Hostesses elé et new siate he 4-H Nabsbrfrfti meetlftc Fnb . 10, 1974 ut M' ns. The 4-leaders are Odes. Dillon and Mes. Nient. They bcd Ibeir etecîlun cf nfflce: president, Judy Jacksn; vice presîdent, CMry Buchanan, necretary, Cheyl Huitanssan; trenaurer, tene Kldd; pressa =n Ite, a Dais. Tie eiembees arn Lort Dent and Debra Daigle Maintiens dlocusae cernais for nveryday eattng and Lite DensIs ileinntratedl fry-pqn nanties. For tbe second meeting Dellbi Dent and Penny MeMittan mmcnd un. Wetn L bhse eue naine uit thîs meeting as tbe Nusuaguweya Hcstessnn. A quiz mas betd. Lita Dannis and trene Ofidd demntratndl usin rie and dcg muedu. At Ibele third meeting membrs ccuked cherry bran =qasnsd dlurussed cernaI disrand an achieveinent day nubibit. 4-H LEADERS in Halton Count prepare for March orgunizational meetings. Front Crm Ieft are Murrayr Harris, Glen Copeland, Evelyn Gillien, John MeKtnnon, Mac Armstrong snd Bob Lasby 4-H leaders once members themselves A otsin of n115 years ni acbievicg this aine. Nem tenders in 1974 are lnadersbip nuperience sa lied Urbaus Dec g Gardbcuse, a meent upsIn Une 22 4-H tenders in The leaders are a varinsl graduate ofthUe Univneity of mlaltas Conty. Tbey are mec g=op nuf att mitb the snm Guelph and a Hatton Ccenty and neemen wlUn inteent in i tst or barcued former, seep club; Murray everyftng fri tiventcb ta Geug Swasn cMiton and Harris, champion daiey jadgn fild muets and teyend. Nine Braida of Acton are h ut the 1973 Royal Wmnter Foir, Acceeding tc Muc Ata- urbain dwenîters mbc have a former aed leader cf th. strn, cu-ordinstur of 4-H mcrted as 4-H leaders for f ivetc jadging club. activitine in Haltes, they are over 15 y eues. Me. man ei Ofber leaders îcclude: peuple of many talents, Une reepuneibte fer the Haltan 4-H Larry Bennett, Holutein club; geatnsf ubitity bing Ibaf cf veeinaey Sciecce Club and Lorce Elta, aIl breede daiey cominunication mitb the Mr. Breida, the ArIen 4-H colt club. Dec Harris, seep gouno peuple inho wil1 one Colt Club, club; Bill Jackson, beef ru f dy geleaders et nue coin- Many euletandicg lie-esfecb clcb; Carl Middlcbrocb, Munity.breeders in Halfon are Ina- velerinuey science club; Ati- "A nombr ot eue leaders ders: JefI Nurse, Preeidenf cf non Amos, vefericury science mere 4-H club, members Hatton 4-H Club Leaders club; Bert Stemart, Holteein themuenes and tbey ecline Association. frcm Nuretnd caîf club; Giec Copeland the value cf the traicing thny Forme; Ken Kloa, 4-H aIl bref cuIt club; Rot Lushy. rnceivnd. Recause of their breede dairy edlf club, Rock raîf Club; Jim Lieset. dairy experienee fbey are brIfer Ella Jeneey Forme; Ken Mc- colt club; Rot Mcrry and Art ahie tc conducf a teenn d Ncth, dairy colt club, Guen- Lamnon, field ceupe club. udefuture leaders,' tie seye; John McKinncn, beef The remord for 4-H leader- noid. club, Storîberu; Evelyn Gil- chip lies in mafrbicg mcmr- Lnaen te De ty Deing na the lies. beef cuIt club, G. & E. tees grom as an ussel te tte Moto cf a 4-H membr. The Hereford Farms; Albert club, the rcmmunily acd ttc tender's fncfun cs le goide HunIer, ebeep trender; Ofuen countlry. Their moflo saye if and ano et the mremblrs in May, Belgiac treeder. aIl: 't pledgc My bead te clearce lbinticg, my heurt le grealer tcyclfy, my bacdo le, Far ers aus uss largereservice, mybhealtbfte Farrn rs dicuss better living, for My club, my rommity, andI Mycut ta a a iikt0 On Matcht20 peuple te- tàx an ffigr er lowen ttc ages ot If and 21 bylHenry J. Stanley les afftempî te increase ttc ateno sîl essionrd-mcrlaeln Sheep .%roducers fruin suze efthIe Canadian uteep the Agriculfurat Hall ut the Btaltan adPeut met un Sertk. This bas. nefbeep foiegrnd nM Saturday afternon Murt 9 nee tu date be tte Federal iIn Fane, R.R. 2, Gleoegetowen. Jin Mysîtk, Et Hqsery Stanley, Agriculfurat Extension Spi ppentstive, diseaused discussndl ebeep b ith specOtl panel discusuion on pusiseo tennew and Cents in Sti tstct invenlcey ries ccd ccndced mifb lie ta redit section. Hee fneA. 