One big happy family Israeli kibbutz visited afflial Se =a n Trudy Bainbeidge boue spont thse pont montb amld orange and grapotfrui1t g ees 100 efr -eprture na ru. ' Tse trees mono almont bent lu tIse gnnfruit wa 0 plestiful, antoeare acres and acres of beoutitul nineyards," Tuyrates. HanbstIse omner and manager ut Milton Depol ment Store und Teudy ba been tbe Isoolkeeper Ilsere for the pont 14 yeurs. Bnlb momen essjnyod tbeir trip in tIse company of Hassabos nister 004 brotber-in-law Me. und Mes. Joe Loomitb éf Copotown. 'I'udy mas astonistsed wits the greoneey aIl around bier, nopoctinif lu flnd thse deseet in = rdry and bareen. * h watcnl as pleasantly uuerisod witb thse renulîs of moonern irrigation metbods iu lise 25 peur 014 countey Hanna biadt mode tbe tZ befure and explains bom before tbe Blute of Inruel mon formeul Ibere mure only olive Irons. "Nom tore are 20 million Irons. 'lrens plaoted In Elotla lownabout Ibe slite ut Millun in tbe mont Saunlberon port of tbe country) folu eveey cbild bors o tee s pluntod. Il ninterestinglto sSe wbeen neno sentions Iluro are few îrees. liton cao tlb tbe oge of a section ut te 1050 by te siuBof uthe teon," Tbe seo utGalilon andl tbe RtivrJordan are tbenonty Io bodies ut tremb muter on tbo country. Watee is transported tbrougb a nebmueis of pipelines tbeougb tbe deserts as moîl as built-up aes Citron irons ue irrigatnd by *ovrbead sprays. Drinkisg muter is de-salinated, tbe naît removed frons tbe scean moter leaving Viel mater tee to be ued for agrîcultueul porpones. ÀAtourofteuldmalled cîty ut leessalens rerealeol bom tbe oubole arien s luing eeconsteucted. "Tboy are *roally going by tbe Bible" Hannab says, "and the resoîts are very succesuful." *There are no eues allomed mitbin tbe mais as tbe streets are toc nareum. Tbe se- cosional donbev carl is ued for transportation. Nomads A trip Ibrougb tbe desort brougîlIe momen tare lu toue miSt Nnead Iribes wit toirtlents and camels. "tse? ue a vry tniondly pol, Hannob soyn, "te momn and cbildren do ail tbe morS and te esan doesnnI do onytbing." Sbe posnfor a minute and thon cbucklen, "ils for sure tey amuI' liberoled!" King Solamonus Mines more risited mbeee nom a moedern copper mine employa 1,000 peopln. The muesen brugb lovely gtubock fan Ibeir tionds anfd tellom- morberi, snme frnm tbe factony mbeee beautitul "i"gr- nitrer jemelleey ns .sade Tbefaesous Eilot ulune la tueqmis or green wit blacks linon' tnrosgoutl is attractio'ely sot in tbe dock sterling nitrer ut burant. Klbbltn The longent kibbulî (a communal fores ond sn- dustrial comples of 1,700 moIsI is located at Gicot Brenner. 'Ibe momes more mode melcomne and bad lmnck in the romesunily dining roses mitb 8iBesembees ofthe "faesily". Tbeee mas ns cbargeforethevocal o u ey, ma.ubed pnatoes, conrots, spincb, soup and fruit sered elegosnly feues stoinlesu steel sering diables. Ecerynne pitcbes in mit eseal peeponotion and clnaning up. Woesen mit Ibein docto rales moek alonguide tbe culis in tbe kitcben. tComletely uelt-costoined, cb kibbutc in addition lu tbe tarmu, bus ils oms medical centre, haspital, baie- deessenu, sebsols, cultural centre, recreational actiritien and ligbl industry. The fores of gorernesent nl by prieetary system. Teee Is nu crimenIb kîbbutc and soi even s esucb as adrunkbarested in 25 yeaeu. Fen Peuple are fee lu decelop thein oms panticulon talents and abilities. Those oubo cas mork do, and Ibese nibo causalt are lob en core ut. The eldeely neesoin pont ofthIe cueseunity setil Ibeir deatb. 