Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Mar 1974, p. 24

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Î2 mhe Canadien Chsampin, Milton, Ont., We., Mercis 27, 1974 Pages of Ithe asti FO Ch m ues FlnC 'titis country fias daganarased te a ssirry state ochen the computers taka os-ar and utart running thingu. Jout ask tisa man fromn Dondau abusa social uecurity card aras elban. -After bis ocailet aras stolen four ygars ugo, someona started using titis man's idantity. The other p*l-son has bren gis-en ses-erul Uuafjc tickets, was caugist passing bati chelques and aras gis-es s 12- îaoîîlh suspended sentence for car filait-ail an thc Dondas mans naine. And the revenue deparîment now s-anIs lu kuos- shy ha bus nut declared incarne on jobs heohi vîously ses-ar held. A computer sciance graduate, Ilau oork requires bonding but inlvestigations usually tors up evudence of the uther munus cîlînal record. Halton-Wentocorth MP Bill Kemapluug bas stepped ln lu try ta ltep the pour fellos-, but ba's ruiuiîlg ap against tisa same brick s-ails asnd bureaucratic red tape the -ý Tise provincial gos-arsment is tZonsidering tightaning ils controls ipi commercial developments such 4s9 nea shopping centres, 10, avoid lxiildars and des-alopers tisaarting lmcal by-laas hy erecting plazas in bwanships jut oulside tuas beundaries. 'It has hean happening regulaîly lately. If a bawn doesn't alloar a laza in ils hy-las or if tisera is a tibortage of davalopmant land it lCse toars, developers find a site just aulside tise houndarias and steer Iluair approvals througs tise seigh- tuorisg tow-nshsip council. Tise fos-nshîp is happy, of course, bo have tise commercial assassmesl aid doassIt naed te ocorry about services-they ocould naturally havre to come front tise searby las-n. :Now tise province is cunsidering tegislation to ths-art suris plans. arrisat hreed of daveloper doasn't cure tisaI iis ses- shopping centre s-ýnlI distort tise nrderly gros-ti and pers-art tise ocaîl-made plans of tise Il s- whrie bis potantial customners esays Ontario Treasurer John ite. "Tise towshiip doesn't cure *biat bis cluter of stores s-ill do 10 Che neighboring urban rom- SMilton Boy Scouts are collecting uld uleaupapers and cardhaard for recycling once a montis Sud raising uuoîey antis tiseir project. But they tel us tisey are onîy able to collect a umaIl portion of tise neocupaper tisaI tOaust be available 100 masy people are puttisg tiseir iluasspopers out ails the garbuge anud tlends up buriad in tise landîtît rule. Perhaps il's lime more lItoîeos-urru and business firms ulaîtefi getting serious about thiu s-asIe of bath ses-sprint and dumping space, Sud startefi savisg luieur old popers for tise Scouts' lsoîthly collections. ttBrampton recently had a tîcaspoper recycling project and callected au average of 14 tons of s-asIe papor a mark-yet tisat s-as au eslîmated 40 per cent of tise paper tisaI should bave heen avaîlable. i cost tise tus-n a 11111e iloule lu collect Sud recycle a ton of lessspapers tlîsî it dues ta truck garbage to tise dump site, but tise bus-l is saviug tisaI mucs space un Diîe laîtdfill area and iselpisg esse (lie uessprint sisortage aitie same Wbaleser bappeued bo the free ratites ci ii tisaI sas propuuscd for flallout, back un tise s-inter s-heu tiabues cases mere fairly pres-alent? Inflation is affacting just ahaut gurrything tiss days. Wa sea tisa Boy Scouts hava postponad thisar lippla day campaign until tisa falI, lacausa «apples ara sot availahla il;a price tisaI vil gis-a us anc usual gonud ralurs," Z,,ibae mapla syrup demoiutration ai Mountaberg ta an excellant Duîudas mau has bes facing for file past four years. You only gel onec social insurance numbar in Ibis country, il tomns out, and tisa gos-ernment cannot raprogram ils comuputers tai change bis social insurance number. Kemplisg reports tisa chief tuf lte linemployment Insurance Csuninissjon's central index brancs uuggeslui il s-ould be asiar for tisa man0 lu change bis nama, tisas try lu gel a sas- social insurance itulber. But lise MP says tisat's riduculous. "No citizen should ba îuaîsipulated by a computer," ha charges. A mas is hum wits bis nama, aduile lise social insuranca numbar us a gîft of our government. Tise mnî obs-iusly bas a unique problein asd tisa gos-arnmant siîould be doisg its hast te allas-laIe filai. problem-sot tbroociig more u'oadblutcks an bis aay. ILS Ibis kind of incident tisaI unakes us oorry ail tise more about Unis computer age in s-hics s-a lis-e. munity." Ha suggestad in soma cases tise das-alopmants are permitted by "sisort-sightad people s-ho cannot or s-ill not sea tisaI tiay are creating a pattern of s-asIe and chaos that may plagua tisa s-iole community for generations 10 Our os-n Milton Plaza is an example of s-bat isappans, altisougis in this case it bas s-orkad out to tisa bs-nus advantaga. Tisa piaza W55 develope in tisa days s-han tisa land s-a in Trafagar Townsip, right on Mions .outskirts, As aI matter of fact tise stores s-are huilt in Trafalgar sud lise parking lot s-as in Milton. Fortunataly Milton's growth bas haan 1tis hast of the aIod' toan sud tise. plaza is nos- quite central lu many homneowners. The plaza property bas since been annes-ad 10 tise ban. But for many ycars tise plaza paid ils taxas 1a tise taownshsip, not Milton and tise tos-its oîuly profit s-as from tise sale of ses-ar and mater services. lU's happening, tutu, in many neîghburing tus-ns. It's an- cooraginýg ta sue tisa pros-inca consideriug stroug-arm action t0 help tise local municipalitias uvercome this problem. family ooting. It's mnespensive, too. For $1 s carluad yoo can anjoy a itorse-draurs wagon ride tutrougis tise sugar bush, s-alk tisa Tomahawk Trail toi learn how thea sap is collectad, and watcs oldi, tîcoer sud ses-est stylas of hoiling lise sap into maille syrup. Tisas if yuu're isungry, for $1 you cun boysa plaleful of pancakes cooked on an open grill and smotiserad un botter anîd syrup. Mounlsberg aIse isas isorses, birds, poultry, cattalo, goals, sheep, rahhits and guises pigu ou display in tee bars ail yaar round, plus nature exiiits and film shsows tisaI are ail included it flue $1 per car admission prica. THE LAST DAYS of tisa Sixtean Mille Craak ara slowly tlcklng awuy. Now a saturaI Stream flowing thro.gis tisa frasis snow, naxt yar it ocili hea scement trougs wadgiitg tiscougs tise cutra of tuw. (Photo by D. Pink) Sug~ Canadians, s-cary uts-inter, arc taising atisantage ut tise sellunt s-inter isreakin t ee-c rasisg numbars ta gel as-ay tram tise truc surts, strang and frcestag. Calcagues casa iy mention nhat timyre att lu tac Canibiscan an Mexico ur SmCasury Islands or samne saris esutira. Il's csiidenti passe tene days ta go mcrciy ta Flanida. Students s-iil te dcsccnding in tbrngs os places isle Atiseas. Rome Parus, Lasn don. Cisiet reasan is sisal air Iras-cl is au losger fur tise ries asly. Package deals anti chsarter fligisîs pal a