A beantitut eltaineti gle tusedet tute d"ticatoti te t memery ut tise laIe Roi Ftolieay ai tise Sun murnseg service te Ke risorcs n Mardi 3. Thse 50ev. Joisn Murr coedacted tise dedicati service. "or tuas tise son Colonel nedM.William Ptolemy. Ho atteeded t Royal Miltlary Ceitoge Kieçetun ted servoti mi dinctien je Eegtaed a Franco mush thse Roy Canadite Herse Artittei darieg tise tirut World Ws Art or cecuvrrieg tru wooedscoresivod Passroendaeie ho w aeneciated tl tise P. Robertsn Mtg. Ce. en Milla He etired en 199asu prouide ut tise Coinpeey and c mined a direcior ocil Frocor billigt eut the bu mienu. Mr. Ptotemy served Il rommenity tas a ruenicitior fi tise Tome ot Milloan d mas bard murlting tondie memnbr ot tise Board direclars ai Milion Distri, Hospital. Ho mas tnerider ut Kue ChUci toc 47 yrars au served 33 ofthosc year-s Cierli ut Session. Ho mas ou honorary fil mombor ut tise Boys Canadian Lrgou ted momber ut St. Clair Lodgi H losurved as teasurer ( tise Sodta Claus tond te îuaey yraru. Mc. Ptoira served fis lame moutend mu admired ted tppcociated b ait mise iset bien. Attrudieg tise dedicatio service more Roger's sou au, daugistoc-iu-lam Dougan Anc Ftoiemy ted hie gra udrisilder Suzanne, lan Diaut, aud Michaol. Happy bictisday iihes os te A.eeihale (Bilt) Zalitu mi rotobralos hiu biethday os Fridty. Morris 17. Mr. ted Mes. H. Martin tee to romn Toronto are ueo rsirunts ou Woodward Ave andMr. ted Mos. D. Bideout and mun trem Scarisoreugs ara nom rosideun ai Maytass aptu. Wr woicome ihom te Milton.e Mou. W. B. Lewis. 241 Woodmard Ave. rrrretly rotourd trem a tour wmis holiday en Batlymena, 1l miles meut of Belfast, trolanti Wb io lisere uhe viuitrd bier p aros we uislos and a hio Happy isirtisday te Sergîo Oerstte, 223 Qaeu St. mise reteiscates isis hirlbday ou Friday, Mardi i5. Tise children at Milieu Ce- opecativo Nurseryuscheoi enjoyed a sbotîue pacty ait Milton Area ou Truosday. Marris 5. Tise childeen more supervisedisy Norma Lepe, Etuir Mautord ted urverai meirs. Evrpne ojuoyed hot riserolate hans ai tise usenio toiiemieg tise ootiug Tise risildres 0001ex outieg wîi ho te soc a lire tisoare ~rretormaueofe "Fosa N' Nom rouideun ou Mapiemeed Creur. are Mr. atedMes. Stevre Bearbamp ted tamily trem Moudt Foeot. Mc. andMes.R. Donald and dangister have moved teotu Mîssiseauga t0 MrNabs Cresr. We eromo them te eue Brt wiusheo te Lisa Pro- vaueiis. 215 Boit St. aise roe iseates hec iitbday ou Tues- day. Marris 19. Congratulations aed brui wiabro go te Me. ted Mes. Mas clans, 65S John Si. misa reered tiseir 40mb meddieg aeeiveruary ou Marris 9. Sindeuts ot Molii Mreoee Sciseet ut Dan- cng touis part le dance rempetitiens en Gelph ou Sttucdty, Marris t. Tise enuts tee te tettemu; Novire (8 ted udeci Graham McLeod third en tieg: novire "50 ted endeel Carolie Heedy tisird en chantrose, inIec..diaie iii and cuver) Barbare Van- decisoorel second en Olig; second en umerd dace; ope section (13 aed under Cisarles Robrtsoe second en flieg, tient in umord, third le rsautroune ted tiret en trish tn tise open section (15 aed undeci Kim MrLeod came ecnd en tise Iish jig ted tisird en tise Scetticsh liii; Ditne Boy mas tinit en lac Bliuo, serond en tise chate- imeuse ted second en tise Seoiliish tilt; white Iugrid Marties iras second sn lae tig, third en tise umurd, tient e ise riantresse ted tisird en tie Irisis jig. Ingrid Merlins aise imbibte tropsytfor tise 15 ted cadr age gcesp, Happy hicthdty irisiss o te Louise Hopins, 416 Dais St. iris ceteiscatru hec isirtbdty on Fciday, Marris 