The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. April 10, 1974 B3 Six nights in woods 56-year-old woman ""thankful to be alive" THIE CLOCK s thse cynoaure of ail eyea, and tise target around wiic tise misole flower auction revolven. kLWR roffi Plonaky' Gardena, Cd'*lireélg oinecarIs in preparukion for the 7 arn. auction. BIDDERS sit in the grundstand wîth eyes glued on tie ock. Tise seatsaure purchasrd un a yearly baulu. Story and pîiaru by Mair! D@Syinu ""Clock" seils flowers at grower's auction la thc mac isaurs beore suneise, 25e arnona oft Uo'- sasdsof flamers preeate tise air as Uiey ami tisl unt boastie r off ai 'tise clacb". "Tise dock", iseadqonrtees ufthei Ontario Flomer Goa- cers Ca-up, is tise scene ut a daily auctianuf mare thn 1on fumwer gramees througisnat Ontario. Prcsed un a pluttares, la front ut 91 ascendiag seatu and bearat a isuge dlock, an auctiaaeee cbaats amay: "Ima lots ai umeUetht roue,. . .12 dimcu .. . four dines (Buanai Suld. une lut af. .. Nombr 48 bas just pred a boneautbs seat mben tise bond ufthei faut muviag dlock taiucised on numbr 4, indicat- iag the buyer bas bouii ose 'lot' of roses ut 40 cacis. 'lie siseet ot paper acrompanying tbe roses lu toi key- puch girls in Uie office die' aty briid tise auctianrer, misa puncb tbe data Uirnugb tise computer. Wisea aIl purcsos bave bren concludcd, oucis bayer pays for bis mrchandisr bie- fore teavlng tise pemisms. Ts prucedure insures payeet ta thc geamers wilU- in a mecis. Por lu "25he clocb" tise geomees migisi mail mebs iscînre grttiag paymeat. Oeigiaatiag in Hnlland, tise auctipat begas la Oct. 72 with OS membrs and toated just off Airpuet Road noe 25e Cara tan, ut Maltan. "ýThee are about 150 ser- ons fumer gromers la Ont- aria " commeîstrd Peter Hug- hes, ut Beaesidr Furms, Nar- val, pesidral t ofth Ontaeio Flamer Oramnes Co-op. "Dur lu eising conts the gromers mere forord lu findt o centrat market place an Ontario." Duriag tise fient yeur ut uperation tise dlock ot nnly brobe even but bad a profu $11,000 mbicsUiry retoee ta tise gromers la the lores ut "patronage refondu" ,. Seltingprivtrty, lise grnm' ersmwouldoftrelone upto 25 percent ut pulentiol profit. Oromers nnm ae able ta lom- r or ruise, Uieir prices i cordlng ta the inuppty ad de- mand ut flumeru. This arrangement is equatly sotis- factory to tise buyers. Before tbe auctson, tOry moutd bave tovisit scverat gramers i naob talis ng o variety ut flomers and plants toe Uicir stonps. "Tbe clocb" did cloue ta $3 million usuels ut etail bsusi- oms tout yeur and cupecta ta almost double tisat Ulis your," eemared Me. Hughses. Tisere are only tmo oUhr flowser ouctions libe Ibis in Norths America; une in Van- couver and tise nUir in Mon- teaI KEYPUNCH GIRLS compute tise pertinent inflormation on tise purchaur of flomers and plants. -Il is a seasoa ot con- trasîs isoobey continou ond bameboîl registationus are be' isg brld, and youngslees are piayiag bocbey mitb bocbey sticks and rubbrr bolis on tbe roadways. -Tbe grass; s staetsng lu geeno op. -GO Traosit service to Georgetomn utaets Apeil 29. Tbee s'slibe bree trains a day io and iromn Toronto. By =oe Braien It'n becs avec a mebsince Anar Glbert, a t6-ruroldHuito mnanwa fnund in a baei Brant Hospital ou BorIign erft arn utitl badly swnllrn fromn rooureHdrriofg bersi nignl te moodo, hot she la rapidiy rrav rin oem hier nrdeal. "i mus ten'ifying," nhr relates, "but l'mn avernsomeonf tir discomnforts. I startrd roting rgt oway and, faitmiag or ot, l'il eut mhurvertey put la frontlof mn." Mrs. Gilhert mas rvicted from hier upuri- ment in Hamiton an March I and lived in a Ourliaglan motet for tbe orot io machs. On March 25 shle baga lu u'alk, lookiog fora pla0cr ti ivr. Bbc ga a 'rde 10 North Botnn an tpr nfeninaie woodn noiear Sideroad off Oritannia Rd. TIiankfui To onidantifîrd boys hiking tbroogb tbe moads found ber Suaday. Marcb 31, nis days later. Ota Cofttan, of Cedar Springs Road, a harsrhack riding ai tic time and ment to the inoman's rescue. He puttrdbhrrtobhe road mbere Brtiy and John Nicholson ut Five Oidemoad, Ouriogton bah brer loto Ibrir car white amaitiag an ambuluance. "I mant lu tisanal tt ose monderful peuple whn wre su gond ta me." Mes. Gilbert soid. "The mon on Uic bore loanrd me bis jacket aad gave meca couplentf cigarettes. Somenne elser 1mug t me some coffre, and thc boys mhofaund me benugblme adeinkbofmaer in Uic steam." Mes. Glbort ate sn and ratloord ber supply af cigarettes doring Uic lime obe s'as in lise