Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 1974, p. 33

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C6 The Canadie Champion, 001100e, Ont., We0.,. April 3, 1974 Holds memories s Ceetsneed fron page Cl oee agaie olhe bietorical adden divdeil hy Freech ale. ttse.. bomed cee. adt.1erem ae te teets. A laie pitie 8chet of flIly decerateil ie bitue aed "rmr epehl white pattereed papier with a traditioe oece bult graed- reet carpel. mother's halo ie the deep top Thelivng oum isbrihtdrawers. A gaie stock chair wThetrniegromis rnt and ansld teadle sewieg witbn lhoig wtrom the machine complete the fur- tehe by O001 he emdosss (l nishiegc. 111e hy Ose the metel are three hedesemo thse tireptace cs a pictore of and a bathroomo pstairs, aI Mrjre greal secle Heery large itih walh-mn closets. ot= snas saietetl ie ose hedroomn cs ed as a 1lm by A. Boieseauos ae o h ve-lwo Grandtather Hadley drose s orage fournitue inver-tow a tram oend usages tromn anls oreiture in dter Lachote, Quehec 10 Ostaion slajec olest ora ise.rise 1872hris isgusith him masy insagahnlromssrsiedn fecso le amiîy lornitore. drsehn-aeb nl arore fonily rememisers wills. Marjsrie'e hedroomn him teltieg how 11e slopped in osidly ilisplays the epost Cooksilîr os a Ssnilay tu P:"ruh rot ubcb read 1the Bible. Granilmoîher eh ransgh fro leten and Hadley came hy Irasn uith e lle I 1 ea e theic liii lilîle girls. leld graedmother Hadley's Thse French dmros lead in10 iediig clsîhes. A jeusellery Morjorie's den 0-here a case helonging 10 Marjorie's pictore of pauline Johnsome greal grosdmothee sit on 111e prodly displayed. Alusays partial tuoibis famoas Initias poet, Marjorie liait a dupli. Cale paintesi hy artiet Gege Waite ofthe origina in he eioseurmin Brantford. 1.reciaso cih The den aIs boasis antique tsrmîsurea oelhack hair of thermidOtli censCt and a black leother Grrrlncouch. The room holdo maey reminiccesces of Marjorie's trips arcund theiwrold. A largr modern hilehes is aI the haeh of the long en- leasce hall. Tise high clair- wayhbasoailog curved railig irhich continues in the uts- il p clore of Colonel Campbell, crsaluy.Otieualmer registrar of deeds for HaiosCoooty and Marjorie's great-graedfther, remindo tberatoe-ttyle chst of drawers. Mes. Hadley A vieil te Mrs. Hadley's home attse aide of tise boe reveale asother treasore chect of family aetiqe. Mre. Hadley sa particularly preud of a nearly 200-year-eld seceetary once beloegieg 1u tise laîber ot Col. Campisell, lier graedlatber, A heass hedstead oece hetonging 10 P> L. Robertson occopies t11e gomst eoem. Il wsgiven te Fraek Hastey by bis lrieed Me. Robertson many yeare age. Me. Hadley as a boy bOartIes mils t11e Robertsen family en Hamilton wshite gieg 10 business çol~.he he retired from = mieeerked for atime suitis Mr. Robertsen. Admiriet Mes. Hadley's cellection of gides oeil crystol. one readily keos Marjorie comnes by ber love of tradition hosestly. GREAT UNCLE HENRY huas the place of honor osier the fireplace in the living rooce. The portrait wau painted i n 1866 hy A. Boisseau in Quebec. Rev. Paul Moore offered support ANTIQUE CHESTS ef dramers of parlicularly intereslieg design. Top îs the matchieg bureau te the bcd made by Uncle Willy. Centre is tise large pine piece in Heppleochite tradition. Bottom is ie the Slseraton tradition mith an attuched swing mirror populur in the mid ttth cent ury. Teacher