6 Thse Canodian Champion, Milton, Ont., Moni., June 19,1974 SpecRIa Present Ioolk at Soviet sport system For lise paiî tr'rer umnis imbu Frer prens sports edlitue tenus t.iisbous and Itoe Iuldeis.cihainnantherpsy!cal edncaiion deporîmnent ai .irluu Itigis irisuot ond coch nI tise Nortis BIallon Ilarnirs Tracil (lois have heen sludyisg lise Soniet syttemtaisportland psicolredurotiunoa Moseun 's laous lostilite nf Sport and pisysin1iculture. Tbeynwerrpart ofa genup) nf li. pont grad sludeuts. trocisers. coachses and rerreatin dincetors trontsein tosado andithe Fasnrn t.S. vooonk ad- s ont a grofthse siod% touraîtfeed i.% l, olo tnisersiis's Initlocui orîunpariitc Phî sirai Edocallitn indter lise dlirectinn ut île. Ed inos. Tise siodi tour, th irs rt ils bled oi tbe ora ut sport and plicsl edoeaiunoas sanctiosni it Sotiet outisoritirs trader tise tern, ofthe u'adui-'SSiR tenrales- chounge agenmnnienisigedblt Primer Sinnsr Trudieuu and Premier Rouygis in 19ua. subite lu Mlosco. participants recrlecrtures and frctcat instcruion leuînluop Sotiot proîrîsors and courbes doilv andmwereutee talauhaslt o utural eseàus lise tise SoIli Ballet. 'Vinscr. Cinruiand Mucat, SimPbuon os usSO tbe.So% let goserenîmni during tise etscoinfs. oui . ilue ii apprinatcli, i0 partii'iants uh., roncnlroted lisein stsdy of libe oini sricslific appruoch tockey. utile srce juislid tise regolor sîndy grone obisis atiord bis tu visit ninmesitory osd seraitdrs schimis ni Nisoo. esomine sports cluis tailOtirs and have pnivate in- trciros nis top soviet coachses and olitlr on lits spreciaily. trucks and field. F ced son, coaris uf lise Stanley Csp' ichamcpioniiliîîioletpisi Flyes. Bon Hyan rracb ufthe 'Sco lugtasd Misaiens, ansd top ritiegrcio'ches tike nuis Souchser ut Si. ini 's ai lilitas Juohn Molseis ut iîhigan ici anîd Bois Crocher ut Penn Oiece poil ni tise bna'koy slody goup, white tise regular siuds grup isclnded former i ,uiii iii îuîîi truck numpetilur Bruee Rîdd %%ho iv preseilsN îuakisg a comeisacis. Orovi' soik part i lnu ciiy ments in 'llilsu uciainitirssrace and pacing righih li aî field ut 19 ni a 10.000sirtre nonsl tise cound ai mein itadium. Ths ures ceaiers of lise Multon thompiso. i.rurgetnul isîdependent otd hrhuî Free Prou miat cnad about nisal Mn. Siscio .îisscnsrd. vhile fture edktins ut tise tisceeltilti pubiationiis nill caircý stunies on rdîîron. i. avi oeil lield. colturai Ile.' etc.- rl NMoscoe risi liris and nruce cm iiiiiiig ibei .îiseiiotiuni. ALL EYES more on tise ice mises ex-Natiunal Ceont stars 11ke Veniamin Aioxondrav, Vladimir Vikuiov sud Aleksandc Magnlia demonatrueed Stusuion proctice drills alose mitis Prafcorn Gulikus and Koulýov and top junior playero trom Muncom. Flyer coch Fred Shero sud scribe Denis Gibbons match ottestîvely. Ki7btidè' win'ners jrl fielId Eîght ora sehuris heud o track ard filin ît ai i iniorîir Sellant for the tirai ,lostarris Itiprrrcitcd.it the Denyrs. ilhîr. cri-a Ferry W, Mccci' Snîdrr'v. Paieýms. and i'mphrliviiir Public Scsocis, Rîthcîdr a the ai croC points wmnner ai 5e nset Ocre arr the firvi. second andutird plachrîihrs i cacvr,,nt'> .7u gist m e u. OSnidnn mS-C iti . hors 50 mo Jen (W.tOD),OBirushoi.ri Onu .9 irl. motu soi ir s-Koit ..,rla.'