Banque, canna H. H. tat hitt onlSe. hadl n the Ntotit tait [i. ! !!i pat asnle lte cnu- miIe in chrg sffcient tdsta cer l cout af lte tnner, Ne oted tere were osly twaaccasions ln the paal on yors lt Uic csty vits actu1 asly esIel open le psy on of Uic: at. lqtan's IIPM i t wlit ha fila Maitawit Iceway Sp.27 ac avr l,0 aire copeclttat allondi. a > Special meeting on grants i n Realon Contritn-it 28 la dont n-Ui lte malter ai r ota far Uie stany gep aad airganizaias nict coaal an regianat poanta ta analst or ta cavier Uieir witaie han iteeit a coalceverslalan aI Uic regional levai. Sortme monrcltara feethUi reglon ait ont ae1ve ony pna ite timited la graaps pcavidinga service for te n-hale regian and othern laite a mare liberaI staad on Uic maller. ta maite a pretalon D Mareit 28 ta sapport Uieir partîcatar appitcation. V LU mnove A recommeadatian argiag Uic Proviaion oi coscrvaion athorlilea oa palilcat, raiher titan wateraite eoundaritu, n-iat rejected ity Nallan regianai coancit Wednmsday. The motion hadl iteca itatigateu iy Durhtam Coanicl andu eadaraed hy HalIon's administration cammltme. The cammitîce feil repre- tentation an lte autharilion conflit ha mare eqaitable if p=i1ca iouadarlca were Cooincltora Len Cane and Tcr Manneti haUih mea- har a aton Hegiat Con- servation Aaiharity, argactu lta iIl made tente ta fait] Uie hanaidarleof ahe Uic ner- shted. Hnnctt nmillet!iat a pratta l cprt af Uic naeraited affecd Uic oUier Pari and it n-oaid b mare maBgeaite ifait pata af Uic n-Bterched feul minder anc jaricdlciion. *NSWERINI SERVICE *CONFID3ENTIAL SCIUe rECUS e PERSONALIZED 878-2020 DRIVE-I COMP11k " INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE " ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING *ELECTRIC HEATING W ATER HEATER RENTALS 878-2048 FREI ESTIMATES Here'5s apaint thlat's meal Iy Ai Beaver Brand paunts are Lab tested for top durability Beaver interior satin latex O7 StnLtx WieBê A beautful flat finioh that' o dool for01SaiLte heB bedroams, living roamo, dining roomo and hallways. Dries fast wvih a low odaur. Covero moat colours with aniy ana cool. c And, it'a washoblol One gallon cavera (Spoial y 00l7ur s q olg tly h Ig n prico. and aver 800 cusom-tiniod colours. inteilor latex 7Vi" Paint roller set The 7' t coller han a 1 Dynci cap. Hcauýy-gaugc mcvi. tray han latider ocks. Ro11cr handlc ouIl talle an ex- tention tiandIe Flagged-tip nylon brushes Stock 'up vaa' Our pri S il,............... 9c 2" ...............15 5' Aluminum stepladder Han turdy 3' tiSe rails & tertated otaps. Anti-skiS sainty testt C.S.A Appîoved local for homo ar cottage une 1388 6'lde..14.58 j Beaver alkyd sem i- IOSS lurniture & woodwark. Tough, mar-resistant, lom adour alkyd finish. Cleans easly. The cabaurs match those ai Satin Laies. (Special colours ara olightly higher in prica). 8 72.57 817quart glio IIo L. m-m-m-- - ffle 9 am. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday BR VOPEN' Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. 316 Guelph Street E., Georgetown - 877-2234 m ignt ~The Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. Marci 13, 1974 89 isponsor BAE a% banquet [.~yu fDr Adltallo CommitceB A VRo wilconsider s~Silong a 9 jocinwlith the Ilter-qfin yuredt mkeI. flite nyuro nationals own Matc ln - -