Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Mar 1974, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Champion, Milone, Ont., Wcd., March 13, 1974 GEl THIS SIGN ON YOUR LOT! Cali Ntow! FOR A FREE EVALUATION 0F YOLJR REAL ESTATE Expert Gsidance and Fast Action Real Estate Requirements Cal Stan Thompstif Real Estate Rocker 878-2455 86M 46 ~TEL~TELL PARTON REAL ESTATE LIMOTEO -RKE iv00 BELL STREET, MILTON LARGE 3 ST00EY briOkteste on ýceoieoo conodton, dloot toot lecaiot, separato gaag, fre60 ot. Astieg $itIOOJ CAMPOOLLVILLE AOEA, l'o storey traste soegt ct sit ateo et iacrse. Oas botn sosodellol, gool loction for futuee potootîi busioess. Asito $59.900.00. Stella Parton 878-6705 860046 j7 *The Royal Trust IRmallrusîI mREALrORI Company IlTHE SIGN jTA SEI ELLS Real1 Estate Division SOLO OUI uRAiEC Name general manager for agricuftural museum T. R. Hiltiard, Dopoby %griroilcore in Ottaoso, asol Monisler ot Agriltc andl Oc Ontario Fedcialios ot Pool tee Ontario, tas an- Agriculture on Toronto, oerce the ojopoislosooi Ot joieing the Minioiry ot R. W. 'Bob' Carteet as Agricalture anol Food on Ceocrai Manager et ttc Jonaary ot 0060 as Associole Ontario Agriruliecal Dirctor et the Isformsation Museoum, Milton. itranch, and Escobisie Ttcappaicîntecl toiioss Assistantbo ec Minislcc. 10e Missry's decision Se Saintdcscîcprnccl p= doo sti plo.s bo In osakiog the an- osabih a prov'iscial noasiceoseol, tOc Dcpoly cgcicslcrai ossco on c 02- Misiscer sbobool: "Unl os acre site noe MuSesn, anol s the Otario Agcricla tOc tirsl slcp tostard ttc Moseums bas tocs is the levolopososlo ot iis taoiiiy. plannisg stage, 0b oith the Carteel, c calice ot Perbh corng ot sprisg ose oi Oc County osas a tanm Ococol- mooing loto bhe lesciop- castor tor a nooster ot y cors menotal sbage cool ocrceo aI CKNX Wisghaos, oaol sitt Ceocrai Mouager 6011 ten1 Ose Canadien Broalcasling chargo ot thos imortant ocporolios. Ho sos-eo in on stock. edoistsralice oapariîy oitt "WOc coospîlel, bOis the Cauaien Fedcialion ot ossoo osiOl provido a homne ST. PAUL'S CHURCH of THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Main St. at JessSt. Mios str Rco. C. A. Hc tes B'A.M. ONv.. Orgatist anol Choir Leader: MIS. Hareold Macles Scoday, March 17, 1974 il 10 a.os.-Worsthip Service ossaet oft Baptisse Il co..Ctesct Sebosi. Nursery tacilities acaillbie. CHU RCH 0F CHRI1ST No. 551 Sidcofldanl 4tt Lîoc IraI aigar Mincstes. A,îdRossiiBl878605 Sooda y, Mos-ch 17, 1974 10.00 a.os.-Bible Sctool. Classes tel ail ages. il a..-M010109 Weishîp 0.00 p..Proochitg et the Gospel. Annnonce me nt GRACE ANGLICAN CHU RCH Rectos. Rcc. R. W. Poste, Milton, Otario. Oroatîst. Bobert F. Argaii Seoday, March 17, 1974 LENT III 0.00 a.os.-Hoiy Commuosno t:30 Cherch 9.0 a.,.-Maties atd Serone 10.45 c. osSotier Chuset 11.00 a.os.-Heiy Eeobarist cool Sermon Bible stcdy. Ttsessdcy, Mac 1400 io;eoc.o.-Hoit Communotn Wc seicose yee te osolp et Goace Choret. EMMANUEL BA PTI ST CHU RCH CommoercilStreet, Milon. 010 9606 - 1 883542 nloeios Paste,, Or. Wiliimo Poster, Ottario Bible College. Seeday, March 17, 1974 9.45 arn.