milton Final location ofthe500 kV hydre fie tece Middlepcrt te Picksering was aeeaueced laie t act teni. Tie route wsiich usiti put an ce- determined nancher of larmen eed isomes eut et eperutien has iseee tise cui eet c tash terres, public heariege aed tinalty cabinet ccnsideratcce fer aisout tisee yearc. Tise projeci let estsceated te cos( $360,tW,00t ccd le a key te a ceuwer grid tisai uili cener tise m ain ccad centres en coatiset Ontario aieng tise shoare et Luise Octarie tc leur maujer powter plants, Picisering and Lenncscin tise Ecet. Bruce le tise ecteistt ced Naciceie ta tise coulis- Oneeoftthe major cisanges ie lise route cees tise ecetuseci lice jof scnti us ilcrse Higisusy 25 cuenieg coulis et Five Sideroad insteadeof ceets us it a is n leal propocitions. i cee> rues tisrouagisflicprepeced in- ductrîi ores serts of tise ucisue secticn et Miltoc. Les. wooded 1usd The ucvepted ceaie pusses tiscags more seraisland aed ieccusecded areccandcrse tisecafi tise ecelisen part ot tise Mcohae>k Raceusay peeperty. Tise ceaie usas reviet se il rues roulis ot Hilton Fuite Dace scteadof geînserin tise dam. By ranningcsetit Re Bstes Cisarc isstead ci cnsrt il aceide crcccinglthe Crney, Merry and Gardhsce tarec. Tise Gurdisuse terce iseuever, cclitii ciiced le huit isy tise scrisccit lice. Witel cuclef saime tartes tise ce- ecaird tee ci have c ceai impact on tise Scoch Blocs tiarieg a presscoetereece Mondauy mcoreîng Raton MOI' ced Mieic er oi Govcrnent Services imc Soce cailied lise reaccning hind soute of tise cisanges. Heecired tise 550 font usde rcct-cect stringcoftterssii ccc liscug land tise Towne ci Milton iteede lu dcvelop as indcctrîai tand. Industrial use He vlimcd tise isydro rigsi cf cay van ise cord sy ine dcstrîai tîrme toc dtorage yards. railusay sidiege, oui- cidrclcerag andeiticrauses il and usies iseaial developers mccc itc tisai ceu Heecaidise coutleeno adverse etteci toc ftue industrial use ie tisai accu. Seous noed lise tarin>ersi tise 15ifth Concesso t. lad tried ta1 have the neeih-svouth ice tracn Limehouse sccii tilow lise railsvay lite. Snov vai lise poessiiiy wscnideed but eejected wvien ihai proposai svocld taise 35 pr cent mcore land, extend thse route isy lIc and a thcrd etiles and cccl an additioal $4,000,000. TiMe route >vccid hsave spaeed farters in he secihern part ot the Fth Concession. Show cated ae>et ail oft he cam i he area of lthe nvets scath lîce scîll havis cp ccv> the linc of hydro l>,eerv. lie coied Rrissrd ler- diosue's 200 are far> cav a netaisle eeception le lthe patteern cn lise acea. Tise Fine cil lice lise 200 acre lace> ie hall. Seote caid lie iseped tva ce 100 acre lare> >voîld have coe thac one pole en tise teiddle et tise lare> He claîe>ed tise potes xousld sie vilcaîrd 1,000v tee> apart. Tise Milton trasfome sttonli aiseci 100ace isettoce lise Pecclis and FPus laces and ise isetadcd isy lise CPR tracisaed Gîrî Rdci Thse100 acresetl,>vîde iv ecevîderisi> tevlse chanat ccc erdier tisecgt te ise ceedcd. Tis a n ioge cne about» tisougs chaneges le teviseeicgy aed diccerent drcîgev tisa cearier piaced Tise rocte usli ise aboutl ccl0( lee t a v cts devi poit