Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 1974, p. 31

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.4 Thé. Canadian Champion, Million, Ont., Wed., Apil 3, 1974 Ease load on teachers Cut pupil-teacher ratino in elementary schools By Boiieaitt About 27 teachere ill be oddnd loe ilcemcstary erbool spetees le Histon. Thot actesn comme abostiaosa change le lihe teecher-popil raf.invi',.h lias a direct bcariiu olseisise. Tise move mas mode ity laltos Board of Educalise io esue as avor- iorreaeiog lad on Uic tescbiog statt. Whle mcmitcre supportaid a resoluties by vice-cliairmas Judy Aiexander le reduce tise rais ai Uic cicmetary icvcl, o Sandeir mollensipoeuorcd by chairmos BiH Pilestner appyg io thesecondary schesl levl high schos) mas deteatedes 10-7 vote. Thc iscu bas beie o controversâton e in Haltes and geerallyhbrgboetéstarI lier recommemioties Mms. Mcadrstdliter reuctonof Uic iatiotrom2U.tle escdoses le 24.5 loe d essidme sinse ofthUi vnry basic probîs ne elemestary chiesis of ail sices. Greatereipeciaies Shc eplaieic leaciere ere beieg osheol1 t ultfil greaier epeclatises eswwith regard le individualisation, co-opcrotivc planning, macm lnachieg and other esnovaties. Sire. Aiexanter soted Uic medias coa asin elemenlery scisesis baidclimited fromii28.7 in 1070 ta 29.7 ie 1974. Thte resolioe lias Ane effeci t o iring as addiliosal 27 teocisersai etheelemestary levcl al an estimoteol cost ofg7M,000 Cr anaddiional niedollars epuspil peryesr. Sire. Alexander soind Uic mitro staff wesld provide a il more fieiiuity for principale 10 meet Uic ipecial seedos the iciiesi. Sbc eoicd lise cboce of mmmr 10 apply lte addilleol iieip wii bie up te principale. -One scbsei migili redore clans se je Uic primory divis, anctici- might oblais remedial help or a 1il lime lijisarian" site soggested. In advancing les argument for cotlieg Uic i-atilo ai Uic secondary levei. Priestner said the estmseild be lcm tant?7 per pupiorlms ltas .05 iisi. "The effectesn staff morale omld be sigcificanl ot li111e jorrease ie cmsl. Guidclimsestaiibed Tic Halles Board bas ased os a guideie i-alios et 18.5 le Board pressed to cut budget Haitos Casnty sourd of Edocations Finance Commillec recaias unter pressure frocn some trustce le affect cedoc- tins in Uic pi-opased budget of $52166,63. Thc budget os il staodu represenluan iscrenseu 1f1l.56 percentlorg40,787. Finance cbairman Tomn Watus cE Actes told the bardot o menting Titorsday that thei genni-ol leginlelive gi-uni strncture for Uic ynai- bita not itee announccd and bas caoscd a delay ie lte finai presentalies ofthUi budet. Hi- sait bc hoped le pi-an aitodgetfortfinalappruvai ailthetoord's meting AprilIl. Watus oaîd his comcittee met ias wccb. He notedt ibis eus lte firstyear lte bouard liait nul set asidi- a suc tomai-do thei renci-ve fond. He salid thn commîllenibadl deferreol cols Ontil Uic giast str-ucture mas beswn. Hei- ndicaied cota migt ite mode ity curlaiing maintenance. dniayieg sdi-clive cogitai proicla, cuitcng licon essase academie prograses and lrusfceng loodu froc Uic capital i-i-icivu lent. Fiiialp-esieitatlio ilurlington trusten Tony Goodyeai- saud hcd acaîl final presenialies befon- pi-esetiet