CAS panel c government Prnmtnd y Ue ~0~O~ associatins amoi ennigb ta Repria ahlcalu oine manage mithin tbe rom- structure ai Cildrenas Aid Une involvemnent ai Une cm- Sctybords conns under munlty. ttcthe Hoitan baard Regoeded spoouored o panel discussoa "A gund exampie bas been entitiedi "Implilctin ni f lU pae oita r aron taeoýromeot usumlg fil, lzatios in Une orb wiU contrai ni Cildren's Aid retarded chiidren,' alle ssid. ealtis dul Iaonnuel Thiere bave been notn- ments gbotmens voion mode. Wben tbe - oi cn ,member ni gvem,!Oment itervenes il lu o ilsgoverneent tank torce, mottera ofnervice prsvled ta =ii ofin ie e nrepat an mony as passible on N a escUne nacai orkan eenmicoiiy os passible. 7Tie l'bitlng thUe dilemma oi questin reinoins, bout conne nsecting anofambuionce at iscreone our iacilitien la fihol a i f au nd miUnant sscriiicing uilty,?' monderlng mhy tige bell Mrs. Fleming pointednutbaw ppe are falling over." He muas mnney la opent wiUn o climed as a nn-issue, Une volunteer progrotn Uhn miUn suget,ion thof Une govero- Une govremment setup. men s intnresled in taklog Boalod Searle, preaideot ni over Une CAS. CAS ni Peel Itegion, ad- --ne rejerted Unis for a vocated Une premnt hoard number'i ressonts, une helng fsilu remoin unchanged. "I tbot citizen Invoivement la reome angry mbes 1 rend fi crucial.' Tige qaestion tbranan Reprt the becomes, baw do mie bave igaedbion that CAS tran citinen invaivemeot shuid came uonder Une pro- mhes full iunding cames irm viocil or reginnai gavers- the gaveroment. Whot menta. Tbe repart slad ulio boppees miges Une citizen han negotive aspects ni CAS miUn nu muniy ta rolse for Une no documentation ni iocta." lehIellevesl cilinens sbogaid be invoived on CAS boards in Mr. Seorle ohjectnd ta Une some mOy, enpecliy In Une report attoching Une structure orna ni cbiid meliore. Koy ni the boards, caiiing Unleml sciemine, president ni Une On- seli-perpetunting. "Wby, Uney tarin Associtofn Chiid- are sgetln paliticions are ren's Aid Sociatier feit Une on Une b ony bescaufe onsmer mas in keeping Une Uney are appninted, be ssffd, The diamond jubiiene, ta ordinatar oi volunteer ser- Learsuof chiid weiiare mark in vices. satia began lier work ialtan. nos ceiebrated at te tant tait. Volanteers are used annuat meetinig ni Thge entensiveiy as bahysitters, Cbildren's Aid Society oftie typiatn, cane-aide mangers in Regianai Manicipaiity ni Un capacily ni big broter, Haiton Wedoesday. Il non aufft at uncie ta foater February 05, 1914 thge lirai children, and os drivers. meeting nons heid in Knox Pressurees Preshyterion Chsrch, Milton. Executive Director Dr. Close ta 300 people, Gardon K.- Asbmith on- honorary fle esembers, oi- nosnced tige end oi Une chitd liciers, directors, staff, saper- neliare branch in Ontaria. vions, social morbers and Nonr the chiidren's service striiaol ssrt ait Haiton bureau, reports miii bie Cetesii Manor la besr bandied in Une distrci rather yesr-end rprt nd tai eleci thon throgbQnn Park. the 1074 dietr. Dr. AnhwiUnreieerred ta Une Craig Fraser, 1973 pieu, administrative occamt- president i the soctety. iodastion os 'atiering tbe fpoke ni Une challenges tilt lieaed in tige ralning oi teister cbiidren. "lU's ot 1h01 simple ta raine a fomily, but dition ni tmn or mare testerSa s p b i rqieextra patienTe and a y f s e attenn thal oiierS a resi m n o t challene.T According 10 Harold SmiUn, Mr. Friner recommended director ni Poster Parents' thensociely in Une cani n gyesr Association ni Une Cigldree's du more ta aasint tester Aid Society, the geserai parents in napportive public bon a negotive attitude programos. He afin arged toulard ilerch idre. "Ibsis more preventive clienti s nstiy becanne ut adverse services, services beinre pubiicity in Une nenspapero, ratber tilon alter Une tact, bie hie daims. promnted. A ntep lomoard cnrrecting Budget