-Bible Sehosi. .OOOoamc. .-drtitg Worsbip. 6.50 o.os.-SoeB Service. 7.'00 p.os.-EcetieB 00cr Wedtesday, 7:30 po.. Prayes cool Bible Stedy b'Lel esetter Istoobte Hoose of 0e Leod osit hansgiciso a lto HisO Cocrts ost ste oeil ail et toso tlet ose have lu oter cool oct' osait N. J. Lotgo Recl Ostate is CAMPBELLVILLE eg1iîsttforsMiltono&,disrct cottitues to g'oo. Mate pleasool te aeeoeoce the cees mooootoseil; Listoîth Royal Truest. appoitsent t o os nit AR EA to tse soaff as a roci ostato Resooctiot tomos os t 2V12 ACRES scies seprosottafîce. Oogoî 21/2 acres, gardes souf osith Ficosese East, cstîog 52,500-scake cnof000r. bas seccssteiiyncoospieteci ps'ety ooed as-ca. Jeot a the Real Estato itOiodîctery few osinutes tros tlgtoscy corsat Stoeridan Ceiiooe in 401. Teross oegooalce. 100 ACRES DOalie cool s lootiog fotes l MCela in olol Ncsoagcotya, tsasc baste, goad haro, cods, osco to Neing of service o MyfiMCoic bcsh, stoono tadoloo test, atol crocO. bstiog sec cf aty istc. CANADA PERMANENT s 5,0. PLEASE CALL TRUST REALTOR ACTON AREA 405 Gelph Lise Beriiogtos Colin Smillie 89 acres, Modern hoose 10 etyeass seo, 2fircoicccs, soc 639-3355 res. 878-5190 ttro, ag itotes, 86os46 878-5000 bsocdioos cool double The Royal Trust Ce- ReclOns garage. Large haro, neos 86<946 mlopestet sthed coonpd barn,lpods and strocosA 00000 îîouuoooîîîoommiooo. ooablte lotol cool ostt the _________________________ Ini iîîiîîiiiîîîîd,îîîîjctoses are dotes smi oo Canada Trustam AU5~,e A. % " 'I ooîgsouci ool. Pr ocolct $005.'000 -To vest th * n n. azrlts tt' peretycal Pacica Jeppca 61 YEABS' CONTINGOUS SERVICE $65.000 Se $100.000 FOR THE HANDYMAN Merrerofhe orono, akvilean Brmpto, I tabes a littlo ooo to en- Rcte-et l tt Eto iie ool 4 Sedoo om onont0e acoro Seoc ttis cosy brict hoose, OcaiEstae Bosds$70.000 iocfcd ins thc ceotral paofe COUNTRY HOME 3 bedrso o e, garage taco. Large kttoet, slo Obedîecsts ntssasge obles- tome. Fastllysice, tod îag lotm areOo o nn c ofl i ep'- e iit est btchee, sepasate dîoleg sosos, large liing room, Coui Patricia Jeppa 08030420 suos ar s offr sits $4ca00. 4 pC., cool i- pc. battis, tell basesteot, attactel gar. lot c rse oclcatlot. Cali Jackie Unscs845-7122, age, plus a siogiogasage. This propesfy ls liceoseol cools 88407 calcrirc,,ercîai. Great oppos-tceîty toope yocr 000 H. Keith Limited st 1 07 antique, crctts. gocey. tatolsoat stop os staro. List- RatrSretole Canada Trust LIST WITH A.E. LEPAGE Ont, 83 Trafalgar Rd. F00 POIENDLY INFORMATION AND 826-2253 Oakville Ont REAL ESTATE SER VICEORsg DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVI[LE -845-4267 E3 86r CROSS FARMS WANTED FARM ACREAGE 9 6 MINSON I o 20 acrse parceis, ositt or- WNE REAL ESTATE nilloct buildings, greatie P rom 0ancoes atnd cos oith or ieossd. Haecready topors oiOhoso builinîgs. Saitable &Boe Caii tor free eccicatiot - andl trec coclcctin plecco IsISUANCE OU JIM BERTIN Busitess 844-1718 loge Wlother 845-4549 orL E. W. Stoe Lt., BAYLEV - MacLEAN LTD. Reaitor, 60 Lakassoire OlocIcOsesild Realose i Rd. W, OmOvlle.hue ROM6 PT AND2 COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL 818îc2M 87t-356 Lewie Saen 87c 0036 oaa Cross c8a8IOm toc 10e fils Ontario ag place ostei asol oId, rosr reiv lcea coco cof the Otario. "Bob Ca ciosele aSO Ontario lifolirno, oct te oi oie comnsoion anid esbbuli POLIT Ail oscosh onol Hos rercico o uo aI 10e colo On additios copense aui Sei Seootoni oseoseesoni ocria ortia cf rirciiore, asol a e itizcos, yog ci cod orbac. ccc ntl oseioones and berilage cf rcrai ebert bas Oes ciatel osith rcrai foc is oshole ose are confident ibis projeot lise -of esperlecce sai eeessary." ICIANB' PAS ST. DAVIDcSad NASSAGAwEYA PR ESSYTER IAN CHU RCH ES Mitister: Reo.Douglas Lowsry Senday, Meorch 17, 09?74 NASSAOAWtYA 10.00 c.os.-Epsiosets on participative osol. CAMPBELLVILLE 11:1 a.os.-Ctscn Sctool atdosorstip serioce. Seroo Tiole -Aogry et yoos Brother- BOSTON AND OMAGH PR ES BYTER IAN CHU RC E S Mitîster: Rec. W. R. Lewois, B.A., B.DO. 818 4428 Secday, Mcrch 07, 1974 BOSTON 01.30 c.os.-Wostsp Seroice cool Chuco SchZo (Nurse îcciiitiosi OMAGH l;00 ar..Worsbip servoce cool Cburcb sctoi. A cordial isvitation isex tenedtu ao li NIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH Alocalasscsbiy of rte Pottecostai Asscosblis etCýaaclc Wcketield 04.40nd Hosy. 25 Miltot Fastes Ocov. M. COsisteosco rel. 070-2064 Ttc Lord's Oct Scoday. Marct 17, 1974 9.45 a.os.-Saedcy Scooil. 11.00 c.os.-Moctitg Worstip. 0.00 p.os.-Faosily Prayos 7.00 p.os.-Eesit Eccneo Ili Soroice. Wodoesday 8 9.50.-Prcyos atd Bibis Ooody. -Wtoseecr cOu ali pon te cse of the Lord stail ho scoed. Boms. 10:013 THE PR ESBYTER IAN CHU RCH NCANADA ENOX CHURCH MILTON Mitistes. Rcc. Jotnt. Murray Oegctîst: Mos. L. Viasbloos jSooday, March 17, 1974 1l:00 Seroice, Seron otre Lent 111 "Tise Jacodice et Jeaiocsy- 9.45 Ctcsch School 10.45 a..Sesîor Ctcsch 1:00 pst VYoceg peoples Society. Nursery tacilities accilabie. Theso is cioscys a wr ýcomostaKEnox. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 OntOario St. N. 878-2022 Ctsîstîaos qothereol onthe ramte oftheLod J5c5Cst. Lord's Day Scoday, MAarct 17, 1974 10.30 Oscakito Bread 12.15 pst.-Scoday Sohoei. 7.00 yst.-Gespol Soscîce Wodoesday, e Psayer cool Bible ssadiog ROI Are Weioome To These Servie is Oceold thc Lamh of 060, ohich Oakth cosoy the sio os the stsol. John 1:29. Check Tihe Champions Classifiedo TO BUS - TO OEIL BOB CARBERT IF WINI'ER ot tho Juvenile Senior Girls award at the okaters' demonstration ws Caroline Chuchmach. (Photo by D. Pink) CLOSE TO 60 GUESTS helped form 10 squares Bt tihe firoC annusi Scotch Block Sqae'recent Scots' fing et Martn St. sehool. Intersoediate danýýcers-et se:port froca beginners-from ether clubs wero invited te attend. Guesto came frem Guelph, Ern, Hamilton, Wsterdews, An- caster, Cambridge, Burlingten and Mississauga. (ht yD ik OUR RIADIRS WRITE: URGFS SHOOPPING PLAN Doar Oie; As c tcicty neos cosodosi of the tooso ot Milton i arn happy here. 1in iot' Oa groat place te lice. osoth thc exception ofth1e shopping. Thc clcrks se cry ploosuot andl blptl ascaooooai rueand il'soicoloo e soscît tooso aloseOre Hoosocor that's c far rry tros osailing cp tes the pour