Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Apr 1974, p. 9

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Te ar ac Champion, Milton, Oct., Wed., Apnil 10, 1974 9 O 0deeeri of deire prodocts, tobacces anc ameOr Saevies. Caei Mr. Deine et 0705295.8 WILL bebis If oe or tac presChbonilidronl le mie on bogiccers. Siceil araups. Aise herses beerdea. Localea Guelph Lice ccd Derri Rd. Moientain VIew Fcrm R IDING INSTRUCTION iEngiish Teck i Spricg Sessions Commecng R EGIN N ERS INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED DRESSAGE 3SAY EVENT PR E A RAT ION Scheaiing for herse, poci and rider. Nec registerlcg Cali Mrs. R. Lister 877-3598 6iam43 COPPERTONE iccbae 120' hieccxc2"clcesutabe con cameor -ccclatstieser s25. aippcrece vers il - 76"x22", i 76161') canveristiroct loneeta doaublo bcd for camper, ccc lest iccr $25. 810-4643 acler 5 p. NEW LOW RATES lst and 2od M ORTIGAG ES Service AillA Icfegrity O.M.RB.A. Mamber 10% UP TO @% VAL UAT ION -,Comhiee isi ccd ccd. -Pai cil ycvr bis. -Combice deoMs. --Build c heese -Mdd c om 2cid Martgcges tramn 13 percent. CALL: J00 REYNOLDS SERVICES 639-1043 (Egenings) or 521-4557 Hamilton (R c.m- p.m.I SECOND M ORTGAG E MONEY Lec cast 2cd marigages arrccged qeickli ln the preivaiiaovyr home. -PcV 00cr 20 ioars :Prime rates Camplctelî open *ta W0 per cent et apprcised propeity valve nbonvs, ce hidden chargea Shcia arovnd and cempae cmoss, ihec ccii loe n m mediate appeietmcnt le aor hem e. JOE BACHT 1-929-3666 chter heurs loarEville) Ra4-6107 FENAMORE 0.E. Ltd. Memnber.MBA 9 f BLAKELOCK CARTAGE fer Homne- Office - Aparfmaef Moes for Lighf Indusfrial or Commercial Doleverles fer Piano Movicg and Dismantling for Courteous Service and Lom Rafe Call 878-5222 7k 4f LEGAL NOTICE Under and Or cirfoe of the Warehocoemoc's Lien Acft R.S.0. 1970, i mili chfer fer sale by pubiic oucion the toiiocIng: one 1970 Ford Mustang, licence tomber 368. 5M0 (1972), the propertý et William Chesieffs fer tocing and storago charges ln the amooni of $1,10... pics costs imeeds repairi. Time: ii.ooa.m., Mayc6, 1974 Place: Horeby Garage, Hornby. Ontario Termis: Cash er certif led choque. GARNET HOWDEN MINISTRY 0F G0VERNMENT SERVICES TENDER Painting Contractors SEALED TENDERS ciii ha received until 3.00 p.m. LOCAL TIME on Truesdcy, AprIl 30, 1974. For the exterior paining ot variais builings ai the Onf. anco Sohw onir the Geai, Ontario Sf., Milice, Onfario. Pions and Speciiicaiions ciii be ce dispiap af the foilocing Cocstruction Associafion Offlices; Hamilton Construction Associaftion Guelph Construction Associa- Toronto Construcono Associatilac For iurfher ictormation and Tender Documents contact Mr'. E. Van Aistion, Mlclstry cf Govern meci Services, Regionai Ottice, 345 Park Si. W., Dondon, Ontario. Tein- phone 027-3515. The Loecst orcay Tender mot ceccessarily ccceptid. H. VAN ZANDEN REGIONAL MANAGER TENDER OPENING NO. SUN 470 TENDERS The Haiton Board ci Educa- lioncOil raceciontendersifor. 1. ASPHALT PAVING-cec and resoriccing element cri and sccocdcry ochoolIs. 