Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jun 1974, p. 27

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The Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. June 19, 1974 83 Whon ju a pion flot a pion? Thse Ontario Gosornmont in- troduced itu Toronto-Centrod Rogion pion in 1970 and aince thon it hon dominated planning discussions loeatty many limes. Among the objectives of the plan mas ono la limit growth in aome areas. Norths Halton waa largely placod in nope 2, an area which tise thon treasurer, thse Hon. Charles McNaughton said would havo iimitod growth but "Our in- tontion is bo provont largo scalo dovolopmont and oxcosaivo dainage to tho onvironment thore. " Localiy politiciana bogan 10 foot tho thrust of tho provincial plan whon cortain approvals were sougbt, although tho plan ilsoîf was novor formally adoptod. it waa apparently for guidanco whon proposals woro boing viowod by provincial officiais. Pressure currontly within the provinco for housing and par- ticularly cisoapor housing, bas led tho province nom lu apparontly ignore thoso gromth limita wbich mero considered so entrenchod at one lime. Nom the presauro is la open up more land as quickiy as possible in a hope tho market may bieflooded and land pricos roducod. Halton His counicil mas told, in offect, last woek tisaI insun effort 10 apeed up housing construction the population limits would be removed. It mas also indicated la tisaI council that somte overloading of sewage plants would ho allowed as long as the municipality wao committed 10 a new plant. One of tise significant Ibrusts of tise Ministry of Housing in ita aI- tempt 10 get more iots on the market, ismi reducing thse lime lag required lu clear provincial deparîmontf; for approvals. Il is interestioj in tise ibt of known,, delays ent7ounterecSnthe past. For instance, growtis beyond a certain limit for Milton ta depen- dent on tise ability of tise Sixteen Mile Creek 10 accopt lise treated effluent from tise sewago trealmont plant. Studios undortakon lasI yoar on the streami have not yel been reieasod apparently and tisaI delays availability of land in this ares. Hom long aucis reporta asould take for tise Ministry of tise En- vironment me don't know, but me ocertainly suspect tise resulîs must be availablo somembore by now. Wben construction limes for aucis trealment facilities are addod la report limea, il becomos a malter of yeas beforo tise second phsaseo0f development can become evon a posaiblity. Tise pressure for bouaing and tise abandonmoent of aI lest aone of tise guidolines of tise Toronto Centred Region Plan have tofI anme confusion in Ibis area, wisicb ta yet lu ho ctarified. Esquesing, for instance, dovetopod, ils Officiai Plan mils anlme roliance on tise goals 0f tise Toronto Centred Region Plan. Dovolopment of plans locally bas nom been made more difficuit for local officiais mils tise province's rojoction of eartier principtes. Speaking attse introduction of tise Toronto Centrod Region plan thse Hon. Darcy McKeougs, tison Minister of Municipal Affaira, bold officiais: "Tise province intenda 10 use Ibis concept as a set of roference points in considoring officiai plans, officiai-plan amendmenta, propusala for suis- dividing land, and any otisor ap- plications submitted for approvat. Il mould seemn reasonabte 10 expect aIl sucis proposais la ho consistent mils tise Regional Development concept., Witis tbl giYow2s kctoils reduoved ne, ,mwe Woder if tise plan is no longer a plan. NORTH AMERICAN ROCK- WELL'S Milton plant is currently growing 10 double ils size. A 72,000 square foot addition iforeground) valued ut $3,000,000 bas been added ait lise wesI end osf tise original plant for expansion of tise boaf spring operation. Rockweltcs Oshsawa pIlant mutl soon ho closed and some of tise Oshsawa omployees wiii ho transferring la Milton 10 mork in tise oxpanded plant. (Phsoto by S. Dilla) Philosobits By Edish Sisoope Di4 cîou b eau asbout tise uisouck * tctcow obose csp lsoattc came o obîte e %ass ssactssîg aitie bosstation'c Trous may ise clear as s bell, theîotly trocuble is, il isn't tlrd. We sali be campietely Selisish cîi the seose of10iy tckssg people obes bec bo somethisngtococusand