Th. Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., AprIl 3, 1974 ' IN MILTON - ~ ososei-ysoo-e la ses MAGNIFICENT 21/ streysqure lanreidencetof-ed brickond stsseconstruoctioncomn prisig; lageentanc all,2-ares-ecepton soosdliiegsm (12x 14) mli beypmlodow andîIate sqaren itihn. Secondtfloor 4 largenbed-oomsansd tetheonni (one bedeonni bas benesons-rtnd Into isitisten and dlinint s-om, 3050 lIons- - o las-go bedeonnis, batheioni and isitchen. Conseninntly Iooated oc meot side of Mas-lin St. Atractive exclosive tesisyosd. Josta steoil ts-om the shplnq cents-n t65,000. - . CHARMING - Otoched tomily hoose le sopeeh condition and nel ps-opos-tioned. Conipeisint - - pleasant lioings-mm nitb tis-eploon - sçiming s-on n, attraciv lsistchen nlth costoni but sopheos-do, naîb-ot l...%eik osee las-te gar-ago, plos a las-ge sepas-ote noiisstep. The lot is 100'>Y an od ooned Cl. $59ttev. DItes-s lnsited- - sts-ongIys-ncommendnd. TUDOR STYLE This nomly cismpietnd 3 tedeeem buisgaow nith ottochod goarage pînasants- lecoted on4 a quietscourt. Roady te moe elght istol "0,t00 ATTRACTIVE Deploiedo2stgsny hoseon Woodnard Ave. Larggnlandscoped lot150e 132'. Ps-icnd teu oaila s49.900 LARGE RANCH Style bungalow. Rog helcis and cototeone construoctoin. Attoched 2 cas- gas-e. Set backt oneednd 2 ac-o lot nith lar-gebar-n, pond and gs-azing pad. dock. Closn te Mîlton. Sis-engis- s-esmmnndnd s98,s00 GET PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANCE WITH VOUR REAL ESTATE R EOS R EME N T 44GALL STAN,,TUOMSON. 42WOODWARD AVE., MILTON, ONTARIO - Phoe 818-2455 c, *rT .. ...... Which Buyer WiII Pay Most For Your House? As a gneal -oe otthonibthnonenith' the lnast cash. TIhe ansan- ,iSsd bn that simple If 18 wesen'ttforthentactthatniost hme nes eqie a hîgIs pos-centageofe cash-oe tinins thn ntice piie ln bu lto nieet*othe- obligations. The ansme- te this ps-oblem lins in the mostgagn arrsangemnnts cseated by the Reol- ter. If thn Rnalts- ls weii-connected in theo monny lnnding fieid nith many WttIfes-ntsor cns of finances aeoilaolo te ies, the chances aren geed Riol he con tlnd a solution te the sel- les-s and bopeo's ps-obinms thet null satisty theo ioeds et bethi. A Rnaltor's mos-Igoge lnoosmotion chan- es daiiy. Institutiens and Indislduals mitb idîne tonds pst them te wes- and niese off the meisey nmar-bot tempe-as-ly, thols- place taken by ethns- t-oops and Indisidools nith mes-t. gages lest teint pald eot. Wh,nwhese,nhen and hownohfo-mthe basis et a capable Rnaveeors servsice. A suc. cesstol traonsaction 10 otten ths-ee sIded-thn selln and boper and the mis tgagon-b-oooht toehnr by ttenor bofthe Realto-. la Q~ 91 Main St., Milton noUit 1i SIOUI I LOVELY HOME 4 bndrsmsplit lnonl Soei on eust onde- an ace. faim- ily s-omr nili tis-eplace, 3 bttihs, attached double ga- age. Ail this and o teooîtofl sien