Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Mar 1974, p. 3

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Council reconsiders support for trip west Miltos Council mas tant would provide iiiorne iteneflt; Councîllor Ron Harris, weeit advlaed embtlcally for te lown. elierophod beeo ap- sot ta ran od aagoppoct a Milton Youth Float ta the . Concr baed givea aproval The comi-lee bâtd tld Parade la Van prtnc~l la th0e prpsa ouacît that tiey hodoyro. DoreC fa l oyd 10. in au s nd 1,dlcaed a vol from lie' or a member of the Miton Youtb grint irasld bie giveo bvrc $17.1 rn bot would oeed Cauncil, soid tl wos otteri> able coauîderation. At tOat on71 = $ditoat ,000 ta lobe ridicoloan for cooncil ta con- lime Jeif Wholing, chairman lte floot ond the 20 peuple la sider seodlng people la Van- oi the fliat committee, lund Voncouver. couver on tospayers' dollars. lndicatod hie woold pra Cit elorRs Pwdu Ho ouqgeoted ltat if tite Millas Yootlt Caoo ad not ocilr i Ruoo moado gome ona parade aa ln Tor- contact Miltan Citamber of falad cofonci pita eni mod onto or Hamlton, the expenne Comec.4e deferred lte item inde- acouid ie a gireat deal taenl and Accarding la Uoyd and finltely. Turn down two requests get tough on staff hiring Tiro reqoenlu for stoff mers tursed dawn Oy Hollan Reg- tosai Coancil Wednendy on cooncil put 010o effect o "«gel- han 0 beeu laOZe .Catyf.lorme lime. Heginnal cooncillors have repeotedly enprenoed con- cern "bout the spiraliing canIn as the reglaltf continuas la swell in nmitber. 0010 rrqoesls Oad been op- proced by lte administration committen and ln one in- stance conicl il ad oreody appcoced the creolion af o pmosiin. Cost esti to move A nite plan ond cost esimaie for the relocallan nf lte aid CNR station on a Unity Park site bas been ordered Oy lte Milton Citamber ai Commence. DMigf Gop 365 itan ieen altrloed tn prepore the plan as the lii step in the projecî ltaI moold e an information baalO and Cbomber Office laeosm eor the norlb entronce la the 1001,, o1 Highway 25. TOe asecalire meeting of the Chomber wos tld ane substlani contribuntion baol been promised if the projent la proceoded with. Meting ast meeit- 4" A for ach allorbed a dog rieur a narters Nossagawepa bome Imo aceeks aga bos been in- deolified os rabid and the dog bon Oeeo deatrsyed bp ia omwners, rolier Iban quaranlîne il for titrer mandis undler observation The humily's cal, acOicO may aise have camte inia contact itOthe dog, bas aiso bren desbeoyed. Mes. Joseph Cormier of 25 Sîdecoad rtacero lte Fua-l and F100h Linon said the dng acas afamiiy pet usedta ils freedom 004 te hamiiy coaldolt Orar tomse hm i i isolation for lOrre manlbn. l had fooght altO a fox rieur their home and saffrd a cul os bis forebead. SMm severai Neigbr William Varcee reports 00o-ing sern arrerai hase n a Onab on bis priorrly sn recent weebu. Be red toshootaoneseen vbaggeriog on 1he roadway, bol il escaped. Anolter seighbor Aet Diomond man laocs wis last yeor, one sn Junle and one in Beplember, oaler lbey come la contact acilO boxe briieved t la b rahid. Site plan committee, Hîltoo's Planning ond Decelopireol Commiblee ban agrerd la ralablist a sile pion cammiltee. TOat cammillee Win maire recommendalions on decelopmenl, pions and ad- vise 10e planing commaie The commitlee of six wiiiin- chute toue ditizrno empioyed ini the architectural profes- sion and baco staff