2. FUEL DIL tor elemon- tary and seoary schools. 3. PAINTING-The ecterlor ccd Inicrieraof eicecfenary ccd secocdcry ochacis. Deicils ccd spcciticctiacs cuoliahie tra Cantrai Ad- micistrcion Officc, 2050 Guelph Lice, Evriegion. Ota rie. Tenders ciii cimse cf 4.00 pcm., Mondcy, April 29, 1974. Tht lowest or acy tender wiii mt necessarili Se acceptcd. Ai tenders shocid he ciccrly marked os to contcnts cnd torcccrded te: MR. R.T. LINOLEY, Superntetent et Ruoleoso & F Inonce & Trccsurer, THE HALTON BOARD 0F ESUCATION F0. Roc 5005, 20OeGuelph Lite, Rurlingion, Ontari, L7R 3Z2 AONTARIO HOUSING ®CORPORATION An Agencyeofthe Precico Otrio SUPPLI, INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 0F 66 NEW COIN OPERATES WASHEOS & 66 NEW COIN opEcATES DRIPOS FOR: Beleille OH 10 Kenrv OH 4 Blacki River Milton OH 3 Maibesan 00-2 Ottaca 0H-50 Sondas, Moibobit PeccOceovishne DOIS5 i Metrai OH-158 ondoi OH-1 Ducecibie OH-t Sico Lookaut DM-3 Sencidian DM2 Si. Catharnes OH 15 Duelph OH-12 Ailerban OH-i Hamilton OH-cc P.C. 421 74 Tenders miii be recoivcd ton the aince unOl 12.00 nomr E.ST. April 50, 1974by tht Octaneo Hmsbeg Corporaftion, 101 Ricer SI. West Tarais, Octaneo MaS tPI, c/c Moth Chiot Parcasine Officier, ilM flion, troc chomn detoils ccd spocificabions mci hb'cictciced er telophate 964-300, ecî. 294, quoficg roterance eamMer os about. Proportents mci bld an one proloct, a groop of projecis c' ail prolocts. The locest or cep bander net tocossaniip acoepted. lOmMO NOTICE TO CR EDI TORS AND OTIIERS IN THE Estate cf SIDNEY WILLIAM SAVAGE. lteM et R.R. Na. 1, Campbeiiiii, In Tome cf Miltoe, itermenly Township of Nassagaccîci, Regictal Munivipaity cf Haillon Assistent OclrE, decoased. Ail pensons havicg caims against the aboya esfale are nequ cre to send bul Plr- ficolars cf such latims te the ondorsigond Egecafer on or MIfro the e90 day cf Mey, 1974, chter cbich dae 90e mîtts assoIs ciii Me dis- fnlbutc. hacieg regard onip ta dlaims that have thon Metm receivod. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, 203 Lakeshoe Road E., Ochoilie, Ocntario. hVALLAN J. NICHOLS, Soilcitor MILTON, Othalo 77m5l The Corporation of the Cty of Borlington INTHEMATTEROF Scton 443 et the Municipel Act, O.SO.. 1 970, Cha pten 284. AND IN THE MATTER 0F cloing acd sfcpping yp that parI ai Maie Street cn the City of Banlingion, jonmoniy caiod the Village af Cum-. miesviiic, bobooen Haenah Street and Cadar Springs Rond. TAllE NOTICE THAT thc CvecvoftheboCrpaioncof the City ai Runiiegice proposes te pcss a hi lac ciming ccd stappltg up foot part ai Main Streef htcec Hotech Straet cnd Codar Sirings Oood cn the City ci Ourlingian. teoriery valisai the Villageofc Comminscillo hting part et Rooisterod Plan N. 26, Plan et Cumm lesville. ANS FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT the Public Aiorks Commtae ciii cf lits riguior meetig ta e Avhoid Mail., 1974 ai 4.00 pcM. cn the Cecmîtiee Rooc, Civîc Administrrton Building, 426 crent Street, Burlingian, Ontario, heor cn person, or b hos seliciter, counsel an agent, oey pensan cha daims thet bis land cili ht preudiciavîy attectei hi thc Oa'icc, ccd cho cpplian te Me heard.