ts-em bay nîndon is living s-oem. To inspisct cali Yvonne Brigoht 810-4129 or GOOO VACATION Ostes-ey. 3hds-onm oide- homne, alomlisom sldlng ose- briîck, on teauthîol cos-ner lot sei'y close tb place. Hasis o boi nits MilcIs Loiennnsse 878-4129 es- 878-507. ESCARPMENT VIEW 4 teds-on A-design hisme, spacions s-eom, fis-nplacn nîth teomn maisOn. Ino naîbeouts, bound-y c o moisn lions-. Lotnd on 10 acces which aise gises lioo o l2hissstall tes-n ond ts-oining fs-ack. Cali Jacisie tonton ESCARPMENT LOT 6es-s yes son stas-Itisboild on immndiately. building plas,. peimits and sos-sey asoileble. Ashino 0000 Ross Coscen 070-4129 os- 870-0755. MEMOER OF OACILLE AND MISSISSAUGA MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE. MILTON 878-4129 FOBERT H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Ontario St. S. Milton (Acrvss frnm Plaza) "NEW OR OLD" It's Good as SoId Sellivg Yver Horme?? IHEN LIST WITH US FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: Matrice Betty - 818-6418 - Res. 451-3341 -Bus. Representiog CANADA TRUST REALTOR Halton and Peel Division CROSS V 93E 68 MAIN ST. REAL ESTATE MLO & "Broker" INURANCE LTD FOR PROMPT AND COSRTEOUS SERVICE CAL L 878-O888 Oea Croess 878-2888 Gins-la Osnald 878-3561 LewinnSalese8789136 TORONTO 826-4317 FARM ACREAGE 1 86m49 WANTED FARMS WANTED i-soic )0 acs-es an-doupnîth o- Colltes-tfreennooloatisn P rivate Sale ferpîhoîMiis. rcnidIObiO JIBuneRIN-1 and s-e isolootion pleose Resîdencn 027-4678 3 bedroom brick oh. Sb2 c a-ii.nt s besaln lge MîrsOher 845-7549 or îtheot bîlId Ing. os-cats-in Lot60l 0,dobl bic gr.ResîdeoCe 853-1990. dcmad. Have s-nady hoyos-s. agnoad psd d-isnnaylisro E. W. StoneS..Ra BAYLEY- MacLEAN ITO. tonoed froist yard. Close t loir, 61 Lakehr d - Rots sshonls anddshoppicg. 286 Oel i W., Oakeille. elo 86t St., Miltois, Ont. tOmgais Obamît 'lE BESI W1 Realty & Insurance Ltd. Realbors "Trafalgor Square" - 310 Main Street, Milton 1 M . iýýP[ ý',fA1[ The Royal Trust IRALTORI" Company 50 THE SIG0 1 1 Real Estate Division POuCE REDSCED 2'ie soes mts-o type homo e pos-i lise setting, pi-esonts- sot op un 2opa-tmnts toc invssent,noasdy cocns-rted basis b sinole tonus- elegoisco. COUNTRY SECLUSION 52 ocres et prvc ihmdr pitlvlhmsti h codass tf yoo hav oonr nos-nted toe o t he count-y, go mnw chule home of thîo qooiity 10 stii osoiable. I NPESTMENT PROPERTY 2Oapa-tmoot homo locotod s-ight onet te tIse donston so-e. Liooîinons-st out the oth-andoJt sonenemeuese hoip pu- choso yoo- fttos- noeith. FARMER'S NIGHTMARE 100 acres of rocis. bosh, hilsoand otonios. but oh Sos-os-e thee nons-soemi atoistis homo locotions nithîn the ps-ioosy nI th in or-iginol Nossogonoyo 100. CALL THE ROYAL NUMSER 878-5000 COLIN SMILLIE GEORGE SMILLIE 1.45ay onri 7,is C1o74c 0.45o.m. Sondoy Scheel. Soteelm.Jnir huc 1îî. 0a.-Mor-ningtWo-ship 10 45 a«.