cisere tise Lieise lice and tise ravI cr01 line cmine and cacn stofeiiric Ave. sIet lise Mislicustaion.c Frec e re use crridors Ieach out, one gcteg le ithe tialîce Staticn let sadis oi ilaselîce Rd. in tise pcepcvcd parsuav islt ccd lise second Fine cos ota Wcedbisrdge. Soc coed lise Btallon station iscd hec» e>eved burIser ceeus ie lise Niish Concesvion te spore markset gardecers se forer Norts lOakis-lle. Tisa> stton cila> vscis aot 75' acces. Tise ctati u wie bcent efthlie Nselis Lîve and Southi et lAwer 11asr tîve Rd , ae rea ectretevcsîellasrnd. Sessu sasd, iSeee îssled lisere ceclitel bse as e>ay single poire as Dr. Solcedtlsadt eevîvsied He ecîrd lise lallîre ps>iec ccvi less, eecrassecIoeecland tise vingle pslrv dîd little t») ishasce lise cecciryside. 3 methods of acquiring land TRANSMISSION LINE route reloased laot week for the nom ratlway and anglin ovor juat weat of highway 25 and south is hydre line frote Nanticoke loi Pickering ic chowe je rod on this that approved by the province. The province also moved the tnap. Shaded areas on the map are green bell areas, The route proposed Milton and Halton stations sltghtly south, Theo digits 1, confortes largely tai that recommended by Dr. Solaedt exceps 2 and 3 indicate Niagara Escarpment crossiegs. The lettor A te for modifications ie the Milton area, The dotted bine indicates the right indicabes the airport. theo Solandt recommendation cehile the solid tine following the "Wl/I be shocker" Youth in Town set to appeal ««No Response reg ion budget facto r « er w otsoftyn aineetMlo teenager ieding ccceneting la do", Dcag Bure ils geicg te ise c sc- te deemine tise regcu n.pcssssiclc itci ier, Milles Mayer Anne evy.1 deemice ceist tise impact Eaeier finis tec i e isad tuselve ecicneees o MacArtsur scsd us cse oc- A torerasi t ofsist tise eeg- ce icceuse te tise ecîepcyee . dccto-doue accced IHue aesing teenagers wvietiser ce onecied on Hulion Hegien's tenal buadget ussîl loch lise usili is ai isis time nt tey were interestcd. Thseresponse sofar as ben liet isudget. cees Milton payicsg $687,394cor Net inanne >ovecoielcssegly urguie. MilIce Council cgreed ut a 8.3 percent et tisc $9,5,000o Neitiser tisetrefional nor tise :m: Prcesocslp Dceg isad spaisen se lis, pcie ccd igs meeting Mosdup te appal bsudget. Milice iscdgct e cocspielc ai echocis cnd conce people seeced interesird. Pal no anc the facter aced lu determie te etilis tisai usill sec msli tis lime. Tise degee ot cam>e. Tisn c s trie ecuaig pacephlets Otili no equatized ossessment toc rates isteîcuse aying transitieeac dcluelc p oncor oued lisee er tise torceer trocs 15.37 milîs tor serts geansstili have e scisiantial .. - Pcecc ccnetisg drastie liappee,' ' ise scys, Nassugamepa Towsnsisip. Ociscilie ta 23.31 tee Naccuga- etteci oc tise tisai lac hbis. - here wcci ibe aey progruce Tise voIcciers uscre a WIiI appeuil ucya. Former Milice teecld Petsice veste alane usili ie -- ditsciseffortcand iduec' Joit liie lis isas usrked. Nuccagausepa hue cucces- puy 19.49 milis le regiesul closecto$,000,O00eclusieof Tishyscyuscclwnitbu hcltiscpused ayting." sc mpalcîr lise buse- services. Esqacsicg 1&8 and