miti-misten break s-itisin reacs ut us ordinany Jars. A tricati ut mine, tan esample, is gang s-ils bis s-ttc tara meckisn tise Chsannel Isands, tisose tiny bits bte-es Eaglaut anti France. Air tare ta onty $209 ecri, reluie. Asti du yaa issas s-but sicy're payisg tar a bolet cumn mita bath, anti t5cee masa day? Ts-enty-eigbt Iausy paustis a s-cci, becascuit's tbeofftscasus Tsat is abaut tObuckn. Tiscycuttis stay home tac maris tesu. s-cIl, F'm sot une tan skalktng afftth ie seuls anti tcaving ather Canadians ta sutuer. I isat a cisoice. I coutti go avec tansc Grastiat, or uly ta Gcrmasy fur ates- days. Frcc. Il's sot tha 1donIt respect and ad- mirec my tatiser-ta-tas-, bat farn mlieu I chse Gcrmasy. I bupe I gel a better receptos tuse I titi tasI lime I visitet iita country. Lest lime I venturet iet Grrmasy ws-u almast 30 ycars agu. Tisera s-as a fairly large asti assertcd csmpany ta tise graap I tra-etteti mils: pris-aies, corporals, sergeasta st anc n Ftyiug Ottirer -me. s-c had notroublec gtiug insu Gernuasy, es-en tbough s-c bat no passpartn. Perbapa il s-as terause ut the etficieucy ut uur tur guides. Tisere s-cnc cigit uft Iiem, anti tbcy s-crccstrcmey attentive. 'rscy wautt es-es accormpasy unes-ses anc sati ta retieve anescit. The guides s-crs tastctaly arnaycd sn field-gray, andi bat similan accessocies fiass. I cuill kick, bas-es-e. iI tel 1s-as the asty P.Os- s-isrodecucraau the Germast banderasn a bicycle. t cautin't mats isceause ýr and Spice by bill smlley of a s-ell-aimed kick on tihe isseecap, and they were sure as heul nut go'n tu carry me, sa they let me ride une of their bikea. l'IL neyer torget the t irst place me stayed odwrdcamILlackcd a les ofthlie amenities me spsiled Norts Amerirans are accustamcd la, bal il isad a qaaiustneass ail ils us-e. Il s-as a isarn. Tisere mas aaisady tisere bst us cickeas, the rale, asti tise tsar guides. AI lhi, it mas prarlirally rosy afler a cou ple of s-cris living in a bos-car, le Hollaed. Il mas a mite risilly, bais g Nus- ember, isut me paired off and carled ap in tie bay, ise su mas y sets ut speans. I dres- a isig, ugly Casadias prisvaie fran St. Catisarines mils a ballet waand in fils neris s-kirk stans a kil. But he mas marm. Ose ut sur ncxl stops mas lise deligistial old rily ut Bruswsick, misere me spent an ecailig lisrcc isurs an tise air raid siselter. dtisig a raid. Il mas warts il. Tie Germas equivaleul ut Red Croaa ladies gave as rsltce, ersatz bal but, tise tiraI hat drink wcdbhadfor days. Sonme oliser isigigis ut my vsmit mare: lise interrogaioa ceaIre aad "salilary' ucar Fruanktort; rullinguan a train tisraab aigisl attaris us Leipzig, mindama abat- lcriag. fias-es sud bamba fadling; a loaok troim a Irais aitie appalling raile af Hamburg; iilr-iiing bark f ram de isside tise Itussias tises lu Roastaock; a vsis lu tise concentration rampait Celle. Tisis visil coulda't ba marc ialeresting, buat il sisutd be mure rumturtasle. l'es nat guing isy bicycle, but isy jet. And mkibd bsroter, tiseColosel, isaover tere. Reda tisas casags lugesl ut tise air luce, and bas nutising tu looks turmard ta bat a ligt pension aay day sus-. But bc'd isettertbafve lise band sut, tise red carpes dassn, and tise ticistraumitri laid on, or se's in deep trouble. -Philosobits By Edilis Sbaep Tise salue yuu plare as isesît or mesîlis dcpends on s-kirk une yuu bas-e. Tise isest ut ail git araesd any Chistmas trre, lise prestanre af a hsappy tamily ail s-rappcd ap in ecri