. Ons 1C Pociri Kim)ol aiars. us bonhsi Oc Bi .o .) i. (Fai.o vîrio horsats n O h,.) Honni î i cash omis.) Snth iiîrr Kin. Sieron in (ir.) 1ashors boyiTmn, Ba. Grey orvA.Dit l'uare Bidg (K), on Ke i i rrm Octl, ren Jonsi Oiiiog paii)nO coins nion i i.P s s tere T.iPt.), Coary Joolok hoF . Co),Se riom Ca i. 20 SM$ Opn tor. pc Os en OiC. hnd Coco eiini thrda o hor us OinsM. nd iiie. Joilis (Sit..o ui re Wn n !s t o e isn. iO-iia ise.er ( ' Koaren . Pore nSai) tomone Anderaso (K-Uitl. l'union), cotteur n stnr. iO') ( 0 ons Oheinr Ji ewmaon ri., JiuioeFronos, iriBI 10-. Girl Rvisa irv iu Coilride iw ee noooetiJ. 0..) t-t hons.12 Mou Onss e mue sioc OuOuoit à no vîot Î i o et tndlteiOu Pi.LO G JCostM i.iOi J- inno JShele Noichlo ila-plu omit, mn arotise nna.). 4ll, sas, Vodrnii ti Cu'Into dem 1i-I, ;1 0-lu W iris Otrena Tnton tuai ia ter1 va n onte (Saut), Caeis Aoli Bi. 15-b Do.), Steins sie. tonil. Ionk 00m îo.sn.n.î oS.i , nn t itout., P.W.Mi.t S nolyno intru lis C oys, in d on Pa g4 i m day SIMON BENHAM jumpo bis atanist lu tise boys' long jump doring tise puiblic ochool rack sud field meet held ast meek. Simn, rampetisg foW.. Dick, mas lu tise t2 sud user age ciaso. (Phsotos by S. Dilint UP AND OVER, Janice Simmona of lbride clears lthe cross bar aiC the bligi jumr pita. Sase was competing in thse 10- and 1o-year-ocd class aitthe public school rack and field day beld last week. Shero studies Soviet techniques 'wants series against PhiIIy "G1f(ET A [OAD 0F THIS". Instant Concrete Fnesh and Full Strength Frorn 0cr Mobile Unit Aise Concrete Sand & Gravel, Bagged Sakrete Concrete Mix. Mortar Mix Sand Mix, 45 lb. 80 lb. 901b. Bags, Wasbeo PIay sand in 80 lb. bags, Sonotube for Easy Concrete Forming, Plastic Pressure Pipe, Clay and Plastic Drainage Pipe - Portland and Masonro Cernent - Sakrete Tnp N Bond - To a Feather Edge MICHAIL'S BUILDING MATERIALS LIDO 3547 No. 25 Nwy. LER. 2, Oakvifle 827-2575 formsation for bis omn use. H e mot an enenstr gud iO ambassador ton Canada and Ibe NHL in porcular. He mats avoulable lu tlti hocisey or ansmen questions oltiser front tan Rossions or membon utf our umn gnou p anytime ol lise day and he did il minis piteneut and sin- cerîty.« Thone mere nu isushoffu on taom- bing gostures. When daiiy prognons nometîmen isecame disorganinod, ho ap- pnecialed tise ditficuity on guides meno isovîng and mas nul reody taoisisi top as saine did. Feedis attractive mite Marintte oas cons iotoiy tlerant ut tise omount of linsr ber gusbond mon devolisg oocis day lu hockey taib. tant o meek after tise cimse nf a " Tbisnman Obhenu)lau tise greateut guy in tise MIL ioday," ue group leader De. Ed Enos conftdd lu me. "iA lot of tan otaer corshes oouidn'l givo yu tise lime of day." According luo nos. ony AI Arboun of lise News 'o'unis Ianders ansung tise eagne's 15 aitber coachs iad even caltod bim lu oss for infornsation on tise study tour lu tisucoo. Arbour mas turced lu cancol ouI aI tise lait minute because ut draft meeting obligat ions. And nons Fred Oberu is bock hsome in Piliadelpisia tue a cent, but ynu cona bot il FMyn, estoblish themoiven os tros wnntd cha mplions ina Suitooit Win a of tise Soito etrot Anmy rom ins