Haltnn Renaissance Cnm- mitteels campaign for changes in the educational system bas struck a respansive note with many parents in Halton. The groupas firat rally in Milton Thursday showed a deep, grnwing concern n the part of the parents, over many current trends in edlucation. It starterd aimply ennugb. Four bamosexuals visited a grade 12 healtb education clasa ait a Burling- ton achool alsd one parent, Milton evangeliat Kenneth Campbell kicked up a Storm of protest. He cited the incident as an example of moral decay in educafion and an- nounced bis plan ta withhold the educafinnal portion of bis, municipal tax bill, until the system was cleaned up to bis satisfaction. The campaiga roused the sympathies of other parents. Many Wbo disagree with modemn educatinnal trends joined tbe campaiga, hopefut that a grnup proteat would carry more weigbt than an indîviduat complaint. Thursday's rally wasn't t10) per cent hehiad Mr. Camphell and bis crusadle, but the majority of the 600 in attendance appeared tn hie sympathetic and willing tua wnrk together ta cure the lts tbey see ta the system. lU's nt just a declining moral standard that upseta the parents. Opposition was expressed ta anme of the methods nf education, too- open cnncept, fewer exama, fewer mandatory subjecta, methoda of teuching the three baaic Rs, the new math, the continuing experi- mentation and the difficuliea graduates have ia basic subjecta after graduation. The renaissance group plana further rallies and expecta to furmulate a major brïef fnr the board of edoucation. We hope the hourd will recognize tuais prntest as a reflection of the valid concerna many have. The board HAS snught public input over the years but trustees, usually defended by a solid wall nf admiaistrators, have been bard to reach. Tbursday's rally reflecta more than juat a moral concern, it reflecta an extensive disenchant- ment with education in grenferai. Itas interesting ta aee such widespread disillusionment brought toto tbe open. Redeveloping pans Thia summer the cnre area reconstruction of Mary Sf. wilI ho complete, the off-ufreef parking ureas mili be paved, lighted and druined, and tais major redevclnp- ment projecf milI ho concluded. Wita that complefion goes the lasf excuse for omners not redeveloping commercial proper- tics. Even mifh the projecf under- wuy only on, store thuf we're amure of bus added a Mary Sf. en- france. Presumably the others mil tuait unfil affer the street mark is done. - The Mary St. projectas compte- tiontuil almost reverse the stores. Cerfainly the Main St. exposure mili almays ho important, but the avuiluhilify of more parking on a mdll paved lot, adequafely lighfed, milI mnsn that domntomn shopping for those urriving in cars, milI be much more convenient fromt Mary St. tban from Main. The laf concerfcd affempf f0 launch a rejuvenution tof the Main St. properties came mita tac Nor- mich Plan proposais in 197f. Inter- est mus bigh but involvement mas lom and attempta to develop a co- ordinutcd uttack on Main Sf. im- provements sccmed tsi die mhcn dollars and cents mere discusscd. in eucb case uthen discussions mere înitiated they inevitably bog- gcd domn on parking, etc. Nom the municipalify bau cleared those major hurdlca. Tbe Main Sf. bas been rcconstunted, Mary Sf. mutl bave been reconsfrucfed, parking off-street provided and if is nom up ta the merchantu and property omners f0 underfake taeir renova- tuons on thoir oma properfy. Since tac cn-ordinuted effort ma flot suc- cesaful, presumubly each individ- uni omner is on bis omn. We hope taougb thuf souffe generul approacb can ho tuken f0 tbe Mary St. face, back of the Main Sf. stores. tt can so eusily ho attractive or tac oppo- site. wita municipal mork complefed in the core urcu if milI ho up f0 tbf coImmercial properfy omneru f0 provide the second phase impact on the streets. Commentingq brie f/y lts officiai. The