Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jun 1974, p. 1

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Getting bad, for business 1/ w i 4s complain sbn uhgiy Merbanlu su Mittu's frusu cungregatiog, bu t itu somnercluimts ep bure bren crwd suili be suelled ity sus Ose btusineusman spaoe gos Jas. t, ltere arr allen dumutamu cure ace beromtog ditfituit. lbreateued suoco ut and dentsubabhasve nusubere lo go about lthe praittea tnt croit tmrn nsien unly une atbrcer is aneasp about lte graupu uf Seseral mercitanîs bave rbalteuged tou tiglut by lte au sommter es'eniogs and a-th lts' mayar. Insus roa an patent, lte merbant ram- pauog peopte mita cungregaîr eupceoued titeir runceco mure sueiferun poults sueitendu. Thte mats prittens iltar mi liallan 11sf sa Pal- plainei Somotimeuson'oral un lte utrels and us Bhe about Bhe situation, bat on- baus borts Tbrsday and Pot nce Cie[ I rutit Siterroîl. attîrers are~ ins court and tf a store' frot ler m il disiduulip lbey baveolt beeu MasylIncideets day eveningu and ail day bal sa tar lte siuatuon bannI canstable s away an a evesingu and surenrdu, mtl ablte lu suive tbe poobleat. inridents inoviig tigits, Saturdap. smprns'ed 'Tbe mapur pro- courue, lte tarce na shot- 'n tiu u du." One said be tetu bie bau lu ce- bîmituge, uftrIaffir, lusning uf "I'm otyn tul maite a msed ta rail lte police ebiet itanded tou aai sixeits aI mats opon lu serve ltuose fcis1eu, breben sore min' living, bal titese gangs ut ido and dinrans i bai lte potice a stelci "tlas du pu police Cumpluinlu bave bren laud- waoliug lu upood moey ai doms, tout tangua ge and egg- are preventiug me front dntng eitsctlaid tbe bitnssman lie itis Ion sitt 0one cas- ga it thBe Milton Precinet its stoce, batl Bebyong spiallered windows bave itussnessu" une fed ap store saulîls t impeus r police pa- stable"' lthe mereitant suants oat aliu Ilegion Police bat people arc driviug bsisesu bers reportai lu politre. aner bold Te Chtampin titis trais wsithut more mon. lu bnasu lte potice admit lte dont amay itp toungiof ruod lte lu lte pool feu, mooltus tbe suent. "if lthe situatson bave lte mauposuer for cas- stareteaul. Olters bave iteen prubtemu bave been biamed dsesn'l imprave ty lte end nI Alltugi lte Mliltn pre- "Ail i suant lu do is iteep lthe stan L nte doms- ctusnglbheirulaoresueacly lu o udcepoulu anduselant skip' te peur suies my preent csnrtnofitce stillitasitheuamr bsds awaptframnthetfrontaof ton.g neer s!Ibetitep escape abuse tp lte tren' persibutone meeihts sai u s rse exprn l'il rios lte nasaier ut utfiers tl bud 1W my store darsng business, s an tan- duis snous sebual ends, lte storeasd mavenaut'1 foreregoanatfuccennsmen br- itaars, ne"nospasuneesad. EIîamptou Vol. 114 Nu. 8 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 197d 'ORY PALES P PTOEN CENTS -t eu5ie~ AboutI50 resislents tromt ltse made knoac their opposition Peratd. , Mdlton Boeigt area la plans for a large instustrial appoarost Inoore Multonas n. rezoning in ltas atoa ning and Dos'etnpmont Lau Nadalin suas ose ni lte Cnmmittee lasi Taetay andt mont naîspotton enieis ni Oakvile rai/y Stanfield comning Robet Safted leder gf lte Ioderai Progreosive Coserva tite pacly, mill puy o naîit t Haullon rsdmng Thursday eveig and is ohettaied ta peoai a rally inOale Local party offitcials report Otaobieid miS ite an- comned bs it suite and 2o-vear-atd daugbter Mimi. A rally s planed atOabviie-Toafuigar HigSeblant on Renynolds St., Oubsille a17 p.m. and the Ioderai leader cs eupected t0 arrive aI 7.30 p.m. Baitun riding PC candidate, inrombent MP Teroy O'Conor mill loto bion aue s1 tage, au