ometelmenle. He bit a oilie calied or mieuls of tîve per cent. Oakvile trustee Dirb Guudin clamed helaitfound over 50 placesoh-i-e Uic budget cutil ando iuld bei cut. Grant easemnent for town park Titi Toms of Milton lias licen granleol an casemeet ever laodu ooncd ai ui-uubviili- Scitasi iy Halles Buard of Eiiucalion- Tite Bar-dagreed lu gi-nl thecascmcnt subjeclltohe bown ceincaiingkhydru poire, cuvcring a ditcb and entaiticing o rad foithc oter pi-opccly, antd pruvideol the sciesi cmild use thei tomil land au a playgrod duiig ncitooi bases. Tieem -iiusled the aemcnl inui-dei-le gelln omn- iaudlne iiîilrobvilli- Scitesi wicith Uic n lus ans to deveiup inleo apark. Thtin 100ias situme inlecesti n a feas- mt sceuville Fai-msLui. and pasilyte cvcnloai po-citascufuthep-ope-ly fra park. Womnan is principal Baritara i-mnitk ot Gi-urgelewn bau bren appointed ou a priucipal mîllen thi- Haltun liard uf Educntioe synlem. Sire Reesucli lsugit in Stcwnnilomn and Pinevie si-boule en Enqui-sing belore bicîg narneol vice-principal aI Robtert Litle Scitoul in Aclen laul yeac. Site ban itemsie Hallen Cuunty siuce 19680 and bas iscen iuuulvedina widevarietyufommulttes and stody grope. Sponsors courses Leadership coese viii ta nopporcd ol l e enleel of t4,stn ity Hailen Board ni Edocain, Uic board agi-ced dorieg les cegulai- meeting Titureday. Tite fondu ciii gu tumards npccinl npe-akere fui- leacitere' grnupi, a leadereship woi-tnop ane t udy grasp clecit cil Ttamen suggi-slcd fui- tuis ycai-n ntudy gi-ast aill inclodc orgni oadst nructure nf Halloit i-oie ofth Uioiard, dif- ieenuld staffing, inlegi-nird pi-ugiamu, nacly ritilditod edocation and individulizatise of instrucioun. IMbchans a COMPLOTE176'JailiSt.,OakvliO 1143-41 . MAHNE $HOIs selfSth 1 »64St.[anAve., Mllron #m2m liattss- - u-14 anl.NAts0-II one en lte cosemetional legli ochesis ont 13.5 te one in lhe epecial etiscalio dlames. Tbatlavcrages euttso .e1 le oe. Priestoci- wan animeg ihot ancral g ct di-nppcd 10 17.75 le ne. Wiîlc thergoidelile le Hallensapoicy sens lin coi-cent raio 0110s.01 tenone, theactual ratiolen practice nue le 17.93. inesimple tori-m tbat mesinslise clans sine in Halton schoola as leso Uses wbat pnlicy celle toi- i-ight esc. Titis bas nccoi-i-d thtosgb miuZgmet of erolmeet and sebenqocent ocer- slatffng. Anal eotei board action, dems sioes %vif go op ts yesr df encoimns pi-ediclises are ocreraI-. nMmet n ne sue , memicre of Ontario Semesdoi-y licinn Tescic Federolies espeee disoapoielment ai tic itasi-di i-jecciee of tise suggeslion. Ose ,repiennlelive notit tic suggesties badt cnmce U ic itadeiis e leni pr-essure. Wbule il maselt directiy stolmi, there wci-i indicatios trocn nemi- trostees Uiot lhe tuijc mil be reieli-odoccd ut a lster dole. Tic vnle ment 101-7 mîltcw tm rustees abaent. Oppasiain eeis vaiuc Oppasition le the Priester moties cnlied ai-ced Uic ides liait i mas polilically mnlivalcd and tic edocotins valoe bad set item ostied. Trustees mxpiessed deible about bac munit staff moraleoldie ansellif file molles passait le btI i-culuiocs sltf morale eus i-olnd asa molivoling lac-to-. Ticre bave bacs suggeslions fi-oc imide and ousidc liat teacici- morale iset as itigi as il iitasld ta. Ottawa Report "Otur compoter boms only *Usi-ipe seongoscuse opset tommies." .