-Senior- Chs-ch i.00 p.m.-Foniily Peay-1 Sol 17.00 p.m . EsennisEsngn-i Os0 pe, Teousg Peopies iîstc Servicn. Socity- Wedncoday 8 p ni. Ps-aynî Nossosy ocilities oooilabln. and 01h10l Stody. The- is s lnoys o nos-m Whesonooe shaHl oeil uo eoniime ot Knsox. thisname otheLordoshol b Note: Socraeoist et thn saved. Rism. 0 13 erdo Sîippe- GOed Fs-iday, LOT Doule Cor-ne- Lot in ock- W ~r Aoliig $19,.900 Oeil 878m35 4io stated on 10 acces of count-y ps-opeetp. ideolu iocated neos-Mohawh Racenos-. bobs-Os Iiishnd s-no. s-mooad bar; 2 fopiocosoand is in aoo-y p-isotnset- 95-,tintg. Caîl ter Inspection. Onty $095.0 l1, ACRE 3 mis teeni ton. Vie. et Esoas-pmect. '- Quisis ciosIng . . $25.900. JSST LISTED TODAY. 3 4 acs- o it isoos Trafalgos- Rond and 401. Complteiy toison0 Ps-s-nO sight ai TREASURE HOUSE. Thîs bas-gis sipies is Geor-geton prssides o ers-ss iscone sf sons- $4.000 anoolly. Tbhe ps-sos-rty is is excellent condiison and Sos as- estro os-go pos-cel ef land whcî- Ses polîs-tbel of Seing ss-odiside otelsilss-s s-sis st P, Si, 4ip-biý C hetr-iple. Ai: del i--si a ."ip.,, icm>Ps-îcod et $76.000. FOR MORE INFORMATION Cali SPRI NOA LONG OUT toe e this nnly lsed 2-stos-ey, o1bedeom bsiosoiomiisom homnin Milton. Coosesimit t0 ochonis, shoppisg and ohos-ohos. Immacoboto con. ditîin, teaotitoiiy discesated and teatos-os las-gis sopas-ain tanîip s-mm 120xS51 nith tieplooo. don: g mnso s-m. 2- pic. boths. single gos-agis. De yooi-0n11 a ta oosand conneot teon4eltds- Onii1 $69.900. ORACIOUS LIVING is nOat this hansoone hiki 3 teds-eom sp111 bonil stonds toc. Sitoated on ais aeofe eicnd paeislasd nith ci-nos. sheobo aind pond. Oeootitoiiy dnos-tnd thi-ooghoot; teatos-es tios- te ccilisg lis-opiace in tomily comu; sliding glass dees lice, cIches. boihtin on nsdrang. Ideally iooated mnOs-utonsia Rod 5mîilesnot of Miles-. s-est Smo stos-rd. Coali inand lotous tel 700 me. $110sons. TpO IN ON0E. This geacloos O-sto-ou bs-ick duplexO 10 citoineos-donontdilton. EooO unit hac 2hed s-omnoils-geiig smmonenwith i-piaco. mode-n cilcos and4 ful tesemns. Coolt miss tOus cosco on oeos,9p1t Tes- $55,000. Adjacenti ps-ops-ly s-os Os pos- soid s-s- an acidifierait 040.220 asd Sesoa total lot of ive oss- acrise pics les- a snali opa-liesi building "h Acto Age ts' 878-2365 8613 O MURIEL DUBIEN 877-6281 WnARRiEN CRAWFORD 877-7953 JOAN JOl-NSTON 077-7210 JOAN THOMO 077-6342 rA TERRVGILOERT 077-0127 OILLCSRRIE 878-4t44 GARY THOMAS, MGR. MU111LTIPLE LISTII SERVICE 878-2366 *Campbellville -Jtst Listed Comtes-tobin. three bedecm toein the oenstrc of tbis sviloago. Sopotelîliing ainddising eomo. las-gis kit- shen. tomîly s-mm nith aoen tis-eploce. beasîtitîsl pisse ClImes baihs-eee. Nen F, A oul heatiisg systnm. Poill dioidnd bosemet Gned neSl and pressue sys tie,. Lar-ge lot 13 1s.i65. Tasns $00000. Ps-cd te oeilla $45,900.00 Coul Mise Lndnith