« A cepy et the prepod Bp. lac ceay ho Inspectaitdricg office heurs ai tht office of Roger F. Clochier, ClerE et the Corparatian ai tht Ciii et Burlîngion, 426 Brant Straet, Burlinglan, Ontario. Dotei ai Runlînglon ibis 101h day et Aprl, 1914. ROSER F. CLOUTIER, A.M.C.T. CITY CLERK Word Brownridge Lîcnnsed Audianeen Form-Livestcck Fureiture Sales Phone 878-6730 Apprainais-AI Ty pes For Complete AoCtion SerVCe Chris A. SChouten A UCT ION EER Sciesat ail typas Solos cecdvctsd anychere. Tel. 878-25,76 RR 3, Milan Ont iBmt AUCTION SALE 0F HOUSEHOLO PUR- NITURE, GLASS ANS CHINA, TOOLS, SOME ANTIQUES, MISC. ETC. IN MILTON AT THE PAIR- GROUNDS, IN THE- AGRI- CULTURAL HALL tan Mrs. Helen Whitemao Wed. Eve. April 17, at 6 o'CIoCk Sharp WAiiuf antiquesetfet. Rock. case china Cabinet comble- allort. 3 lion cainuf table, Windsor bock captait chair, salhalr vesi table, aid meploe drap octl table, calcul chair, mahggaey scoko stand, coder chosi, Duccat Phyfo drap ocat table (rati), chiid's chair, lamp tablo, boit chestentioid, scail pool table, brasa tire scrnne, cotel star- age shoiaos, chite desk and chair, mofalficedesk, celer t.v. set, tend repeins, Locît vaum cloaner, ticer pelisher , 2 powor cccn macvers, i/a" elestrîcai drill, sEul sac, other gardon and bond foils, lishicg rads, bcd sprocds, Aiaddie lamp ced othor ail iamps, electrisai portable aven. R.R. lamp, aid cracks, lawchabiro, gaifor and case, mec's, girls' ccd bois' bicpcles, sfep ieddnr, id If. aiumicum icdder, 1945 anc snge .03 rifle. Record cahînot, poacreid camera, eieclric traie sel, AinKicg ihreed ted), dehumidifier, pict ores and trames, Canon- allen cup, saucer, ccd plae. Carcîvai glass bcdl, hivo poleny file set, Son silcer, Bavariot plate, C.T. Wasatr pilot, dcpressioc glass, plus cfbor gond glass ccd china. bome oid stacps, aid books and cfher good cisc. Items, Tprrs crocosh.*Noaresarves. Oter ccving te cpi. Prei'eiccircm 4do'ciack dopaif sait. Lunch availabie. Oceer, Hall Sirectan or dectilaccentet nesponsibie ter accidons. AuCtioneer: AUICTION SALE FOR Norman Harris TO RE HELS AT THE FARM, LOT 9, CONCESSION 7, 0F ERAMOSA TOWNSHIP, SITUATES ON THE dOIS ERAMOSA TOWNLISE, 3 MILES NORTH 0F NO. 7 (AT CREWSON CORNERS) ci/c MILES SOUTH 0F NO. 2a,5 MILES N.E. 0F ROCKWODS nn FRIflAV APRII 1<1 AT 19 NItIN AUCTION SALE 0F MASSEY TRACTOR, FARM IMPLEMENTS, HOUSE- HOLO FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, ANTIQUES, MISC. ETC., LAWII GARDON ANS HANS TOOLS, ETC. AT THE FAOM LOCATEDON THE GUELPH LINE, NASSASAWEYA TWP. APPROX. 21/a MILES NORTH 0F CAMPOELLVILLE AND 2 MILES NORTH 0F MOHAWK RACEWAY. PROM HAit. 401 TAllE EXIT 30 STRAIGHT NORTH FOR 2 MILES. FOR Wallace King toc; cilk poils, strcicnr, etc.; Denpcnll pressurn pump boandi ChrisA. SC outen FEES; î2boes RdedCDais biteor sod; 1400 haies chocn bai; ChrisA. Scouten 20bcles 2edcolredcover ichoicel; 600baiesofotoslrac. 