15. Noew reuideetu ou Haltoe Ave, are Mr. ted Mes. J. Lieg and teic tiredugteuteeom Elobiroee ted Mr. ted Mes. W. Scarcoos from Toronto are voi rcesideets ou Bidge ttc. Wr iveirome thetu te Milton. On Mesday, Marris 4, tise serond Miltone Bromuirs ire ral moe tet Mitue Breacion. hoe tirs eejcyd bat risocoitte, gamesand songe; entier Ose directian ut Btrown Omi Shirley Johson ted Brume Dm1 Foetr McWaters. ise tnt Millan Bcemeiee haret aenom Tawey Omi, Mes. J. Lieg ntsc s atmo a nom resident en Miltoe. Satectcy's icy conditions did ot prevont Ose Roe Cisuc St. Patrics itamar trom bing moul attened asti a big narcos. Dvrati cou- voete more Effiat Mrlatonsh ted Aadrey Lyle. Otisor renerce mre: aprues, Jean Hetiseeicgon ted Norma Hull; hakiegErÊa Cissbrim anti Olga Birs; raedy, Heiru Baisceri ted Jeusie Audetereson; drirateuaeu, Marioe Hill ted Boire Strain; tennis ted laîte, Deris Tunetti ted Gwuen Armstograeiety anti riitire' table, Nottir Jagt; mwhite elepistet, Jean Rocdaii ted Marie McMittae; tes ceom ted decue, Lois Me- Plail ted Dune; Laireon; attecon ten, Marion Hardy and Katherice Corrne, COl.IT., Laie Srhuylee ted Chey Froens Tisore moere' maey efflar oeume tise, reetriisaied ihoir time ted ettorts te lae tHapp isirtisdty misises go midrriy ut Mutel.bae Daer rbrirdo isunhcday osr MoDrris antd Dar n roirisat bis iitbday os Maci 15. Vassagaweya ladies do study on 'Itongue"f The Women's Assoriation liste Nausagawryt Fresbytron Currh meton Tiseesdoy. Misci 7 ai lise hoeme et Mrs. Johsn Rberts Zuts o gnod alteedaure ted sonme gets. Theenroali iras eespended le hy ranisoe esPrrusîno seme tbeeght ne peucer wiîni iad improsed their sisei as. "Lite is use a tennis rcqel yissntn'tirîn tihe Islsrrinou edTndy about yenleeday ted ai]ti Mes, Edilis Coees poranc risevener epened uts a hlyrien ted lise eeading et Froecis. lOtis Cisapter hy Mes. Frascer Feltemieg ibis, Mes. Cose eead a liseugsl- peoniin par - Tise neaisîy efthseTenguse." White lis piiatly impessîie le hasltfysthat organ, iriai remestceml hertsnb go.d orliserise. The lonue sl mentionnd seveailîimes in the Bible. oe instance homog tise ihird risapr et James wirisri stys 'Even se the longue is t uitile inromber ted laasteth gret ihingu, hem reait amaîtr t uitile tire fiedielb ' A ind mcrd or an isniind mcrd rau de misrh gonudeormrhhaem. itiras peinird net. istet ai ebippama Duising the isesiness meeting. Mes. David tien. drses. ove efthlie gisss, ealended an invitation le bisse a meeting ai hec nir home ie Cippama. Tise sei v itatos Oas arrepled and plans irere mode tor havieg lise May meeting isee Tise vo usrissei rupu ted iac rs wirh are on oder now irli be sold ai $2. Gel ireil rards irere sîgurd $HOP THUIRSDAY & PRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. MILTON PLAZA 810-2629 AND PANT SUITS white Cross Fromn 'l1.98 NURSES PERMACAPS $3.95 UNIFOIlIS Matie of caretelle chasn pre-testoti tabrice ceusiledt altbh hih tasin styllne 0e-cep o nemi tutional Inqa ees ueited 10W AVAILABLE AT or ml Non P<~IJIIJ~246 Main St. 878-3961 hy ail tise scence neigistues ted triends. Lunchiras seeedduring mnîish lime, membrs visited mish Mes. Henderon andiser dangistr-l loi Fertilizer fee Miltou Ceuri net enly goated permission te Milton Kismen te as« tortillr dene le deer in Milton, hist su gete tise riais coil tai re uuppiy ut membrs drepped nie o meeting et rnumei any Moeday nigisi. Cisuii.iliai 50icck Day sasd tise cluis muId pins Up Ose sispply on a Mendty nigsi Bis lest iras dietedl ai semee ofthiereommenst modle daman thernisuril