-Tise ne sleepleg sici- ecu-bat, O tsc-tsi- iIy, ehere le Uiy sueg?" Ottamoos year-rosd 12 je- ches et 550w bai tioslly gsit- ie ome, yeusy. Nnto. (I duelt Uhiieb. And no, Uie ai- est puchiees tro Ui biais mid of koe on Ui wtam cocktail drit. iey acht ib-c. nic eeh Report ot Ui C esmimeri of OfticillLeogs No kiddleg. Tise report jeu aUiicli ii,0e poges) red-joclieicd tome pie ind le hu official !oragses tioily, by oor OttIcial Lasouages Commis- alisier, EeiUi ilpicer, "Pur- suaet le section 34 (1) o eti Official lagogsA' It sa o hlgly pereonaincd, exti-emcly meil and itocor- ocly citti-n Occouret of the counti-'tCegrl,uor sorti- tlmms ckoit, tmurd les- È:lementaties of thc Officiai .ga o Act. Mr. Spicer cerla nssoi your oi-dinai-y gordee-varicty Ottoa itarcancret. He bau a flair toi- nottiso hie test in bis meoth e.g. s 'Westooot Rhsode- ise remari ond for very ti-nsupeaking bis mind suddoleg bis job tce way i-, and no ose aléa, tieba t ihosld he dose. Witei-eo thc annoal reporte ot moei geveromeni deporlenento and agi-scies are brief, barîng ef- Namne road Pitfield Multon's Planning uand Developrens Commjttee itas reommenedd eamieg a road Pitieid Rd. lise i-ad iu n sht ioad lmading le a condominioc dovelepmem on Otaio St. flic deveiopmcoit lu taing comitroctel iy a tii-e mit the sm. suc loi-le miten ity tii-saine toilas mite itiing you oor le- coeiTon Art, Spicer's repart cuirs geeuincly interi-sting m-aiig. He deuciien his fesctiue as CuccînnIoner as ooe et "constroctive meddllng". Hin lu a cote ot meonitor-ing Uic vai-jous federol goveremeet deparîseents. ugencico, itoards, etc. ocrons Uic coon- hi-y and of onseseing tlir ci- foi-ts to provide services 10 cact semetr et tii- pulic ie tii- officiel longooge of itis ni- ici- citoice. Hi- details witi agi-cul deal ut sensiiiviiy titi presures os civil servants to acqeire sec- und languoge training and iom tiepresoren remit on mears foi-Joi secui-ity. Hi- oui- liss socecas toibliecrose- plainls of bath Englisit nnd Frencit spcnkiegseemtareuof Uic public abot unfair ur dis- crimieaiory ireotsesi of teir iaegoagc iighls-ve-y- thing trocn a cumpiaint abot aNational Arls Centre upera pirosea pristed on trench nly, in Uic lung-tisee Frencit spniing civil servant sn Que- brCity mie mos i-i-uicd odvancesen euiccaose i- lac- lied sutticicot Englisi. Most important, ut coocse, ai-e let recosesendatIons foi sseesthingitemayt airly and = tiably to bohcivil servant adi puie, tomard effective operatin ut lte principlen ut bilingooliese Given Uic eseotijees and contreverelal nature of lthe concept ut bilisguaiisse, titis ino meon fmit. But Spicer's PROOUCT * EXPERT INSTALLATION. e TOTAL Ife WARRANTY ~aiiuâ~* VALUE POOL-GENS MAMPION 459-1551 bTony 0Otonene Trout eggs for inesiato o omline16 M il1 e C ree k weli ns depocîmnental pi-o- T-otgg miiI ta deposited moi-tai ty rate is ighith theUi gri-os for impiemi-statlen, ie Uic S nt MlSile Ci-i-ik by latter. ta demi isevilsitiy disploy o cesl, memiters ut Tit i- lao Tit-epq mii dpoie cempromising, uid-fashioned Wnltun Fly Fisiin e tom i-e su Dam. Titi dam itorse-sene