818-2576 'TRUCK: 1957 .Ht. o/ toc trock, long box, stack rocksan loccco groin box, f004 condition, culi havencerlticaee Grccity box AUICTION SALE FOR HARVEY DUNN 1364 lacer hast fine Oakvîbll Seit. April 259h ai 12 noce Macsey Fengusce 300 S.P. pickup. SMH. Hepliner Oc haler; Cockshoil 110 nohber hnced b6run poe ami; Case Incber & iacdcn plus o fll lioneto banc ccchiery, 175 ccdan & steel pols. gaies. lochn er. lacis, turntuno, appui acces & antigues. FULL LIST SEAT WEEK Word Broworidge FURNITURE; Large book case ciih glana doons, gond; Wicgbcc Clip per cook stoco, gond; Wiestinghosenilectirc slave; Frigidaire roinigeraor Large iran Enfine; Mol coter tank; Ictorcocn nystoct, Kiel c. 300' ciro; Ocat kiichcc chairs ; Chesterfid; Largo coodot poil, S siorm ciedoon, Dood vil lamp. TEORMO; CASH NO RESEOVE NOT OESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Max Storey il O 4, ROCKWDOSO AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE For Harry Hereosberger AuCtioneer 0F 40l MAil. ANS A HALF MILE WEST DP 20 MAil. 8M0SATURSAI APOIL 1 31H AT 12 NOON. ceea c Ontaiue. teliaUle couple ciii pcv rnessoebin tESPOisSIctE matureocoupn desine 3 bedrooci bacc ln Millt or surroce dito ae. Ocniieglon 632-2897 bedrom omac reqoitcd by Young business couple; ce TO-IF P.COISPOPATII1N 0F TO-IF TI1MN TRACTOR &MACHINERI-Case d30cdiesel trctorcith lice P.T.O. pocernstnccng,îd4ex28reon tiresn& cbcis; Casec3 buroc 14" battac 3 P.H. picc; Ici. 4 iorroc 16" battant 3 P.H. pioci; ici. liS, 10 lb. O.P. sccbhcr cliii pickop vael & con- ditiocor; NtA Hoiiacd 269 haini cibla ojoctor 2 Nec Hciiccd cid trcEcagosithD eeectocks; Caspa4har side rake on steal; 3 P.H. triple K 29 tovh colivacoor. Case 15,rot poccr drill onrlbor, grai,fet. & grass; Set ofilOlt. chaic brrocs; Nec Idno 7lii. double coger shows Aioor; Hydraoic frontcounecd soc bcdfor3030 orO30 Casecmroctcr; 3 R.H. Matoro baconr; Cac:kshdht Olîcor haler. 2 chail arc bradter citb steal hou; ccont mier on rohbor; Air corn- prcssor paccrodcithAis. V4engic. aîinch grainccogor 1 lti lnciictrC irclr ccc; Hocfco O ichi poist hre diggcr. TRUCKS&DGARDEN TOACTOO.-19M6 ici. 1600CAic04ci 174 hîcb hyd. craint 6000 lb. capecity cilla lOtfi. stenl dock piatiorc; 1962 ici. 1800 SA moucton on air, roccicg condîtion seling os s 1956 Stecarticar crrier traiter; spcrocxIttfor aboetoict 194 Sodgcioarctruck cocplec iub grin booh&lavis 1968 ici. onetlot slakeitruck cila dual Ahonis, sniiucg as os 12 il. truck piatorc.i10lonsui.lrae &rckA ist; Trck sddl itk; 4 Magttsioc auto racpa. Ooiecs 10 h.p. gardvn tracter cîîh 42" iancocr, pioch&cultioatei geodoet. Auctioneer: Chris A. Schouten 878-2576 AUCTION SALE FOR the estate of the late TO 0E HELS AT THE FAOM LOT NO. 4, CONCESSION 1B DF DUELPH TOWNSHIP, SITUATES ON AHITELAW OD i MILE NORTHOFD NO. 24 HIDMWAYIM10 MESIATELI WST DP THE CITY DP DUELPH ON SATURDAY APRIL 13 AT Il A-M. TOACTOOS& IMPLEMENTS-John eeai 3020Odiesel bradeor 70 H.P., cocpictc lavdrooiics, eovd condition ; J ohn Scont 3010 diesol 54 H.P. rcciotn hydraoic byE oup. John Genre 420 gos tracter 3u H.P. liii 3 PH.. 2 John Scere H.P. cylandors; versati le S.P. scatier 10' vol cîih boy cendilloent; Ncw Idec corncpicker 2rc, 2pyrs. vid; John OrotNo. 