Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Mar 1974, p. 8

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* Ibo Canadien ChampIon, Million, cOnt., Wed., ttarch 27, 17 Tax questions offer comic reflief Pront n by the suas Ed Shi" len atemp ta get otriC ht '>ea tram toao regiana govermtoo officiels, Oie question 0005 raised by mesubers ot Nantas- gameya Ratepoyera AIs>ooia- tsu ntabo a ge rld ofthOe rg-eio 'atup., u i thereisaduplicate worr n p lasning belsg don, Oiey ara j st csating new jabs miOi- mt replacing Oie sld mies," ritnmt DonDke stated. " It really boors ia- vestigation," be cootiosued, "no-ooe seSins ta know mby Oiey are biring on nany popes a n tinoing ta oter duplicate services in the monipalities" C ha ironaas Walter Tkbcbenbo added, "One exemple sa Oie stupîdity ot HalSon Region Cooserr,oiios As>Oority in sot tising Nansa- gaweya Townsbip Hall toc their temoparry otfiras. Tbo ail want ta wtrk in the Tajb ma Hall. 1 mesldo't mincd boisg wlhiis sevra or elgbt rais Ot My work" Hit the mail Tan chairman Smnith tald ibe Ts>esday evsi= meeting that M iltan Con ill ith meeting la Brmibville as Aril 16. "Tbey'll bit Oie racd ILd thon me cas s>ee theon in action" be said. "I mas really osly' able ta gaOier confite reliet Intorma- tion tar tbis evesingis meeting," ho enplained. .WMen Iasbed what or milI rate la 1 w"at ld tbey tdant boo-il oldo't ha set outil J.ty. Wheo I asked hune vie would comprae wiOi Milton, Oiey luidn ksnw that either." -Thbey wera quick tus poinS out the ' addltiaaal' services mo're eotitled ta, such os Oie Milton area> the library an Milton, and o police force tive yeara tramt 00w," ha added Mr. Smnith 000 told the titasciot report ofthOe osseta s>t Nasuagaweyo at tbe tie Otounnexatincsld ha sent la Oie auditar's repart in Oie would sot ha reïady toutl Oie end ot Apsil. Hampered Hin etforts ta gaoter on- tormation tor Oie moeeting were turOier bompered by Oie asssent inoation ottices boisgtctdln i univair Bolig at Squre one sn Misuisoango. "1 tonrd Oiat Oie asuesa- ment will be roen util 17, but Oiat'a flot Oie Lon rate," he asoured Oie 40 membora ot Oie association. Compaints tramn tie flour cacrigtax bibe beo received only tbre ay betore tie don date were board. Cauncillor Brad Cleonta attended then meeting and agreed ta explain bow regionat gaveraint marko at Oie oexttgenerai meeting ot the association. "We shoutd really try ta get Oieir answers in writiag," somtecie soggested tronm the flaar. 'lIbey seoin ta chante Oieir oitaries at whim . " Swimmers enjoy pool 00 pio mnag= a succou balg i nab tacool advntage ciethOi aptunity ta Et sans ..= .wclavy tramt the hclom-nscnal tenper6fa-iae ot lant meck psrodby Ohic M ite Fach aisd Recreatlon Departnent, the progran fait attersoons tran, Monday ta Friday tac chlldres, pIus Mosday and lloursday slgbta toc adut. Otticiels report716 childras and 54 ad.Jta. en- joyedthe :aepol mlih lias FI:11 l -1 Gordon and Lomax Cbartarad Accouitat5 140 main St. Milto 878-7251 dt EARL G. BLACK B Cow..R î.A.,C.A. Chortered Accoinltant 1l3 Main St- Milton Phane 878-65a2 ALUMI HUM Windows & Doors GLASS oed REPAIRS STORE FRONTS W'i. KUSKI LIMITEO 324 Steeles Ave. 8789ta5? KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING . tatfi Faclo, Windnmsand Siars, Aoulings, Carpert end Porch Eciosures Bailings, Eavosiras>ghina Federal Industries of Canada Font oft Forsythe SI. OAKVILLE 845-0318 MASTER GLOSS HOME iMPROVEMENT (Aicari Dealer) Let us boOstiiy voir bome 0116 lîdlng lattfits. EOves troughito 'Amnings Doors Windows FREE ESTIMATES 654 0009-878-5337 aficr6p.m. dii UHF/VHF SPECIAL Tomer uo.rotor, UH F I Hi INSTALLcOOln.0oo Dan Arbîc Antennas omvplcte annflkeeping service or n llbisivesses. '21 years ns>perience Reas>n able raies Doreen Brown 878-4563 At Hilî's Bookkeeping & Incarne Tax Service (Est. in Milton siolo 1651 420PnlfSreet Ail Phame ot bnnkkonping fo business and individuels -Paril -Aconts Receioable -Incoolo Tosx -Financial Statevlonts -Ty v et Photo Caîl 878-9762 dit GwgeC aluo RM. Reoeoalve AMItoo DIrect LIno 639-5916 BRICK - BLOCK & STONEWORK Ctimneys, FiretOaces, Alterat ions, Repairs &Additions Phone AIL COULSON 878-4484 Add iios Hen ions 00V GALLOWAY R.R. 1 Mortel 854-2424 -enAeluin Od JOE ELISMERE 87-3316 NEW cONcRETE Waev WaliSop. arBsuwent Flou-, FSnlioona Fa eistions flor,cmbs, patios iven S epeci.ait. CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS 110, KEN BAILEY 250 Martin Sitres 87-6853 FLOOR COVERINGS Cho»s yovr nent tisur cunorînq ainnOr seisoilon ot- " Quality broadîo "'Cnvonientile "Cîoh ,oned sheei vAlyis Oir fui7y qualifiait Installera canlayIorromplets flnr or movan sîppiy the wotcrials ftrhedo-ityoursoliar. 878-2351 CENTRAL CITY BROADLOOM Bepairs lltt and rciay, waii toa waii istallation. AuI me-k quaraufcod. Prou estimates. Phono 878-2020 SPRECAST INUNIT STEPS Replacenild sîcos Installed le 1051 1 -I2hoirs Cathea Concrete ResioroIians ILId. 250Martin Si., Milton 878-6853 dbif ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE & SUPPLIES Septic Tanks Wol eil Tes Ti Oiher Conyroe Pradicte Ti Piastiy tavier Pipe *Pîrpieg Service 853-1529 HALTON MASONRY BLOCK LAYING CONCR ETC Plnors -Sidewoiks -PatoIs proie Estimât«u Phes. CLAUDE 878-6397 The Carpet Cloanin process most recoco- mended by corpet manuactîrers, Deep Steam Extraction Ut Milton 878-3969 Till 9 p.m. A-tf banýerhwh THE O ~URACLEAN*E BEST & POSTR FOR SERVICE L ESS 878-6194'till 10 P.M. FLOOR COVERINGS Armstrong Vînyl G.AFr vînyl CARPETS DA R Colorss- Kravs BROADLOOM Olympia - Pearios Residffli Caommet - sn andOutduo' industriel CABPET-CEAOIC TILE *Commercial Mitton', lirot and moif Roudt made Orape' le eoCCk omplets home decorating Par Cs,fnervice coitre. CALLB7O 0067 COR HOME 300 Mata St. Milton 878-3435 2manS.MiaOtro prSoiMl Ntki Meto Tesntastre McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITED aINDUSTRIAL *COMMERCIAL 9FARMS IL HOMES 'ELECTRIC HEATINC, iNSTAL LAT IONS M6 Charles Stl Mlton 878-9513-877-5795 FARM BUILDING teoul Rouo ad BelaIrs PHONE EVENtNGS PLEASE Waterdown 689-1086 M& Hlarri.ttmrf nl Gaor.B Harris. McESI E 11MaioSt. Militon Oiur 21st poar oI heipfOi- cutosservice 878-4452 Milton Drywaîî & Plastering "HONEST JOHNNY" Remodls