'Dn tevensnn, Ontario elnlnadC Uieep Speciatist, stated duit Ceemin am to-nat. Imbe n IbTerota'Me peints censider markt bave teen' aversging Most importun tenin 879 pe Il.Wt prclifabilify by tl inereas lb th e t of nembers mcme te lztis yearteC n f lber ceets, ado Easfer lambi Molste con- ceniin ffn, sidercbty bigner than Ilest 'enn o avcidn reari the $45-$50 range 8heer cecm ding dn Perfoinance tnstlsg Iambe living per e The Romn Test Station aI K lpîieî tas 120 tambu euetdfrein 23 breedees. - One bundredhbrendees scem a Jay walk Une province are on pur- feemance tesfing cf lbnie An icymwalkalong t Socte. A ewn retentien plan Trait mue enjydb bas ten propoed by the membre cftt Canadien Sbnep Ceencit ruce Trait Club weee aIl peeduere moutd They malted frn receive $15 foce eacb yearling Lice Esqoesing te Hi eme etained in thenlcctTIbis ted by Bob Wbarry. îgineering ecialief. t" mias mnembere G. Hocter. Lomdnn, s, Bolton. nd lbe cf ce fer lie panel nd reste, ef iuing, coter and yeseveral Toronto iaturday. ttc lOth ghmay7, New garbage Funds feim the Ministry of the Environent must bie chimnlled ntie researching ne wyn of garbiuge disposai, ccording te U Ontarie Federation of Agri- culture. The farmnera' lobby jreu called for the research fund in ite ancoal brief tc the Ontario cabinet. The Federatice aise asked that e ceable leats and tac icen- tiee bie given te, municipal- t es reeearching er building Te rief pints. u Ia rel ng pnts otta each persen ncw preduces abeut fivepeuntdsof garhoge dally AI the fore of the cnuythe rote wac es thnwpeunds a doy The pelicy paper allie noes, 'Me prehlem ea multiplying Back. Jim Licock. Ken McNabb, Jeff Nurse, Bob ced wîlh if the ceceeeity fer Merry and Art Luseson. effective atd realistir actien. (Phoo b J.Beaon)Several cilice hove heen (Phot by . Beton)sceutieg fer o cuctrynide g arbage dump, during receet _________________________________________ meeths." The Federation ploced the -Fielt rohin et the sessin -Macy Milteticce arc respeeeihitity et the mue epctted cn the Speyside bashing in the marne nunny preicciot gee-ernment te ornes lint Wedneeday hy Mre. chines ibie minIer. They are Mate ecre municipolities Glorio Watsen and bier imoeraeif y spetted by the deep diepone cf their refuse mithin childree. tacs tbey mear. tbrir eo beuedaries. ftamp Pag ,Niuneoscu tlcjifiiui vulaitrur i-OIuIrpone sttorttlorn femate ut the recent Royal Winter Fuir ocus Morlock Doiny 12th. She seos also firnt in tce closo for three-year-olda. Owner Clarence Peacock of Morlock Formu, Milton is pictured ut right wit h judge Fred Fry and Lassie Queens Nancy Brown sud Nancy Ulrich. KITCHEN STORAGE MIS VOU R P RACTI1CA L A NSW ER TO AN OR GA NIZED0 KI1TC H EN Soie eou ekithen stoefobnefrcooedm ih a: Osapseurjeg Tomni Rack Which ove oI Ihese milI Disupeeurco Cup Rack help ycu solve your kti- D;searo;e Wuste Basket Disuerearico Pue Rcrs chen storage probleme? ' ljtlty Hocs Corn le and mate your GurmecteHoke choice I M Elegant 2'aW K-Lus plastic patois in a wide aariety of calots and designs. Rich contaared, tarnîtare-grado hardwaod j trame. Use ordinary hausehald taals. Easily adapts ta ceiling heights up ta 106". Pro finishod, simple ta assemblo..r Wo have the complote package. effl A I "VOUR ONE STOP HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTRE" 700 Main St. E. 878-2351 FREE DELIVERY 11811 OUR COGNOUNUIT LOCATIONI ID r-1 i. i 6s 11OOOOO PUBLIC SAL Giant Removal Sale Color TV, Components Slashed W$T's, GOLOR TV'S, STEREOS ALL SLASHED SENSATUGNAL PRE-SEASON CLEARANCE SALE [ERSONALPOTALE S TERÎO p Yu~si ILOANIA $PHILLIPS -YLE .... 80 1 Frm... 9 PORTaSLE .... 149 o 2tIIF. * IC E S S LA S HED O N A LL CO0LO0R T V * BL A CK & WH iTCE * ST E RE C & HI1 F1-k CO MPO N EN T SLASHED*-kNO MONEY DOWN AND LOOK! NO PAYMENTS UNTIL MAY, 1974 ON AN EXTENDED TERM PLAN See Us For * PANASONIC * QUASAR * PHILLIPS MODULAR 4 *SYLVANIA * WESTINGHOUSE * ELECTROPHONIC *ETC. SYLVA 2r, fcou§ 1."AI Io-n TAE... $4000 1 .... $diRO1 MMts $A Y@* .- Nepaynmtal g May 1974 COUNTRY PETE PHN OIH Joins forces with TON IGHT SNA To enable to 826-53718727 Mekas 0t *uouca NORTH On PRICES kýI 0 LM. No. 6 Hy. '/. Mile North of Guelph PHONE 824-5329 Citation Motor Homes & Trailers Triple E - Travelaire Trailers New & Used