*Thse Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., Wied., March 27, 1974 ulan, Landry paeSockets SPlattsvile tourne y finals PL SocisetS hattled to Mclnoh and Mise Chudligs tiseRaide r goal la elimisale a Tise Saturday match finals Of tse Plasville were awarded assisa stunned and ssrprised ed tise tosrney champ ~o orey titis wee. tu Gmsrgetown squsd. loess ap to 34,000 of clble 3-i by Chiogu- sbsi out Zslian taroed inoatop och lion. ~sY Strdy. Mog eUe Socketo simply outplayed effort betceen tihe posta. Sochel coaches 1tiefinl Soke Sîmcoe as Paolo Zulian held Tsmsnn oeC Simmoe "- and se- ost his shutoat. Dentara r e T peoead lOstie s Geretown 2-1. en agetotos a ose gol Cing cas first os Use tare noiea s od h Bois Lasdey hat teick and '0a a Us io e iodo hUe scoreboard Satsday but i agaicUe l art te coasiters by Robin seon gaebtBse lc1~ yLnr edUeSc-Ueta mn.1 a, Terr Ellwood Secod . moe tlroapn eosUegm usti Use fs-_ tunae JhTaerhanded Use frmToe le e c nt aie ioen Use nts Socisets oi oinp Uonces Use wis over Mead scored Use cioser mises C1hpIl tea w.. fislly abl tram tpaya p~e Mthe Brown, BdIYli e picked op a oestre !ce pass 10 d1 aiasrmrad Stra hsUe Steve Mead, soyas from Brocs and ntung iltoi pat Use game sut of reacit. Unionviie aI 11:30. JPufferins avenge Ioss OIub Streetsville Monda y .-X>sfferins came hacis off a assiot. Jins MeKerr mas cred- Shields. Streetsvilles I 4-1 Ioss in Slreetsvitfe tasI ted wiUs tise second ansisl. Matin and John Hellyeri bladnesday nigisl to oser- Jins McKeor mas crodited ted laIe sn Use eli~ tho Ue visitisg Mercisanîn miUs a Dolteris goal fesmn Iufferlos hoohed 9se hanse ice Mooday nigisl. Shields mises a Streelsotîle ville in fiee gamms of an lhe benI of byve misse nsidget defender hnocised Use pocs OMHA series and coachs fe-wuîaty serim l soplil a in0 is oses net. mot! io confidmnt Usey cas pnse apieo Kevis McCoy and Fraser agia. .Dave Trer providod Use nopptied Ihird poriod scores Louve April Il g§dy Dufferin coointer in for lise Dsffs fros Saillha and The Milton Misor Mi Wreetsvitle ohmn be lois a coe milI hae leavisg for . f n GuyMcGssis and st ipeg Apritil t cospet F Z ar io n e secondM an h tornamnmt. Dafferis cf agoal lied Use hilleled sut to p rivale hî bol Use hansotomnero for Legion chite moach Maxwells o tol rei ter ree PalMCn e h itn ager George Nwi ~nseered thrdperiod FatMCstdUeMtstramner Dave FIaIt cil rs. Legios Bastanss t0 a 1505 "tayisg aI Use Isteroali l)eolded*- e ane total paots sein oser In .ThMey decide oay BastrnUeGogt Tise Dufferins seul hae I RoS toigstdn~si astnstoorsamnset tant ing frons Toroto Inter c ih Maoen alerU emek and sopptiod smo go l osaI Airpoot. ehBllMxwl. atr.h as the dois fel]îto Collingmood Winneo of Use 0usd rai coeincrew evmedthe se- in a oensi-final seris. raffle for a sarter of -t otSeds started lise Lgosie et An- mas Le 1assî, Toron o.castor 4-2 on Use licol gans trucks driver for NorthsA aif off chmn be palted a bal came hacis mils a 5-2 sein cas Rocismett Rtperiod drive fcons Mike in the second. aser and Rod Goodiof. MeCans and Eric Ellison robýcant Denbs ,a a spi ol n Use firstiame J UVOfi les tii ns red consa MeGi1i wit McCann nappli ail 10rdfrn eGni cefeiers in Use min. Georgetown Rotary ju Us1n t e op ni ot period to C olli g ood o adis anced es are ied a ga ne ap tha Milton 00050 Sp 10 the Milton ces 7-3 in les eilh Oahridge Acres of1 Y. gamýen, tahisg 4-2 and 3-t don sn theso hml 5of Oses set ecisions. McCans netled a OMHA Jovootie "AA oe .odCorradrîli ipC in a ,ir is tise series chite Dace final tories. Georgetown srv ro c ial ahnad. l Ha ppe had s n gl 112 nLmond Sbn ~te Mlo rwaer apProtbnde h ihbtwn5 ubne piched up Use second Milton netmindisg chures. Susday afleonoos. 