County Admin- istration Building bas nom been aold aod the decd regiafercd mith tac province us fthe nem omners. ttegionul headquarters miii nom sean ho locuted in Burlingfon and tac geographic ccnfralify mhicb bas persisfed for over loti ycars bas been lest. We suspect it mili f ake anme minor miracles f0 ever have rcgioau hundquarfera rcturned fa the centre of the region. Milton Bus Linca bus gained a litf le municipal attention lut ely over reperts and aucb, but me fhink muybc if's a gaod f ime f0 recagnize that ftbe quiet day by day service is groming and guining acceptance. The operutors arc providing a morfbmbile service and me fbink those, particularly but nof cx- ciusivcly in the outlying ureas must appreciate tac tact the service exists. Wc baven't hesrd many complainfa and me assume the L.emises' must ho operating mdll fto avoid tbem. Roy Caes prenence in tac local post office mil ho miscd. Rcfiring after f7 years, f1 of them as assistant pautroaster, Roy mill ho ciîanging routines. Af The Champion me almaya fouad Roy belpful in ausisfing mifh oc- casional nemupaper delivery problema and ia sarting ouf tac fnrms me had ta file tn cover aur mailings. Me mish him mel in mhafever be undertakes as a sequel ta bis post office mvork. One bundrcd yeurs ugo this meek, The Cbampion cdiforially called for a fomn-mide upring dlean- up. Alfbougb tac "animal and vege- table matter" rcferrcd f0 in 1874 bus been replaccd by litter and junk in 1974, the message is still uppropriat c. Heres nau mus said about ftbe tomn's condition a cen- tury ugo: "Nom tha tbe cold sap is neur- ly livrer, mc fhink tbe moaf stringent maures ahould ho tuken f0 gef the mbolc tomn taorougbly cleuned and disinfecfcd ut once. The amount of uccumulafed animal and vegefable matter in thbe varioua bock yards, lunes and aide utreets ia enougb fa scnd huIt the fotun into efernify mben once decompelsifiont thor- ougbly sets in." We have an ansmer fo lant meekus editarial question, mbhaf ever happened tsi the free rabies clinic thuf mas proposed for Halton bock in ftbe minter mhen rabies cases mere fuirly prevaIent?" Dr. R. Kelier of fthe Hcaltb of AnimaIs Brancb in Brampton, mhich adles rabies investigations for ttnns urea. reports be tuas muiting a directive tramn tbe Hultun Regianal Casuncil, mbicb be nom bas. Local clinnica are tcnfativcly schcduled for Halfon in the latter part of April, he says. Tbe magnitude of the con- struction projecf ut Mapteburut on Mitons nortacrn edge is difficulf ta convey. Laf meek me tried ta tell the sfory. Consider the tact tacre are seven separate buildings and the projecf coaf is $13,51)(),0t0. GATHERING TO PROTEST declimng moral standards big start on its campaign. Most of th ad other alleged problems in the educational aystem, a supported the committee but af crowd of over 600 met at Milton' Diatrict High School enet. 'fbursday ta give the Halton Renaissance Cnmmittee a hanti uf tinta but Ynuattfgutt ,t tnn hosn. 3ih ais S an d Spice lnislfoewr , people. Pnnnunatin by bill smiley with 35 tudentsth Tiroi heguns twn hina inthe airmakine anne nniinatua Thin s e aine t l e a shutegun enturmnt insleadntfhe asuat cuhrenit, unttiet tucld enamnnalinn ut a singe tapin. tutm caine lu ai in att tiinections ut unce undi paît hath trigers. Reasnnu is re eta e rnatiy ta ga la Genutany un Sunday andi havn a ltta tut. Lnbe uhîine uty rihoes, andi change $12 loin nahtes or uthalenen lhey ue, anti eel my mite tliitsommenkitu, antir. g et hier lu pach my hae. anti, ah. wla tut ut imporpnntn thines. Finstfatl, tve reiutsened a mraxcir, Ihat man atneady ancienl uthen Muas take ubt livrer the prnmised lanti mumen are nut onI anprediclahte. hut anneanunable. My wnft laitiknowntforabout a mnt lia t uif iht he faine lu Gecmany un the minIer bceak. She lanuehl il mas erel lu. me. "tl a cîe chanefucyn. And ittIl ta yu gondte lun auay frcuir me Inc a 1cm