tige miscanceptions na a He iisted Une 1974 hudget os siepped-up program nfIio- sounfer "cballenge". Pority formation mîUnn tbe scigunis. an nages fit comparable Mr. SmiUn bas spoben ta societirs mere met in 1973 os neyerai bealUn niasses and meli an improved employer nnuid lige ta, enpand Unis benetits. Nem occam- meUnnd ni communication. modation an lita Blair Ruad, "There ns a grist oecesuily Buriingtnn ban âae raised tbe toc Une tescigers ofilUneus bids cnal oi ope= ion. ta o of ni Ueir porticulor .Direct cutli srvices for prohiemo. Most teochers cbiidren in gare for 1973 mere dont even bnom Uney have $209,424064 as cnmpored 10 Une toster bida on Uneir classes." 1972 figure $159087.59. Cost ni Jodge adin isatr at i on mon Meetingsof aiester parens $170,871.77. and teenagers have bees Cathgerine Walsh, society educotinnalin naure wiUn ouxiiory director, introdurnd speakers on drugs, repc- Nancy Ross, tbe lirst pal4 ro- nentotives ni tige board ni Camper Sales 1 0 Sports Travol Homos Ltd. No. g Hmy. % Mile North oi Guelph PHIONE 824-5329 OPEN Moe. Fs, I 8:30 nopn St9a ft -l 12 Noomî-CloOd SgedaYs Citation Motor Homes & Traloers Triple E - Traveaire Irailers - New &Used dignity aur clients should have in a findly and ef- ficient nettisg." Ne ssld demondsfo ia Une cummunity toi provîde pre- ventian-prutection servgces are pattgng tige case morkers taider excessive pressures. AiUnougb not as many babies are upi'orodopion, iher are more aidercilidren mitb o variety ni handicapa migo require o grest deai oi igeip in becuming part ai iheir nen bomses. gimop tareportit ' s o langer diiicult la ploce cbiidrenof aiaUer eUnnio teck grounds," Dr. Ashmith said. malignis chlldren the cimld "thev edlucalian ond bigh ncbuni "Tb principals. hoe Judge l<ennnth LaogdoO ni as Famiiy Court came lai tolk ta cantin " Lighting " Pumps " Motor Sales " Exotic Lighting " Installation " Repairs The Canadien Chamrpion, Mailton, Ont., Wed.. April 3, 1974 C3 iscusses take-over "nt hecaune Uney core. The cition members ai CAS ignr provfide un impat o glvefroment caasid pro6vide.' SlangiHasen Mr. McC u gentdedMr Searlehonoread Une rpr caretfuly. I Unybaglg Non.. for Unis reat imn seme ni Une roîearound m oeck h ld Mr. MCy mon one ni Une mriters ni Une report.'Il amconfinuall sr- take-uver. Te lae nihUe governmest sa Une issue here, ot Une goveroment faihe- Paueiist proiesur Cyril Grmeniond ai Une Schuni oi Social Work at McMastar University ssid hie cosidernd Hughi Hanuin ta bie a moat able odministraor mbn mou set presesi tai deiend homniSe. I heieve Une CAS in chlld abuse situations sa inei- iective. Tbere is on in- creosing suesher ai diuturbed familles and chiidren In ur society, violent crimes hy ynung chiidren are on Une rise, und yet Une Homesn ntudy gives o conniderotion as lot bebaviar disorders in cildren.'l CbOdi abuse Proiessor Greeniaod helieve preveotion in cbesper and more sstlsiactary in Une long rin. "A ioSlom-up study on ohused cildres reeo% Une domestic situation bad cbanged! litie, Unere mas stili peverty, inadequote parent- ing, dsrapive, tamiiy fle, and tan mncildren in one iomiiy.', His recummendotian monle thlait cbildren sonsd bie manted ond loved. "Thgis la Une mont important factor in tbe grnmiig of heaithy peuple - Mms. Fleming snggestad Une mite ni pareoiing nbnuid be taupgit ait Une elementary and secnndary nebuni level. Sige offin rerommurendo tige adoption oi o derlorotion ni riçbtn ni cildren, o cidrens OBi oi Nigbts. Bad Image Discussion opened ta mremblers ni the audience ot the CAS annuol meeting. Dr. Gordon Anigmith, CAS eserutive directar. said Une Hansn report gane on assinenet ni Une prnhiems mithout giving a definition oi mbat Une pmobiems are. "Oar hostiities tamard esch oUner and tige cbiidren in aur snciety is Une moal prnhlei. Councilior Pot Mcluaugbiin ofinriogtaon o