34iicronsbercw«2 roc cornladcand pick-up, nec kcivns ccd reversensborpocer. Genti No. 95 civ cill 21" ocrantis. 2 hîdraoiic fogers H.DS P.TO. flviation biroc acd caget icc thon 1 yr. oUd; 2 Nec Hoiocd self ocioodicg cagots 3 Aeits an John Sccrc H.S. cagots o. tiebatice bices; Dciii hi.tbroc hlocnr, 2 sets of pipes ccd bonds 45' ccd 40'; John Saercd4borroc pioc 14" hebbocs, sac, cooctod; John Scoro doublendisu 12', 2Oyrs. elai. toc dec c ovoro spreaer P.T.O. uinle Avaler, 2 yncrs oid; Nec Hoilavai No. 260 haler; New Hciiccd boiethrocint P.T.O. lo be said scpcrctoip; Caisa caed spicyni 21' Avec, 200 galions un trainer; 2 gravit' houes on cagots; Hydraoic tertlîuîer coger; Cross baie & grain elecator 36' cii e' drag haepper, 1H.P. culer, Fvrdt 3 tonroe pioc 10", 3 P.H.; 2 sets of drags, 4 & S secto;5asctiontlarocs; Casewgon& fotrck; Bie bonchor. Snt of Tracter chains 12x28; Gracn grader bat O' neartoc.AiWoodncclantiwago. BARN EQUIPMENT-tcoltp 50' bced cocon, 4 coi, cocci Aec osvd. Eieclnc muot 2 H.P.. KitchecatisaA sielo 'D cila alucinium roof; BeatHy silo ccioadcr 16' ciii devAit eogcr; 5SH.P. cotor cocipiete cii contrats; Beatty silo onloader 14' ciii duAle aogor. S H.P. coter, cvcpebn, cila contreis, 2 Beaty gotr civanrs ciw. 19O' ai choit, 2 H.Pý cotons; Hcccriv Avili cvoer, 17 con; Electic cvier, 2 H.Pý cii stcricg swcîuar an o 24"; Chroao bran beat 5000catts; 2 corn criAs loure) lUt'dionicr, 15' bigh cliii steel MISCELLANEOUS-1'îlotnAback A tcckic; Sectioe sbcrpvcor; Mac "15" chaîn sevi; Plafcorc scain; Truck racks, D.M.C. long Ave. Acclylent onider; 22 Pediar coton boom., oscd' 4oi D. GODDARD Realtor Lumîted EASTER SPECIAL! Mratai cc 3 bodroom spilit cccil bacc itealricg liing ui tî replaco, hnight tocîli kîtchon, colt bloc' don cil a cokOol, 2 ccshroocs and cbbachnd garage. Ociy 51,900! cm cediatn Posscss ion!Il Cai Adette 878-2051. STILL LOOKINO!! Mr. S. is stîli cîilicg le pai excellnti cash bar o 4 or c bdectr hoce an gond icI. Prolnr custoc AvilI cifhlc ce io Millt or Borlîceton orna. Sommer For Ivnihor inforcation pleaso "IEASSETTE A CALL" Annette ChvchmaCh 878-2051 MILTON Tornto 74253030 8Mcco c - -- - - - MISC. SHEEPA&FEE, 3," H.P. mini hicycl6inch plane ina' yJ' '- - -_ 0F HALTON HILLS onîh'c/ H.P. coon; 29einchtsccltric treing cachi;ne BlackS en Parton & ekr14icl drill; 21/4 H.P. Matois, 4 pinuns of 4vx6te ED20biso a FORne Saamniedroailbctr; 3 hd.jcks;628ichvd. Real Estate Limited, I Nu n W cylincrs ;i2vitryd. porcî&tank ssc;lcc 12411. torp. 12ex CAO 1964 Poclîcu Parisicnnc,ac0,000 cilcs, 28o coon P.S. &Boe TENDERS FOR NEW 16 f~lt tnp; 1 et.a12ichitckig cout; socnroi bocdicaof POBseîing asuis.Boe esphoilsaîngins. gcoctily of sinçI scaitoidicg; B.P. board; 150 fl4&1ichiceconihblocks;caincstacios sEtel sbas; Seit OfELECTOICAL TOOLS A SUPPLIES-Dccclily ot dire 388 Bell St., Milton E QUIPrviENT pcatcoiî.oI,Ov.11inch Statloppplann &anossorimetofStall tvcepracics; Conduitb&ether sppis. tonus octe irg v ise; 40 ceaar rails; 30cor 40 ne'ibrood ies SEALES TENDERS, PLAINLI MARKE AS TO, CON- bototughthtench sieigbs; 300baies ostrac; 300baics ofetra PLUMOING TOOLS & SUPPLIES-Pipe thmnders; Tube 11/2 STOREY TESTS AILL 0E RECEIVES 0V MR. G.D0. PRITCHARS,' godIfciev.y;30 gaoaicrmssbrtainccshbred toeaReg.Suftolk httdnrs. Pipeocrecchns Pipe viso; Copperh&plastictilitgs; îinbrickhome, 3 bdroocs, CLERK-ADMISISTRATOR, 0.0. 