appreaci. Association. ot tite approvol miii tai-eguiated sa titat titi 1 dun't tali-ne, ns sonn of Haltos Region Cun- prope- fo- oI mater wnuld peuple fnac, tita nyone je ser-vatin AuUinrity. pans titroogt lte dom mite tryist tu ci-oc rench oi- Siectare ot e asooiatiun the- egi ni-e taing trans- Englisit domn sonseilue's fnel Uic cceb wdlli maie as pianicd. _____ titrent. We ure a itiliegoal i-scellent fisitiries ai-eu ceuniry, ufticiaiiy te- os Ot alreody sopportieg S 5IAHT KIDl in69. Wc sitould siecei-ely populatiun of Uiree ipecien ut A feline sajd i- made thc i-Uter iomai-d Pi-o- Irut. misiabe ut giving itis son a iecting t e lnguage and culi- ceitystfrhsbr loi-ai rigit of ut cd oUier. Eggs milltacpi-ovided ity ltday. Thei fatiuii i-iports: Keitit Spicer sa une civil theui -inttaoa Eve-y limie 1 moni tu servant, in a tugit job, ad- Rooce ndtckels dog lnecloittai ii ite ils ut. a moiraitiy pi-fo-sing a service Uic strease for lte cggs le pitial and yetis, "Lay use for ali ofts.cecom endie sillte je. E i-c sed n. i fine- un me and wi-go up report. Anyone wanting a stmad et htatc-iy tini ns lte tugelter. cepy, pieuse contact me. Iflyuu itave iprobinem ideu, comment, chticine or e mply misitugecti etuchitU mer rlaestop by my nidisg oft ville, ori-n Actun ti-lephose M Ga inl by, 853-0740. Ina dw r Gorgiectown cal PrRi-as ai 877-Ma75. A VDFýY THS&r1 TL & lT. MOOREi il' Campbellville Kernalsî enjoy lasagna meal Eleven members ot thc Cameheile Keroala 4-H clubUmt oiit1 at lte Masoie Hall. Pamphlets on coois mliii cersais were distrllelied. Sire. Maios lead the, discussion oo dfferent breadas sud Uic types of fleur aeed. Apie cots cake ont brau muties mers made aed cej.c ai the ed ot tise nie meeting ot Mai-ch 25 waeuadier meehtigwit thie g iris mahleg lasagea. Sire. lsglisuand Sire. Mon led Uic preparaties efthe lasage and egenRa Sso Howard sd otbyr' Hoad mode pnut criepie cows. Speclol gamst for mnestle wos Sire. Waitscy. ice Acbicvcmcet Day wiil bc bcld ut Oetario lciiosi to- tic Oeuf se May 4. As exhibit, ThreecWays witt Rice miii bc sel up by Uic group. li Ater o discussion os posta h, by Sire. leglis everyne eu&Yed the dineer. Fi-eth soleid as mell es complets. th ALIOHOLICS ANONYMOJS* MEETO EVERY TUESOAY Cp.m. GrueAnglican Parish Hall HAVING A PROBLEM? DROP IN "IL-AMN" ý Mos evry Thsrsdap Gréo Anglican ParisE Hall Main Street, Mileio Do pou haneareisiiue euth a drlekleg problern? THE CRPRATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON: Planning D.partment Site Plan Review Committee The Planning Committee Is seekIing ap- plications for appointrnents to this Advisory body. The four successfui applicants wii be residents of the Town of Milton andi em- ployeci fuif-timne in an architectural or relateci engineering profession. This body wlIl alivise the Planning Corn- mi ttee with regard to structural ap- pearance, iandscaping and general site design for any specific prolcct referrei toi t. Apply tO: Planning Director, 231; Main tret E,..- Milton, Osfarlb L9T I Pl Nowoomors Club Please dlsr.gard lait week's Wslcome Wagon Newcomors Club ad. Watch for further notices of future Newcomers Club meetings.

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