Anything boaw Cclling Iestalled-ony shape--ask about os>r spocili finish. Ays>istiy bpray Painting - inside/mitside No Job Ion Big an Ton Smail 878-3291 Att GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 'ifewodelliOO *Newt constructin Fronhblaprints Ithcon'ý .01 GERBY DE WILOT 878-3534 OBYWALL TAPING JOINT FILLING Free Estimâtes 10E SEELEN MILTON 878-3337 Waitc Skuttie 90S Cowplfeiey lestalled and scrvced. One 7001 giarootne-lvO. For furfhnr iormat ion Cali 878-6032 atter 5 p-m. dtf CARTAGI & MOVING uOOOVING Apartomont-Hoose-Ofitce *CA BTAGE GeteraliContract Parcel Oelivsery Olspnsaî tarvice Froc Estimâtes Past Cour- CALL 878-3351 We Cater ta sParties 6 tcheons .Banquets 0 Weddings And teatîreborna bakod Bread, Rails and Pastries DEW DROP IN CALL MBS. WAYNE 878-9229 or 878-5111 LET US CUSTOM TAILOR vOUe DRAPE W'S Osrnxperts wil crat Draperies ta perfecli ys>wpîcnent vair home. Seo Or wîd selectino f fe> tuaes and fabvics Olso Emu Cali 878-2513 Todat June Draperies MilonPlaaa Eurapean Dressmaker Fer persseaiizod styiiog end perfect fit Call Lyda Deys 878-3234 PACON I Dead Stock Removal LIMiTEO ana Harses. Phosne (416) 002-4421 Rinbrsuk Lic. No. 299C71 Safety Driving Schaal DOT. Lic. Instructors M îanuel B Aufannati> *Dual Contrais *Fui7y Inss>red *Free Picks>p Air Condtioed 877-7792 MILTON LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE -LandscapIng Soddlng '264 bupplies 'Lewin Main- tesnonce In Gro>nd and Above Gvond Sw>vnming Pools Installed or Inostruction lS>ppliid ta 050011l Yosrscit. Aaty Shape dAy lice Jae Wilson 3344 Maie St. W. 878-9070 dit 264 Main St. E. Milfou Manday 12 Noon ta 5.30 p.m. Ticsday -Wcdnesday . Thîrsdoy -Frlday 10 ar.ta 5.30p.m. Ual. 10 arn. ta 5 P.w. Eveoings TieodaY, Ths>rsday. Friday .O toap.m. Conpailvile Branch L,brarv Lions Clu>b Cnwms>oty ruosday &Thursdoy 7t9p.r Soi rday 24 pwM dOt CREATIVE MEMORIALS LTD. 190 Chefaria St. S. Ph. 878.6522, Toronto 826-1363 GRANITE AND BRONZE MEMOBIALS Sencerity -lerira latisfactiou TOWN 0F MILTON TELEPHONE NUMBERS Town Cierk and Troasîrer Inspector ot BulIdings. Pl umbin,gTrechcs Plinirector Cawom ns>Adîistrnent Town liperoterdont Rcreatis> Office 878-7211 .2,3, 4 &5 Nipisslvg Rd. Brookl Ille 870 7211 Nigbt Cails Word 1-Trafainor Word 2-Miltao Word 3-Nassa0000ya Sewags>Plant 0786171 Firc Chicts Office 8189251 E'vergercy Fire 970 602 HALTON REGIONAL POLICF 878-5511 P HON E 878-4111 or 826-1223 NADALIN Eîectrîc Co. ltd. 31530Bae0imel RsaMII05 H. CLERK MATHER Dîspensîng Optîcîaos Wnekdays, 6p.m. to tOp-e.- Wcohoods, taa.m.taap.5. or by appeintmlnt Ociiist's Rn'seramptiy il.d 6007TRAFAIGAR BOAS BRITANNIA 0000 AT DRUMOUIN GEORGE R. THORNB00ROW Agent BP Canada Ltd. Home and Farm Fuel 011, Disel & Gab 24bheur Bsrnor Service 878-6538 Artbur A. Johnon, 0.0. MILTON-214 Main St. 878-3673 APPointmts i4 MNIlSt. E., Astmn, 111-20 WeOomaev & Stoeaoe House of Spectacles 219 Maile Street Tees. & Wedfs>. Thur. 9-8 Fri. 9.6 Sot. 10.3 E XAM iNATIONS AR BANO E CALL 878M923 GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING CONTRACTOR INDUSTRIAL-RESIDENTIAL INTFRIOR-EItTERIOR Cou Ns>s>ts>r Froc Estimâtes 878-6131 HELEN'S ART NOOI< Malt St. Ras>hmnad Artist Suppi les Open Atteroons Wed.