at gospel meet Wilh 111e pressures or our day puhint tomard o more pra'Cticat apprargh o s on w lteaveragmno -relate 1u Christionity, t11e Oumaeh Church of Christ has troedi Keith Wallace, an Oahville teacher foe somne su yeaci, foc on nr. Tbescuîib w îîîîîcuiii te a open sertes AprîlO Ont 7 ai 8 p.m. each evening andIl -arn. taeday morniot. Me. Wallace es heaI oI th1e - issWry depaelmeel aI Blake- loch tecendary tebeol en ý-OskiIlte oeil te deemeet ex- 'lremely capable of 111e tank grnesetel it un lieseiries. la mWbo fertseoiwilI bo -Neetje thse Tisse", con- teseinglisal in maey respects tise lie s nom Wu maite mme chsanges, set enly in socity nd in our scisoote, bot atmo wftisin oorselves. AU MilWen aitoesa reeldentsare ievited t b rteeent for eome The induction of 111e Roc. Coul A. Moore boob place s uniay ai St. Grorge's Anglican Church. Losuville. Memherc of St. John'nS Nassagauueya joinedin the sein service In yuhlically offr support 10 Me. Mmoeev new ministeY Memberu ofth11e tu'o coegregations loch paet in1the- symbolic service, presenting. Me. Moore usîth o Bible, a stole. and 111e hreail anc. saer of the sorraments. The Bichopus Mandate ut Induction usas reand by Teavis Oeoadhent, registear for 111e? diocese oI Niagara. Aech de acnn Robert BlachuselI ni St. Luhe's. Burlînglon. o long- lime frienil of Me. Mmore, conilucted thse rvire. NIt on logrîbre He ungeil thc congregOtion of both chunches tn help Me. Moor in 1the performance oI his neus minictny. We are at !n Ibis Ingether," 11e coul, anduse munt announce oUr ,ove of Gol 10 t11e us1ole oorld. Be suggectel 1the rongnegations soutd 11e 111e sait 11101 susses hIfe. "Wr must love, accept. torgive. anil encourage 1the people usr ment. is is our purpase ts brîng îogrthce peple in a famîty situation andl 10 restore t11eîe eelatîoship te Christ. We must dignify pepl aschilre of crtd" aI hoth chueches aI 111e beginnissg of the year . Be a enn s ech ieg aI a IheolOgical centre in Melanesia. British West hiles. A reception in hic bonor 0-an helil fsllowing 1the cer- v ire. Region grants $78,000 to charitable groups QUEBEC MILK CUPBOARD us nose uond for linens and china. Morjorie showtoche holes in the boards to allose for tir circulation ochen the cup- board held pans of milk. Mennonite arts festival planned ussîl tbs helil tunday oflernoos May 5 uith11e Cambridge shoppers Malt (Hespelr) H.sniedc ot items mitI1e eshihiteil 10 s 111te arts ani raft of predomnisantly Mennonite aetinfn Paut asIl blenil uith t11e presentascaticles loviOly fnionedhby pont generotions are displayed along usitis thone cf prcent artisans. Needlecroît, rugs. arae leather croît. toye. poppels. sseaving, candlemaking, tlomer arrangiol, painting, anlphotogrophy isilîbo some f th1e art forms dislayd he eisl11 veldra ma grs, choir. and singing grioup isl feorti th ro.uglIout 111e tsar houeoi festival. Of interent ivill 11e tas geoupîngu ot childeen's art. one rural and one urbOflin orngin, Ruem settingc ivill dicplay antique articles gathereil trom 111e area. Stras doIls, dred apple-heail doIls anil resed inooden figures are but a eiu nI 111e dicstinrîir hanil-made items 10 11e viemrd. Tlsere wîlI 11e lise demonstrotions cf de- coupage anil eug hoching. The early Menoites, u'ith their emphasis on simplicity, sîncerily anil humîlîty, dis- couragedithr use of artas ait aidlto oirship, Musicwas the exception, heîng