mihsbi. Ho lu confident tan minis onotiser yenr of preratflon kitetnm mud min, ynl fuiiy ot. th. ptentiol of Ruonion teomn. Unlike Harold Ballord, ton instance, misu tisoofit iselhod conqunred tise mnnid mheo bis Toronto Msriorns edood tise Wings, minus snvon of their hent ploayern 5-4 otter seing outsisun 48-20 ait Christmas nime, he reolinns ut in a motchup minis tise Wings ise mould honnits control tise tis of Aoisio, Leisedev ond Bodonov, aimne misics otmun mode o shismis uf tise Gilbsert, Hodfleld Ratetin unit thn bost timte aoumd, foce tise Soviets' second tisat goalie in Sideinihus and ho testod isy four noms mnmiseru ut tise Nonionol toam Kupuntin. Rnpnov, Kunnet- sov and Klimuv. Decomisor t975thupefolly mill ho tise dote for suris a serins pruviding of course, tise Flyers ropoat at Staniny Cup champions. If dedicution and bard munis rsat onisynls and tisey osuoiiy do, lise Flyes isiy miii repet and Norts Amnnican hockey (ans couid ho troatnd to an isternationol neriet thol mootd rival tan '72 joust for ns- citement. by Deeis Gibsbont Written eseintinnly fnn Obe Canadien Chsampion, (Genrget.m Indnn ondfocunm Fiee Piest lCarînosnytuclsemisonsould be mineroisie mithout t. " "One usnould nul becume o coachs iscause "ise con", but isecause "ise muni" m ords mode fumous by UCLA isaskhli ronsh John Wunden. obo produced seven stra igist NCAA champions and sa geneeolly nnganded as the dean ut North Ansericon oches in any WundLen's mords, I tuund ul, one in- sribed on lise beant ut Piitdoipiia Fiyee coacs Fred Obero. Jusi one ooek atten bis greatest hockey sucros. runcising an ex- pansion bons lu tise Stanley Cop cbans pîunosiip ton lise tinst lime in isistory, Fred tieru travetird lu Moscons alun g nita99 otiser Norts Amnericon coacheos and students misen be coutd have iseen isasking ib te Bermuda son or deep-seo fisiig oft tise Fiorida coasi. Why' "Orcaune I necded lu isuon mono aboat hockey and I botieve tise RUSSinas kno mure about isockey thon anyone else in tise uortd." rplied tise ronsh ut tise Stanley Cup champs oben the question mas pnsed hy a Moirons Radio reporter during o special press cunterence aI lise Muncuns ,inucnoiti' Club test Wednendoy. Tise Ftyer mentor mas aise os a ponsonal nsissnion. "-I hupe tisaI if me min tise Stanley Cup agoin sent yeor." ise tnld tise gnuup ut Soviet journatisti "yuur bonI club bans ooutd be înterested in ptoying o ere againit nsy teans." cachier. Fred isad tntd mony ut un tisai he coulý not cnsidcr the Fyers true mortd chamnpions util tisey baid beaton tbe Soviets' boit club teons Tbe possiiity ut o sin -game sorien nsalcbîng tise Ftyers and Numbor l in tac Soviet Union (This yoor il ooutd bave boen lise Shîngi ut tise Soviet, Wo upe tise Centrai Acnsy Sports Club) had= tnhes nubjeci ni a discussion bolocen Fred and iîgla officiais ut tae Soviet Ire Hockey Federolion a fr0 dayn otter me aecîved i Moirons t mai Sitting in tae lobby ut tae Hotet Neptune, rosidence ut the ist junior simiers in Moscons and or hsomn for dureer oreki, oben I tinst leorned obout Sberus mseeting oitis the Rusiins' top ire bucisey brass Fred and Dr. Rd Enos ut Montreal's Loyua University more suitl feeling tise ettecis ut tise tansos Russîun