l otitom Eout MPP Jim Sos and Ouboille Mayar Harry Burreil. O J usefO Ltboral leader Pietrre Trueautsolenut a raily for Halios caodidate Dr. Frank Pbiibro i Obk- vile TheoNoPbasunatyet beeo able tuarrange a vsit ity iboto pariy leader David Lewis tatiit oiding. Champion honored Kin say ""thanks"' Thte Champio mas bonored for iiu support and eorouragement ni the Milton and Distrct Kioomeo Club, duriog the use-peur aid eluito cimiong diooer and amardo oigbl gatarday. Inomiog preoident Butl MacLeooao preueoled Boy Dawoo. edtoc of The Cbampion, mitb "a cer- biteuate ut appreritbon, su recogniion gf pour contri- bubion ta 11w develapmeut gf lte M.AD. Kismen Club" Ho nonrd the riait bad mue au bmnoable mou- tion on a rompebition suit aliter Kiosmeo Clubo fo pobibcitp mark, and suggmited moul gf the credil lac dm1t bunar suas due la The Chamspion for ita ruverage of Ktnmmoanatesim nroetalb wauformed jusouer a yearagn- Andy ojects It ain't ail rocks TusuoatMion ptaooec BobZuadaoi ra inoonnme opposslion duciog ius upeecb la Bhe Milto Citamber ut Commerce yeslecday lTumsdayl aflecnomo. Ho celer- red tai t1w ap-duied officiai plao for the lamo us "pruviding foc sonme curai eutate deveopsuet in Mass- agawepo' Il's a oulurul out Bhere, il's anly scosit aod romit:' 1 commented. Former Nasuagumeyuu Aody Fcanb loob excep- timn ta biu cemurbo. 'I bupe 1w bau a greatar bom' lai g e gf ptanning iban 1w bau gf Nuosagauepa," bie sadeeerring lu Bhe 29-peac uid Zsadaoyi. "I gcew Contisued us Page 16 allacsug a reennaîg su lte area. Be nasd lthe cou- serinatios anibarilses itad spent a lut ut maney ta p es- lte arra. lie santed fl itac tf sea ers amrt caler suoild bc pranided lue lte people cita aieeady lise an Bhe area. "u s'ait stli ctchtfrontt in Ilite 16 Milr Creit and I suant il la slay ltaI cap- Thte ciate pnîet ubuuld bte trisc nul," Nadalin salid. Bit itencft? Seseral speabers wanted ta bouc cit breft lte in- dîsidual itnmeacnerncaald esplt tour lte desetapmenl vis suanîrd la itnsu cit sarI aI induntry manid bu attracîrd. boaceai ait iotda ilte Mlots Beigits resdential mea iteisg bloeked bi It isdsrlcss dlenelapan and teared lte r euidealsai dcîelnpmest sirrada ltere eaald berasse a sillon art-a Il cas naîrd ltaI lte type aI înduutryasaaid bte raîrullid lit lte Ionus atficiai plan tleselapers. saîrd lthe s'esideslial area uit Miltas tirîgits cauid be espandîsi anad itutters brIsures ltezoe cnuidite prnsîded Sos oral residents frmi lte arccaspoietoftheobault aI LT WAS LOVELY nouattur for docks ut thu Farmuru' Market on Suturday. Clark Samurvillu of Aclan made triendu wijt one ut thu moscory duekiugu for suie. oxucssod cancers about '- indanlcy bing develnprd - 'e, ltere. tue mas aîited il peoplr caald bave lu drive ltrugit an sadastrial area la gel la KrIsa. Octler Ibis may Onue aamansupsie etf Wslltilatanitdb noillînu la cantinae fl lîve ite lthas oves ltaougi site itad ta, bonit' ssterta drink il, rulter tisas htave thearesidsriaiced Tacs plumier Bals i Zvadasvi ouplassai lte Ion itad a pao ne ustrial resîdetitaleraioa Besaluthe proportin aI lte las itsedea an lte ianseauers suas boaietais il s s ni ite AN UMBRELLA WtTH FOUR LEGS belaugînfi bu earîsssaaesutcgsîs tias< lt gt'19-.