MR. AND MRS. PAUL HENNIGAR (nmm Susan Harnstaple oi Hornbyl Wedd*n Hennigar - Bamstaple Deeorated woth white and Hornky, mmied ot the kride an pink gladoto momo and maid of konor, Mms Nanry carnations, Munn Usited Hitl ot Orangeritte, soster ot rbumch. Dakvitm n'as the tke groom and Mms. Donna scene of a pretty wootee Dugsay ni Misnossaaga. wmdding wkeo Susan Sain- teoend ofthek bride were stapie and Paul Henoigar bridesmaido. Misses Cberyl weme marred ky Rer. and Nirole Messenger Of Chartes Donald, D.D. at a Omangerolte, forces of tke doubte ring reremony. The kride n'eee flower girls. orgaiot n'as Brian Gamner of The bent man n'as Wayne Dabrile. Hennigar ofLondonkmotmr Ther hride ns the dasghter ofithegroom andanhern er ni Mm- and Min. Stan Bao- Les Lister of Minissanga. stapte of Horsky and the kmotbmm-io-tan' ni ihe bride, groom 'S the sn ofn Mm. and andiJack Hill oftOrangerolte, MeS. Gearge itenoigar of kiother-to-tan' ai the groom. Oabrle. TMe bride n'as giren TMe n'edding reception n'as on marriage by bier fatber. the the Boyne Commaniiy Tbe brode's attendants, rentre, Milton. Miss Louise Sammiti of Aiter a sbort boomymoon the happy rouple bave madie tbeir home in Barrie. Eat sam ples Befîore tbm weddiog ibm bde n'as entemained at im foftk meeting oftOhm neyerai iclaeu Hoesky North 4-H Club n'as sbowrs 'Me bootess n'mme beld ai the home of Lys and Miss Marie Pmatbemstonm, Donna Stewart. Ceeats that Dabville, assinted by nieces cao beeatenstbroagkont the Mmv. Lirocb and Susas day wmme doncussed. Peansi Feathersione; Mrs. Donna emospomo aod a delirinus Dugsay, Mississauga, lasagna disb wmerm made. assosted by Moss Louse Doiermot types of tiostas Sammot: Mes. Nancy Hilt, weeos dis pay. Omangevolle, assosîrd by ber Tbe meeting closed with the moîber Mes. G. teonogar; girls sampling the reripes of Mmv. Cbarles MeCammon, Oak- the wrek. ville, assosted by ber oiasgklem Marleor. Mes. Kmn M ilton 4-H by daugbters Anne, Li n Orenda - andl Ibm ladoes malies esoployedaiteOkle empsymms ai tbm bride. Mottan Cemeal Grains, tbe 4 H bamensaker club, bmld tbmim tiiib meeing on Wedaesday, March 27 Arbomrmment Day plans weee diocsssd. Tbe girls mademlasagna saucemandare planning tu met April 3 or napper. Discussion n'as soi pasias. WOOL Ratzeithebhgkeni rmourinforyanwooby patroaa agysar o.n Ogaiatias 'SHIP CEC T i OureRmgsm med Wamehasse No. 10 Carteton Place, Ont. Oblats sacks and twine withoui charge irsm WM.' A. WILSON eShearer i R.R. 3, Gomrgetown Phone 77-5679 or by writing In CAPdADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITE» CARLETON PLACE. The sets Sigma Phi Sorortty (Ela Phi chapteri hetd a meeting on March 12 St Ibm home of Anne Han-is, McNtven Rd. The by gAflfHarrisandJoyce Fowter wan catled "Eden n'as a Garden" and conststedl of money-savtng and lime- saving home gardes hints. Mary Anc Witterimk fromt "Ftowem Land Florints" in Burtinglon and she made tises ncparate arrangements uning drted and rea ftowmmn. Ise 2nd Milton Brownies enisymil a tour of Mountsherg Conservation Arma on Snday atteromon, March 3t. Best wiohes go ta Karen Jolmoton ai 27 John S1. who cetebrates lier 5Sweet Six- tmenth" birthday on Friday, Aprit 5. Mr. and Ms.B. Groenen'eg and daughters Kathleen and Judith spent thm sehool break aith M mn. Gromnmwmg's ç~et, Mr. and Mrs. Fank The Hamilton and District Parmnt Participation Pre Sakoot Confemence n'as hmtd en Hamilton on Monday Marck 25. Attmnding fmom Miltas Co-Operative Nursery schmtl were Norma Lepa, Etsim Manford, Noremo Marchaod, and Dotores Molanson. - The Hon. Jack McNie, M.L.A. Hamilton West of- ficiatty opmned the con- tmrencm. GamIt speaker n'as Jacb Haas, Ph.D., Assistant Professer of Sociotogy in the Dmpartmmnt of Oociotogy and Anthropotogy at MeManter Univrsity. Nbs triple a tobay's rtald: Learmong tai ke annios and ta drmam or iailure. Hm qaestioned the highty s-atamd goals and ohjectiv'es of our or hoos and certain snintmntionat and undmsimaktm satromes. Aftmr lunch tise dmtegatmn mark attmndmd Ino n'orkskops. Congratatations and keot woshes go to Bilt and Mahet Grmentietd, 417 Woodward As-e.. wko rmtmhmatm their n'mdding aonivernamy on Saturday, Aprit t. Tae Octa Sigma Phi Soot(Eta Pki chapteri hmd eeting rmcmntty at the homemof CaCotrooks. R. R. 6, Mitton. The progran' for thm es-eomg n'as pros'oded ky Margueritm Carrne of Mottat n'ho nhowmd tkm art of spio- nino n'itb thm spinnin g wkmmt and tkmkaond nille. Skm atno sko'md knittmd aodrrohmted itm. Many happy metumos of the day are wished for Jom MrCann. 