1, GEORGETOWN, ON- rom, te loch in May. Paris oins. large living rocc, lange kit- TARIO, USTIL 12Q'CLOCKNOON, FRISAI, APRIL 19, 1974. cbcc and di cief once., tes SPECIFICATIONS ANSTENSER DOCUMENTS MAI BE 1ANTIQUES & FUONITUtE. 2 gai. '0v keille. large vltening PcMPS-eeanvtt jett ip O H.P. nyono Duo piston, icînece. sornc oppliacces, OUTAîNEOFI~~~~~0Mo EDEEID EP TMN.JvolaibaSoles, c0 gai. cite ;cg in wcea' basket; 40f gai milA efolc Bvi eattp direct dr;ive, havilo cvii, Loy inthirc, lvrgv 2 car garage cilS cork- OBA1NDFRMTEEGNE N EATET 3cors; Set hccsviicd scvivc se ovf cro scaviv Large4riO - ide o ; Ai, voioioc octrois shci Gvcd cocatîcv in the MAPLE AVENUE, GSEORDETOWN FOR THE FOLLOWING lîghtr Cviiectice ci lîcorn plates 1931fo1;5 ccs ir0 cc PtloIr tIcoicf Mit-1c Askîng EOUIPMENT. nrom loilet set; 1 pindleback A iva'rlak chaiîrs; Singer FUVNITORE & ONTIQSES-Pîne ripai of droéets; Pigeon$0.000 item t; 2-Tc I/v Ton Pikcp Tracks. trcadic secîng mrachite; Cosi S lîglal ccliig ticlore. Aiî ouds.Cîd bu li cpa vkc lnîs etoa Ite 1:2-To 12 on ickp TulI itas, tcckyvkns etc. Viking 12 ft. icinigerator oi fcross atiovaiesk Ceppcr holor; iih cpse &ooiec tns iano ve ld A PELIL Item 2: 1-One 4 Ton Dump cith Oco (2) wcy son- top freezcr; Sccbocc vacuum cleocor; Victor 24 euch office actndroo;Clauuc blnote; Scoutes. De;n Stashns2 C A EAV ding colt and Snocpon eqaîpmnt. naIn; hiuo 4 cvsbiaechsterild A chair; 2 rounai tablos; I 2 clouku. Cotvdnsidcchair; 2 doubletoriel shvigos; .22 Com0y l'o/ sirey brame caid roagh Item 3; f One A To Damp CoespIote d t ideltdecE; Lace incliner; Doublc cacp. iooedrp lob; 1 gun rifle.csiMcboeomdla Snovplo eoqaîpmnt and o cicg. SALE SECESSARI TO SETTLE ESTATE andi i n gond condition. Nom Owcer ornooctloec orespoooibiner accidents saledcy. LUNCH RI MOSSROROUDH A.i turcoce, nom bcMhronm, ecc TO RECEIVE CONSIDERATION, TENDERS MUSTRBE SUR- Terms Cash Farm Sol Lunch acciioblo TEOMS; CASH NO RESERVE largo corner lot 1i cres. MITTED ON TENDER FORMS SUPPLIED THE LOWEST NTRSOSREFRACDNS ioa aolnc ce cd OcAN ENE ST EESAiL ACPTS Meng. Brocn Ackieg $59,900.00. Vende Mii Mr. G. D. Pritchard, JouE Lccsan CierEs. Mas Storey Nild tînsO manîggee Cîerk-Admieistrotor, WARD BROWNRI DG E AUCTION EER ROCKWOODAUCTIONEER 7Mamdl Stella Parton Townof al aton HUIîS, _ _____ 878-6705 P.R. 1, Georgeton, PHONE 416-878-6130 6e 7Ogam2o Ontario. igmaMO Mort Avooloin Solos Appear on Page 1IBof The Can FURNISHES bedrn; gulet hoe; gentlemac ereterrea. Coctraili locatea. 