mouds. "I couldolt ern crawl to the steam oniy acouplecofre away for a drink of watcr"shesays. Sbe considees herseif lucky 10 bave bren rescurd ai ail, as Uic teaffic na ligbi pool tbe spot bee she mou lying. "The oigbîs wr sold and silent," site remembors, "tbe only Newphone soundslb eedsvere dogs bebingaay off." Plastic Mes. Gilbrti sas ssearsogslacks, a winie coaloandusnowbouis Sbiesvro pp herselflon plascod pild soo oroood ber body 10 keepu'rm. Tbe cool ovos lefti n the mouds ood replaced by Me. Collon's jocbel. Uo dsisison lu tbe bospiti Mrs. Gilbrt remembrs besng strspped and lboeougbly ucasbel. "I stili con soil Ibai deeadful odor ieom myseli. sbe soys,"l cosssful. fi1mb me four or fs'e daysjustto ge over felng nouseoîrd. Hec bospilol rooosiooe Muriel Sovard coosiders Anne 10 be o very brove pacson. "Skiescreainecsinopin forîbhe lrsl couple of days." sbe soîd. "i gise ber credit, 1 scouldult belsese o peeson coutl go lbrougb wbol she did andîsve. Sbe mustbhve geo toithIn keep bier fosof," Il scos Tlsuesdoy morosog brîcre Mes. Glilbert felt weleoughbloleo ocrosu and say good morosof In Mes. Sovord Mms Gilbert bas loue cbsldeen oi] mareied andss'itamiliev. None couid bereacbedfor N'pions Sbe said sbe ould like torent a small cabio or romibte outry, Hee ooly iocome sber 149 pr month uvritore cheque. She esplias bos ee lot svbatlittl1e sbe baid by tbe side of tbe maid besbevauevicted. "I ubouidn't bave teft s'y litIle black vol brbind," sbe uoys. "l kept tl for% eosponsonship and become accstomed t0 bhvog il, nousI' suorrird about s'bere tl v' As sbe ent tbrougboaobhie pore u'itb ai bier eortbly beloogisgs sbe corne across a boob of sostructions on boss tu play tbe guitor. "I1 %,as an old galber vo 1left il brbsod as oeil," sbevsd. "Moybrl'bsoulintbhavel wseojoyicf sl Mes. Glbert bosu nosmediose pions. Sbe'u lust Ibthkulto lue ai,c Region to new office Hual1tuoa R e g ion should calt t8227. In ad- 9404 ote conueosence of iseadquartr moved from dition lu tse nomberu the lhose resdes oulsîde dirrect Miltan lastmwereod tanem regionibsuo Zenitisnumbr doan ogoeos. locutian ut 3M2 Harvestr Rd. inBurlngion. Tise aco beadquarters buildiag us sîtonted uith2e corner of Guelphs Liar and tise Qoren Elizabseth Hîgimay. Regnal meetings for thisI I mai oecacelîrd 10 allom staff tai get organiard in thiscrT' newmquurters. Nenombr Because ut the moue, chsanges in the trirpsone nystem bave bren made. Tise nrm line forethe main smst I cisbourd is 870-5571. The public marbu garage sumbrs are chaned to M-u 7249 and 878-7240. Colers sill no longer boe able in contact THIS the Heallis Unit Head Office, Hultas Crslrouîal Maune or the Haitas Counly Munsm I S YOU R' through te smilcisbourd. Healt Unit numbrs arc LAST 878-7245,8a78-7246 and 87-7247. Tise moneurn cas br con- C A C tactd dirretly h y calling 878- C A C 7 / 3233 and thc Hallon Cen-tensiul Munormwillihave tabri TO W IN !i catîrd direct ai 071-4141. cotactmhe reien t c357on l 2 shopping days Ieft! using o Guelphs esobange Thi irç P. Sot WALL TO WALL FLOWERS ineluded carnations, roses, murnu, ruisier trees, piladendrons, grapefruit trees, tulipn iegonias, hers and ferros. 4-H project makes meal Membrs of tise 4-H Hosteours; eajoyrd a suppr ut uasa gnu and peunut erispis ait =nr tiftli meeting, asd fnllnming suppue a meeting muu iseld. Snacks, bosquets aad popular pustas mera dis- cuused and membrs mode plans toe aciîvemeal dayq and a daqle. For thelr siutb meeting Uiry made giagerbreud feues scratchsandtfromna mois, and lourd gond and baid pointu about mois metbnd. Conven- icoce fonds and tbeie 50015 ueedissed Me'icnvbii ilus wtb mac ere mode toc the mosplane a menu. F ina plie eremad tar Uic pri 19 dune. >-,7'Fossil - fuel and atamic saflo vag ac a" are ilheinqait erd ,and we are tel invmtiag in thc bar- sessing nf our naturut -eergies, sucis as thc tîdes. 'rsc "bonkers" uboutd taise isi uccaust misaI milI huppes mOha tise e.sources arr spont. -R. Buebouinster Flter SPEAKING 0F SMALL CARS Mustng l isenslitts jwoI f acarFROM 13382 Mustng 1 isone itte jeel f a ar Basic 4 Cyli Mustang) TRAFALGARMOTORS 409 MAIN ST. (Ic e) MILTON 878-2369 NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON The next Cauncil Meeting scisedluid for TUESDAY, APRIL, 19~74 wiii beheidat7:3Op.m inthe BROOK VILLE HALL, NASSAGAWEYA toast aida of Guelphs Lino, 4 miles north of Hlgttway 4@1). AllilItaraated rauldants are invIted f0 attend. Refreshments mli I e 5cr- ved followlng thse meeting. J. McGeachie Towun Cierk.