TOe Canadian, Milton, Ont., 0004.. Aprîl 3. 1 974 7 $50,000 for Iundscapiog, the ckane frenon ouaR of delayed a Year. Thre teen parking lot improntemrents Maio St. toi Farkway Dr. an4 prOjento are estimuted to cosit and nec eoiposeBt eus froon thre CFR toi the Stonlen R20. silowed for te oew arenu. Ave. Severul piojeto; fliut flac! Meunwhlle $40,000 cas set Fire hall extension been recomooeoded contier aside for furnishisg aod Couoicît set op a siokioe foi costruction liere deleted Iandfcuping aI the nec fuod and ugo-ced toi put M3,000 but engineerine studies cereo Iibrory. a year infin the lood toconer oothorized. Distribatioo anA eqaipont the costo of developine an COoocil dclayed the con- maintenaoce for the hydro extension lt 6te tire Sfaliud Srcioo ilo commoission ili catit guette01. tee provisiont of a rire truck gallon 0001er ronervoir ex- Phuses two und tetrces of tee cite as ourial luddler. pented 60 cooî slebte. chonnelioution prograum %vina Work pianned for Qocen Couoîîl iril] Star loto the cool 327 6R This viil take and lThoma, Sts. hao bonn operuliog budget soen C EDRECOi? Gordon and Lomax Chooteord Accourtoont 140 Main St. Miltone 878-7251 488 EARL G. BLACK B. Cnt.,.I..A.. C.A. C..4ere Assoontant 143 Maio St, Milton Phtone 8181652 ALUMINUM Windows & Doors G LASS and BEPAIRS STORE FRONTS WlJ. KUSKI LIMI1TEO 224 Stccic, Aoe. 878-9457 KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING SofH11 Facia, Windowsand Dcors. AwninipCarport and PoreN Enclosues Roiings. Eaoctroughing Federal Industries nf Canada Foot of Forsvthi S> OAKOILLE 845-0318 ,MASTER GLOSS O&À9E iMPROVÊMENT ý,(Alcon Dealer) Lft us beaotlty 7001 borne wilsi Silolca Sottits- Eavc,. irtvng-aAwnncs Dois FREE ESTIMATES UIHF/VHF SPECIAL Tca., aoto..-otor, 6 F, VHF INSTALLEOS190.00 Dan Arbic Antennas *Contplctc Soo kkepingt srvice for srrta1ibuincsses. 25 veat-, ciperlenie *Reaso-iabe rates Doreen Brown 818-4563 ftt HuIls Bookkeeping & Incomne Tax Seroice i Est. in Milton since 1965) 420 Fine Street Ai phascs of bookkeeplint fot business and individuals -PayiolI1 -Accounts Recloabic ---Inone Tax -Fcacal Statemntnt -F5088o Copving Cail 878-9762 dt9 , George C. Jackson Rcg. Repiceetativc Milton Direct Lino 639-5916 Eocnngcs B78-2580 BRICK - BLOCK & STONEWORK O.ncels, Fircplaoes. Alte0attRcs, RepairS&EAddItIonS Phocne AL COULSON 878-4484 Additions Renovations Rec Roont, Houe ROY GALLOWAY R.R. i MottaI 854.2424 -'Aounon S,800q JOE ELISMERE 878-3316 NEW CONCRETE WORe 48.1k, Stops, Bastntteri Floors, Footings andFo iiatins f1n.ort crs.patnt, vncatis Gua.anteed bond. CATHEA CI3NCRETE RESTORATIONS LTD. KEN 8611EY 25OMatinStreet 878-6853 Halton His Contractinig *Eocavatint éGradicR *Septic Bed *Conîctc 00e-k ACTON 853-1582 dantSI FLOOR COVERINGS COom voseco n Oo:in o Osality b.oodioont OConocnient flIc CosItioned sheet inyls Our tuily qoliied installe-s con layyour contpIîtc toor o we can soppiv thc nttciais for the do if yooisc fe. 700MainStreet E. Milton. 