steOm bots vodka iveicone lhoy ieod becs trnoled bo eal ntise evening. miser tbey anris'ed bachoat tise Neptune suIs one ut nue tour guides. "j've never gne trugsauytbing ikoîi hetore." Fred tatd me. "Fiesi thero mas a sten bats. Ibten o dip in a roid pool. tisen lbey slaeted troding us vodka. alter tisai more steans Thon they brougisl ouI the cognac. I tisougisl or wece hinised se 1 slarled lu put my nolises un oben insu go,'- gnobbod mn by the orms and tunk me oseýr tu a masage table. Tisene tan y ns poundîngbhell'not of m bckOOd asjg isur il fr11, Weil il bort lise bit., bull1 didn'l have tise une lui tell 'cm!" Tur ircainsent dîd nul. huiscrer, kcop tise Flyr leader Irons gettîng arrois bis requent toc a serins iotuecu lise top riais teansso ut cuntrien or irons suggeshing tisai tise iostu cunsîder uituming saime ut 'leu, top players lu play lu Nonsh Ansecica tue a year or buo. "Tbey îndîrotod lboy migisi lot playors ise Alesandror and Ragulîn. uhuse ptayîng doyn minis the Matorai tesa are uver faite a obiel ai ytayivg in tise MOL," 'ced td me. The previous ofternoon Fred mas sitting bîgin tise seots ufthlie Sokuiniki Ire Future andl ansung ailler tisougis dceamîîîg ahout bombe mouid get tise CRA (Centrai Arnsy Sports Club) cees) off tise sweaten qienandrosoimaing andcrpePir with aminged "P"oanduorangeoandhblack teins Alexandra%,, ynîî ire, eve ai ther ago ut ait-phu mas situ handting tise purs uske ico NHL players con. in tise opinion nf tise Ftyor rconsh. OSnerospoketurtbernutis admiration ton Oussian hsockey toctîrs and bons they hied betped tise Flynes go ait tise may in tortores ho delivored attse Instiltot ai tise requost ut tise Russianisu oene evey bit as annxinus lu teoru about MHL training systenta os vie oerr aboual l coc thisms. Wbitle lise otiser 15 MHL clubs acre iuttumîng the utd "taike tise purk bohînd >nuc net" systens. tise Fiyers. h bonptaired, odopted tise Russian systes ut quîrk crouler-attaris. moving the paris quickh, lu a man lu tise open inntead ut wovving îaiuabte lime. Otiser Rassian drills, altiougs lhoy boetîftted tise bans in the long con acre mars mure dificuit lu inlrudurr. Fred oirlainedowithahituofbamo A sisiohng drill be isad seen tise Soviet National team osing duringa nomurt tise U.S. drem unly comptaits mien finonunced at o Flyee Pracp90.iIdoddluptoacspre forth lepayenrr lu gn lisnt ud l ho noid. 'Tie minn egts lise mouny Iben guet ogaisstlthe gala la the enid uth lieprcice. If ho boots him i out ut S ise keeps lise moey. if nul il's tise gualies." Tise instancemais just one ut many Obenu osed lu noptoin tison altisougis lise Soviet hockey meths are encollent, apptyiug lisom lu prufessionai bockeoy in North America mbene ptuynrs are isauiinp home munny in mbnelbarros sa quite a dîfferent question. "Wiiat is incloded sn a typicotI Piitdolpisia practice?" osked une Sovint Ire Hocey Feratiun officiaI durîng a question and onsmer poriud "Teoisrst tbinglIdo," ncplied Siseri "is coal tison a luone corner 91th lisce misere me kid cacis otbnr a bit and tell a1c joklas lu tunsen Op. Tison I asis tisen il lbey'd tIkle to dosntmemors. If tbey nay yeo, mientant." Tison "if" caunod lise grup ut FinIt Division cochses in tise