meeting, bist tise FITNESS FUN at 'Rotary Park la tonder the Mabel Coullon, Joy Riley. Back Ieft, Jean Martin, leadership oif Pat Palmer. Kicking top their heele Dorqthy Bain and Lily Paithful. are, front liait, Penny Barnhold, .Toan Froech, (Photo by J. Beaton> Jackie Chapin, Sheila McBryde, Jany Smuda, Consumer Priem%- Index uses, abuses explained Tise moetly meetissf tise Unieirsity Wemeee s ul n Milton aed Diaetr mat field aithaebormentfMu. M. Pemys onTisdy rroeieg, Marris 7. Tise speaker mas Me. Margaret Cougisteey, te eeonomiet tl tise Banki ot Nova Soa in Toronto. Ose han bcd ouperiec iu inter- national eoruemice, Cauttite bueiuns ted o tise reeoomice ut agriculture. She ici, therefrie, moul- qoatitiei te, spetis, ai on ledividuat, en bier tepir, "Tise Uses anti Absese et tise Consumer Frice Index." Frire lediralers are mideiy tisused, maiuly tcom simple misunerstaedieg ou tise part of mnaey. The Consumer Frire index is nul tise eely lent ued te endirate priro chateges. Masy peuple are ruetusoti ou (isis iseue. Over lise paul ererai moetbn, lur dittereet tigures have isees givre toc lise change in peires. Eanis is corec in ils eau ety. tise sigsu is theodittereneein the Conumer Frire Iedex hon- ceeu Derombr li72 ted DecembrlO3; the lowestiea ho arisai consumer os- seeditures. la brimeenc, lane ire tigures tes- the ditterenre eareerdgeprces asd the empaeisee et poire changes vîla the greae nttional pro- net. Tise higiss tigure lu the lest ots qseted ted the eat raliti. Weigbttee îyem Heir are priroristeges oeasurrd? To do ibis a 'eioistisg system ancrdiug i importane es sedt. Tise Consumer Frire Indes a measureetfperiscanges a tineti basket otueutis. Tv blaiu thie index, items arr saiy pricoti muetisty. Thse Itome tait lela eren I dittermt cateouion. Fend, iseuegt cltling anti tea- pe th.ion miie aP oerOtOe. fa t a huaseiset .:ped- Thc Consamer Plýie Indee bas isore lne r since 1t10 le oeternm or enulano. Changes ine awelgiig have iseee matie trum timo e t imie. Thene are made ou a timie bsase ai misici tise torel rouches 100. Tise rfent finmo base s tint1 ted laie mii in ho spdatete 19 îe7. IIl cilles Tiere is a Coneamer Frice ladexre te ar isee country anti une toc il dittoreat citien. Untilte lae Coesumor Priée Inde. larth Unitedi States, ouru la eut sraseeatly ael- justoti te compemsate tue eormal chanes anti acecls fluctuatios. There are uoveeal abses et the Consumer Frice Index. Prgple tond te accepi chanes as gospel and du eut rempare rerrertty. Tisey aseame lhat il sa a ost et living index. Tise Consamor Price Index dem nat taise inla ceaulder- atioe cbangoes lar qallty. There sa ne attempi te dia- tiegoiish ielmeen abat yeu bsuy aed misai yeunteltt bac. It a isrd sn tabac eotia tiens, but il s eut lae yic la dirator et priée chane. i 1s used in lanem mila ethoru. Mu. Caaghlaey aise on- National Frodari. Iti s tise. meuromeel ut Ose oatput ie the ereeemy hy ait ections et tise runtry ieonmi et dolltes. At tise cnclusion et Mul. Cougbteey'e tli, membrrs Coonritior Jies Watson srt suipply ist iseen st meetb Ibe pried eeCjl ame run Dyisdbr on *th a new Swim Suit or Bikini iseiidays. Wl e by Lovable iJ.R. Currie Moderately Priced fromn $7.00 j OPTOMETRISI Tfet Jlfl 13BURLINGTON O BODY sun-s OMATEBNITY WEAR MAIL * ~LINGEE SLBBP WA 10LOUINEWA OSWM SUTT 1 ooueoi278 217Maio St. Milles 878-5744 EI-:&GNTY-SECOND IN A SERIES A Mark of Progress in Milftoniiii f:::i'headditiolf59 e eenir isene eig uoita isa mar oftprogresin Miton tsoeoiisll theu re St.site iltrrcOmmdate 