878-2351 THE BEST LES FLOOR COVERINGS Armtstroncg Vinyi G.A.F. Minvi CAR PETS Olelas- Potins, Commect In and Ootdoor CARPET CERAMIC TlLE Millons largcSl and 006,t centre, on0dîoOii 340 MainSt. Milton 878-3435 Free parking et9. cf 58009re SPRECASI INUNIT STEPS Replaceld siepo InSialled inolOSI Cathea Concrete Rcsiloraiioes Ltd. 2500MartineSi., Milton 878-6853 4088 ACTION PRECAST CONCRETE & SUPPLIES *Sptic Tanks *Wcil Tics *Otiiot Conctc Piiodoits *i Plastic Sontai Pipe *tirPrping Scrvice 853-1529 HALTON MASONRY BLOCK LAYtNG CONCR ETE F10001 Sidewalk,. patios Frac, Estinttc Phtone CLAUDE 878-6397 rhe Carpet Cleaning process e-aSt recoce- mended by carpet manofactorers. Deep Steamn Extraction ofMilan 878-3969 OURACLEAN CARPET &UPHOLSTERV SERVICE 818-6894 'tll10 lPo. DRAP ERY tirRcsidonrtia Indstil *Connerial Ready made Draes instock For Custon, Scroice CA LL98807FOR HOME 2mansi. Mitn Ontario. PHSONE: 871967 CARTAGE &. MOVINS *MOVING A8oaitmn.otHouse-Of ie CENTRAL CITY «CARTAGE BROADLOOM Geceral Confoaît Parsel Rîpaîrs iftand reîav, caîl f0 DeIivery Disposait Serviue veil Installation. AIl ionk Fiee Estîntfes Fast Cour- q.oaranted. Pt-le estintts. tenus Gervice Phoone 878-22 CALL -22 78-3351 We Cater to * Paties 0 o chons ".Banqoets Wcln8s And 88810.-c hontc baked Brecad, Roils and Pastics DEW DROP IN CALL MRS. WAYNE 878-9229 or 878-5111 TOUR DRAPERIES Or cxperts w,11 019200 Draperics t0 pcoteîiiy con.plemntct 0ou Soin,. Sec Our widc selcctonof te. 8110. and foOt-Vs affin Enu Cail 878-2513 Today lune Draperies Milton Plats European Dressmnaker For pcosoeallocdi stOling and pcofeit fit Calt Lydla Deys 878-3234 PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED 0t dcad or disabicd Cottlo Phonec(416) 092 4421 Bînbrook Li s No. 299C71 Safety Drivng School D.OT. Lii. Iiistrootor, Manuol IL Auton,2ti *DSai Contos F ull7 InsoioOd Free Fickop -Air- Condilioned McPHAIL ELECTRIC *INDUSTRIAL OCOMMERCIAL *FORMS & HOMES *ELECTRIC HIEATINC INSTALLATIONS 66Charlcs St. Miî. 878-9513-877-5795 FARM BUILDING Stee RoSI and Rccairs PONE EMENINGS PLEASE Waterdown 689-1086 M.Harris, fonrmerl Gcorge E. Harris. Custom Farm Work *Pio.iitOO Disci9O *Cuitivat ing o Hait-ocing OFront End Load9ir work 878-5189 RuppSoobilhîes Mini- Bikcs. Salos and Soervice, Paint Machinooy..- Rceai-s and Wcling. Car Truck and Foont Tircs, Utiiitv Tral1lers But. IAN'S GARAGE SERVICE 6543-980 Line (South of Derry Rd.) 6.R. 2, Hoeby, Ont. 1-826-3468 488 McKERSIE Foneral Honte LId iiaMaot St., Our 2int 7880 Of heîPfoi. 