peosde us virlîîn- [tîtamssest adospitlat rlecd u ot isd of specsat stalos osts peopeoro ast tsîsllcpcess. Il seasyto become peopeo tabe wslboul gcog andlisr gonolosg otisees toi, 00e Oos ends. me use people wsieo 55e conscer lbt lisem îotcv iserase tisere is rio one else ascastaisie Aoy lcseod- ..bîp oîsi basîse coosists oflgivise as oeil as taisg i is a tco ay etiosip tb iooluaisinteeests andconsideealsonssEseot obroen casi maisepeopledo misat or 09301 lise esd resait issoeceesaisfyioe and bhey sooldssosee salsce aeosutto use tem. Wr sbsîsld atoays eememrbee tise Goldens Rate on lrenodis as oeil as eveeyday sleaiogs, tDolutin otisees as you would hvse lbem ds unolscu. FORi SsiLE -Oecross, oe canot carry iîlsîtas and keep ipot thse orld and ils yptle lIse talient. bas Isers iddeî toc l'ar ic tis. d if peacticed a wite. 110, buostt'eofsîliimrlosstessseresee îssd so %%li«r, lcsrgscllesabsout close items are1 tl il lsieniits os *Negltecl SI sioio lcclcicliic c bu 1ii ilcîcîlîc ý,~îî peinc rd, a,stout il le:stts ist tics le oo moolis aller lise occasion. Anyway. 1 gos one cait oo my biishday lisis year. tIlas ieom my big brother Aller eeumpîly asisg me obal i was doiog i ised ai so on my bsrtisday, ise receaird tise reul purpose ofiis cal.H Rcsaoled tosssow if 1 issd my li111e ieoliser*s addeess in Gr- many, t dido't. soure iselday greetiog. Buit 14 receice one bsrlisday card misics toucsed me deeply. Il oas leom ose insseance agent. He neser misses. Ilda bsibdac rcecty. sorte people, s'sps'csaty «omen, are rabr daooied by certains bicibdays, Foc a Yosung, attractive c omao, isassog liee tiseiseiistdayis abmotiasbhorribler a prospect as batisI att ber ieetb oui. Aller a couple of yeaes sn tise eaety tise ries. Site easocslbha shisreaiy jsicom- cog colo ber sesi pesod. balt ofla mature womass,stltmsgisiccattracise.andowibba rem.rotisonatmatuct sbe did'tbhave in lise (tay Tcsesties. shes in lise Fieiy Tbir- lies. asd cojoysog il tisosougisly. fbishslotihhelcrtetmiesoeoomusg. parees inoascîs Stie suddieoly is cni cdl Ibat asyooe sic tise forties os oser lise liump, iseaded insuc a îscessed old age, 'Sbeaoglty eosgs afte il couple of lobs n er cactc borIes, sise admîls to be reclasd anoo viscobo osti tistr, tisai sise' in thec prime ortie Sbe casi stitt drao a siistle ohm thie cîbhtîsis i. gît bec bum piscied tf the paety is roody cîcoogs Sse's peobaisiy a geasdmoisee, but sse's a "youog- eram- nsa. Wtba gonddentist andcontact broses, site cati diogusse tise tact tisai ber teelis are ssti ibere ooty berougs siseer olit powr. and tisai sises bbssd as lise proserbsial bat. Tises tisai gccm reapr, lise gauoi sisage of isfiy. coures or tise horion lise a wotl soecpsog doss oa bamb. Tisfinie,lisere isno panic. .usî seec despasr. Sse kos. m ish a fiiebiatbemnases, tisai cîyone in tise littico is assai pasi Middle Age.odio one folt on bbc grase cnd lise oier oo a ysecc of dsg sietscaioo. Sise s bLD. and tiseresono bidsog tise lacs. Yît tîse sisars lter. on ber mid-Fifties, Sîse«s Stidcs g about a golft course. Oc- s(. ilring tiî h' ciesuetclitb.ccr , ;, poo i cl , liiiii rui b"s lii cccii -n, l itlc , t , Goctlen \go, ouîlining tisem. ProposaIs mould split Hallon int three ridings ratiser Iban tise present Imo, but tise boundaries me've read about seem la ignore anme local situations. Prosumnably tisere will ho op- portunity 10, dehoa the houndaries but dehale cao isardly start until anme effort is mode lu present the poblic mils aI tes mapso0f tise situation. Oficourse,Siy istTT Thecoldomaroist thiescytheessuehcng eeyiser. Tserers rio longer aoyoay of idcgisiog thce wri kies and lise outltro Ai 62, sise gels a gourd (aoisidesithe eyesositbsbades, asdomais isn as tise jowis iucised up berats lise cars. Aod a god geieeodes Ai 65, sse's cotiecuîog lise nid age pro- Sion,iseeiairishusband's pesio, living soua bouseowiiiithe mortgagc pasd, aodja unig off tuEurope or Catilorusa, obece sbrpics ipiser secoodbhusband, a oeillowdoor Siso orser bud su so gond. Ai 0, olidowes agaio, sse*s a swisger i Sonsel Hasen, piaysog insgo and tise piano. sod gisingithe eye io eeyfesboctoge- sîbn wo coiers thec placc. And tisaI s bow womeo are dauoted lic lccrtiidays. Feesooatiy. t am sesser dausirdi t base a lto odensts, but noia sisgle dauns. Tis base cbaoged a lt ,srossnd bere Msy birthday used tob a small soinetiiss laeuiiy coacbed isy lhisci motiser, tbe bîdo ose!iouconte uposibhglbcscs i 1a. sbucbs,yvou sbouid'tbhave docci- accepi- '4 gratielty and gracefly, Notiso gceaI. \iayse atfsbcog-rod orsoute lfbast And lise oid lady oouid babe a caie, a ceady- liies iiseyowere older. 