uatpci siipe sia r cf cdctiee forer cons Bariegion 15.77 - sts forlthe pcettewyes. mille. lispeeileistu c Thsesameftorlens ei sgced Beccccccofiisetransiter of trieg a meting Mcdcy lgisi Miltos Co cil ugreed t ire ndcce7ocsts to 4rtifacts restored pea a case tisai tise townT owesy Foundations in at agricultural museum White oltfarmcrc may isesefn prepared toc dssplcy ai pccyingtoreusenright now, a tise ploussng mutes cer tise agriceltural mascum site Gereonis is tat nerKeico, construction le Tcve mure etudents, Jaelon jaci geiling iscis osto Hccter trocs Barlscgloe and scisedale usili tise dry Se Pousadiais trocs Camp- uscatiser. Tise ceu usere iselleile, anc usarii tron cenliecaily pompisg usater tise Qceecnc Paris office. Tisep trece tise tocedatian durieg arc taiig sventory of ali tise thseisccvyeraiseaeorinthe e>seces items prnsecilyo0 sce>e>cc Out 000 lise loue- lsoO te viser insittinssi dation collv a-re ep aier sbet cee be s>sc ledcd se tise gecccd leel acdsthegae c estocrvcatalogce, as titi isas iseen iceled coder ccli as dosco otiser resech tise sais floor. Museum andisacksgrounduser. Bp tise supervise, Bois Curpeci edoflthe mentis lisey usiti is reprdts tise steel usons te ielpieg organie tise votiv et isegie soue. ce 1835 ferta isoase and huns Meusmisile ertifuots foc tise le Burtington dosaled le lise isem r eieg fird, uem cataiegued ced crocst- Flues foc tise no"tice rtereeced isy ciadeets os tise macoam site iseve juci iseen agrieutturut micislcy turc ai uppcoeed aed ail lise building Hausiestese, ceun Barrie. and greucd ais sok i ecpected Tisere are fiee ueicecsilp te be fieisised isp Decemiser. stedeets lceised le mueeum Tise museuma mili tises be iecissoiegy ced cutloguisg lureed oser le tise Minlstry cf and fuse isigis cioul cledens Clovecemeci Services, wiiri te iseip iisem. Wises lisy are teilt ursiish and eqaip il, aed cei isy iseepieg mack efthlie Me. Cerperi especis le isegie ucliferis, tisey mork on mocieg atifacis le cometime restorlsg tiseet Bernie are euniy le lise seus year. Munscipal Board se ordr te Land rcqeired toc isydro corridorcs ilise prcsed iseli isy tise Mieistry cf iSovernenet Serv ices a nd Octarie Hydre Tise Ministry usîli isy cend in lise Paeisuay eil witde Ontarie Hydre usili purcisse land outside ofthse Pceisusy Bell. Thee cetiosotpareise. areiscingccsed, the Hec. Jîce Secus bld tise press ut ceelerenesi tris ek f 1) Oetcsgist purcisase usisre rush is gîven toc 1141 ite te tise cend usicins clades ail isecefis usic arc uvuilcisi ce uder lise Expropriation Art. Tise lusd Review town service costs Milton Cococsl %il] revieus tise capital leyvstructure c sis e vieus ta redc>g tise im>pact toc hsome isuvers. As il stands coe Milti chearges $1,205 toc c single bcmily dtoelisg ccd lise rcgioc iss îetpoed ce additîooci 1600 torcvapsital lrvicc Thecicvy isvhaeged agcios i-acisihome biciand iscup- pocctecoercoss o s tendicg ceuser and caler sevcsasteilaovbtetig otiser servisses dcmcodcd et the tococcanrgion. tioder tise ccccly cystece no cep tous neednd ai tiseno cecil ot goveremeet. Secsne cocrcillors tels tise local leey sisould ise redcd te seing tise annotaitwl