878-4452 Tt-actorS-MhonciRototîl- fers 2.04 Ali Aitachntcnt. IAN'S GARAGE SERVICE 05413-9th Line (Soth otGerry Rd.) R. R. 2, He-nby 1 -826-3468 dit G INRA MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN Let us Sce yoo Pion y6100 kîithet o teffcieîncy and Seaoîv iniioidlng pc. finlhed naturel ttOtI9ood cabinets. Ask fo a.r rcOhue al MILTON LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE -Landscaping Soddi..g *SoO Sbupplie, *Lao.n Main. In Ground and Aboe G-ond Swin.ntin Pool, Instailed or Itr toion Soppied to Instail Ytooielt. Aoty Shape -Aey Sizc Joe Wilson 334456anSt. W. 878-9ala dit 264Main St E. Mit Milton Drywall & [ nday 12 No on o5.3 Plastering Tucsday -Wcdocsday Thoisday -Poidav HONEST JOHNNY" 1 ia. nt85.30en.. Remodes Anything Sat. 10 ant. 10 5 e.. I Eocoings New Ce iing InstoIIcd-anv TiievOOv.TSO.-,da, Fridav Shape- a,k aboot 8501 spRial l6i o 009ep.n. finish . OC4npbeliiitcBranc Acoustic pt-27 LGiaio Lions CloSb Comntnoty Paointîiig -însîdc, outside Lentre No Job Te-Bi or0 TooSnaîl 8 54 2102 878-3291 on audy24pm df GENERAL BUILDING CREATIVE CONTRACTOR MEMORIALS LT3. .Alterations 190 OntarioSi. S. -Nce otsituotiOm Ph. 878-6522, Fielopomls with con- 'l TorontoB826-153 878-3534 DRTWALL TAPING 11 JOINT FILLING GRANITE AND Fice Estîn,2tcs BRONZE MEMORIALS 10E SEELEN Slnccity -Sceovice 01 MILTON Satisfaction 878-3337 Maite Skuttle 9BOS Conpleteîo instaied oi e,0,,ed. One year 0102i4n80 so Foi tuothci Call 878-6032 aller 5 -OFFICES . INDUSTIRES Comopee JAnIailService 878 6388 CONTINENTAL JANITORIAL SERVICE .FACTOR lES OFFICES o*STOREOS *WIN DOW CL BAN ING .RUG CLOANING Fully bonded & Insured 878-5127 or 877-9654 T IF O MILTON TWLEPHONE NOMBERS Town Ciok and Trcasu-ci in0spei 000 of Bi Id i vo s. Planning0 Direîtor Comm,,iteof Adiummr,c Toon Supeinienct Recneamon Oftocf 878 7211-2,3148,5 Toronto 862-1868 Works Garage- Nîpissîng Rd. Biookviiie Ni058 Cols 000,41-Tiotagot- 00,4 MIIton Wad3 aNassagaweva Sewaoe FPla18 07806171 Fic Chiets Office a8s8vo5i Ementoeo Fî,c 8180920 HALTON REG IONAL FOLICE 878-5511 H. CLERK MATHER Dîspensîng Optîcians Wcckdais. 61p.n. ]0 p 'I Wcckoods ban.. touent. or by aeontn.nt Gtisîs Ro'seponeptIy ied 6007TRAFALGAR ROAD BRITANNIA ROAD AT DR UMQU l -BR8OC HU RES 'POBLICATIONS -BUSINESS FORMS *WEDDING STATIONERY A Coniplete Designand Production Service 878-2341 Duis Pirinting 1111 &Poblishing Co. Ltd. l9i Maîn St . Milton. McMuIIen 's General Repaîr -CIiney and roof rcpairs -Piaste r oc poliS -FancovcciliOs -Basecnt p00100 S90012i0199in in conictc 11000,, walks and patios. Cali Dave collect an 853- PONE 878-4111 or 826-1223 NADALIN Electric Co. Ltd. 313iSBaseLineRoad Milto- GEORGE B. T HO R NBO RROW Agett BP Canada Ltd. Hlome