3031 leom home, lisey'd cati scottecti on tise occasion, osb cor Happy Ririisday, isnd suggest tisai îiey souid use a site fisasciat ai,4 Noo,i1calttbcscup anîd alr thseusssat ecciange of amcoics asb coyty. -Ko ,N'bat dav ibis is? rasOunday, Wbe'- 1 iey agas. "No. i nseansoba das ofthe '.5555 cl tIl ccci kI tIps (b alu i iey agaso "No. i ocao misas dus of ssiat montisofoisat yrar? Rowoidareyýou'1 How do you isowc isoo otd you are? Whaisu day reminds you?" ..O, goiiy, Dad. Wisy didolt you tebl] me stowas ysue iirtiday?t1oouidihave sentia card. Or sometiig." No,tIamsnot dasted But 1neser, eser, loegoitmy fatherois itday. Le's ser. trant suitirmemiser it. licous Aprid 3rd. Or wa0 i Nosember 3rdl Anyway, 1 aioays sent hlmn a cued, oven à 1 didn't rememiser untlt a A proposai bas Deen mode 10 tise Regional Municipality of Hatton, by Halton Rogion Conservation Autbority, 10 study putting tise Halton Museum located aI Kelso undeî MRCA jurisdiction. Tise Region f011 beir bo tise county museum in January ond bos ad- ministored il Ibrougs tise Comn- munity Services Committee misici is quitte different from ils eartier operating committee of citizons dromu fromn vorious porta of tise county. Friends of tise Museum, tise auxiliary body, iseld tiseir annual Summer Festival Sunday. Il mas an exciting evont mils tise Milton Girls' Pipe Baud and Oakville Citizens' Bond providing music as people onjoyed tise romantie set- ting. Local croftspeople demon- stroad meoving, nature dyeing, blacksmitbing and knitting in Ibis naturat aotting of log bouse, blacksmitis sisop, carniage bouse and historic barn. l is isoped more interest in tise museumn miti hol sisomu in tise ovont tise Conservation Authority takes over. Tisis yearly festival could bocomne a regular a ffair tbrougbout tise summor, promoting local talent and oncouraging thse public 10 take more of an interest in nec ricis iseritago. HRCA involvomnent mould also isopefully suive (ho ridiculous f00 arrangement attse gale, misere a parking f00 i5 collected by tise Autbority and museum admission is cbarged attse d00r. l mouid broaden lthe scopa of tise museumn by making fult use of education and ortistic personnel currently em- ployed by tise autisority. We bave an opportunity attse museum la promnote and encourage a prude in Hallan bistory. Witb tise Region isaving sucis difficulty binding tise county together, perisapa tisis common meeting place of artista, craflapoople and te public could cres te a focal point for pride in Haiton. If studios shsom il con more effectively hol doue by tise Con- servation Autbority, nu doubt tise region mould ho milling 10 transfer responsibility. No motter miso operates tise museum isomever, il requires interested dedicated people sucis as tisose in tise Frienda of tise Museum 10 bave anme say in tise operation. coméi iting brie f4' Support for lise Sunday ctusing of mont stores is general as revesled in many surveys, but tise only realy effective may 10 transmit lise message 10 retoilers is for sisoppero sot bo shop on Suoday misen lisey have bbc oppssrlanily. No one0 miii mtn (romn a mido-open Sunday and encouragement lamards sucis a day con ho stupped misen aboppars stop paîronizing on Sunday tisuse major stores that stay open. Sisoppers could do il withouî any legisiative "big stick" but me doubt Ibey miii. Deapite tise ramn, farmors' Changes bave been proposed in market sisoppers isad a happy tise boundariea of ridings for amible for tise oponing day 0f the provincial etections but su far season. Attendance under sucs me've had difficulty getting a map circurnstances naturaiîy mouldn't se1 any records, but duit market oerîainly dos altract people lu Milton. Poltiical caunposgoiog covers uny subjecîs bol inflotion and mseliser or nul tise cuntrois proposed by the