member ni Une bord for tma monti, ssid is opinio n oi CAS ased lbe "a bunch oi snobs miga nmesped doms on pour areos and grabbed cidren lt he odopted fit ricg familles. i Unnugigt ni youaos a bosch af bidooppers migen I nos young.' Mr. McLaughlin taid ban bis opimion bas chonged on lthe past tew mooths but hie urged bettar communication mite thge public. A PAIR 0F YOUNG .HO5i5EWOMEN mounted their steedo for a trot donn Henlop Rd. Sunday ufternoon. Horse funciers choone back country roatis ta wark their animuin more nueSn thon Multon's rcaidentiul streets. Joui tihe same, itas botter thun watching curs drive by. (Photo by D. Pink) WiII seek start-up subsidy Treasurers tramt Haiton regionai municipalitien miii be ashed ta compile lots sbhown nost incurred an port ot eginai gaveromeot sar-Tp. Once tige losts are cam- pirîrd the regian wiii moihe reprrsentatin o J obs White, GeorgeI new pre George Heyon oi Gakvilir nos somed Une nen pensideni aftie Clilidrepsa Aid Society ai the Negiounhi Municlpaiy of Haiton nt the annuol Mc. Nym, -à pucchasioi agent wilh Si. Lawrence cboseo tac a one peur ter. Ne bas a total board mnember- sbip ai tîve yeacs, tram, 1900- George Neyes 69 and again dnam 1972-74. Mc. Neym confesses a gceal inlerest la chitdren and gcnup, otiecing tige !inds the o, 0.tb thr CAS ena chance lt boom vr ielaca as aperson and not as The1974 Boarda(IlDicec- judge". lors, announced by Judge D ouglas Latimer on the .ey non bim as a boman cecommeodulian ai lime ,Mc. SithU ssid, "and nominaliof committee ae someane mîtb absolute Michael Irwi, voTe- a vec ibeir lises.' presidenl, Marjorin Powys, secretacy; William DeVries. "Lou" says don't stand on your Smoney, with ail the Crashing SALES going on af his place . .. . uue'-5000 BTU OPEl Ai r Condiioner ýTRqURy~ Only 1150. NADALIN ELECTRIC Sunny Manufacturîng & Lîghttng M.d 818-4111 TORONTO 826-1223 3153 STEELES AVE.. W. MILTON Treusurer and Minister of Iteirgovernmentli Attoîrs. The rglon miii ask tige pro- vinTe la subsidize ntariT-p fros t otheilocaliievel. Hrulonolileve Ainui $300,000 mon aitowed ol lthe regionot level tac stori- Tp Tanin. Whiite bas rejeceTi Heym sident ireasurer; couniiorn Dos-id Cans, Len Coae, Pat McLaoghlin, Terry Maneli, ion Sutberland; Craig Fraser, Dr. Sigeila Paprica, Catherine Wulsh, Sass teorriner oi Surioglon, Keonelb Geiok, Moriorie Ripiey, LorraioretWrighti, Goakville; Peler Marks, Naiton His; and Ann Piniemy, Mltas effortîs hy aresacauncils srebing torloup cits. Ares cooncils have teen nild tii muni bie dose ait tbe regianai level. Naiton Huml bad requested the region 10 nover cosis oi $Rite0 n resovotians for Une ctounnil nigombers ný Huiton Humls Tige renovolion is a direct resait ni regionat gaversment. JLrTHEK - 14mTTTT A T. o.cTTTgTTog caT.Og, TTT.. Tj T OT T gT .go T OA T ggT.TTTTvTT nn..n adffrdpn. pctl TTTTT o nT.g Tg. MenMMTT rMnufat ueaItctM M uxuo. e ltheoi-0tr nTTT.TOg t h, tTT.T TsTg,TTTgTgTTTlldfl ý fuswhe TTT,.. t . Mt TTT dTiTgTv.hoftwT.5sTT.T TTTOOTToTg.TTTTTTapTpantalonalis, a H- - Il -laT Tg oM.- =g.g. body Mai oTT y.,TTIT M OT,Tng al ,To Tgi n .c To n-orts g1 core Te do t T10 L. TTT T.. - TTTTT -T T1- - T. . . lMisy conideiet Atopoftg5TTnTTTTne ca TTAMI o on bel0 Marti Ilt. 1-2411'Md..9 IUS Oth D-hh0 401lve on tnn ewLANTO CIL moci ceaec IrlrLate mGds ai.d Spriog cieao op ime Is harle 090 O! Camer those winier-drais watts with vibrant colourl CIL paisOs niier you ovor 900 colour scigerses to chonse tram. It's pour chance ta be pour an decnrator-and POT il be arsozed ut the resuits! ON-THE-JOB ACCESSOR IES Itissarprisong bon mach easiera job cas be when pan worm with the proper equipent. Ai Copoiaod Lumbor, nie have ai t he ac- oessnries tai make poor job quick, cieno and easy. You'il be sure ta laboe pride in the t o shed product! TRAY & ROLLER KIT CAS urges prevention diamond jubilee year