soiecloons coo ltact et stock on oost stores. i don't osinol pying slighly higher poires tf i cas gel oshat i osant. i cos su ireof etoatiso le osit sebstitues. Fcqestiy I Olece "We'lordes il tee yoo..." It i osant O order sosotting Raton's or Somons osiO doticer il lei ry dose tOc noot loy. il seon tcon soltion is On join the oscoy. osoroets et Milles osto drice te Beriogon onol Bramspton te etop. This lettes is soi osec o le lisdly riticico, bu ol bte constructcve. Te you oserchasîs et Milton Don't put yoerselcec out et business ...The osriting is os ttc osciO... If yos don't ost yoac steicos, spsoce ep yostores cool te cospetilico Millon osiii tolootter bosns cool bcorne c "ghost doooloon". Weoe neornr are nt toslist. If ose cas goi ost ose osani 0000, ose'i stop tere, cnoolny go te the placas ce an oeling. To yoe Madameo Mayor .yee statol ose necol btIer shopping. yoc are dotioitly sigOt. i orge yoo te pet i bo tOc oseecants, dccolop as ocoscl plan, osalie loosetoos Milles c place oshere Peuple ca osaIt cool tsooso. Whoro ose cao te psoed te uay "Ttct'o rny tooso'. It ttc oserchanto cannoe poil togetter cool co-oprate in tOc oseiner bhal plazas do. thon theo only solution is bu encouragerthe devïoPmn ofearmodern in- Oinceroty, Dan White 285 Mactio St., Miton. RAPS 5.R.C.A. Deor Mr. Editor; Wo coocidol teliece oec cycs oshe ose rend sn test oscots Chamspion tat the H.R.C.A boold loirseo dooso the Toosn of Multon's ottor ot c yecc's Orec om mcoation in te formser Ncsegcoseyc Towshoip Oail aond haveî cyter! icolcd oolO in soi cs in Trafaligac Square ai the col ci 026,049. Ttc resolt disse les the deciionoscc noiasdcfair aosrce re ceocceneol Whct tond of accommoodation doce H.R.C.A. oecd bait oood rail toc oee 023,0OlOin roscalloos bo c building thotla1 ooiy secen yecrs oid? Hf ttis is Se, Oc osiy lerporccy c- cornmodatios, oOal is 10e nereuily ot permanent paclilloos, dcop reiigs oaol 000 Slocisg. Whol tisol ot eqolpoeni doos H.R .C.A. base nucl oeols 03,2. in sicisg, Sobtres aso lcephose oclle or store 00e tostnship emspioyern asiep oh lampeo asol posy eprs As for os aic csoedhiosioq 10 yose.seo, ttiiso iioasoxry net o seeessoly. Asaer as Illteisgio toiert lovl, ose are soe ttct mucet people out taere stul ta gicol Se te stithin a 15 msinute drive of their oee. It a regiosai hoilding is bsilI aI Keluo osoli Ibat te aoy moce concesiosi tan Bcoshciiie oshich ison the Guciep Lino andl is easity accessible Ocoos Highosay 40Ot What cogors co tte muetsis tsat tis is otfy osoant lo e temrpocacy ccomodoation. Oueey the H.R.C.A. coo lis sotf cosid pot tersseicos est un110 thcy bave c c=goel tuilding rottor thon oobjoct H tootcpayoos On yot cootor et- necesosy copoose coonoat man uet cf building ostich osili etherose crnaisn cospty. lIt H.R.C.A. tinks 1i su cencenicol oshal otor gocorrn meot dcpaetrnot oo't ose the serne excuse.) This seeoss lite 00e tisai sîcoos in ttc oseot by oseet cepocting of tte spicoiiig cosie of Olegionai Gocernenet. Wecc ccery locci cool deparino ot unat goceco- msentoseorntuobe tying oilh eaccolhectoi sS osto cao rip otf the taspcyec toc