101acnte. Loratedreenvemo arossteromnMilonlaa d bakeofMitoen Libra resideelmîbvtcdt loction. Tise Ontario Beusieg Corporation prejeci, experted la be rumplteed i Mty will meet adetiejtre nrd inMiton. Fer a progressive f co cntact..UR NC 20e MainStreet E. Milton 878-2894 1e more invitatoi atesk questions. Mica 1. Daeey lctesdaced thseakier. Sise mae iisenied by Mre.M.Gray. O.S.D. public swimming Tise Ontario Scientfo te Dent peol bas brou reneocot aBler a briet chiante lasi mees. Tise pool mon nlord foe p ubic smimmiag teseons ieasneofetboesibiiy ofta isigs barteria rulet. This preblem as been eelved tisoag ted emimmieg less are coetieoiag tas normal. Aside trem tise baesn upeesoeet hy tise Miltone Farhn ted Beratin Depatment there miii ho publie emimmiegL durieg lae mieter brouis. Tickets are araitabte ai the donc tue earb ofthae laree attercatin periodu dig the meci ut Marris 1n. aer n sae a perind an Ose eventeg te adulas oe Monay nd Tiurnday durieg Osai mmli. CIICSTAFF Tise Couadian Broati- casting Corporation titi a teti-timce staft et 9,500 ted epereonepacote iscuat- casting services le Euglisb ted French. Fitness, fun and fashion Flinees ec be tan tas trm 7u to 0emr Pro- itnea o edy n i l- eibrtioan iti ite recrea Codt Cita Rt r 2te departent le reqalred. Cesetycentre. Atprt et th.is* Mitea ReCrtt Ooarmetpuga coe eCelebrate ksick ap thisel hasts, pultitnl tiseir elamache, ted twist the oraes. bi rthday enjeying thrsl si- Tise family et s. Maud etractrent Pat Palmer peia Laurence iectading lier hem tisrengb lisete jaasttie citdren. crandehldren roatine. A cemblettien et lirethor antia sse, gathieces rercie and music termns tihe aitie hoeme et lier un, Rose ta adidition the tuemen occasion eftler 75te birtlsdty. tearo penture tand poie rnte Tise gest et bannir tute visiting goeala. lSheridan Cet- preeentod alieh a dome red telge imtrcctnr Jeel Kadtac romsedetedllervly gita. A miii return April 22 la demon- buttet sapperwas eervediwois strate proper malte-up ap- Mrs. Laurensce mtlsleg fle plication. Cirut cul lela a deccratei Yoga calke. Yoga instractor Frac Farnly sides Grady wiii ho here Aprit 25 la Otideu wereeleeac ofttamt illoutrote, tse isecefti dervod tripe la Hawuaii and Sectland. trommuotrtteti lreatile tnd Gaeela tuere prenant frost prncrilied posturen ot ibis ttittabc.-g, Orîttit, Water- ancien Hidu discipline. deawn, Mieclesacea, Hamiltoa Atkigtse cacaos ut ted Millan. stes in ntrcdacieg et A hieglit tuas a teleboies apr efae lu cetaxaten are ca lai Gratudte tran Nelsen ait artousle nom p rm la Lserence (mnto DeentI aise isg.PIe, pi ntcmelg te May je preseotiy living in Brtisi 22. Coumbia. Mrs.tarence A tee ut $7 cevere tise 16 rocelvei 20 ccegratatery clasesu tu nsgis a mmli bîrtisdty carda by mail. FUN & FITNESS .... in Wom.n's Jazznaistlcs Ze 'e Featurieg exerctetng le rsyttsmtc move- monts ta music. Individual program carde avallable upen Sroquent. Make-up Demonutratton and other 'speciat oventu. SINSTRUCTOR: Pat Pulmer DATES: Aprit lut to May 22ed 'eTME: Monday aed Wednesday 7-9 at Rotary Park Cstmmunity Centre SAGES: 16 and ep s FEE: $7 tor 16 clauses REGISTER AT ' Milton Reoation Departmomt 251 Maie St., Milton Cali Mb- ,fflr information 'e878-7211 Ext. 58 SUNIRME SCOTCH BRAND i CLEAR TAPE LMS, ARRID FORMULA fllC~l'ExHIIANY 44 'ns1411ORI COUR= 44 ~ 129 133' I IV ci~* eeTe LIGHT BABY BULBS POWDER_ tls saMIe, Ne. 'y wt6OUS HLU F5¶i99Ç 841- ELSLEY [dL111 1 i l Fi L' à il I*1M 212 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-4492 s ~,, t t a i c ci n is in 0