02. 50.1 Anril 3. 1914 LUXURY BEAUTY TASTE Locaied8 ongg, onWfte ,.his.9ravinai lot. in. Geor.getown,.lhl. 4bdrocint .5.5.41,. home. is exqu4isieli d.ggat.d l,.lde end out. Amen-. Mes. inclgde sgsh Ita.ms as bg,.dlooa., aeoli- ahcs.aII ligMft txu.8. Iltl.l..deed with grt pteas,. fhet a. o99.. gh8 fin p.gpety ta the public at a verv .galistIc price of $73,900.00. Prinipasmay veili he, propetya.thBon Stuart9 877-5237. LIVE UPSTAIRS WORK DOWNSTAIRS Lzicated i... dag,,.tg,, A,.tg, intrs~ectiog, this p.-ape.-ty ha. pgtentiel fo fa vo.e con. terri lat.gbusiness of thel. mgn. A 3-bedl ro usoa ir, apartmnt. an.d a goad.olaed yard are assois you shoid naïf pas$ 159. For appgi9tmnt phon.e Allait Gunding 877-5237. GUELPI4STREET UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY W,. haveg a,,ggbled an g,.fl.e block compris-. i.ng i/ 3 acre fronti..g gn threag dga.900W9 stets. ZoIed C2Commgecial Garerai) his p.sperty sffgs poten.tial perhaps nevere- peated . Cali right non. foar fugW.. defa ils frn Allait Guing .t 877-5237. 1 ACRE COUNTRY HOME Sisuated me8.25 Hy. Ibis 3-h9<1750g bric5k bun.galow ia surrouined by lovely 97915 an.d pienty of roofor the kidsoplay. A 24'22 garage, a vegetah19 gardon ansd a regonitha89 lostil fiaeplasearas2. sets, Mont. anA DaA w111 approsiale. Js»9e possessiongives youitretfoi ai lier.9 haome. Cali nog,8.d ask for Allen. Gundi9g. Sissloed hy 9h. snic C.odil River In. Si.. Williams. One 2 bed.5099 and me 3 lied .50.5 apartment plus vois r~ mit ivin gisarta.,. Saparatelv heated Ess.pllsnal prisa of 049350.50W nsnexcllent tarims. Cali l.a..sn Noble 9048v7 077.5237. $48,500.00 Thans ail yos have fil psyfo tgihis brick bun.galgw slt,.atad on. a quigf court. Thee bndrggn. upstsi., an.d a 2 b.da... site dsisn.fairs mokas Wls ha.me. a ga.d I. vefge,. F.- moins partîsula.. sali Alla. Gissdi..g 877-5231. TREMIENDOUS INVESTMENT DUPLEX Big bolA Isso sfgny Wn a prfecd cormirn lotf ssalking distanse front GO Train. depianl No. 1 Apt. oversized kilsh..s. big dl..ing ro .sfh China H unS, a l.sgn gasfer h..gnW glh full a.all $foragn and clslnt, dresser an.d g,,sllg, la.s big bedrosm. h. 2 Apt. twn bedroos ga.d sized kltcheW. 151s sf cupboarA spasn anA .aequafe csWfY ivin.g rosn..Nna..svslns hance Cali Oso Tuis ton 8775237 Askong onny $499000 BLUE MOUNTAIN COUNTRY Jus a blockl.5W1 hebay-and ail ou heart clesies. Vear ruds. ports asflslly or 289t quiet ,-etireW501. This sottage has If âll, seaateh wa.kl.p & .fn.age area-.199e.. *aed and511 fllyfis1hed r19ht hal the pots a..d pans5. Juiap 9h. handssaga. nassI Cali Don. J..2.9 817.5237. 0917 s1,500.00 NEED ROOM FOR VOUR FAMILY? Hn.es a finen4 edroom bik home.iWh antacha. garage ont a large lot. In 9aa.n close toi shoos an.d shopping. Possession the. end of June so your v.. anlly san h. ail set nor the net ,schogterril. $59,900. Lali Silia 877-5237. SHADY LANE We.il snt hadu l.gs highway fonagn. Thn lgt is4251.denp. Thehoisegh., W...e sosfy nd- rosand a nnwa.dditign under cos507c- tion-tf.r.fi p.fii.g and lm laxs fSl Lali righl away-Don. Jarvie 077.5237 aoking BRAND SPANKING NEW! 3 bndrooe,, 2 storey home. a.th.a lar-ge bock- yard. This honm. Is nn.y 9..9.ffslly desoaatd with .lldlng gloa.da..- t, a patioores, sepa. a19lle lvng and dl..l.. .a.n5 and a full ha.... ment. At83,501willlssst ygsmoney toh.l- fate. Cali Br-lon Stuart 877-5237. MORE FOR LESSI Malle your dollai, grav. hy Isnsti..g In. thls extremeiyilarge.5iplexslosat.d on antolus 1.2119 largn lot In Georgeown.. W.> 849,9000 nm, lisfed a98su 200.00, con 750 afford fil miss arg a If9 nit c Se Carla 877-5237. Coun.try bun.galnow on an asre of land. 3 nice h.d.ogm,. braaisclint thrasghg,.9 end a spa. clous r o00522xlS8.9ad7ya iSshgls.of Pa591-Wogl 3scarparking onpaad drivetoi the daouble garage-exs.li..9 velise et only S67,90. Cali Bab Turki..89.. 877.5237. SPRING IN HERE Smart 3 594.-an.. cnlt.ge-G.at for ail ss ..>..-h.g holiday ktlihen and living mont, In dos.ta 15iiti, anA an g,59791gh9 sleeper asý con,.odatio.s lor four. 19',o a0 nicely f.-a.d iltand only a lock or sgfront the a.d ad sisl. W. are. haviga par-ade of Ine.ested sIient.s-ghy dog,9 704 bh W.hiyei-I Prisgt ai oni $16,900. Cali na.i-a,. faor Don. JasA. BUY NOM! AnA wosld vais hallevisov Insg Aisgus. A th.-.. h9A.agW bungalow neatly mn.tals.ed and frnohlv Aecorated hsaadloo... Inl..lded. FinisheA family i089 .1 h... bargo sia, pril vote lot wifh a separate single arage and paved drive. Lauli1l2ia Togler 877.5237. 266E. GUELPH ST. GEORGETOWN GEO ffN MARrU-UMLU_ I1 _, Br.ion 01hen Mgr. lism Coopnr Ailai. Gun.d...g 877-8549 Bri8n Stusart 877-9620 SivaOvsisa 577 1242 AAis.g TOIeln 877 5237 La- in.gso 077-2804Uia Pn1.sn 877.5701 Suea Lads 877.1707 Bos T.s.lsngfng 8777244 8753 W~î 87-20 Toronto 361-0590 1 Growing ... Through your confidence! Now 37 offices throughout Ontario.. .ose