the higesi arnoont in the osatter of taffc, ac- cornodatin oaol eqeiposen i is no oodec dia raiepayec associations are torng al oser Haltoc Rogion. Wben the ositi rate is tinotiy sel, thegoceroneet rnay tool dit ose laspayers are ot ateout bu te sst osith 00e titi tor the oocooocoiied cxtravagances of c tor of e gocecrneol tat osas foisteol on os osithoo s ooch as c vote. Biggec is sciloo tottec cool neyer chospor. Ose toanktoi Coonciltor Jios Watoon for bis conceon. lo is nice O honos theco are stli c teof6 oec elteo otticiats osto Bise toe taspayors c ttooght. Yoerssisrcetey, Dites aod Don Juse, R.R. i, Caospteltviiie. or le B. Harms A. Masuon SUPPORTS CANIP5ELL Dece 5ir.ý i tor ooe amn gtad On 500 ssch a fine genlemrnassOos. Kl. Carnpbcello the tiithttat goes onin thteme ot =caon. WOiie 1icgree Ibal soodeels aI the grae locclo stasold te madoe cosace ot ctnorosat bebeciers it is ao iossii te thoir intelligence le expose tOeto sai Ms IJsocd Lcossnce's iclles oed tbeccocernobrcoanl1cbcoeolycersocccs ttc sccling eicen eue pepolo thon. Mcybeionenofotor older tachcs or serreicrios cooid ose discretion anol intocos theparenti oirnetoolp ttesc ttisg sille OuI, i oood stop ibis mrnacl poiillonos i agee ositt Roc. Carnpbelli 111. ibis osos 00e case in Lincoln Towsthip cecentiy ostos 40 osiscers and paresis gol lo thoe ool tiraitadItibe o ltte priscipal in cbacge. Thc intervies stee caSel oRf, the stodons spareol the ocoelec anol 00e pris- ripai Ilsoobeo the osisisîcre. Mcc. Laurs Vanolotie, O.K. 2, CabelSoe Noisy job annoying COnis Heath et 55 Coososer- cial St. Oeld Mlot Coueii of cocees noise and danere aO- seol by enotrecion OsaieRs caleol ci 10e creo etine andl Commosecial Sos. Heath cooelto coeticlcls et Theotraders are on front et Heats troot doosr e Hobld cooicl the leciler sc re c territle socle et stcttioess and dioropais cool oted! the lsciloss ceesel c scftly tac- cool for coyote tactiotof1e bis dsiceoscy He coospleioed abtte s oching cool osahîe toise at 7a.s.cand oloadioeocoodcat lamos Heath sool theîscilees woooldtcecocedonecethesmad oses closeol bot esysessool coooccs oo th0e itterios Ttc osatter osas selerreol to staff wto oi lobe occcoocey ction te eectity 0he siteation. Local woman saved Sire tceelol Fcos et 400 Hogtsode Dr. csedîts c Tee- ente truck drsicer, Calogero Pageoo, osit savin0 tes fle in ao accidenol ic os o plolely osocteol tes 1970 Dooge osonet. Mes. Face osas et tes oscy hiod peshing tee inie enoter trckctintfront ofttee Me. Pagene, noticioR Mes. Face os leappei in01he cas, calosîs gaee t instructions et toos te tee hesoî seconds tetose the Oas tant splii open enol the car ccogtt rise. Ttc accident occeercl ait Dixie Rd. anol R0I bioboss. Council on winter break Milton Couecii osili join schost teactees cool stoolools osetoley totoe a holiday dur- ingosinlectbreak March 15Sto Morch 22. Mayor Anse Monirthur noleol tOc Mact 10 cnd Marcb 19 rneetings ootl te casceicol. Cooscit reseitues rugoi busisess Macch 25 atnd Marcb 20. Budlget discus- clous got ondorosay teat night. 5

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