dlousn front t1,00. ccnelisbeisrentcdsacst the tarmer toc ore dollar ce acre. (2) Wiserc tise turcee usîises la relaie esrip and grantlaneccmeet to Hydre, 75 per cent oi tise price liistuscald isaveiseepuidîiti isadhbeeccld,teiliisc pad the turmer plus iscing pald toc an additîeecl acre toe cucs lcusersitcctcd on tiseland. Foc esace if thlie parcsce peler cas 12,000 ce acre, ceder thie eption, tise ousee cecld recee $1,100 tee eci are, plcs payaient toc teteers. >3) Tise lird mctsod et payecit fo1r ihose teis doi't usuel a cash scitiemeni and teould vrille tee an asea isaulmeni paymrct. Tis teill be hased ce tise carrent hatik rate ofinees plus une- iscitofione per cccl. Fer se- stance, tf us ocer iad 20 acces ai 12,000 pre acre ced recesed $30,000 1cr ai Po Kuen T racemeel tise anicalinse stcllmetusecidibciscsed ou lise cuent rate of siteresi ce>eactisg to cppcesie>atcly 13,600. Evcry lîve yeaecs use lansdcccldibsreolced to isccp payceete inFie Tise came dccl toe lacd appiies usietiser it s pur- cised. or easemecis geaned, tae ruser lise Minsstry oi Gevernet Services se Ontlario Hydre. Jsm Secte alvo poîird oct tisai if lise oceer in vhe Pars cay Bell ushes ea selI is land raliser tisas relui se s>c ish use dtsOdivastages. lise M>inisicy ciii iscy il ail, He ecephisusd uses cocld apply eoly cisere Fisere s ans acereease saler Soc sa>d lise Msosc>ry isad acqused mst ofthlie land toc lise ccc Boece Pars ca agreeabei e>acorr ancd ise leit ong~ haee ctr aduasses. n gedcue Soins ot 10 lots eeparated theh rates andl cge 0 repoces scvcailyearc agc creotedoae o n y g ra e cudb e t a inflated value toc proeriies pi gth isher[eia te tise towshiip and tise scOuat- loe e c astabished. ed value is reBletd se tise Halo Regi Pubi Th rp yad 3h 1 factor, su usas eaggesied. 00cr Commrtee g6t s a gre g uldn fo the îv a paveg MnMi I,-lo ihleya go Tecmmil __ tous Milo ha g the pegue> ta sel or$000 Choose tiret nîgis t ofrefusai. Mlo MarAneMary St. The lete isud espresced MacArthur noird tise totons cresi. interecst te property when garae inicolarge enough te Work may peoced on the V/ Milon oncrdaccpt aereciedeon terirs Ave. le tisalusilihcornedcdltc ev pcograe>ctison otis cth suMtio(cc issvcepbcd 1973. thceicnlrgedssetmcosy, gaseconections and meainc sioe ie isd Mac tetisy ),ilg lavrd cccii and eoai ofiaemv aic a d parkin p ,do kIs brtee>ec ci o meeting Tuesday sugist. A d p r i g lots pnigti etcto The designrrecommeded UueCcSns o eea il iBe ona lenisied toits _ maris rovi, Milo oni *1t thnee seccy insu atis the bat CI orovincial bldg. agreed te see rcsi to arprsn atr su putting a bsasecaofsh tn om the eselter. isu piult on tise rnd atd h so tamd lseuerleemi Tendrs torn cru paring accommedale an additieea urea npt. cls =s sa iip s le a reas ai tise fermer reounty 142cars. Almosl 30,000square Dcpuîy cier Cel B miii risd lein cBc tise administration biliding on feet of soddinf and 30 et Thcmpcsn eeted tise ceci et sisietd toald Bie a murai Sireles Ave., socs tise Ontario icees are aise inccuded le tise tise hase aphisul coald crec, cymbel et a mulai- Goeecment building, wiii Be usons. prohaisly ce aisout lise camne pulity, ced