413 Woodward Ave., n'ho cetebmates kms hirtkday on Saturday, Aprit t. Cancer oempaigners name team oeptains Milton and District Unit of son, Harold Douglas, Mrs he Canadin Cancer Society Keith, Merry, Mrs Jack this week ltsnched tas 1974 Wittiamson, Miss Ruth fund-raislng campaign. An Chater, Mis. Gerge ,Jack- estimated 300 cptainssand son, Mr&. Lilli . KeII, canvassers expeet ta follw Mr. Met Rtohinson, Mis. T. the 1974 campalen tineme, R. Penrice, Mrs. Gtsnns "Knsck nop Every Dosa" and ltssk, Mms. J. A. Carroll, Mrs. do junt 'that in Milton, in Norma Atlast, Mm. familte nearci of1$8,800. Cote, Mm. Barny Hendern, Officiels Ibis wek an Mm. Barbara Verstraete nounceed tie tint oi captains, MW. rbiffs, rsnanMi each In char e of about 10 WëGifitn ïrs at ;~l canvassers. They are: Dorothy rpKe Lrs. Kh~en Mrs. Helen Vsnsickle,.Mrn. Etstey, Mm. runce Miller, T. Marshalt McLaughtin, Mr. A. Boucher, Mm. Mari Motw. Ratph Seratini, Mm. Ken bray and Mm. Wiliird Shannon, Mrs. Spencer Wtt- Featherton. z 202 MAIN ST. MILTOU: 878-442 FOUR HARNESS LOOM is used by Stella Gasnl Hnines, Donna Graham t<ojn Sonne, D ebbie ta illustrote ber wmoving craft, On thse Wall af th Walden, Karts Sonne aond Carolyn Hainses, ai oi l>tse Trce Shap are namptea of lier Wall sangg Miltan, lntereated in Stela's cruft are fron lait , Katy (Photo by J. Benton) Stella Gopsili J.R. Currie Artistic weaver OTMERS drilis by day jMI j Teiephone632-7788 weaves at night FY BY Jnoe Beaton made of hmmp wotk a wooden yl adof one inch onylton rohbon '%%'6olgrh s ean basm moootmd on a sîmitar bonghtfor $1 a t a hamaamand ~~~ watgsiff ac as a ,ht buewoen backgrond. wovm 75 yards oi t nnta -thm Eri CR I sto is England. ' tella bitmo ta work in tam- shirt. A eriat she made fîveRI Satsrday aitercoos shte gave ot malrhais as dtsptayed ia years aso for a total cmlt of a demonstralion ai ber art ait h fobega oaving om- $22 na stîi as gaodr as new. the Pine Tree Skop white pregad oithns. The Skm cIaims hand n'aven :ratlammsdmimdsmpts ens ar .a qokty and matrhis to hmckmhaper thaon ~ 'u~an si b-lers asual waeat masnted an the backgreood stor bosght aod canodu c anaigs go m fbreglas fahre. onsoal efimcts hy npins ng hagos Stella raLpfs tise bright ratoms and dyeing ber own woot1 Stmlla is on dmmaod by in- ai grees, ymltow and mmd ino Mahe fanem; lustrialisis wbo oppreciate the resin before maooting. Beginntng Apri t0 0km wIll liersperialioed talent for ta- Machine shîîp ho ai the Pare Tree mark dOMPLEOO. carparalosg ami witk Stella admits ta baving Wedomsday for 10 neehs ta ELECTRIC SER0VICE business. Far esampte a worm idean than she cas fid pass hiem knowmdgme as ta NUSRA parachute manufacturecstmmens tom. Like many anyanm 14 years oi age and OSSOA gave as Cbm Ila peents a artints sbm tinds fi difiicutt ta aver. MAINTENANCE rail bangng ai n'arma bark- make ber art pay for- itorli. Ohm and hiem bsskand Raon ELE C TRCAL leslnibsuperimpsmd She spmods hiem days in a make their awa toum. The 20 CONTRACro NG parachstes. machin sbop, drilting and Inch Ridgid Hmddem s on . RI Otkmm attractive bangings gminding a varimty ai sd ta pmdscm thm pepuular HETN ire ai grey, white and beigm materials. Atominas coisn watt hangings, the t skie WTRHA organie cardmd woot, banging lemb ovr irons a commercial boom for narrsw items nach "IsoaE mmm irons a hand-tmnmd job eemtty wili end n p as an beîta, tien and headhands, OENTALS wodeo mad; a coloriai plain part ai a nen' art fomm. O h mis and thm large F'our Hamneno will wmave with shaden ai alsa msperimmnting n'itb Lons for enpmiesced 818-20 mbk pslted tightty avr a n'eaving metat ino matemiat. weavmms tasuse in the mablng FREE rsyooArrv oamd aifmmisg background Stella n'as wnsring a briout ai yard tmngtkn. itight among ctouds of Worm and nmwed ina7a~y. Ohm kteacked flan: and a tre teair adrantage of the NO Milo Icol of Divn D. 0.T . .L Dui Coiil, .1y f Odds ..d Ends Clearout "PRICES SLASHED ON DISCONVTINVUED LINVES I 40ON THE$1OO...or i e ail seasons avoulable * saine couniter soiled merchandise7 CHULDREN'S DEPARTMENT siT-shirts a Boys & Girls ponts a Short Sets * Pont Sets e Dresses e Boys & Girls Coats LADIES DEPARTMENT e Pants III Shorts e Sweaters II Blouses III Skirts III Coats a Dresses MILTON 878-2067 a 0 f t