-Sut. oby appoînfntaso Phane Ras. 8265-47117 dgmntf J. D. Curnie Plumbing Repairs 24 Hour Service 878-2452 dit Plastering & Stucco Ail TypeofSatt>cc Nes> Piailler, Repairs. AldersOot Piasteriog Ca. Coli Cohlec Haîtan His Cantracting 'E>cuvotlog .Gruding 'Septic Bed eConcret.e Work ACTON 853-1582 damtsi *BROCHURES -PUBLICATIONS -BUSINESS FORMS *WEDDING STATIONEOY A Compt@ Design end Production Service 878-2341 Dilis Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd. 191 Main St ., Milton. McMuIIen's General Repair -Chimney and rouf repairs -PI0ster ropolrs -Fancy clings -Oasoment porling -Stooco w01_ SpecialinO Ing nconcrete fInIrs. woiks and patios. Ca 11 Davo col lect at 852- 2726 For Free Estimait, Mitch s Rocfingean- Eavestroughing Specializlnq in reronfing and ococrol repairs. Stee w«onbars FREE ESTIMES CALL COLLECT 519-856-4721 Custom Farm Work *Plowing a Oîscing oCuivating e Harrowing *oediog *Raiog @Front End Loader work 878-5189 Sewing Machines SALES-SERVICE RENTAI PHONE 878-6861 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Martin St reet Servi'ces and Ospairoon Mlf makesof 5010100 machIn.,s ACTION Terminal Warehouse LIMITES Industriel & Doornoio Storàge Prioaf o F4rmIfs>re Locker, Sonded Uforago Pick-up & o iiry-ovogO BROKERAGE SERVICE Phone: 853-2320 Action 364-28AI Toroito i A t . - 'I MILTONCo -OFFICES si INDUSTIRES Complote Jdnitorial Service 878-6388 CONTINENTAL JANITORIAL SERVICE *PACTOR IES OFFICES * STOR ES 'WINDOW CLEANING aRUG CLEANING Pully bonded & Insured R78-5127 or 877-9654 MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN Let us hcip pu PiOn yao kitchee for.tffiiency and boaî1y includInO pro fniffltd naturaf hatif -, cabinets. AsB te o trie brochar eta 878-2351 BUS SCHEDULE MILTONand TORONTO Lv.Milton 7.05a.m.- 10.15 a .2U.m -.iam a-6.3S p.m. b-6.30 p.m Ar. Milton 10.00 a.. 6.10 p.10.. s-7.IOpým. MILTON Oad KITCHENE. Lî. 6B35p.m. Ar. Milton 7.01 a.m. 0lUIS O.. à.0 pm,081 O.. GALTand KITCHENER MILTONand HAMILTON L, s>-0.55 a.w., o-5.30 MIL TON anA GUE LPH Ar. M-,IIoy- p.w Ar> il c- 3009 P M.ray lîDaiy HnIdta tur ci-Saorday onîy. a-Sunday or Holiday. B- Friday. Ttics.. Th,,rs. Sot. s>1v Compte Tree Service *Trimwîng *ODeadwovoding - Complets Removai -Bush Lots Cîeared ARTHUR MARLOW 689-1890 Carile d MILTON UPMOLSTERING Have yanr tylrnifire boau.- ituliF re-s>Phaiofored by tf1n. est cralttmon. Hundredso0f fine fabrîci tramt mhlch ta chousa. Prous Bofimafe -No olgto.870.9094 t HALL ENTERPRISES 878-3147 -Maller Conditloners -Humiditiers SALES, SERVICE & INSTALLATION SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE WATEB REFINERS AODivisioof Wesfway Fuels0 20 Yearsof Service ln Haifan Caînty a FREE Installation & Service *LOWESTMaonhly Ocefal Rafe 878-548f Milfon Evenings Weekends 8449781 9am. o5 p.m Dao y BOB'S WELDING Mobile Weldlcg Milton, Ont. 878-4987 df * aifingo-indaor & Ouhifm oGain R oum Dividers CATHEA CONCRE-TE RESTORATIONS ITO Albi Di Pede 250 Martin St. 878-6853

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