a part. of their religions expression feom 111e begînnîng, But reatiuily rannot b1e sup- pressed and beauty ofcaler and designuwerecsvident in many hand-rafleil articles ucedin t11e homes. Butter peints. family documents emhellishments. campleen aod quilîs are but a few ciiomples ut articles in commun usage iuhich bore lentimony 10 t11e artislie taleots of their creators, A Mennonitearts festival is ilesibeil as an oppartunity so iew the art pilgeimOge of a people. sanmegrat reqamte0 Wu etbereeOetinateg somte altogetiser, Halton Regional Coasseil bad granted as eetimated $78,000 te remest te ebaritable groupe anci orgaeizatiofls in th ben reqaested by a multitude of organizatios active in lise regien. Dorieg lise special meeting of ceuncil Thursday, memn- bees desit witis reqoes Wor support fromt 24 orgaeieatioes anU.berd preseetations frima maey of th1e 24 groupé. Pass recornmendattee Couecil eedorced o recommeedatien of tise cemmUeily erc'ies comn- alitlee grantieg $1,800 to talvation Army, $11500 Wu t11e Canadiae National Iestitute f. 11the Blind, $6,000 for the VicWorian Order oI Nurses, $300 per space fer tise Ourliegtoe aeil Oahville h'oatb Homes aed a teol of $23,100 te 111e tbree Associations for t11e MeeWally Oelarded. of the $23,000, s7,stO goe te tise Oahville Associaion, $9,000 to tise ourlingtoe Association oeil 00,000 10 tise North Ballon Asseciation. Tise $1,0W0for lise Salvalioe Army mas upped 10 $2,300 aller Cap loin TilleY ail- dressed t11e meeting. Me commilleens recommeed- alion le have St. Johe Ambulance eelve ne Ask Halton council underwrite banquet ivill b1 ached db spansr a banquet hocteil 1y 111e Inter- national Ploving Match l'onmilter Ibis toIt. The courcl sillhbeashed to mahe ap aoy lossec up 100 maxîimum of $0,500. iîîuncil' Administration Cooîîîîttee mode th1e renomn- mendalion ut a meeting Wed- necdav H. B. Binton of Actin banquet chuirmon, bold tht- committer th1e agree- ment %tas focheil upon an i noucaîte rather thon o sub- sidy tir soleil previous pîno îvg matchs committeen bail avril 111e tunil oely on lhree-occaions in t11e pant 61 For itmi gueslc The match ill ho held in Hallon tlitis ibis faIt andl the banquertoo 0 iihe held a11the Mîohawk Baceu'ay. The motion carrîeil, eves tbougb Burlînglon Mayor EIGHTY-FIFTH IN A SERES A Mark of Progress in Milton The projectmwil lo ieclOdelthemideoingofltte approarbe liste bridge. Pinet. peovides mne of tise Ian cross-teuse routes and tise beidge impoeneeelu anaoliser step in 111e progresui of Milton. For apregresive C * neurance Pregranm reespoletlce rates ,tC a~ IiU A C 206 Muets Streot E. Milton 878-2894 ville Mayor Maclean Ander- son espesed reneevatioes. Ofarrington wascncerned about setting o precedent- and a greel ef $200 mas esn- dorseil. Other graets mere awarded tutheseloifg: BalWss Fie Peevenlion Bureau 31,20; Royal Oolaeical Gardens $20,000, Lorne Scets Regimeel $2,000; aed agriculture grants eof ,00 Ag. Step., (itrisboards The agriculture granie nclodeil grants for t11e Agricalîseal Repreesetative, Jueior Ectension 10-H ansd Junior Farmersi, Farro Salety Cooncil, Ballon Agricultura] Society, AcWon Pair Board, Georgetomn Agricullaral Society. A grant requse front Royal Botanical Gardees mas trimmed lrsm $30,000 le match lest year's graet oI $20,000. Mesembile Oahvitlen Oairlocb Gardees re<lest fer $15.100 mas nîricisen feom tise tint eetieely. tome