membrs Citizmen meirber wili Or paid $130 per meeting. IA.T. MOORI INSRANCEI COAMPCELLVLLOI Nbx lamper At Wednenday's nession coonicilerejecled a motion 1001 old bore prsrlded the raeg- lnal soicitor wi10 a junior lamper, a secretary ond a nlenograpiter. Salicitor Nani Boles itad tld the cammitlee thol il masid ki necasaary la have tOmse people in bis deparlaseot i f1 te region's commilmnenla uniler regiosol gaeoeni mere la ki met. oanroci olna deieated a recommandotion ltaI o ses- ior boyer be Oired for the pur- cbasing deparimeat. Canu- cil Ood already ootborlned mate station enecative atmo began plans far lte celeitron ai i3iamber ai Commerce meek Aprît 21-27 and receired preliblary reports an the onnai nhien ap-point ap campais Secretary Bon Horris atml reported copies ai the nm Citombr dlreclary innlsdag the lotent mopaof Miltas, mare Oeing dlstriitol la ad- rertiseen for circulation an o iras bonis. Tirenty Uiousond copies ai the nom dirmtory are avaolle. Thte COomOer's firni general meeting of the year miii Meature Reglonal Chiraln Altm Masonaso the speaker on MharnO 200 a MconwOile an anti-rabies inoculation chonic for animais iras beld ait Rocb- mood tont oreeb and 5n5 animals-oa ratsa nd a feir. obt-cre Orsagit ln by omners. ltaI position and the recoir- mendotian carrled the ame of a mon mit a 0 been Inter- ciemfed and chOmm Op the ntaif. Under qoentlnng, ires- norer Dan Foarmer tld caurt- cil thal il cont abot thOe limnes on morhtla aperote the rea a il bail the counly. Lcordtg tcomparative fig- ores. Be naled ltaI a large port of lte increase mon due la the added resnsiilllies. Be noted ltai manicipalilico bore leoger respansibîiiiies nom and nbaald refieci o de- Oreane in the budget. O .Pol COMMENTINGi an hin 1108 birtioday Simon Haverstack raises a wary fin- ger and allers advice for the many relatives galhered at the Hulasn Cen- tennial Maor Sunday. Surrounding Simon ils son Jack (lefîf grandoon Geraid (centre) and great grandoon Gary lrîghl). To date Simion has four sons, Ihougli anc died ayear and a itaif ugo, one daughler, 23 grand- chiidrcn, 5i qreat grandchildrco und six greal greal grandchiidren-Uic yoofogcol a girl lu Cambridge lotira weeksolad. Smas enlercd the manor ln 1966. (PhaoobyD. Pink) Question value road need study J Milton Councîl wili 0acr lu Sdecîde in the near futue m .~.. .. iretber ur sot t0 plunk ~ $18,000 10 $20.000 us a roads ~ need slady toe the enlie loin ~ ni Milton. and Hoobin receaced the 1973 study for lte oll loirs of Miltas and pointed out t0e mced for annual apdaleo and iMition's case a neir study. Afr Biay fiisned hin r.esenlalios Clerk loch cGeachie iuld councîllbhat Oadhui Oes ado ord hy distict represenloticer ofth1e 'aluna Provincial Mioîsley ut Trasortaion and Communications ui ha1e ice Csnstable Erwin roails nerd studhes ren't A. Ouwendyk ol Milton huas recantly gtîaduated froni the Ontario Pro- vincial Police Coiiege, Tobronto, aller succeus- lui compielion af the "Rocruil Orientation Course". Upon grad- u a ti on Cacinas L. Ouwendyk seas posed toi the Mount Forealt Detachmenl, No. g District, Mount Forest. Chamnber, Manpower seek farmn workers Miltan Cbombrr of Com- merce is one ai lte local eu- operuling agencmas aooisling t:e federai gorerement wà1 an agricnllual moopoirer assistance prograir. The prsgram incinden 1050 componenta, Agriculture for Yonng Canadiana and a Casa