RESIDENTS 0F HALTON Centennial Monor were the recipients ofa 5Ca. lor television, The Manor Auxlliary presented the TV ta representatives of the residents' council during the annual manor dinner last week, Herb Read, adminiotrator Stan Allen, Community Services Chairman Dave Coona and Mro. M. Dwyer and auxiliary preaident Mrs. Lillian Hopkins are shown bore, Mr. Read and Mrs. Dwyer are co-presidents of the resi- dents' council. (Photo by B. Bu.rttl RETIRING STAFF MEMBERS of Halton Centennial Manor were hon- ored during an annual dinner held at the Manor bost week. Cook Marg Stocer and nurses Muriel Ross and Ells Peddie received gifts o honor lte occasion. They are shown with administrator Stan Milen. (Photo by B. Burtt) Annual Manor dinner honors Tise anna Halton Cen- tennsMenerdinner ohonor renirtng staff membrs and retirttg memisers of tise Board of Managementt was hetd aI tlWMannr Wedoesday evening. t)oring the evetnn Mms John HopIiio, prent ent of the aonttry presenîrd a cotor televinion to Mes M. Dvyer and Herbtiead. Tbey are co-presidents ni tbe residents' counicit Tbe aasxitiary vorss in many svays to asist residents and provide fonds foc lacitities nol otiseesise avaitable. Retiring nurses Mes. Moriel Ross and Mes. Etta Peddie alossg wils coob Mes Margaret Stover ocre bonored and presented sits Boardoîemhers Retiring board membees Les Preston and Bob MvCuaig received guIfs lcom Milton Mayor Ainne MacArtbur and Regionat Cisairman Allan Masson cespectivety. Peter Machs oI AvIon scas among tbosetleaving tbe Fine Furniture 1 SMILTON =ý PLAZAC" retiring board ni management last year but was absent trom tise dinner. Preston spohe of tond memories of tbe couoty syntena ai Enneroment. Soi McCaaig, a former reeve oi Milton, exptained ise bad missed being a part oI the councît but suggested tisaI aller tathing ta Ibose now on counclfor an heur, bcwasn't sure be didn't min the last rîclion. Specialgurots Commun îty srie visairman D)avid Con was staff master oI ceremoniet daeong the eveniog. Among Specal gueuts attending tise dinner ocre MP Terey O'Connor, LiseraI candidate De. Frandt Pilisonis, Saris Onow, wiieof MPP for Halton Eant Jim Snow, home pbysician Dr, Ivan Hunter and Heris Soane a epresentative oi tise Ministry ofSocial and Family Services. Memberu oI regionat counit and teic mives aI- tended atossg îvitb severat statiers tram the Manor. The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., June 19, 1974 BIS Canada Week '74 stimulaâtes pride House in flood area A variety of social and cultural festivities designed to stimutate p ride in Canada and fester dialogue among Canadians wiii highlight Canada Week 1974 which opens Juoe 24 aod climaxes on tihe Couotry'snoational holiday Juty t. Tise weeis sponored isy tise Canada Committee, a. couotry-wide orgaoizationofa memisers of business, pro- tessional aod cultural groups committed t0 tosteriog Canadian uoity. Themne nf the cetebration is "Canada - Thins ahout it!" In citien, taons and villages from Newfouodtand t0 Britiss Columisia, cetebrations wili onclude paraden, concerto, folk fetials, art andessay contests, speciat displays, pageaotn, sports esents and i ANSWERN 1 SERVICE OCONFItDENTIAL *COUSRTEOUS a PESRSORAI IZED0 878-2020 FOR VEAUS LAWN-BO0Y It almost nover needs a tuile-up! 21" Model 8232 SELF-PROPELLED $21995 lOTIE GARAGE Yoar Lawn &Gaden Ega pseos Centro For Comploe Sales & Service Hwy. 25 S as ilsitanesa Rd, 818-3912 FORD RENT-A-C AR SYSTEM ANDO BOBCATS * METEORS IN STYLE For Carefree Motoring Pleasure .. . For a Day! a Week! a Month! a Year! Drap in and check our Ecanomny Rates. - SPECIAL WEEK-END RATES - * COURIER PICK-UP TRUCK * F-100 PICK-UP TRUCK 12 FOOT VAN ALSO AVAILAULE many otiser activities. AHt Canadians willise encoarageit te Sly tise flag and wear tise Canada Wees emistem. Jnoing wits tise Canada Committen 10 assare scceu ni tise Weeb wilt Se a large otooher oI social, basiness, vîvir and cultural organiza- tiens arosn tise country. Tise weeh long ceteiseation is onder tise honorary chsair- No government agency can Stepben said therboanrsna mansip nI tise Prime strengtlis in our diversitY, iseoisegltresponsibteafor istrtmw olloiha utin tiseregilo nat Mioister ni Canada, tise ten tisaI our differences cao con- ftodigtiaocredMy1 omOodpioadit provincsial ePremiersuand trInhale 10 nastroog anid pro- acorts b Murray Stepse, subject t0 future tlooding commnssner nitis Vuso octie uity if ar eneat anager of Hatton antit tise cisannelioatinn of tise and Nortisoest Territorien. renolve is ntrong enougs, ne Region C onservatlion 16 Mite Creeis completed. In orging Canadians te cao maise of Canada a Aathority. participate actis'ely in country ohich will satisfy oar Otepisen was mritiog t0 tise ___ Canada Weeis, P rime deepent waspi rations - Ration Regionat Coanci in Minister Trudeau said: "In a country wierr. iuman v'ataes eepty t0 a qaery aisout -Cianîpion classiieds ovîti mortd in thetisroes ofnoemany arc respected, misere every. damage done t0 R. Kinra's iselp yoo boy, seil], cent or tragicoupieavas, it lsîm- one van sbre asense ai honmeon Woodward Ave. in annoonce. And they're portant tb realiar tisaI soc national pride and porpose. Milton inexpensise, ton. See next week's Champion for full details on our big weekend of fun: "THANK-YOU DAYS" ON MILL ST. - MILTON What's it ail about?" Sorry, you'Il have ta wait See our full page ad next ...... Mr