aller. Fairy tales tuday start mîts "Wisen Pl clertcd," nul "Once open a time." Our readers Write SUPPOBTS PARENTAL sVOICE IN EDUCATION SYSTF.M Dear Sir : As manyLb a-e suppartcd the s-iews ut Ken CampteB, a scigbr, frienti anti fine g itemsn bis rampaiga ta belter our cratio..a1 sysles-. Maay guoti lesraung situations are us-eesiadas-cd by sus-e birb bas-eauo businesa ia aur arisantis. Mas- many ob an s-lt speab up arbes me sec semetalng s-cdtille? Mn. Campbeliate- fisisly suiced blu objections nul isecause bils as-n dausstera mere ilasvl-d, bal becuse many eidren mere ins-uIs-d. t suy 'ritt- rea" homrmae tae average age moulti te 17 asti s-ry essity tisuenred s-e are taiti tac papits sud lise option ut Iras-me ts particutar clia. Mos- many mouud. Nut ones-utdmant la ba siuglcd ouI as "taeuone netableît cape. " Aise es-eryose sa iaqaisiti-e. If nul, mutt taere te saris a ciselan tac aneuof tubarcu, airobut anti draga ut tais age? A itIleilatter in ie tac influence muuld te minimal. Mos- maris ut aur ciitrea's s-ataable ctasuraam lime ili bauag vuit strsti tua-es? Ose Hamilton uffuiat recely 51;1 cd theissyanofse adcyeselen catid qat aiyte espiéed la tour yrara by us-itliag ncresaYapr. Are s-c or repsing a tomer standar Ii Mariales me m5cn suutentu sien a petitios siatise taey do nul s-alt alerer- ece framt outsiders as ma dune ut M. M. Robsinson. JanI s-bu are talle, "outsiders"; but tise peuple s-bu pay tac is! lb oun cdscutora are reaiiy cuaccrncd muta catiag our yoata in issdity lunr- tioua, persapa taey mosulti re-iatrodarc pby- airaI cualius as a compulseny aubjecî ratacr tuas un opti on. ibis ares-s catacr tiltlng mita tac tilympici rumine lu Can- ada. Discipline sciemas lu te lest in Ioday's cducalion. i recuit soetaiag abaut disci- piniscarians teing admisisterei as ta ofba kiati, ius-lag parent, Il sa tais kisti ut dis- cipline s-bics feslera aelf-discipline anti respect. Marc ut taeae smo s-irtureu are needcd in a Iraly com-patible marriage. Il secs-a; unresi ftia reaseng bokis moutti s-talut tac trecdom ut press mises oucuo Bible ta sol allomcd ta te reat. The atamie taesry ut creatios pceseascd tn scoan lests wut iras-c tala s-nIer s-oiti. Ken bas designei a may bon "an outsid- tes ls-ca Scale v iren oar cduca- loaytmi. IF-e daO so uppat bis-., me liat beller stop camptaisn.Ofiii aboutti nul ter cancred tas-uts-anenstias s il tdaxpayra il taey Inuly ss to (Mue lettes Must be some growi flt a mecant speech ba fora tise Ontlario Plo-nuan's Association, Ballon East M.P.P. Jim Snos-, Miltisler of Goverumant Services, H o w asaid tisaI utuciety and govarnment tas-e coma bo racugnize test gras-li suunply for ils os-n sake cas su chilci Iearns lonuger be osdr gdan iîecrssamy, -au attitude mite s-bics Il a ciît lus-es s-uta criukcism, les- aould disugmea. s- lettrs ta contiemu Mm. Suos- empisasized test s-a lb a cisilt ivses s-uta bestilty, unul institote ays sud means of ut le iuttr ies -t ridicul krcping prime agriculturai land iu he rcs-s or csy agt-uculturul production. -'To do Il i chuld lusus sis skis-e tfiis s-e mus( Lake rs-ery step la cara n te e guilty possible la encourage future If a riut lis-es s-uta tolerace, t ecans ta te patient. resudeulial and industriai Ia rilt lis-es s-lth encoucagement, development 1a, locale an ailer t eacres confidtence. ltais aur hast agrirulturaila1nd in Il a ciit lis-es s-lth pralue, te cuares ta apreciale. sotiters Ontario," ha empisasized. It a cisilti livs- mita lairama, Tise