'Me cbildren do nol lice mit teir porens but bave Ibeir oms quartons. Sotb Teody and Hannab mcme loolsod attr bhappy, talented and appoeently mell-adjusted Ibe ebildeen ue. "I tbougbt il mas jouI marvellous tbe may tbe ubilden more tubes cante ot mitevery opportunity given lu derelop Ibeir talents,' Hasnab noid. Tbe ebildeen spond only teir leisure lime mit teir porenlu, nating and sleeping sn teir ltutlly self- csnlained quartees. At fuesitore is b mît lu scale. Parents are confident teir ubilden are moîl taisent cure of by kinul andl qualifiad peuple. icîycles Evryone on tbe bibbutn, Irons ebildeen lu grand- parents, gels aeound on bicycles. Eanb boy receivs a nom bicycle aI bis bar mils- rab. There is one communal pbone and ai] caes lulong lu te commuoity. Only une incident mareed te racation. Wbile ciuitisg at a peirate bome aI Moedecbei sn the Golan Heigbts the momen beard te soud of giouffie. Tbe man ut te bouse enteeed quintly feues biu morb on tbe tares, picked up bis msacbine g se and nscused bimsef, Tise momnan, au- customed nomembat lu Ibese militory interruptins in ber liait fle, conlinued lu serre Hoaa nd Trudy cakes and Ina. ".Il is quailte Su es- penience," soidi Honnab. Aie raid ubeltees are nuticeable sbesugbouî the country. Aller a lem days ait a Medi terras eau meoud. Notbonyo mih ils fine mbite sandondluemwaters,bhe tmo momen visited tbe Oea ut Golilee and Tilunios, taesouo foreilsbhotspeisgsoand iemof Mount Hermon milb ils unoos- cocerel meabls Betoreceueoing 10 Milton tbey spent IBe days in Omiterlasul aI tbe Zurich International Hotel. A toue of Lucerne premptel Teudy lu comment, 'Il's the cleonsu cily l'un evr ser Homecen, Honnah mas nul as p ledu ouen il coul ber $15 ta bou'e berehaiemasbed and set. A cabre car ride o lRg andoatrain ridelbrouý,tige esounitoins mode an . jsyuble finale lu their trip. Gillespie is guest Allistoir Gitleupie Ministen Commerce mil bic ....g uprial gouts ottending te HaltonaLibel fond raising douce in Qabrilte May 10. The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed., March 27, 1974 85 Auction sale, music entertain seniors Milton Senior Citizens Club attendance was welcom id was getting lier las out. Mes menibr heought srtie artile heid=Ibeir eoori etingron mitb sonne visitors, Mr. and Eleser Zimmerman, crd for the sole and Jack FllioI Wedndo enigI Marh Mes. Ron Hareis, Mr. convener, had quite a rium ber acted as auclooer Mrs G. 2' in the Preubyterion Church MeArOhur lromn Kilbride, C. o ut hoobyu notes and Thomoas and Mrs, A. Peddie Hall,. iti Mrs Frank Cupeland and Jack EllioIt. mensages. Bob Laking loohed aller the cash retuens. Thompon, preuidenl and Mrs M. Wbite and Miss eeported on transportation ai Eeryone enjoyed lunch Mrs Phyllis Peddie Dnrolby Lougbes greeted newo. and a cap of Ira logether. nenretary in cbarge. A foir ererynne uithIe door. 0 For lhe prngramn tbe fuil Canada mou actng, miib Mes. Senior Cilizeno Orchestra T A. Franb albhe piano;olso mas peenn, giving luerRA bhe birlbday nong for Ibone program in lo ueeiesofu bhaig a Morcb