878.4675. cvvM and Moarc acalle, 2 miec et ofAvion, 853-0877. $15per vcoaE Cal 878-9711 For toron to case 500 lor mont section in wcnf FARMS WANTEO Cali tan tree evaloctien- JIM RERTIN Busicess 844-1778 Oesdcncc 027-4678 5 te 20 acre porcels cîih c Aithevi buildings, grecta' le decrcnd. Have rccidy bvîcrs. BAYLEY- MSCLEAN 1111. PROPERTIES FOR SALE MILTON AREA Cccntry heuse an 3 ocres e. gerdec land cuir troui ftros ccd crenk ai hcck et bouc. dary s76,e00 cith $20,000 S0era vscgcccyc S42,00 1/ cr eai Milton 025,000 cth tercis or cent etltr Hoeta be biltcccar Milton $70.000 $15.000 range Myrtic McCieilcn CANADA PERMANENT TRUST REALTOR dU5 Gvelph Lice burlingion 639-3355 res. 818-5190 CATTLE: 28 Heretards; 12 Helstils. Hereterds; This ls a StraArl1 i 1am cholce hemebrod bordaif Heretards, mesciy peiied. There ae Tracter-Massai Fcigvcac Ne. 50, gond cenditiec. Heatheoser 16 cocs and boliers, ail due le April and Star bt'ed ta c and setofcheies ta fitbcessor tractr. Masseî No. 3hai haler, rcglstered Hereford bull. Mr. Marris cavid like these cacs te inceentcc conditionc IH. 4 bar' side raicte rvbbnr. aitbacre- %faiy as a Nird. Anime iciorosted ln en wiclcl bacc the op- yard scraper, 3e.h. baie bcchor, Massfi maevrcespreodleracn loartociti ta faiko tho lai ci the hiobosi bld on the opeeicg rohbci'. Scarbore 2 buroc 12" hattemn 3 p.h. ploci. Malca 28ft. acimal. Registored Horeord hu, 3 irs. aid le April. Brcd hi Maie cicocior cith coter, ftr agoc cith l6Ot. rack. Aioods Wmn. Ferraif Snegrave, papers accilable. val reler ciih 3/c bp. celer. Ma ssny cutting boa, celaif 2,000 lAs. terci scles, sas scraper 3 p.h, Extecsion iaddor. 24dii. YOUNG CATTLE; 3 yearling Hereford staers, 600 lits.; 8 1044cr, iaccîcg miii, tend drill, car00 stel caler travgh, 2,000 yoarlino Hereford boliers, 5M0 Os. gal. abte ccter trvgh, a5 gallondromsgcquarto rope, guet. et milE vans, foot. et 1/2" plasticcpipe, steel 3sctio land noUler, 2 HOLSTEINS; Harcack Achilles Pansi, bore J011 17, '71, bred cheel tcrm trouler, celaif double dlscs, bond aperctnd aid lrot Jet. 11, 191d; Harcack Ponccac Martha, Marn Aog. 10, '72, brod grind Soeestel tara gat, cent hook, fonce strefohers, foot. Mrcb1,1974; Grade oc, braitAvg.îd4ia Hereford bvll;d40 eckîaokes,cîtitetres;eidsioed graincrcdltcad Holstein bull salvile. cmodec bond rakte, scrcp ira, 3/c bp. eleciric mater, lace, gordot, bond and corpoctri toals, and aUl ethor rogolar sc TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS M.,F. No. 35 S.P. combine items, ta bae ond tortinsle.Goectiit flmber,ccl. 212 le reol gond condition, onîn cul 2W0 acres; M.HC. 434 diesel bl. X 18" pint planAs. Car-gos Mercori Montcalm 4 deor frcctrg9Wrs.,bhetbeuser, setocs; Pvshtfrmetfor cctocoiic, stlcegs is, iotold preiosli. A/ M tracter; M.HC. Aie gos troofer; Set et chains; I.H.C. 3HOUSEHOLS FURNITURE ANS ANTIQUES: torrea plea Itralil) on rohhcr; Cor:kshufi 3242 coocied plac 4 4.8opoolftableociibail accessaries,astudiacvch,oAk china cab. turrea, 3 H.P. fripbcocs; Kiaogsklidle Vibra Sboch culticatar, int citb coreed glass sides ced iront, igacd cei. La Ber 29 toih, 3 P.H.; Case double disu f' Sot a saction hcrracs; chair, 5 pu. chrome kitchen soite, occcsioeci chair, triligbt pale Geo. White Sprtcdmasier macuro sprocdor, 135 bashnl, lamp and alier table lcmps, largo ccd smcil pictorcscand P.T.O.; Case tracter macer, 7,, cul; M.HC. Ne. 37 haler, lîko traccs, barsebaîr piotiarm rocker ced metcbicg chair. Large new; M.HC. side rakte & Todder; Cockshoff No. 340 bai con-r old pîce cophoard, 2 cors icg rockers one citb cane hottom, ditianor; Malcc fubolar hait elevaier 24' cith 4' etension and bocicecai choir. 