tiayn.Ye Vnutle enichuof me. t tieti pultlt, an usat Tuti hier t diin't neetia chanfe,lhiatctd aeeyheac the thuet ut heine aepaled, antidrhit 1he vnny idca ut heine aick ut lier mas naunealine. Then t came hnme une day ant ld hien it mas att net. bat thal nhe couMn' gou tuhen5. shn qaccied, tsnnaing itmwuttite seecatulhoff, andthallknemightlie un earlhqae ur a flaoti oc ututethine in the uteantinun .Oh,t1gaesn5antiay nifhl,"tIrestnndet canuatty, senene in the knamtedee that ahe man intfavor ofthe tip. Shebhorst i trrls. My sent tapis atse deats milh the family. a nt i th au aquenans enent. Aside trame a rainstonm have you evecheen oabed (rom a ereat heifht? t hane. Lant Oanday. 1utas thunuafhty enjnyinf ptayinemtith Myenrandan He'sutd enaaeh sautt tube payedtimb mthu feactiathe'I hreak. t bat imande. hcacmplnsandutathuistne Philosobîts By Edith uhure o me utmays heun uthat peuple truty suy? The art ofhearine isenhanced by an antierntandtng anti cumpaninnate heart. Otten bhinti ititn chatte. in a ptea tac usve or fnentinhip, a neei to ucocncern anti respect. Thsn moutt appty nul unty helmeen aivsandihushands. bat la teenaers anti ntdety peuple. tuhen yuue tan o unves nahe, every day ns paytuy. untit t he nce tf tutu meehs ut vasatiuning ment asntmtly aslmnm eehnntf diaeting? Itu impartant that peuple ahutt hnam uthat yen standi ta, ant i lu equutty ut- partant that thny tenut uhat yen muonI stanti tue. Tu milke uttutahes ns heller than tryin ta escape them by nener mnin on. L etters welcome Yes, your letters ta the editor an topîcal subjecta are welcome. PIeuse ho brief and be sure fa sign your own name and address te permit us ta confirm by telephone. A pan nume is permissible but it reduces tbe effectiveness of your message. We donnt recommend if. The Champin reserves fthe rigbf ta reject letters if considers lihollous or standerous and ta shorfen lengtby lef fera. soundis that moul ake thgrandtathern htanh criutolineitthey everheand themntape. Atlooktf pare fiee paneti annusu the kita lunce. anti t thnughII "5y gntty, hne hnuts me.' andi he's eninytue hnn enantiat. Nent sutunt. t mus tuaked tnnm nhouattnntu bne. Il utnanuna, and ut tinult 1thnughtl'til hucat n paittesa hlndu neaset. Bat tl mat thn it's tut upteanant ut tnnnl. Ruther lthe takinq a manu. sait hath, utith your ntathnn un. It n utten il heginî l tantol Therene rucnhiumoretnhniedeiapei thee, un l'lfi tut l tapie thrnn: nuamu. mhieh mn hune just garen thnnugh aseio ut. Nuthiafisutmore tiepneningthonntartanf te mark a setut enaut papens, anai tintituf thaf the tirst lice ynu utanh une taitanen. Yu arue titteti mith selt-duht.I Hann 1 nul laughl fihera anything? 'ou a taitane as a teancher.tInhui go n ank tuthnnshoretfa tony. It everyhntiy tuitt. l'tt te fired. brenunse in ihis systeut. tf yaanre leunhnng toutures, nouare a tuila.. an a teacher, reeantiteào nnut thnet atorsn Then yuu pick ap a paper anti the sutient han antierstaut uthat ynanve tughl. anti apptiett t, unti usetin tr bainsno uts lu and il'na ninely penceee. Hattntuath! Anti younne haubeti tue annlthnr year. Thenn ta nty une thing munue than machine enaun papiers. Thut ta napnrsnng themnrilingf utIheut Thn qaint utti mnti tue this fonctin ns innigiltine. i sourdti Pages -of the Post 20 years ago Tubes tram the tssauo TireChamnpinn, Apil t ins5u M Ian' nockcheampn main the 1954 leu uns Fniay nnghl TeyaeeB. Parsn, D, Dretige . MeLean. G. Bell, G. assel- fltt C. Rase. L. Thomsn. K. Mansh. R. Zinamernan. L. Hiaan. D. Irvinf anti M. Rasbenry CoahuseB.u Cusun. tunnuersuof thebhocbeytinaumnen Haeny Marsb. $tan tout, anti John Robertson. $5n bond. Netu pestai rates becnne ettective tuiay. Local tettenu uaw takre touar cents. ast-aftow tuuetteru neet tise seuls, anti puni santinneqate tanne cents. Tendecrsuforthe construtiotn oftheneu siu rencln Milton Pubien Sebant une being calicot tuduy, A resalaltun wsn appnused hy the