Oahville memisees oeil some coanicillees front other pares of the regtoe claimed the lacililY a eqaally enlitled t0 pblic support as 111e oal Rotanicol Gardens* Tisat argument mas flot soccesofl as lise majorily lelt Gailocs mas a loca projclaed siosili 11e spneri locIne regi mll A grant foe t11e Navy League of Borlieglon mas local tirea notre. A request of $32,1001 foe Ballon Helping Bonds mas aIs rejected allter considerable discmssion, Bad I.5P geasst That groap has been lue- ment suppert en 1the forti of as LIP grant. Peogram Direcler Anne Allison esplaieed 1the greap wsresponnible fer havieg o'indoms wanhed an bosseusorh dose in tise homes of senior citizens or disableil - mis cesdd eet; do tise Job tseseseves. ts e arg ed thsp e a ram i wite eepresetttg Parieet = ojt n es one b a d, ha d an iniec aving beeasae in maey cases tise perWar altewed senitorcitzem; t W tY estI teit owe borne cotiser tisae goi toi W a ebg berne. tshe leld tise ceeicdl tise lesstdisg of tise groesp isad a tuse prossgedi jsrpoe, one te previe jobs and eecoasdlY We precide a service. SeNot li eRat Shs eoted tise federal goverement bad previded mareieg tt eo LIs same usould 11eavouable en litre yeors aed if il more, tisaI greup woldt qalfy beaene tise federal gvr meet main't interesteet t gettiesg hIle tise business et community service. Irenicelly, tise mciil Wld Mes. Anisenit Il te peine porpose et leaedissg tise orgaeisation was Wo providE jobs anddit simply mcml' a bigs peterity lust on tise Reiessal agenda.- Oe ra t reqseta of $3,500 for Georgetome Red Crnes andt es ntated amount for tise Haltoe tafety ceassecil mere rejected eed reerred ta aresi courncils Urge ban obscene- mnovies Tis sisosing of "%daee film on Global TV or asty telectaleon station sisosdd bo bonneet accordlo Lainue Sthi, a tersteeef the Lambr ton Cony Board of Educ4- Smnith appealed Wu scisol boards, teacisers' féeratemn and c'oauny andI reglonal cosicite aceess tise province fer support. Be neteet a film isad beee siseme ai 10 p ne. Feb. 1W ibemting nude tenagors and adults eegaglng in innuial inteecoarse andI includeil nope morder, profaeily, reisbry end droge. Be clolmeil sucb filme moale bave on edveese effect on lise moral stansdarda of Young pple in Ontario. B alIse Region's Admieistraion Commiltee noled oeil Iiled lise reselutio. ISalvation Armyl PICK-UP TRUCKI In Milton &i Are&* EVERY TUESDAYI 87-822 A1WENION GRAY COACH PASSENSERS NEW ACTON AGENOT Watson's Restaurant 16 MI Street TELEPI4ONE 853-0300 Mr. Nick Galanas - Agent HOUAS 0F BUSINES Mo,- est. 6:30 am.t to 8:00 pet site & o .n O cto teO pin. 2 eCHESTERFIELD 2piece AND CHAIR CBAFTED TO GIVE YOU THAT IMPORTED CRUSHED VELVET LOOK, EXUITINGLY APPOINTED RED ON BLACK FABRIÇý HANDSOMELY CARVED TRIM, JUST ENOUGH TO WOMPLETE THIS BEAUTIFUL CREATION SEE IT IS TO EAUL IN LOVE WITH IT SIT IN IT WILL BE TO WANT TO BUY IT Save $70. Sale Price '669 95 MATCHING L4MPS & TABLES ALSO A VAILABLE Always The Very Finest In Complete Home Furnishings RICHARDSGN'S *LTOI FURNITURE OPNHR. R1 CNTOUR 9 P e. elL F J. D. CURRIE PLUMBING e RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL eINDUSTRIAL REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS 24 HOUE SERVICE 878-2452 BILL'S AUTO BODY 269MAIN STREETMILTON 878-2721 e 878-3251 ( Wý,0n, B.dy Repa"s & Aio C,ýstm, A Refinshicg

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