da Farir Laor Pool. A hederol badget ai $3 million Oaa been oliacoad in balope ai prnsiding approsimalelp 80,t00 jobs. 9eeb studrols Milton Citambrr ai Com- mrerce eserutice secreiary Ban Barris said 10e Agriculture for Yong Canadians program s dmigned la altracl yaang pepe primariiy sîndrots and.el t01 agriculilurai acork during Ibeir sommer voaaions and t0 possible future careers ln agriculture. The Canada Furm Lor Puais pograir miii estabisO laor pool offices m0 a- fropriale ureas la assese 10e Iarm laoer needo and hind mirekers 10 bondie seasenai, relief and permanent jobs mn agricultnre. The Oabvilir Chamber, Oabville and District Laor Council andthe Oakvile and Hilton offices of Canada Manpoer are ail o npraing 10 Ibhis prograir. Barsa .a lioclO t0e lime, effort andl irosey litiereni story Coancîlior Gord Kroola realîrd 011110f on a coirn miter acilO mînisrc rpresrnalîcrracho agrrrd 31,10 the oludy. Kraola raid lOoaccv-preseolatîvrr bod claînîrd the uludy peovîdrd i bise for an argument ishen the luaco askrd for suhaidy lîcCrachie raid 10e studa acasreyeoeold and aready otofdate. Council mîgrerd to wilhholvfusyoolthorîeation of Ore vlody cutl thevau Occame more obcious. Keanir fi lOrre îîould vlili Or somne acerit in ha ciîg the Road closing Cumplaînlsbu t th1e clos. of loin, the comirmdbee îng of bou Bronle St. and bold. Anne Bicd. aceerdeuil acilO al Worka aapeeînîrndent Milton Communîiy Services Bruce Mct<rr said t0e ode of CommitteerMonday ighi. excavationiiiv-vssaey for the Memru notrd Anse Bivd. joh to 0 donc made il muodi- iras supposei 1000cre slayrd tory for theroid 100ec closed, Open acrordiof lu informa- Il was soleil tbul 10e ciosîsg bin preornird carcire isolaird Clemiols Molors and made il dillivali for Milton Bardships acere couard foe Bus Liora o0 rus on uchedie. poopie beying t0 gel 10 Casa- MeKere vairl Anse Blail dian Melee Plantorthe hospi-w tooh loed untli Ore v-rd tai1feoirareus instheaesi end ofîhcthe ee avyo Kamrn' Flouonýsray youn love yo .110yiah Karenss Foer Otapn qolîerodtlni -lady. "The province is aboaya aaslg furecosir Il semslie a sensie acay t0 deltermîne prioritiro. flucîsg the Commosily Srvires meeting achîch folloacrd 10e commiller ofth1e achole sessin Iiepuly CierO CampOeil Tbumpson tbld t0e commitler il mnighl briseo 301,1000 10 hîli the uludy. Be uaîd Or iran rtais a docîîmeslrd aludo acould Or of sore assistance ingai nng iuhridy tran. t0e mînialry The suhject oil Or discussed again. The Canadien Champin, Milton, Ont. Wed. March 13, 1974 3 Campbell plans rally on education protest Whal slarted out as a p 'ot is complaint againsti mral olaionn the high schools 100 aceebo ago Oas lurrd int a populor full seale civil righls morement hy the parents andlaxpayers in Hallon accarding 10 Ken Campbeil CampOeil says liait as hie hashleoed tu hesories of raeoleachers and civic Waeraho ha ve conlacîrd him in the pool 10 days 10 teli of their frustrations in seeking t0 reform the edocatioval oysirm, "il hos daacsedome thateve-yonr is organized excepllthe people acho supporti I aod chose chidrrs are roleasid la ils program, Coseqoeolly lOrre lias developed a poacer vauu hich Oas lef our ciecîrd repreeeoalîa'es,Ou Boord ai Trustees, lacing overachelming oldos i seehîogltorepresenl oor inleresla in the sysîrni" Santa Claus parade Clospaade îras endorsed hy Milo Couccil's admis- istration commîlîree