-equires same ueoatiutioan d joint aththeitct'elaprrs altessesI decisian-inukig but are il mures one wuy or fle lasd. Heccapiaiaestlie aa anuter. Tbey suere urus aI the damp opuaing ut vsîil neebsng data pe-rtiineat la) Milton Farmers' Murket Saurduy. ste apporsation ba htel (Phto by P. Fard) point Zsadaspicuxpliîaibe and lthe rasusasîee cauld an' ta I f beep bot lte poplin ta t arra antud eScth lite h o area audlited Sabot SitMH o pragrens aI nîndîrs nea in- doras Titesos, bigi scitaanta inaiflsation anti mage endsli lîselupr lîscieut lalsesiIi franscc assaii saonrs am «"(i, nepcsessalsss ~iB v candidae, meeting, Mtillau pccsiciales'spossn Phil RepesnttiesofW ,tisici llii iieitaa Thuar- breek isserdet-e s Aaderson, aitengineering 'dnîeiîi ilasuls*blclsies i as-st item and Alliasse aad Vie- ,i - oifsgle îit a ssPatit,lo sciAeslests-1fýý (liýe-e ,hlv tuesa~~~~~~~~ WFdd-eate I lli-s il-e Vess iîisassssa-la Iîî ordeWd t sadeor apa-! Cac nains' a*ond reiî O'IlCilorr of -'d'Il b cu ssed th etnolisa te.adAci 'Liri l~Prop tant fo inunsa p nstiot taeuthd Broas. MII' pan pidetitalioth a obrId Titi ilirge attenive s' lis tetît provid both bettr audince t stusetcsl. OTnorsiii' ie oo anseusment base as ccli an îes 1 snlnmesl ,iile aisie film ise it aupocluit'ies. tran-ia ti-le msr ist alî i slie isis Techitusal data caaernsa.g public- lil(uned as eacb seus glaiSa% 'splasa bis ltesrsercs ltalare alceausv cadidausli'slined itsspr part ssse as uaee lioenltanlattt'auldb ei- leciteIsîs pffc. pre&eataud unseagesand thee adineseIs *rs site ,itsba-as sail lia glad s icunvrais ureaatheiPasda'nseiiidiadldinitasc as (Coninue on age 51 aiditiiý( indded hoseon aer ii1s end la sas.o ficnse Letter of the Week Commends boys for thoughtful act Among oh ilittr ta lte edîlar recru% eI tio meet suas lthe toiltaiug, sutoit ce trot deseeses mure pvessOOnce titan mmlt tlers t l)ror Edîtor: i mouid lite ta laite Bui apportaulst se, sbaui t M Mllo yuth or ua biud art Btt 1fetsbtaad te centsond us ibis time gf dusungradinli our poutatu ritzes. Las uemdap our petrotmas it a-t s on Bhespeedo as knowasaThomas St., ani let ai the sidi of the rond ta die Titese oysap, Jimmy Weulun and Allie Bilte.fleurdits cepssg and taaitBebtmelatnaetndnars until tud theosers. AitBaugbltheinjuriessurrittOseer las the animalta lbo uanrd, lthe Bhougittuinesu ufthBe bops ist lie cammosdsd. Ssneeetp Lasîrie Durnan: 243 Sydney St. Milles. taepl itî (0 s ou lseste As lhi t-i reprsessalses oftheîleaiecgipaiesnsaeied snapîs and sauthe laot ýrsnaiilit sais ieb tosa esoi the oibe parties, hu o e ta 5,sssasiof thd coalCnd atuliv ga'(d iteallth - tOw it ,iiI'lcbal peaul the NI ati tissaiti- h ' d'vr bile ctietstl en fle goees snîs-stilBrown ceplsed. -"ls sssrkssi eli-ctisteis tai 1litee rlnul. t>assatstiti t-theuanîa L7 nireuti i" oto linving istsssasith shelarges(isiace sthe Kacessi lIai. Ol'Conor luoopel pluiscisis fi, repls - KINSMAN 0F THE YEAH, numed by the HMilasn sud District Eionmes Club ut tuir ycar-end banquet Satarduy, mus Einsmau Butl Spuco, tuft. Ho recuire dthe Lester Wood Tropty, prestud by rutiring churter pre- uldunt Les Wood. (Photo by R. Dons Cool recepowtion given low cost bousin g plan Reduelanusu inthe lime Be asited ltae ceorcl se Corpocation, ases sthe rm1irfodtrapproastun- smicaeithouanpihumestil ouÜsutrpllasi30perentslof eauditinl grantantfi$450la couid bepreparrdlcasetlasa stebamriennilibc uaifor $uoperibouseand inancisg goaltand tutitcalectead famies earstng It-taSt 10 formajor servicessueretkey citereBtesoecouldibe $2aos)and 6 percceantoftte tea lares in a prafram bult ltt bancel te b asailaite 0100u presented lu Multas Planning Uoder ltre agrereeo lte mare ibon nu pr cret lte and Desetapmrut Cammil denelapee selsn le per cent aI 197a tait] seilsog peses' itpBabittlmesofthe Otario Bhe lots ta Ontario Beusno lCaaîssaoda on age 15) Baimes tld lthe rammitte Bhe msnistey hadl deuignata Ballon as une aI us acean au target arean toc bunng. Be ruptaaielte plus suas tor a lboee-wuy purtnecntap wih