1I Fiver purpie WeSeeds nets three, ni, se cent os," consoînteci Garry Nsylor more crestlc send Milton into lise le liens Trident ptaying coacis assista s liste Seedo tlty. Seeds psuse puckhomnefr 1~l Hymero aller a 4-3 home "We had one uffesvety Williams,. i ui ver Use Ayr Rochels strontounit, mentioned Rolmees periado Tride ey nigist. Thte ganse coach Hynsers about lise murs ment nuat. Ruehets retare ed' off an Ontario Inter- af Seeds, Willianss and Use ice 10 es-en Use coui idale "B sensi-final Naytor. Naylor mas a Toms- minute in50 tise midi *lenday nigisl tilI-in helcees stanza. Tridents nsanaged e fsBish place attse end of lise mingers Seedo and Williams bold tise Roobets off e*dar seasons Rackets isk mile regalar Jobs Hall s01 scnreboard agais ustil thé colo of tise gîssî isler in ot. end of lise 20 minutes. thre rermnt quarter final series Weoriogoran We're stili sot rea oji second p lace Paris. Tise Hall mas stîlilmaring Use pasii slated Hyms FUsiasn teli in six gamos of scars of tmo major bouts in aller Use gane. '50e do <leves ganse series. lise lasI malcis-up againol bas-o Use aip." .2ridests ocre juot off a Calodonia. Tridents appeared lu, ba ~%lustre five gaine sbow Te consiînation morhod il altt Uagis.n lise fiî losety Teans Caledonia- prpaio yr ise fasî Bro okville gi ris tearm -5Tiey play good positiosal lshey and skate lise hoîl,' ~sHynsees of bis oppon- 1in iuvenile b al. Ioop Zl.- Tisey'Il moite os- d*e, hie continued. Beobville is lusing for leuse ployers frons anywb Garb inopsple fiels 20 years old and uaider in Use H atos area sn Uses -. as of Jassoy Ilso play on ita lesgse. Worhouls are expoe :~-del slarted Use eseries oemly-formod junior nofîboîl ed te, hegio aI Use Oroabv nbo otUe purpIo and gold bans tisis sommer. dians..ai lte April. Gi auteaters of tho Jusior B" Shirley and Dou.1 Thomon, inloresled sn trying ouI a Continontal Plyers. Ayr's miss are primarily respos- ashod lv gos in touco miUs X4ilsm and toeen jerseys oste for organîsîsein mîsor Thonssons ait 054-2544. isllsded tus moîl mîtis Tri- sofîhail in BroobviBe bas-o dens' yeflom and blacks enlered a girls teans in a oom Pitchor Sue Thsomson îgioring. junior basgue aloof mils Brusissilfe played misth -RSohkets drem firot hloold îoams foom Daho-ilte, Kitchener junoe Cvt *btes formard Vie Genernun Burlînglon, Brantford and chu represiente Otai fliag tise Imine bohind Milton fîmese. Teams mill enter Use tise Canada GassiB ielîminder Terry Colo Provincial Womnns o ufîlaîl fas sunsmer. BroobkviSe I Tridentlcaptaio Marty Seeds Union playolîs aI lise esd of minor leamo bave aise won iSsirged hacs cils Ayr a mas lise yoar. bust of Tri-cously league a %Wbr 10 pop in is lirol ai Bruskisslle wîlI la allomed ORSA cbonspiusnhipo. luseie cor- moe Mas- do it idget Win- insa lie manl eal siso beef ti a- iece live lot laT i d- for ail ppota Ken awford homing made os aI ete i n Bolton meet Haulers out Haulees are solt. Tise Grant HuaeMisor Bastams sac- iushd n Usree straigst gaMons lu Bocesanville in GHA playaeffn, capping 110off dUsh at-i deet snan- vitle lanst Wedsesday. Bosemassilie racbed up a consfortuble five goal Ie.ad bafso Rois Champous cao able tu hoSte Use Imise for Use Grant Bans Irons Atfus Criaci. Isle siots samman- cille goal sent Use Haulees hanse to hasg up Useir oboles. Short handed Bowmasvilos fast, rougs tes nsyhave iseen s' for a longe series but Grant Sont mach Gles Reblag mient smo ganses due to injuries Tise Haulees cere Jcoocbed hy