R6 -Wod. Jue 19, 1974 »'ethoar (Realtor) EARLY CANADIAN Early Canadian stase house bulit In l»4. Resfored and flot spolleol, feafurlng 9 rooms, plne andl oak floors, 2 bathrooms and an excellent floar plan. Includes a small barn and large pond. Locateol on 10 acres, oteli fenceol, just sauf h of Miltos. Asklng $159,000.00. For furthar defails and the pleasure of vlewlsg please caîl Les Bunker. MILTON Main Street locaflon, 100 x 134' zoseol Highway commercial C-3, would ha Ideal for a drive-in location. Caîl Les Bunker for furfher detals. MILTON AREA A country home wifh a dlfferenoe, large enough ta have a full size gardes, plus above ground pool. 3 bedrooms, field- Stone fireplace In living room, French doors leadiri,, fo garden, fastefully decorated fhroughout, move rlght In. Immaculate, f irsf tîme advertlsed, for more details please cail Betty IngIe. Prlced af $69,900.00. ACTON Spaclous splîf levei brick home, broadloomed fhroughout, fhrea brlght cross vent ilateol bedroomns for cool summer living. Hollywood klfchen. Spotlessly dlean home, new on the market. Prîceol at $67,900.00. Please confact Betty Ingle for further defails. HOBBY FARM Tan acres wlth a 5 bedroom, two sforey home wlth a spaclous living room, separate dlnlng room, famlly size kîtchen and a ma in floor famlly room. The new steel bars 25 o 30 and a large sprlng fed pond makes thîs an ideal hobby farm. Listed at $107,000.00. For viewîng please caîl Les Bunker. BU RLINGTO N Brand neot sîde Split, 7 roomeol home wlth easy flnanclng at 9341 per cenf, ma In floor famlîy room wlth fireplaoe, Hollywood kitches wlth eatlng area, dlnling rocm, living room combînaflon, 3 bedrooms, 4- pic. bathroom, broadloomed throughout. Priceol et $65,900.00. For further details please caîl Betty Ingle or Wlllena Redolen Four bedroom brick bungalow located on nearly ¾ of an acre custom built, 8 years old, home only 3 miles from Mîlfon and 401 hlghway. Fîreplace In each cf the living room and fthe recresafIon room. Gas hoated, extra spocîfîcaflon insulaflon makes for bot heat conts, very attractive. Please caîl "Dcc" Gowland for further Information. BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES LIMITED Milton 878-4121 Les Bunker Betty Ingle '"3oc" Gowland (Manager Willena Redden Toronto 826-3085 4 ACRE RETREAT Attractive brick cathodra sldenplit with t let te celiisg ranite firopiace, roai narbie fleur In the foyer. lu/2 oashruoots. One ac mature sapin bush. about fo aures ut posture, a tsnOnty ires youn otrcha aswaeil aosprItu ted pond. M fil. trontage, 4V, milen hum Hou. d01. Ankîno SO82.. TEN ACRES North of MI Iton Three badrueni bungalow, bruadlooni. fIrepce, park like lot ot bircem. cedaus and pond. Be- bts Auten and Milton, asking $83.. ONE ACRE LOT Guelph Liso Spaclous wo storcu houe bo bo but os this Guelphi Lite lut. Dîneuss actals now. Prit. apprus. $70,010 bo $75,000. '/ ACRE BUILDING LOT About four mines froo Trafalgar Rond and Highotu 401. Ankiso $33,000. Totos. DOUBLE BUILDING LOT 0,9114 tonu onme codesn thc uther ton alter the noo. ers are insnaiitd, $10.. TEN ACRES - 2,200 FEET New home son boisu bult sorth ut Caopboliiie uiftheb Guelph Lise. Fouu boduuor booksplit, throe bathrotms, lamulu rouet fh irtpiooe and 9,1k- out, hrtadion. Good hiuh lui over 400 fi. trontago. $100.000. WSALE 853-2059 4579029 M- -_uo ý Realty Services Lt. GROWI NO WITH MILTON ROGER UNWN Roger invites you tovlsltthelr new office or to phone if you have any inquiries about eBU YING *SELLING C APPRAISALS eMORTGAGES NEW OFFICE HOURS DAI LY 10 A.M. TO 9 P. 91 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-4129 On the move? Check the real estate firms advertising in this section. They match the buyers and sellers to desirable properties every week. Like the area? Contact the real estate firms advertising in this section. They know the area and can provide knowledgeable advice.