lte municipal ruacicil, Bhe provincial gaveruiment and lte deseisper taiting part. Baimsur uasd Bhe msssstrp wsaprepared tucaek itî Bhe ouruis la spced aP upprusutu, ratled tapo subore possible and espodîle Bhe son- structian ut nesu desSat prsceaiitmumg, Be naid thte bomsur wud bu gearat ta suadestinscames ai 114,100 la $20,01). Teachers' salary meet Thursday llla tisci B ai of slaatiaa Kesith ofitneieîsei %f ola spiesialinsssesîsg iStiiTit' i liaitsai, si- SThursdaus ci il i tii- ta seuleet sisal goi s titi s-assifitu a saai«, es tfs'iensi-t is-anhein icdtt tists.l foi, t1w'les la-s'ii *,zIt liii-(e i i-n ilt Negotaiteaec isctsi stiidthe bardet ing tasIc ahe clitin tii issiaiihave called or us bse-sia, c i-eu is-eitsii' titi1an ai thei cassao i,,Iee* sitl sîlîilttsis5'st sutfls oatoineffl i, -tti, li lais-I , s i îrdie lts' ranis s sused ia'i-scssiii setleas-iù secsr te aic Na, desailso etf aitet ece briesk bas e licsou bii ts 3 candidates gras tag ecaceis ta site cas I tinis ic hiat nace CaaInsca plutserus an **bitt lias Ab ri le d - niîts atined toc pan eter lite ant is t cars bal inflatos. sI'sonoaeeassîered. "Titc hrag ibout itringcng nm layaen don o i per- Piiiit'aei catild malle ltle s'menteaonsaquestionasbcd sbot-pie o-ai I. Il hei pii iia s-tii ila titi iss hin su4Xt, li' atis set si-ile iii oms Iel e a il,cec e -o]i sesai et-s qusdo caseeneisi i t s- i il s-a n ssii-il, 'T , Il lit "il> e s-i"si t li îsî ii's-igo \cIscS sIt'e lest 'st-il i'i IIi i uoil titi tit 's tst il! gala Ia ri tul ic i t'a p, stt g i sî i c-i to k i'llis a lu as- sicbal In55 tit lits- NusieI t Iss -st agree 5555n 0,( sno* lite in i e1 isttîl igne0 loIl lIptatobBrft bavisg nu eduraata saile. Ballon Bourd nI Edacalian mhe 197-page lsuas lubied trustres Tbueodap refusai la alîti lhe nent boar mneeliug gise ltoeir slamp ut appruvai In Bhe olerim trust.o mii lu a I t ftousaudu ut booits base lte upporluoilp lu speait ptasood lu bu usadin o nner- ta prineipo l and learbers in tio mt courues in 1971. au allempl la atlio heae- SevrraitIrustees aitirea lu chters or prineipl 1it juslify a sum1wr ut bookts, roferriof lte use ut lte itut.. tai tem au tripe, Irasit and Superioleodonl ut Pregrasu 7-'t à bo0k1 Johns Suint enpiaisod ltaI asy bouo ltaI coud bu eus- sideed s'uulcasorsiul badIna 1w juolifird in wrsiog ty lte tourber. Aeeuediog lu Bascit lte principol muni bu pro- poredoddfed lte decision tf bie acepîs lte bearber reummondaliuu- Ho soted there suas a seroe aI chteckts and balanes in lte spslem. He said aup parent itad lte rigit lta ast titat bis or liter ebitd siudp au allornole booki. Accarding te Bitari, su noe s moudalury. onscit orguod ulrenuusly againsl eorsbip, uating ltaI subite prensts du base andsuid havelterigbtst ceoeati given bout trua beoterta spendthe 5iSony on. lte niadessin prugram, tbop "Titis suat es as-ailable in doanutlaidodiuidsulescot poperbacisaithbedrugustoe. mit ailes etitdronead or Tits fine, itido ras laite il sludp. home andremai. Noailecon tiatusu upsel toIt me ltaI il lu gond flera- Acn siea teunter Tam lare and il sbsuldn'l bu is the Watsonsc tid ite suas disîurbud scitoIn br citargeit sit the lisnand ctaimod tbe Watson nasd i a sosu a board sastld bacc mtingu ctCunsueduso ag it ALL-CANDIDATES MEETING ut Milton District Hligt Seboot întroduced Fruit Ptilbrook, left, As-chie Browns sud Turry O'Cannar ta thu utudents. Hure thu men consîder questions tram te sadirncu whict leaned teavily on1 wage and prîce ctatols sud influtin. (Photol by S. Dîllu) I I ilk< ftabiêuet ager 1 have tri- to groups

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