Board authuenanuf the assumeg ut a cheqtue tue $2.0 lu pueshasenthe svnar Iltuilhbnelcome nue nafo any ho are planning construcntionofa oe bis sprnnf that the hunku une nutu an lb. mara afe business onbuselans. A recnt annuntenrt by the Cnntral Muelfafe anti tlinn Corporation places ta nfIi ebanrndtiaksinnthetfield. The anc batik nul in the basiness is the sualit Oatc nue in tbe audience umnet Meecantile Bank ut Canada. Unden etu herbIers merc thenanttheutun paynaenluonua sinnutbouse is retiastti lu1,400, Muelfafes miii eu (Pbutu by D.Pink) [rom 25ta 30 Jyearstat a mtaxiunmn interent Cr n ate it ut M51n ns persacenn. ie Ontnnu Rusebtf ilstîn tan 1954. Pfthe MnMarion niMttasebl esoition lur t954 PeaalJanulnt nscsalenaiMitnwsecedtth ilis'. ut tery ectuih susarin eslpuen. e taug nsera l e ete buai n n- nty tshet an uranu tue un antira un e d m u papalaînn u tantok in tssea Thatfo titun an ne aun.e ineathepu laio ob f er 3 te nage. T t Mitnisnme.00 nlu gte nea Id thn eth for tom n inar an with 35 battan hours of hel] The kidn ut hah etatu bnsbtinten utt lier uhunu, asumues atyga position, aud tookts out the nuduu .lut'sch. a lh, of shting and a buken tg, taits. un thn flur, aud yuu prumil a tunt, uhita the victimn snaker. Yetirescuit. aterthehrtbouur tunusch thiugn as cuunting greas hair vnrus nasheti haie. hnastvers.un heuten, big ctumsn honts annu sneakenn Yuu tank ritat the pituan att the uatt ut the Qunun, un ahan sunundndy lins dratun a mutache. Yu tit] in. aath yu imagination. stdnhantu atad reatian the Quen tsnutd have ten ttntty danhtng in Yaa luok out the andndua , the dtnty snuutshnks and dream of ttta lChoaalnut ,trnam. Yu a'htp aund, usuare Yeaner dnnftng, tu us tf an n s hnatiug. Nuhudt anvi Excnyt tn tt, hotta givennup allnn hatt an hnanr ut tangue and pet aankingtagethsn.aatdi.st asttnpýhad oamisut An ensta tit hszzes, Wand tu thtt annatd hie a shotgun sutoai.n But .1thinki v ct aaatnnd eanntbng on th hometrn t 'Next dettatata ani te tant tienann t promsetttatiht.in adedttaithtnautn. geîsatistthtnt. hutuant putanu uand aihen Denutsch. mt..alinhta tata ttannat%'e %ial'r a stt i atatshnattna der nag butte, ith tan tts krntge.ntgnttna Wn bet din nntt.,ttattus,, titban t il gtt ,ttng. OUR READERS WRITE:J BOUQUETS TII VOUTtI malIcer Kiaman, Bitt Enahree anti t tank a fcup nI Milton Hifb Snhaal suateuts an a Eupean turdurnfthe March break. Thece mere 43 oI us in ait. tue ment tu Amstrdam, Brassels anti Paria, su ou hnam me hada an nex hedain. t have nutbinf bat praise ta say abut theun ktord. Thcy cantiactet theneinnave fille ladies aud fnlemen ut ailtios The parentsf then tanteenu hut teel pcuud ut the manuer in nhib bhey behaved, il rettenla a gond haine exautyte thrt mn tan nouai en PARENTS C COMMUNICATE 3 The Etitun, Dean Sir: t amnaoncnrnet it 23train Rut. K. Cana tees lu bally facilcs t Rýutty tactinu are a panse ta any paientn agren mnth tbe nynlet There are shauneit oser!andhbnfenpo day upenatian ut the thal ns panent sui actableutas 3ih bau shi Unitetd Carsh. tas atpaesu n fnictpreus, an ee naninnat Mr Camptibell tsattateeda buat theun itartactItte aleatsi tof flittint satin Sic. Camptbell hans nl unantat nannn foanneoftfilsuttandus at,aaanlv cntlîttl finit antb Nti tanpll lther ns rio tasm naorl bsnt iagrnnntt sontitsrennetofnpn tanl b. Grahama Stîitnanatadcnalan tnndnaaaaati Dy the hatniday.V Nii Foie s t i. Sancerentynaru tea , hallat (Mes.)Dnna'Woh, Iltb ta a3l Ianliaatittais laie lac t forata cat a cntiolau l ancac toactý ASN Ai.R.h'S a 11 vnIrlnîîîîaalnad allai ttln b: nl satTH EuUCATOR nanas aaidUýrp naten nn gsnbagc. a aaal arge lainal ana n a n a, a egh in tht antanc latinig agi alida dag lange bstnu an tht hbthebettnnofNtush angeaaie gatitn, alittln ech and case, pbettnin wahi nnner- dý latti ,îtltttn i trii,ltbaalitdma 'veo n the nebunis. nangiana lita nitte intt tbcl andt ia I abthlb ita trenateninea atntint na,( b, nlagsloti te atl tuba nlaesoent ind g(taa*l.