Monday os Paul 1inrrganolthe Kins mien IaOh odicaîrd inleresi intherprojecl. Losrrgao blid mrmhers oi the cammilire Or huit fond fa vorohîr reoclion trom sîher service clubs and the Cham- her of Commerce. The pro- jeci, Ore esplaioed, acas on the eoploralory sage. He m phasizrd the Ksmen cluh w oi tahiog the projeci os by btell bol oao seekiog en operation, Commuter chaumas lion Hiarris saggeslrd il iras a -greol ides" 10 gel t0e pro- Commilire membrs ageed t0 co-oproe and e fered 10e peojeci 10 budget discussionssfor fsoncial con- sideration. uessilicily of the rculrm la lheirecoscerois-Mr_ Camp Oeil Oas reoliord a acide- spread d issotisiaclios p- proorbisg hopees iro dpar, or aogry feustration as parents 0acr belpiessly aachrd iheir chîlde lurea i10 "ideological straogees," andsecod-rate cholars" Oy the "edocalîaeal mosir acrhaverceealed. "The public educalsonal ayslem shoolli sol lues the chîldes ogainsi the moral and eeligious volora of brier paents." socs Campbell, "bat il's happening and par- rois are beacildeed and dis- mayed by the negolice changes lhey ser peudued hy the sysirir' Claimiog lu 0acr t0e support ol parens aciose a ie range hrou, -agoslic civil eighis activiala lu a Humas Calhulic University proiessor," Campbell as sow Chaima o a seeisg commîller achich is in the peuceva of eslahlishiog the Hoilos Resaissasce Cuir mille Ibrough achich ire reasseel u eesponsibilitie the =pyes and parenta tue 1eilonCousy publie edoraliorol systero, Accoeding 10 Me. Camrpbell, Ihoar acho 0acr aulusriered Iheir support foe t0e cause isclude eegiooal cuscillars and cicc ceadrs,acos section of cuscred educars, o doduer, an s n dualcialli. Ivigycn and aIl hind odaf pri cale cilizcos li ke ourselces. As aceil. C Iprl soya he has Oes as or f ovuch = tpo [rom boire and aho associaonso, erat cpayera associatos.sres and ire -omen's Bible siudy and prayer goups. Steeringcommittee "Plans are Oeiog laid Oy the Oleering commuiter e fo mass public eolly t0 kick off a mrmhership deise for TOc Renaisesce Cummîirtee laIe Ibis monlh. Foiloacisg duit, a aeries ofhclitens' foritis are lu br arranged in each of the cummunilies in Ballon county 10 gel input tenir 10e porents aod las poyers for a erirs oI proposais 10 Ore peeed hyroteThe Heassasce Com. e 1u the liailos Boerd oh Ilducation. ..Perbopu the Ballon Renaissance Commiller is the heginniog ut o greol reasac n public educoln and sn sudieiy lhrougbsul 1he peocince and t0e nation. For a mocemnenl achich hegas as "a lemgestino a leopot l the sound o r e more and more like li0t01 Ia stram engine Ihon 1001 of o Ira brille' Wbelher il "pulls ils tond- or ooly 10015s ils achistle- irisans lu Ore sen, Campbell ad. YES WE CAN $2,000l-$50,000 2nd and 3rd Morîgages We areovon irahîroloans mrail tyeofa prupeellas sn yoar orna. CalI directcol- letac et s dist- is Prompt lsoeslmeni Coep. 330 Bay lireet, Toronto, 366 9 86avOs. 231-lion. Loi cool, arc parioe Ontario- acide sevice. itîtiiii'r 5 - 15 fîtis21) Misses sizts 10) - 20) i-g ii ',Iý 11 a 1 si ZUI. 1 V2 - 2 1 12 froîtî $26 For Youe Coners rode DE o atyoRTMENT STORE 200 AINST.878-9261 Owner destroys dog bitten by rabid fox ZÇD 'È the fight side of prin and two - 77 13 ýk Bike T, F- Check up time ... For Fast, Efficient Service BROWNIE'S CYCLE & SPORTS 150MILLST.MtLTON 878 9602 6mmiiiâàii" 200 MAIN ST.

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