2 ccshstacds, large oak arc rocknr and mater; Sm. White cagan, nec ccd 16' rock; Ruahior cagot cotchicg choir. Fanc coodet bed ocer 100Oîrs. oid.Oak dou ccd 16' rack; faim cogon and 16' rock; set cf choie harreas blehoedcwichccfchicg drnsser,cwickortferestand,ld drap let 10'; Mayroth ceod sprcîer, 21' boom, 3 p.h.; Caose voltipackor,, table, roocd evxcension table 5 îcacas ccd 5 chairs, severai 044 sprccknt 10'; Case cuhicg boxand pipes; Drioe Était, 120 hi., 7, chairs, large aid copbcerd, top pari t ofiod tlcibock, troadie wdt. like e. Cockshoit 1365 Diesel 4 chail drive frctar- sccîcg machînt, sceil pie kitchen table, plan ceedboo, brocs oniy 600 tirs. Campieto cith lader 13 buchoisi, chail ceighis hacOitg tîctorn, 5al. crack, quoot. et books, aid tomlp bi blo, 2 and cab. Hidrieat4urrac piac 16"hbotecs -3 P.H., seci-re- ficthcr ticks, steamertuk,e6 pressed bock chairs, 0004 cees, setboams .Caseu600S.P. comiecw.12'u" hncder and3 ravi prnssd bck arcchair, 3ssethf rcss cbimas.sad Irons, 5 (301' corn hecd. John Sarnculiootar -r'oc rubber - pocer bresshelh, set oftcst iranstre scls, cila ceighis. Aiaddic 11ht. iecp, ticeer ail lamp, Raie cil lamp, oid Coemcn loctere, MISCELLANEOUS; 21" frein O0ftr ccd mater; Faeeieg hart icciecco, butter chvc, f pic. bion tiocor paitrn euth gaid mil; St hgh oomscaes;3 seelwatr tougs; rals how trc hcdrooc set, i a gai. boocnr oar, pint bevcr 1cr, nsa mance;5setehelcscs;3saniyoficoinriroogsu ricc table pc. hlinvnd lob octe crac berry gi css centrt. Plos came mut;50 taipasî. gactti t ceor ale; 3 iecriclot regulor glass ccd china. vers; vagîte aller, 32' coodlen exension icddor; large cor- APPLIANCESOnBeaty crîner casher. HSer spin cacher peolie; Pipa vise ccd ibreoder f0041); F once siretcher; JouE* ccd drier, cvcmcenr ail Jack; Ranchovise; Emerîcand celer; Roio-accccocr, Rote tiller, Hocelite ooiocatic choit sec; Sap poils & pan; Tercu ara cash. No rcscrcns Forc is sold. Possession is gîvn Lochnr iccludes 2 planE iv' 2"o12"; Pile et hcrdceod 16'; 200 #er Mai tîrsi. Spilit coder rails; Uscai scoil tapis. Luch hi the Caecilie Si. Sacidas W.A. Sniicg hi BARN EGUIPMENT' Beattyisiloculoader 12'c. 3 HPcvter, Ocner or Auctiocear cal rnspansihie tor accidents. good, Behit liter carrier compiete, ciscec hockni. Uîco 21 Wat't you oiv uor 0cr tirai tarer soleof tht a'ear Aite have sac boik cooier; Stciclcss steel doble sitE; Surge clkice socethive tor nccriota. machine, icrgo pucp,c2ceits,a50ihccad 40 lb. pipe for 20 coca, Order et Solo. Hooschuid goods, ccd antiqons ci il oac. icH .P.catr; Wods ectric choper,3 HPreoii; Rare toiioweodhim;sc. andtarcicipecents.

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