ýaatiananaannnaaaataaandaahaanaactniadatt anml Te re isa iaaalland tena au- annbcharernurualts depndl i nl laahantang lnletihtdaulanaang risbefor the dàa ta ntal ilaannn 1 a tantiU k ant i sld1ifc schsbu 1.,ouattlshpaa-lnatnaiianlnttal In II, nanan bcuaestatc tattnao i n 'à t t tt ana att tdtachaes thfi, ' I anal n!aiI lt Il pnpanahltnnheshnný"'tatllii aIltin Thaousaudu ut parnts haue tullannea thi.a noute mntb gart ettent, Teacheru baple lu ear the cnfidenceof parents and they vaut ents wilthmennorie of thenrumfls u doya may melI tie aumembat relunlaut nu apprnucb edasucas They nenti neve. hutti Mr. Camapbell accuses tbe Dircnlun Mr. Singletnt, aI anhatîpine bim inus meeting an the Boardi Office. t mas pient aI troit meeting anti titi nul tietent any butlyine. tn releuipent, il see furtanaîn tbat thece moee, rollers poresieal mih fintepentient jadement. At one point in the discusin, the vienas ut ana banta lanattiti11 1ýý11 nata lu tani _att nana lit .. lai .an lits nin g Ula e tag a ietci anni ancgcl bhal dags bitesand prescrnia grai tient morne dangec ta thattimen; aintncas ilnanmlsainanp tan auty Tn entnre nisnenugntftuts issiaute ticnctsng aanuntnnand juas unaittituos satanants as anti1 hibasnerenl n an n ilarpnSltail) itsnaannaantasnugaso thnnr analy ta Is . oilo tas6 Lard hame Ct., Mialton Ont. (morentnna un page tsi 50 years ago Taken fana the issue ut 1lh. Chamnpiun. Speit t. 19124. Bantingtan ns nunahernu thn huitdings un il tu nentu. Eaety tant Thttnnday mnunt Mr. and Mnn. Juhn Rush sud then. shitdret narra- 1tyeunupednasufcation by suai gan teatu a dnetes t anase in thear hbousn uCourt Street. Lant Satantiat thn ttc. atarm untiet anti the hrigade turent out, an dtd mauy citnen, butuno igfnua tirnscutd leen thuh the atunm suuttnaed ta sunun Patttug thn tesen tatteti ta utt tlw tourdfndtattthadheeu snt gainf hy a thatter anhnnh the hifh tnind had htunsn agaunst tf Mutunautu utttt he gtatit nu eatu thut they can eaettMittuuthibisusommiehy afavel rati att the tnay tnulon Bramptun. ttWa tunmertyteesnsaey tea aund hy Nucuat tu get a gounuad att the ttay. hut nm li posstbte tuetn go[omnamptuu.,and thruh the improeutennt ot ruadu the unut uft lhe eonta. ech thn souty tuan ut Hattun much'3tnoe qunshy an on agondtitad. traun Bramptn Henutd. On Satanday the Miltun nunen ptayert neungantunti. etnsttug oftiersu as tuttuns Chateutat, John Jacson; nesnetary, G. Ettiutt: manager, J. Wanhy. Futen ptay ers egitntned. Messrn, Jacsn and Ettintt tuti ttetsamn proposats tun muatches a'dh cther stahs The ttntario Bntten Livstusk Tr-ai an a unteti hy agreat many pnupte train the to n antl au th. touwnships ut the CPR stioant Fetidan. A nptendtd tut ut satte. pnguand shnnp wee ennd utitahauîu inuturmtationuwan gtn hythe traintstao testanenu and demnntatunn. 100 years agio Tuket Irn,, th. issue of The Champton, Apntt 2, 1874. Thn Miltoun Tan Cutnntt met at the anaut hou, Htu Warnhip. tht Mayar. mas i theschanr. Prenent Jtuseph Martin, Joseph Bruthers, Chartes Niehu. tt Dewar, S. F Taytor, W. ). Lyn, James Lindsay, Mn. F. Btarctay tank the nensnary dentaruttun ut otfice and look htn scat. Comutttttationst tran, Iteuds John Eadte, James Grav and tinureg rn a. etent ed and relief An exshange has lherd -andawhoas nutheoaedt -tneqanntscmannt abut the tank ut promptatudie in the utarttug ut ttmtnt presonson taatld daytitanut agreietatha% etasitnout an, a auige tan att hau. Fareraisnuantat atathe han anuaunced Why cat'teaae auldngnaset an orerent themtt nttherattferostandcon- dittons' As tli nu ut, the httase assaut- limitatin i art.eeneathinnaillettle puiet ashedifonai. anti theearcnoabouses tahec tudý tt atutunt ntahnn une %ant na go ta Tornto ah,,, houne rant a. taunhnd an qannebty an nded THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 2sta ýh, lu, a, auat a1 hn.an nu un au outu r' ua ,nann wV