birlbdoy. orbitions. Mes. Tom Bradley J HN N be minutes ufthIe lanI 0000 tbeir ansouncer, and 00 meeting more read, uppron'ed named the membees, Mrs A. and signed, and tbe Frank at tbe piano, Strie OPTOMETRISI trasurer 'o slatement Houne, eleetrie guilar, Mes. receivedl There are 123 paid Dornthy Wilson, Guelphi, 218 Moio Si. op membees, and tbe club banjo. Tom Bradley. violin Milton mould libe oewm eembeen 10 and boues, Hon Htarris, oîolin conte and juin. and Andy Feanb, vinlin. Mes. 878-3673 tommittnu report Mabel MacNab gace lo O Mers Orlo Coulson ns tbe readingo. ioednecau ard Saturday nem tellepbone concener and A new lealture osas a miscellaneous sale. Each BLUE ATER WINTER FASHION SHOES FISH~~~ &CIS STYLE - COMFORT - SELECTION .0fion Sr. orn FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM AN COR TI Nr *COMETS IN STYLE For Carefree Motoring Pleasure ...For a Day fa Week 1a Month, a yea r Drop inand see us Our EconoomyRates loclde, Ga Oil o sance C -SPECIAL WEEK-END RATES *COURIERPICK-UPTRUCK * F 100PICKUP TRUCK 12 FOOT VAN ALSO AVAILABLE r R1E-LIVING 'FHE lTRIOP lu burael laut monlb are Trudy Buiubridge, tdft aîîd Haooah Servos. Hoonah is the oniner und manauger of Milton 'ý,partmeol Store. Trody hou heen bookkeeper fiacre fr 14 years. (Photo hy J. HeSton I ~4i MWHEEL HORSE 2l Iawnm & garden tr-actors lawn & garden tractors, attachments & accessories d.signed for total canvenience, easy ta operate and sure ta make those gardon chaires eosler 1 -FRED ARNOLD invites yau ta corne in and MMdiscuss your immediate, and Muue.on n 21 Cuinnltflr ltMt2)uituiart 234a wnonnns-2iiiî 25 noem nora n vauu ai .nosnosnanncd â Humts 100insnO.atO Bonito. 1 i 2l 1 7' hril.u y- o.w C unIlOnscltcaolt.%.Ib. cý . 4T.On"v rev rsbelansin f or s ia fo anoiiy . ., na nnncl m Oa l SPECIAL er tedd e r, (Ft$ " S tinore olloinyloua.1 n lR 42" idotn,05010 g a- 22spuse oaîrrow 7 611 2 2 hea drm OSfss (7 2211 a .. d.I.-... MONEY SAVINC .s- hscoa dor snlaO I i Halas lasd. cOpl4lb. 7221 ik a n Ora , - d spks ra O n cuiosîlon Danes cospInisîn -so for i ne 0,00 deal fr sa lgs hb n i SolO . apN nl nrd dntra Ion l a i. 1 nclniioma oueigs. undilnceso s o n ;da0 t.(F.a s "B"i & O "sC" las 10' PnnA-nlniloil-.s (CFIl ConLonOn., toa.A.. .., " "" Soei")L E~ SALES *SERVICE e PARTS 11WI. 25 AT DUIT RD. 878-503 nothîng rgruns 1_ Iîke a Deearoe THURS. FRI. SAT. MARCH 28th 29th 3Oth Daiy 8:3010o5:30 -Peu to 9pes. RESID - Sat. to 5 p.on New. .. .for Lawn and Garden Care from John Deere Noos, John Dooro offors yoo the laleol in Iawn-and-garden- cars bools, Stop in and see Os for long- and shorl-handlcd shovolu, .. leat and gardon rakoo, . hedge shears., hoes .. grass shoars ... prunors, .. ornal gardon tools. hosos, .. prinklers....,and more. Wo ottor atoull liolu of exceptional-quality bools 1ha1 are bult b laot. Sue us cow! 'ENTIAL to RURAL e LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ARUOLD'S LFWN & GAREN EQUIPMENT -:la25 kAT~ DER Mi 8785063 * #AWUp OPENINO of MILTON'S NEWEST' LAWN & GARDEN CENTRE 19 SrLanrer(7-2311) W lonsppaslnoiniy 05 lb. cions. 0,1' , ( ooA"." ..CI' .'COnOnsl.. GALLINGER MOTORS LIMITED steetsVlie MILTON PLAZA MILTON 878-2883 826 , 434 - - - - - - - - - ----- -- - m,-, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ARNOLDS LAWN & GARDEN CENTRE