lecture mnt. sn- ctoding Merited Monter ut Sport for tise Soviet Union Stanisiar Prtusiov, nom, a coachs mitis DynaoSuports Club tu break ap tougbing. Our conclusion Irons ibis mas tisaI there prnisobly are o sucs tingn an "ifs' iRussian bockny and ibal oben Anatoti Taraou ocote ut ployers iseing nosponded for a yeor for smoking, be nsasn'l hîdding. "Wisot are conditions uske for Conodiao pro playens," osisodosoîber Hassian coacb. "Weil lbey're boootifot." rýeptied Sbero. "Tbey're moking nu mors nsoney iisey don't snoo misaI lu do cils il. Conspiete isealtk ruverage is poid isy tise NHL, tisey canlotaUniversity inutbeutf'neauon and tisey ve guI sucb a nlong players' asnociation tisaI you ranit fine lison!' Soviet otficiois in acounter question period on tise titiller bond enplaited tisai oa ut their players aiso baie riber occupotions and aitisougis tbey rereivr saine moteriai benetits, lisese are toc ibrîr aciîvensents ot their ploce of munis and nul for ptoying hockey. Tise onsmer dîdult quile digest mitb ait ut us, bot il opporentty bon bren guud etougs tor lise lItrnational Olynspic Cunsmittee over tbe cers. Cocheos frons ibe Croirai Arnsy Sports Club. Dynomo and Sporlas oere a nurpnînedltoen nst NtiLees du ltlle but celas and play golf durîng lise off-neasun. "Soute gays start ia ircn about Augunt 15,' Oberu added. "but nsst isens arrivr in camp about trioa 12 poundn oserorigsi" Thr Soviet National team ns ntr mili relurn Irons tise Olacks Sea cesuc ocra nsbere tboy are nur voc tioning on Juty 1tr tersýerins againsi lise W A oC-stars v Soptensbor and Octuser. Ater nsx 'criss ut meigisi training and off tise ire cunditionnnt lbey oi taise tn lise ire about tise second ooeb ut Augusi and il. s aiso ieerd, ailiugs nul cuntîrmed play sonse oarmup ganses in tise Soviet Union beore cunsîng lu Canada, Orptensbor 15. Sisen odmittod tisat Canodiens could altou teen Irons tise Soviet systens ut tnaining couches misicis catis toc candidates tooattendnscbnuioand wcite eomintins beoue boconîîng quotîtîrd "Craches in our country are nul con- i.iderednsasteesntfanyising." be soîd "lu tact tbr cconsidered dumnieina lttot canes. tl t manîrd my son lu get same cracking hock hume I'd sendi bis lu o igi nchuntao urteecoach, onl lu a peu." Aba Fred sons in Muscons tisaI pantîcutorti inlerosted bisn ocre demnn ntratirns otrtt.seasutiesercinestfor goal- tenders. Wr sol and ootcbed Andrey Ciinius' bachup golie fur Sîngi ut tise Soviet go ihenugis 60 rs sis-sarpening eneccises onr day.nsoslofttbens perfrtuned mils nntisinf more tison a tennis hait. Mony ufthIe ou thr îcr drills ise isd otccady ued orattleosi vcru. Nevectisern'isc olorsed tacen caretrlly and by tise lime ibey oece compieted roi otready snjggnntinf moyn in ohics tisey vruld ho made even more et- tective. Tise Rossions oece atroyv ai- tentive obevever ise spose, Wr fol tise feeling lbey bctd a loi ut respect toc tise mon miso mas abler tr stop "Pheet Espusito" and "SohbbyDOre" wobotsare atnsst national bennes amung Soviet youngnters incined to honckey. On tise irgalise side. Fred con ser detinile ivrobuesses in tise Raîvian detensive sysiens. Scores ut ganses obre hibrrteamibaie taitied in doubird figures, but stiti attord tive goals outd irons lu support isslhrrry. Our Runnion teclrers lisenseis es crvceded tisaI tisey have nsact luta r oeras ut checising and par- ticuiarty hndvvhecbing. Ilii nsy personat footing ibot Fred Siscru boy s' reiay te,'ii oisr t50k busce tîrsi placr îhons. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Grave Anlcun j Pavsh Hall jHAISSNGAPOnLCM? "AL-ANON" Meettounevr Tisarsdap 8.21 pi.. Ormce Anglican Parlis Hait Main, Street, Milton Do xrui have oeatv îith a Oc n k in pruislcn ? brou rissn. Airfare, ire cnstn and pruossionai tees oitl bo poid isy tise Associa- tion. And lhoy olsu sait bis wn otessitnaI roues tu attend Revin's is Mou Con- pontler Revis oi just puy bis on resîdenre tees. Others espected b hoe tisone ore Toiler Cronston. Rommse and Lynne Nighstingole, top riantes un Conodion figure sbating creres. Heood coachs are Mes. Rîten Ituriso and Mes. Lundo Brourisman, mils invitrd speciotints teum Canada and Europe. Kevinibsaocuuple of monta off frnt shating proctico rigist nom an loatnties up bis yoan. an B .nil. Thon ist off tu SI. Thoumas for oigist meeiss aI skating sellunt thoee Aller o roupie ut dayn ho boads meut for tise training seminor. Ho skates nom mils tan Hamilton Stoney Creois cois. Tse Parknen live i n Acton beore mnving tu lise Camp- bolliville aires. POHes bo bck lu Ambon an ganst shator aI carnival Simo Rovinussoney encitgd about boung însitod nu juin tan 4f atiern siasoto tueiis veny speciat training. yM4 MILTON GPTIMIST 50-50 Pan tisemo!15h ci ute KEITH LESLIE M6Bitona d Rent ilti from 22 1Mi St., Milton 878-2351 DAILY RATES onrl. Sproodon 1.50 Lanrosler 2.00 Rototillon 12.00 nIon sander end odgon 9.00 isea tandon 3.00 __________ Pinge cant 2.00 Aok tonten Sait is 4.00 not litted Drills 3.00 Hoai'iy and nsooily i'Idgotrinsser 6.00 rotes aoaiiakin. tonsppop 5.00 taplogcons 1.00 Boit___ otteron 3.50 00 atocl îan Petithold diggon .4 and ky shoptanpoe Laun nmone 6.00 tomvs, is anod Semon aogon 2.00 Posodnioer 1.50 scsor. Rogoshompoone 2.50 WINE CHEESE ÇOe<oo Lis. $1,.90 BEER CHEESE Lis. $1.90 CGNAC CHEESE Lb $1.99 KARINA CHOCOLATE BARS MILK CHOC. * MILO BITTER * GRAPE-NUT MILK *MOCHA CREAM *ORANGE FILLING CHERRY FILLINO * LEMON FILLINO STRAWBERRY FILLING. L3 FOR '1.47 Special 3 POR'1.09 KARL 'S EUROPEAN MEATS & DELICATESSEN 136 MAIN ST. 878-3388 Seminar honor for Kevin Parker ikotors in Canada are gotting tugoliser at a training seiari Bruiish Columbiia, and Resus Pocher ban bient askrd bu portiipotr. ots eaI bunue for the 12 ycac-oid soler. wo tives ai R . H 1. CampboOivdte and attends Beoubvitte scisoat He baos on seses gald medats in tise last 100 ycars and bas coeoui un top in cvery rumpetition ise mntrrel lttry. The Canodian Figure CSkahng Association bas jusi Fairview takes f irsts Fairiier' srhrri othirtes Tis a Crlins, Raren Moiun and Churb Mryrrs aS] potin top noirs efforts attse MNist [tlton Senior Puhtîr ihrot icd day ai Ointarir Scisuol for tis ea ioln Mltur lail Thorsday. Tino trrb top hrrres sn the julo gil5 shot putl ris a ibrea ut t'2 moieres riie Meyer on the vainc eseni in itcrnsdiotchboys'runs- prhrnv rb nec Krenovtile junsped OS3 mteinteintermeduole ginls' claisifiration ro taise top place