tee tos-ther detoîlo. IMilton Smart,. teour Sedrom hongalon coosisiiecil- looted closo t0 scoelo. Spocîoos liig, w list nol bsoodom. las-gis nellplanned kitshn res plece tethom, ful hoonmest. F, A gos hisaticg. Double gos-ags. 0x132 iaisdsoaed lot. Pased ds-isnnoy 'Tooes oniy $399.05. Thîs home s Is isocnllent ccdiionm asd geed saluie ot $4700.00 Coul Jini toilny for d.ils. Milton Ideal tonus- home close t0 sohonîS, pas-k os-ca. Spa- deus Lshaped living and dicing s-oms costom but liitchoo. foour bedodm, onei ens sut boch-onom pics toour pîc Saiheon. tocsilp s-mm nîith bai-, bond-p uomndnok aca. M9s-otst- nllIonowlb-ood lom Soiltin bsetalssisoicsidisg. F, Aecil heot iig. Paoed ds-îooah. Snms-ts-ront osis-aiscohall. Lislcd ps-lis 054.900 os--cou Gais White fos- detaîls. 10 Acre Lots Wobhaeaos-ients wo 's ,îilingt lpos- op îithis,1 lebs of Milles. Ploos coil Oos Cs BE SURE AND SEE THIS MON "TORONTO HOMES M Cali 818-4 Ate meurs nocaicou Jie, Oaiiny 878-6506 tes Cossîdy 070-4094 Mise Ledmith 878 4073 MEMBERS 0F THE DAISPILLE Ru Executive Home Sitoeted ons 2Ve acres, LOOK FORii TIS oIoei PRIVATE SALES wodnd ravisse bot. This 632-2928 icpohaoadnog Mootlol homs ps-osîdno *ie vs sosî-tîo Si-y iig ten ysonîlih 4,600 sqoos-e test Brand Ncew Coutry yrustratins bo ni- tp col a ol livinsg acea. Disighttoi o0- We me nîlI go nnt Ibis lio isg s-me, nith Si-opiace. Home! slo wllqaane h s.ya-ale 1JoslnessofS-abas 3 Sbed-sl ,s- s-ose, euh lîs-eplon. s-m brick ebeoated s-assoh ROYAL TRUST patio0 dose s, cii-colos- kit- bigh uop on a i1/ acre bolt OMAN chois. ceiirlsaly sîtoated panos-oeio sienl tnCOMPs R A NYO ios- Fîo Sdsooms. Spa- oectis-i hoot, allacid gos-T clous amilyroonn Ox35, agn, nolsoot patio, ed" csos fiesls-e s-son 30o35. -1 nîhtolniK MILTON 878-5000 stoso lî-elaco bison poil sot basomnnsit tis-eploon. ico cs-obs-Sa-.Gaos boibtisi disi masher- hs-oad em6mIl s-om Hoalod sniiiling iosm thîsouhoot.' Ps-ion____________ pool Double sas-ose. Pal- os. Oas-bnqoo. Teols- a nagnidîcesi home Lîstod CutyHm ps-ice s$sso,00o iteTs-n Beattifolly Treed CutyHm avial.Country Lvt Country Business JusclsouofoCanpblloillo.05 acrsospllisly docidos BoI os-e poosible ini lOison Nanted s-s-subd-slh ,ap mes- ns-lt rîdge large c-onmes-salis oîed tes4,oo.o ora 0 , So nio os Pic-i $42,000. 'IF lic gs-o.rd 110-1 5 2,000 1050.0000os-iS s-se li se IL fo- olos-ge ors- ai îocîdy il sosas-e illingtboseil On Market Next 'Week bocicess.- The 3 beds-eem TH'S ISSUE 0F THE Onoototl snt 3 tedoon lestsesdtion Thse M4tlon. mCon and niaise homen aloste is no-lI investi- oarrangoesins to sinn lOis goting. te8more mot nenis. CALL CYLPIA ORAIN OTH-ER COUNTRY LOTS 15115&%0453 APAILABLE. 