Gos-amnment, ha notad isad te leursa justice. asd trenw ic o Ia ciît lises s-ish securily, pasd tse a-Pics f te tares ta bas-e faita. provincial land use planning Il a eblt livs- mita appa-usai, legisiatian and miii in tise sar te teaces la aise isac. If a cisilt i kses mita arrapuance anti future ha doing a romplele ravies- triendsbip, uf tisa exstig Planning Art. In Ibis te leurirs ta linti lace in tise muid. aay teey hope 10 creale esougis -Cntrlbaled. safaguardu 10, prevant use ut farm lanîd for das-elopmant, but hig Jim, says lise public cas afio play a usaful mole in tisis procesu, sisca mnuc o utIhe legisialion isas stapu teat raquire public participation -l tisink il is s-amy important 10 ilote ai Ibis point tisaI ose section of lie Act makes il very rieur tisaI any su cailad des-aiopment plus is îoliing more tean a proposaf unlil is appmos-ad by tise Cabinet, Cabinet approval cas ha ohtsised only utter a considerabe amoont 0f public participation,. Mr. Snos- also notes tisaI copias ut auay proposed plan munI ha furuîiised lu ai moniripulitias in flue planning area and 10 tee ad- viuory rommilleas aatahiissad for fluaI, amea. Tise Governnnt la also i'eqoired te poilish s notice in tise local press, ads-ising residante uf lihe pruposed plan and inviting liseir commenta os i. Mr, Snos- mukan a good casa for safaguards set up hy tisa province lu prasarve farm 1usd for production. Bos-ever, me monder alsaeer Ibis ist unaka i togiser lsuusisg, au urger aI tisis lima skyrockaltusg o lurons uf tisa avec Yuurn Iculy Mrs. Roy Bustieli, R.R. 2, Miltons. un Page B3) tut also goîng 10 toi gat land for it naad in Ontario antis pricas rail hayond tisa aga mage eamner. uNe agrea, goond farco 1usd must ha protactad and usad for agricultual production bot te malter ut isousing it taking more pruority as tee years go on. As 1usd helcomes scarcar, pricas cacalate au lthe point aiseme isousiug is usa oiduy for lise affluent. -rite Guvernmenl bas introducad some progrsms 10 ailaviate Ibis but i is suiti s problao as-ery young fainily mut face. As eues day passes tise Casudian dres of 'ta î,use for every fumiiy flouIs -: .r froco rcality. Gros-li for itti os-n sake is no longer cossidered good und useressary bot gros-li teere must ho or tee country miii stagnute. Familiga, huckhone of usy nation, s-ill find il impossible 10 lis-e. 100 years ago Tsbcn (rom tise Iscut ofie Champion Marris au,1uta Tise fant bridge os Mata sîrcet broill dus-son Fruday cvcsing. Nubady hurI. s-c Icarn trom, a cleter freim M. OS-ecîmarP.O. Isspecuer, by a gesntlemas un Milton, tisaI arrangrments are Seing matie t bas-c tise Milton mails reach Gerges-an cartier ta arder bu malle ronneclion s-uts tise trais for Tarants. On Friday morning asMr. Smitcy s-as s-orbisg abaut tise stcam sus- mitI bis isanti slippeti anti tise sas- rut bis Ibumis nearly utf . We andcrstandbas-cvcr tba bes-tîtoonl te Iibcly te loue il. Day teoce yesîcnduy a vatuabte tesam au borses, telangiog 10 Las-rence & Ca., of Patermo, broise Ibraug tise ire s-bite crassint Burington Bay anti oses-as tiraocnd. Tise drives-ani tise magn mee savei tram ptusgisg on atsg s-ibis tise bonues. Thsis accident, Ibaugs as un- tartanale tans ta tas-rance & Co., is a satutany tesson ta atisers s-bu migsu te lemptcd ta venturerupan tise Bay s-ils tcams aI Ibis seasuin mises use ire is su vcny treacscrous. Tise pravers Mati as a Marris Marc ns suit l have origisaîtdins tise tact Ibat lise animal retenrcd ta