Reiisling and Terni BrandI and managed hy Gerry Diss. Acton champs Actos Y'u Mess pooceM captsred Usr B dvSion chanspiosiip.ut the ansusl Young Canada Hockey Toursnsent in Goderics over Use cister break. Adtos defeated SoutIs London 5-4, Belmunt 3-0, Hanovr -0and Aylnsr 7-6 in averlise sn Use ohanspiunsbip Vs.e Mon have bealen Use tnajwpe*- basuof bath exibtin gais.. pAyr ta ci. sta I ta OIe the tise lly lait e l rs Uew Are t iris nd periad. Doescensan Ken 1- 0et Iot blueliso sisher go aI 3:00 of Use parola toe- dlaim lise Milton lead. Hymers and "Pie" Lee piciset op assiots os lise power play cousiter. Pesolty shat A posally sisol goal by Roches Bill Brocnstnlg Use Aye eans mils a fooe minute roture t luIe but slepped up Milton pressure mas able 10 putla lid on il. Nayler sent Seedo a cross- ice passmwiUlfour mnutseslefl in lise ganse and Use captais finiised bis bat trics and Use ganses sesring mils a long siapasult. Williams esrned Use second assint. Paced hy Use sharp sel mindisg of Terry Colo, Tridents outashol Ayr 20-SI. Hymers ferla Use Bochels cull force is club int a bard shaliof neries. Tmýhey are a very yousg tes, Usey lise lu, ozip'. says Hymees. "Tioy are oprnisîs, plus." lise coach. TRIDENT CHUCK WILLIAMS 12 okirto around un Ayr Racket Onîtario semi-final sertes two gomres tai anti. Tridents were defender in the Friday niglit conteot but can't 1asd a gond 0h01 larced ta purt wjth their regulur yellow jerseys and use tse (ml goal. Linemate John Hall (lef t) watches. Tridents won Junsior BFlyers sweaters when the Ayr club shawed for the Ttses:day night and Friday evenng home encouniters with Ayr gaines in yellow. but loist an Rocket ice Sunday night tai lead the hent of seven (Photo hy D. Pink) Ayr hot on home ice Tridents Thycoul have ocored porters isba joyoua celoisra- fivo goals sn Use last 10 lions. minutes - but tisey weresIt gaon sn," sald Milton Trident Blgger dest mngrVers Bridgman Tridents lriedl Usoir loch ait =usdy sigist. Use Rochet cage but couldolt Tridentds lis e Susday maire Useir abato mors. Dave nigisl conlesl in Aye 6-4. Hesry made a bigger dent Milton leado lise lassa oves loto mhe Tridests defso il aI series 2-t. 7:45. "They hadto gels ufruone A score from insfrontlofUse and Usoy guI Sp foe Ibis ose,' sel hy Trident Gord Bell irons said Trident coachs Carl Steve Mastine omemed 10 li11 Hynsero. 1111I tie harder (for lise Milton dolegatios as 13:10 Ayr) seul lime. th Useni- poriod. Bachots strocs early in Use A goa by M ~rty Seeds-Use nsatch. Jins Speingoîl scoeed lii o ui reeeed Use aI 2:3 toib send lise Ayr sup- cousit et secundo lter 10 Jets split after Saturday Ioss Milton Jins Snow Midgel Jeta are oplit in Tri-cusy p 1aa ff0 mils Streetovilto fs5I.ong a 2-1 cmn in Stomîts- ville last Suday anda -3 oss in)îliloa-S@tyrday nigisl ..-tIsjsi.aosi 5lt-per cot,' said Jeta mu fer AILewis folloming the? Slreetosville gamte. Joabs Rooham and Steve Wilson spplicd goals for lise Milton cause mils Roshans, Wilson and Orad Hulelofoon providing assimb. Leis crediled nelminder Craig Juhis cils a oleong gane. At home foc a Salorîtay nigss canleol over hall use Milton leam missed lise game. Pierre Pilote cousled Imice for lise Jets mils Wilson coustint the olier. Thoso misa shomed sp "realty played weli.