106 457-625 Oob McCaig 878-4873 CALL7 JOHNSON CARNEY ITO. Art Peaocni 078-6447 IIM WATSON Realtol- Dan Whtc f7803001 2200ill St., Os-angeoible EAL ESTATE BOARD AT WORRALL'S; 86m49t 86M49 8donto I1 1 û rýlâumb Senires 1 mmoww ST. OAVi1D'S and NASSAGAWEYA PR ESBYTE RIAN CHU R CMES Ministes- RnoGDoglasLowr-y Sondap, April 7, 1974 GsesthSpoises-ns Cha-les NASýSAGAWeVA 10.00 a.m.-Wo-shp Ses-oice CAMPOELLPILLR Il: 15 o.m.-Chs-ch Scoi andnosp serice. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH et THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Mois St. ai James St. tIA.M. Dis. Os-gaiss and Choi- Leader:. M-s. Ho s-euH Mooisn Sooday, April 7, 1974 Palm Senday 11.00 o m.-Wisip Sers-ice Ses-mon: "The Ring's Tsismph" Ile am.-Chos-ch Schonl. Nossosy tacîlîtîns asoiloble. CHURCH 0F CHRIST Ns. Siin-sadosndd41hLine Ts-afalga- Sonday. April 7,10974 Goisi Speaisns-beith Wollac Topis: 'Non is thn Time" 10.00 o e,.--ibln Scoeis Clossnsfo aliss o gno. iom. Mos-ning Wissshîp Gpe.-Ps-eochîng of thes Gospel. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ootos-îe St. N. e7e.2022 COsistis gothns-nd cn the marre oflthenLord lesos Chrici Los-Os Day Soiscay. April 7, 0974 10.30 .m.- treokIne Breaod 10.15 p.m.-Sondoy Schonl. 7.00 S-svice Wndnnsday, t p.m.-Ps-oyer and Bible s-eodint. AJI Aie Welcemne To Thes Ses-oics Chsist dîedis foos- sisoand ,vos hocned. and rse otain thenths-d doy 1 Co-, 15:4 HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A lissai ossencily et Ches Pm tecsto lA sem hiis akfield Rd. aisd Hns- 25 Pesîse Ri. M.Chstcons Tisi e78 2064 Tis Les-do Day BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHU RCHE S Mînisns-. Res, W.R. Leis,0B.A.,tB.D Rît 4400 Soodoy, April 7, 1974 Palm Sooday tOSTON 9.30 a..Wes-ship Ses-suce and Chos-ch chel (Nos-se-y socilitin'l OMAGH i Ilo 56.m.-Wisipsevc a nd Ches-ch sohoni. A orsdial invitaon s os- lesnd le ail. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHU RCH Conmmeial Sts-nnt, Milten. Iniiss-în Pastes- .s William Fisstns-, Onstas-io Bible Celiege. Senctay. April 7, 1974 9.45 a.m.-le Scheel. 11.00 ami.-Msni nviosship. 6.50Ro.m.-Song Ses-suce. 7.00 p.m.-Eening Wes- ship. --di---d-y, 7:30 p.m.- P-oyss and tible Stody "Lot us ente- into the Hous et the Los-d nlth tbanbsoisiog oed Intel Mis Ceers-t nits GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Recto- Roo.R. W.Fsts- Mîi . Onitario. Phonn tie-éoés Os-go iss Roerst F. As-oeil Soisday, April1 7, 1974 Palmn Sonday e.0n o.m.-HisIy Cosmmonion 9:30oe a.Joises Chos-ch 9:30 on .Masons oind Se- 10:45 o.m.Sesies- Chos-ch Scheei 11.00 a.m.-Hnlp Eu.iha-ist and Ses-mon en00 P.m. tîbin Slody aind Thus4y, A9s-l 41h. l5.OO.m.-Hely Comnimion - e 00 nloe iioo te nos-ship at Os-ose Chossh. TH E .PR ES BYTER IAN - CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH MILTON Rse JoshsM. Mus-s-y Os-gonss Ms L Vioshien Soisday, April 7, 1974 Palmn Seoday Il Olo m. Contis-,tion d 1ps-epos-elîs tise Commonion Ses-mos Thn Gislden Role osd the Gosonl' 8b pfm