ad arm FuelOi1,DiseIL Gab 24 ho., But-ier Servie 878-6538 Arthrur A. JohnRson, 0.D. MILTON-214 Main St. 878-3673 Appeoti.topnt9 54 Mil St. E .,AdS, 111151220 WeAc5400 & Saturdiy House of Spectacles lues. & Wed. 9-5 Thur. 98Fr. 9-6 Sa.. 10-3 EXAMINATIONS AR RA NO E CALL 878-5923 GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING CONTRACTOR INDUSTRIAL- RESIDENTIAL 878-6137 ART NOOK Main S8. RRSkwoRd Arti st Supplies Ope, Afteroo.s Wed.-Sat. or by appeintntent Phone Res. 856-4787 J. D. Curnie Flue-bing Repairs 24 Hour Service 878-2452 dItf Plastering & Stucco Ail Types of Stooîo New Floote., Reairs. Cove Celings AIdcshot Flastering Co. aller 5p-0 68900211 Cal Colec GENERAL RADIATOR SERVICE 305 Steelos Ave.,' Milton *Reooiing .ORaning R e. pairin -Rad iateor *tester Cores -Ga, Tanks Car, Trucks - Tacte-S Hleaoy Eqoipment Drive-in Service Phono 878-55~ BUS SCHEDULE MILONan OTORONTO an, 200pvi 0-8 lsant a 8 35pvt S--ASOpnm. Ar M.Hli l»00a0m,.305 p nn. o7 i30 p MILTON rnd KITCHENE. LoM1 o 05705 - 01 .in , 4 007., 0- 605 a.m GOLTaIld KITCHENER MILTONand HAMILTON Lo o-8.55 an,, .-5.30 p MIL TON and GUE LPH Ar M.iion o __2307Pm 0)2,1y ecepi SatoodaY, Sunday. Holiday o- Salurday only a -Sondaî or oiday, th. Fiday To-,e Tii,,,, Sai ortie ComeE RE F0r Frce k, tatc Service -T0000ing *GeadwoodnO Coete Renoooi -Bosh Lo Ceared Mîtch's ARTHUR MARLOW 689-1890 Roofîng and Carlisle Eavestroughing uIa:iuîoeamb:îuî9 Specialiing in reoooing and g0eeral cpairs. MILTON Steel ok on Sains. FREE ESTIMATES UPHOLSTERING CALL COLLECT Haie 7000 furntooc beau- 519-856-4721 est craoiPtOIstcI'ndes5 fc fine tabrics fromn hich 80 01o.0 Piee Estlnte -No obligation. 88m fl ERNC0 RUBBER .,* LIMITED 305 Steolo,% Milton. HALL ENTERPRISES Aeioquip Hydi2uii Hoses 8834 and Rousabekienno n. F. 8834 Go0drich V Bell. and R ubbc, Mte odIIn Shtig9s, Convor Beliîoo e Cndtonr and O9ttastenct-s. 06,9, and -Humiditiers Fittî9gs toi Air 011 Stean, Ohoter. SALES, SERVICE & Phone 878-4228 INSTALLATION V I8840TFII - Sewing Machînes SALES-SERVICE- R EN TA L PHONO 878-6861 Milton Fabrîc Centre 12 Martin Street Serices and Rcpairsoc ai nakeo 950 n c mvacine ACTION Terminal Marehouse Industril i Gssi Steo aa Bonded Storagî Pick up Ei Delioey-AO1lngO BROKERAGE SERVICE phone: 853-2320 Acton 342841 Tofrotto ~ARAMBOÙ SOFT MATER THE MAY IT SHOULD BE WATER REFINERS iHaitoe County siF R EE Ins01tallatio 0 LOWESTMoISIo Renta Rate PH ON E 878 5489 Milton Eivit0s We.0keonds 6200 totpn, Daily WINDOW CLEANING For feec 00imate ad Top CoOieous Serice Resld910tia Oniy Coul 878-4686 BOB'S WELDING Mobile Welding Milton, Ont. 8/8 4987 48 R iiings- Indoor Ei Dinono * Gtc *RSmn Olines CATHEA CONCRE7E RESTORATIONS LTD Albi DI Pede 250 Martin St. 878-6853 2I