usually ban tise guoti sonse ta bcep mitii bis isurras- darng tain montst, andti uaI bis s-cnturing ul bar rasugisbtecsen is conclusiveccvidecrcot inanit y Tise "Rcsttass Banc Bail Club bas iscen ra-organizei asdtihie tatlos-togalcr elctei: Presideu J. R. Bantr, Vice Presudent lui. lacLeati, Treanurer R. Mickey, Scrctary T. Glaier. THEB CANADIAN CHAMPION SaltOr rais-lhb etf,,n.., s-, ii , k is à - --------- - - -ai 20 years ago Talion train thc bsanI of ne Chsamion Haltun's juniar larmera laut mecis belld tiseir allaa banquet and dance la Trafalgar Memarsal Malt, calarlally decorated la a St. Palriris's Day matit tac tise es-est nie aes-ly-elected eserative are president Don Mattsesn uf Arlan, treanaurer Wilmu Sinclair, and serretary Jean Petersan. Milton appainled tise Oabville anti Distrirt Mumaae Society ta rare far aaimala ia tise tusen, paying $1 an isaar fac tise superviser mits 10 cents a mile lar tra-el. Only calin trami municipal officiais and police are ta ba arrepted isy tise Society. Cement tootings are baiag utaured aitie nes- Las-ville Scisesi s mecs mits abaat bull tise footings in and trame-un in place for tise balance ufthlie lauindatian. Tise 16t4,000 graded sellant la baing ruestrarted abaut isaît a mile tramt tise centre ut Las-vville, sauts su lise Guelphs Bad lie Ralmuac Construrtion Ca. ot Mamilton lu duisg lise gelmerai ruutrartiag mars. Gradesase-e and cigst uf ai tse scisesia ta Nasgas-cya Tow-nsip tuub a bas trip tu Toranto us Tuesday ta lise nîaseami and parliament buildings. MIlton Regens, eutered la tise Ontario Rural Hockey League, started tise playallu s-ils Part Robison la Welland Muuday s-isba finai score of15-5. tIoaIs ruant in lise rund. Thisionam play la Miltos Tisarsday, s-lances cuntisuisg lu Bleniseim Saturday. Team membars arc: A. MeDulte, B. Homd, Busty Seralini, Jars Srott, J. Patteras, B. Prire, B. Huat, W. Wilson, C. Allas, L. Timbara, J. Sales, D. Mitîs, L. Arii, and Rcd Gervais. Caes s D. Irs-is 50 years ago Taben ftra the Issue of nchasmpion Marris 2719254 IJp ta today tes- sstar rars bave becsi seen un tise streets iscre. Tiscy coutdl sut Iras-cl au te ruada outlsd au arccunt ut large drifts utll remaiuing. Fur a cuple ut days gasgsuofmenihave becs aI mark mits shiss as tise drits bats-esn Miltas and Palermu and carseasn gel hrugs ta Branle aller luday. Evcry Maltas breeder ut livsce s-bu eau dose sbauld visit Tise Better Lus-c Stock Trais ufthlie Ontario Departmeut ut Agri- culture, s-kirk s-It te ait Guetph Jusclias, CPR tulmurrus- barmns and aI Milton statias for tise attersaus. Tiscre s-lt be cuisiblîn ut tburugbred lis-c stock. Tise trais s-l ba us chsarge ut cumpetent mes s-bu s-lt delus-er istcrcstiug lectures, gis-c instructive demuestratians asd mili be resdy suai-e information lu att s-bu ass for il. Es-crytedy, tarmers asd ailiers, -itt tie rlanste elu a ftie Milton Golf a . ualÇutxy, luabe incd tise tibrary maim ut tise lus-s bail os Monday rs-rsisg s-as targcty attcsdcd. Tise Ireasurcr's repart sisased lise tunances ufthie club l te us i good sisar and a large mcmbarssip tac tise year ia ready assurcd. Tise fltlus-iug attirers cee lcutcd far tise cssuiug ycar: Mas. Presidest, Dr. R. K. Anderson MP; President Jas. Mucbridgc; Vice-Presideut P. R. MeCanscît, 2sd Vice-Presiticut Miss L. Campbsell; Treasurer M. F. FanIon; Sccrctary R. W. Wbcclcr. As-siâtasl Scrctary Miss A. Martin; Captais ut Club A. S. Witlmutt.

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