Conservatives miii ho effective, aeems lu grais tise beadiines and the tiseme 0f politicai arts ton. Locally tise issues are protty mucis tise samne as tisose on the national front. Nvfôok at museuir' Pages of Ithe asti 20 years ago Taken (rom, the issue nf Tise (Conudian Champion June 17, 1954 Wi1II appropelate coords and bisee ceremooy Wedoesday morning, school board members and local officiais parti- capatedin the soit turosng atthe J M. Den- yes 'choil. Mayor "DoC Heslop rosarsed ,hatibsisharthee alog aoated occason and suggesledithe school ouald probably be ready just a hltle lter than Seplember. Alter a fuil oreels test under average a'oring conditioos, Teafalgar's neo police radio setupoas adjudged -hsghty saiisiac- tory" by Ciset Fred Oliver The station. amnt and fise car ossîls cost $2.490, lic said. If has bees anoooced tisatin September the Ontario Municipal Board i begin hearings on Oak% ires application to ne 5,946 acres of sossiheet Trafalgar townsip, Tise issue wili bcexactI 27 msooihs ol sincetlakissîte frst gavetiso rcadsogs to ils annesaiion by-la' in Junc. 1952. Ontario Rydro cess ooed iotor Milton tis sceek In begin the dwe 10 dooe job list- ing of ail teequency-ronsitsse eetia equspmeoi oooed by domesiic and com- moercial customers,in preparaisonor25 to 60-cycte chaogrssrei teoso Accordsog tu Rydro Charosao R. H. Saaodees, thse arloat chaogesisee 1060 ccles of equip- mninMsltsss homsoor, soffices aodlacies is noss scisedutei t b le rarred oui daesog the laslissosseeks ofJauaes 1955. 50 years ago Taken irons the issoesîf Tise ('anaduon Choampion. June i9. 19524 Insa eeaaelsidden rom oserva- tion, on a mousiusosside taem iselores Cam piseltssite and bpeyside six siis and six 0'orms foe maing tiquoo eeeo- coseeedtlasiomeek byReenoe Preeîsce Ollicer Edoard Flood v. Torooto. and Couoly Constablte Milasos of Caospisettcile. Tise place ssbre the distlltreoN as caried o abasis b sh hisssas sueeouodedsc a picisel lesce Tise ottîcrs camne sspoo the, sils whsle lhec orre q055e wac's, and gase es idroce ofhavrogtoronopeaedhesght betoe. Toet etlareebarrets ofmassssre c lose isy, sulaoysqoe sisal bad bers masu- tacloeed hadisees taises assay Tiseeisero- srnr closes coospietcd lic Isquor-makssg plant 'sasie to remose tise isareels and equsomes fromt lise bush, o'bsch ss thîckly scooded aod eocisy tise olficers broke up fise of lise sisliste bareels and sioses. keepso oly the ooe sîsît ahd ssoems for essdence incourt Ai Tssrsdac«s meetinsg of tise couol5 couscit, Vsittsam Bllt OsIakv itle. was gises a cossiraci foe tise rement oadway oo lise ts ise. Trafalgar. trom tise middle soad tu Doodas Si.. 10.700s quase ards ai $1.13 lialsle isas an epidemir of measies. Milton sisootd look ils besi foe tbe (114 Btoys' Reoso. re % rs citizen tidy up iss geoasds.'l'berrarreredsandlong iass o the boulevards ands sesi sclessatis ohscs neesi cutlig, scoder tbe dsrection sf lie streris and oaiss comoscier of the bown 100 years ago Taiseo frsost the issue of Tise ianadiao (hi hospi. une 18, 1074 Smatter ptaces bhas Milton basve tboîr sieelts Igcdý Il ýotd not cost a great deat asd oid beofismmensecadsanîageîto ail] ourecilaeos. Port Dovra mucssmaler place usas isis has bers cîirtd for loue or llse yearsoîlbthcoaltroitamls at a trfflssg cos. Letloshavertîgisi A sale oflo tolostittab places in1Mil tonon Tsoesda ssst. Weisopeto see buy rsftmadisissoce preesrt Socs ss tise Tise sors of tescisg the ('redît Valieý Raitcoad sssow beisgsusisedoosisss% go Wben mac 15e expect 10 isear lise ciseerfl obîsie oi tise locomotive? %b11 is il isal es dos sol hasc t.s msaits 's cisc betoesn lise statison ai Broste and Ifis Iossi' 15 e tiso tise attenions ofthlie Gosees Tueushlsbcd be caltiecthsebsisaler ansdte cîsst sppies %iso îs ill move Nsslassigte cecoscai ssnooconfoedson tise Cocortsv tait sn MiItos Thsis speass sot- io thc sccsaltsl of tbe Counsis A gond Wsiat (lIo tbe colitsalccol of oar t000 lu tend 10 (Isc cîcis litselswes os DOominion DaInayist eer cils, lowoandsvitlage in tbss escleodctloocso. orsnataltdav i ceiciseated tciin .sppeoprcate bosor Lel us base sortie iîso iii cetehrstions THE CANADIAN CHAMPION a o 5 ,

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