iseous tise sield a ceil60 tisis mecS. Deciged sy lise Miuiscry et as tl etead cent ta matetase mette lLacis ta ibis day". The Gocrene Sevires staff lise coud lelis pecent con-~ K E OGî îh-erodCioogr motte, e feom a poert ecer Jim Ssom, MI.P.P. asd tise crus paring ot le ex- dition.PsU NTN sa ih-erodCieegr 3,M0 peurs nid. Ministr et Gocresmest pecl60 te taise about buse Final usonS eue cotise dose ruiaod jn Japon. She ja cpendieg the outeor on Tise se ulc id teude tise Services oeseuured lise mesiiss te remptete. ccii tise gos ccmpuny vacation with her toacher Karen Coulter ie Milice. chirid ced Bie sueeounded bP a lener cuti IBis useek. The building bouffes tise compietes nts uson. 'Mat PO Kun dss< in er tefl fo th doublte lise ciecte usiicis Specifiratiens cal] fer registey office ou usett as uppaeeetp canif he un -un desd i erkMn o h wuad contais tise sume et tise approsbmuteip gitto square court ecmrn aed supporticg denlaisen ccii tise ctriit~ photographer who caught hor playtng te the moubcipality. fret of uspiseit pavnsg te faclities. settled. gardon with her pet rabbit Pacistec Bell»>i a ila fseehiso ie sv e cocered aboutî peu>ple sis ltse aeeaureeiviscfait-and eqsitaisir dccl He coîrd use laoees liadt tise rîgs> se go le expsropriation Hr coed ail e> tise esghtv ci lise expropriato lice es peop sîrle lu chpdtais coupir l iseieed wlocr le>i th1lie finioe solt wold ise spn nexpro priation,1 'Mlilton Ma vor Anne cnenalsoit people lietisg clos eed lise oie% lair ceiisd >050i be te biseso >1 of lise pcepiele lcruanta ish lise gos ereeecl bacyer se tisai snedcc* s eillefo beteler ~isits lishe s» is>-ear cld Po issrTong goctt4Dsitse. Restaurant se Mlton >1 issci sich le isavce a f aste oi tise Cistse focd s le taIS in lise esish Peler Hem aed Toîlyhet» Asîleeve isn er ma s sise graseflY wes iser natsise Jîpaeee ksimono the ceisola PoeKcr iscsscc>ssirîne- lod asdsan feiendv as Kie> is >se,,sssv Mislton ti» sm easa gestvl hier ironiser Karens IColter. Sise s Cisee,isav>egiseecisoresen Hong Kong.ibutisacs lishr aisole Fle se Japoc Fîceetil isisgcal in Eegivh aed Japacese. Pv Koco at tendese bcSel Maris Inerneatioeal iSeisol in Koee Japae Sise isrgaot leacoc FEflish ,hen cshe ecteed iideegartes. Sse is jus( fi>sisced grade use. LiSes pecesi bolier Karee wactv Pc Kcen ea have as man), typisai isacadsas eliperiecces as sisc cai e serlîrd aithlie day campaiW. t. DicisScisoiand laissv part en cil tise ctivities >lceg lests the cclest liste cildren >0e> assed usiat she lised >1>00> abocut Canada shisesepiied, I clicu aed îqesckly added tI use slîscyhig. espersaill tise reace> botster. Prooci ssvsed lise Lsdoe o Octe lecceoc thie cees. And sise didiit isave Ciiese feod. Peter and Tony i reatcd iser t0 a bsig diss ot eold ice-ceam!s Karen and hec isad bathistcachineJapari Witieon a usorld tour tiscy dccided Japue usas usisre tiscy teoeid selletfor awite. Karen laise doagsier et Me. ced Mes. D. 0O'Connor of 38t Moue- taisvietetDr.and Lee is frc Accora. Lec ieccies ai Sisois clemece Cuilege le Japan. liclore cnturnief le Jupes Po Kuen wi 1go ona 1b usees camping tn p te Halifax mush Karen aed Lee. Vol. 114 No. 12 j