- stat Lewis. -They ptayed groat hocksey. They juof lired out," hoe ssîd. Streetsville blanks CTC's SIreolsville mos lise opeaîng ganse of lise Tri- caonly Juvenîle Series ais home ice booching tise Milton Casadian Tire sqsad 3-0 Sssday nigisl CTCs more milisaul captais Dave Anderson and Bruce Voyce foltoming suspensions in Slreelsvdlle mises lisere renumed in Milton last nigisl (Tsesdayl. Tise series wl continue in Milton Sonday. CTCa wilI hoe parlicipoing Us te Milton Jucenito Hochey Toursameol bore lcom Apoil 6 la 13. CMILON MoANEas -,SORTR 25theArl COMM 20&21TMI fN 8 62 (ea d,,,, e i as als goa ganses sn the atconteRoche cage io tories, toclsding Use Tsaady th hr.Blooised abaots, big nigsl hat !rics. goalposîs and cruel fate Tridensi Jobs Hall, Cissoi ntopped Tridents os almoat Williams and Dave Gallagler every spportunily. couldn'l mabte Use Suntlay nSmall (ce nigisîgome bal Nics Gastier 'We eeobrried -neyer came anddressed as afill-in setlled in Use Ayr arena," for- the Milton cr0ew. said coochs Iymers afler Use Bush leagae game. Tise playing surface in Encept for Steve Mastine Ayr sa about threo qsres alTiet played sn a Use smoe of Use Milton rins, Sonday mornisg hasis bague forcing ligister play and teso escooster helcees Chsarles lime tu toise a shol. Holol and Grue's Sheli. Henry fisisisod Roches Chartes btanhed lise Sheil scoring aI 10:23 of lise final tesm t-0. period. Coachs Hymers fe th Us ie Na e and Masline comn- poriodo of hockey helped Use hinod Ieto minutes lter 10 toans raîber tisas bort Usemn. nend Seed jn es finish is bal "We more gois' stroogmt sn trick. Seedo brobe ie from lise lise tant period' he points MIARTY SEFDO rigist, swerved in front of sout. "Ils as good as a A pair oftbreos goallender Evans and toched practico.' tise pocs boisind tom. Tridents ismit Ayr for Use Paie o stbees leries' fifUs gamo Priday rosse oves more Milton en- Soeds bas registered a pair es.eoiog at 0.30. thusiasm. Keits Bridgman sent bise a ero-ice paso as hoe brohe in for a clear shol aI the goal. Jise Brows denlroyed Use Milton spirit leos tbon a minutloter mises ho put the hametownerssup 10 stay. Ayr waoted ta mis ava- I charged out for lise second period te, prove they coutdl. 1cd ,,Â1 ,n Trsdents played a poor second ,orijod. Roches ace Bill Brocs scored himneif a pair of tale n tise period 10 hoep/ the Ayr sqoad Sp. Shovelled under Seedn provided Use only lt i hright moment for Milton 2ý ,,,tNý ishen ho shovolted a Garry llayler pssoedee Rochet 8 83 0 goattioMiheEvans insthsefinal minute ofthe periid. Tridents made op for Use otoppy, disorganized seconda NORTH END DAISUN 610 MARTIN ST. dM81 SOUTI 0F 401 818-2411 t - I ANNUAL JUNIOR FARMER'~~ S HOCKEY TOURNMENT SPONSORED BV THE HALTON JUNIOR FARMERS - SATURDAT, MARCH 30 AIL DAY TOURNAMENT ~- e First Game 9 a.m. e Consolation Championship 6 p.m. e Championship Match 7:30 p.m. Teams trom 8 counties wiII be in attendance o' Wentworth, Brant, Wellington, Pont, Norths Simncoe, Ontario, Loono-Addington, Haltan.' "CALLING ALL BOYS"# "SOCCER REGISTRATION" AND "BOOIT EXCHANGE" Milton Minor Soccer Association will h holding a registrat ion nigist oct Monday & Tuesday eooniogs lst and 2nd April '74-7 p.m. ta 9 pes. atthe Holy Rosary Scisoot, Martin Street, Milton. Fees-$5.OS each-Famitp 3 or more-12.S0 Ages- Squirf toesr ôto8 years Mosquito t0Oto 12 years Atoco feaco 8 fa 10 years Pee Wee 12 lof14 years. (Age as of 155 January 1974) Reqisaion toot Exchnge FPics-Ociieshiveois New Eqiîccc fienccdsponsors Coachesv Minaes andOclfrcvio asist in akinq ccersc oesuli Milton -We need focr heif nooc-and O1ADI PLEASE BItNG VOUR SON-DON'T SENO HlM. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CAIL Jim Haritins, President-878-9835 Brian BonI, Secretar --878-4118 Ken Judisins, Treasurer-87-36S7 Fritz Scisicht, Ways & Means-i7-2016 Allas Hobbs, Equlpmaait-878-2529 John McGilvary, Convener 878-4088 Ron Lambe, Public Relatiofls-971-61t1 - i s