Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jan 1974, p. 8

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8 Thc Canadtas Champion, Milton, oit ,Wed., Jan. 9, 1974 Festivities at Tinkerbeli Nursery Tinherbeli Nursery foe Christmas prlywmas bieid aI Mrstally and Pbysieall1y Ib Narseey mil many Ilfandieapped Cbildren bas lils triesds and garats invited. A shore aI tesiivities in visitterinSmanta, arranged by December, starling miib a Martin P'ollock, made the potiia-b dînner attended ky parly camplele. the valantrers and moîbeen Tma sper ial guesto ai- the i-vening af December fi. lesded tbe festivilies, Mes. Jane Ooddinoit gave a marm Gerry Lngtenberg af Clinlon, meleomne In 35 ladies mbo moiber af lbhe nursery old noS belli bol gel iota a director, Jennie Koikes and holiday apîil ibi ait ibe Mes. Beny Murdocb mbo badi broatifol briîsimas decora- josl arriord tram Glasgom, ti000 lbroogboal ber bome Seotlandto spend Cristmas and mip ailthIe mîlber daaghlerandtfamiy, gasteanamîeal drligbls finat tbe Sbearers oftt Ann Sîreel, o re ser-rd lar, tbe Gieorgetomn. Margaret i-ievngmwas area secess. Sbearer in a votusier ai Oin Deember 20, a Tînkeekeil. son Hornby Euchre club in Trafalgar Os Mies. MI Hamiltn The Nortb Trafalgae Eocke Club beid Ibrîr mebk 1, ruiohee p.lciy on Saturday sigiul iii., 29, ai the North Tcafalgar Recreatian Centre %ivtb si tabes ofeucbrr in 'fbi lents pcîaes mere mon bY the totiaming minors. Clare Wilson. vi Prestfon toho played a gent) and Wi- meMasnTeinnrsof thle ladies arre Winnir ,linmIlion, fila Rbin and Leva Hamilton. titbdav greeiingsarex tendcd ta Normas Spaeiing woa mou I criebrate bis birth- da% o loday, Jao. 6. Oîctkday greetinga areex teodcd to Uberyt Anne Pea- yack. w ho miii celebrate ber vorthday on Ttiuroday, Jas. Anniv ersar n Aooiverary greetîngs arc eotended ta Me. andi Mrs Cmeorfc Hamiton, abo miii ceciritc bruir mrddinf aniesr nSaturday, Jan. t2. Orsi cohen ta George and Ciren. Tbe North Teatalgar Eoebre Club brid hIbreek- ly eucbre parI, on Satorday nîgbt, Jan. t, aI therthinI Trafalgar Recreatian Centre. Tbrre mee il tables of eucbroinplay. Penesmwent ta tbe foiioming minors, John Roberts, Harold Seelie and Laura bromsridge mbho playrd as a gent.) The ladies' r izom mere mon by Marie lacoc. Miidrrd Mason and Ev a Steen. Grertilss birtbday grelingo areex trnded tai Garry Break. mbo wiii ceieraf e kml hiribday Jan. 9. Bîctbday greetîngs arr x tensird 10 Ken Ellea and Albert Starobsenl. mbo miii cree brate tbrîr bîrtbdays on Torsday, Jan, 15. Anoivrrsary îreeiings to Me. and Mes. Martin Saliba. mh iii ceiereate ibrir anoî- versaryiJan. 7, Orsîmwibes Maetin andi Margeey. FIRPT BABY OF 1974 aI Milton Dlistrict Hospital tobk a lit iŽomiog. Nof horn New Year's day or cors close ho Newn Yîar'n son bars fa Mr. aod Mrs Wiliiîm DeHaan arrivrd Frielay, Jar tkeir fîftb chiid. (Photo by Saliba, De Haan bal first in Milton in 'v74 Sievro Dosglav Soith i hliîevrd tohbcthelîcvst tîmbi Omagh Mariy holiday visitors ho Oies. Ceeil Putteeso Eleven tables of ruchre Duetng the renIent boliday ocre in play ai the irst pariy seaso. many trom mut oh oftthc nrmyear sponsoredhyý toms v isîtes titis airea ansi the toal recreatiosat coin- thete tamities. Me. and Mes. mutine, beisi os Priday, Jas. John Oltdgoosr ansi ebîldeen i. Wîonees mîtb bigb scores oh Sudhury and Me. and Mes. wereMiss Isabel Stouti. Mes. PaultCark and famiiy ofi.traid Carton,J. C. Con vohomcg. boiidayed miib ibeir vain hasi and Clarence pareots the Jobs 0-olsgoose Gibaitb. The usuai tomttv. Fourtb Ltor. delietioas luneh ansi social St,,, Anne Subi visiteS aI ttme holowrd. II.-ver homte, Treesaîne Rd., Rec. E.D Nelson,mînîster Icora Uotvrsity of Guelph. oh Waldrmac ansi mToned Mte and Mes AdenaBumrant smoir Preshyterian ansodsoMcaeland Barrycoofega tiona a t t)f Elmoira ocre gorstsmwtb tcangectite, mas guest theur g roodmoîber Mes. speakcir ai Dmagh Geovrge ecock, Plecsyeritan CbchonDv 0ev. David ansi Mes. 30and dettvrred ansispef Wiiimvo oI Prtectoro, Me. messa ge on mbat a Chrîa andi tcs, Randy Mcsaught cspeishfromb is cburcb, aso aosi hahy Stepbrn oi Toconto, abat tbe ebuecb ropecîs oI Bernard McNaugbt of tbat membr Universiy of Guelph iisird Rev. W. R. Lemis, B.A., mtb ther paeents Mr. and B.D., minîstec aI Dmagb Mos en McNaugbi, Foortb Charcb mas in thc polit for Une ~ themworsîposersiceeonJan. 6 tos. Mtay Giop oh andtis address mas based on Geocgctomn mas a guesi mtib faalti, forgivenens andi friinm- t heJ 'i Watson lamtly, Third shîp. The sacrassent of the Lire Lard's Supper mas observed hIc andMrs. Jobnoord of mithalarge number attend- Edemotoo speot the holiday îng the service. Tbe choic 0esn,1kt thetc famtty, Mc. under thr leadership of the andi Mcv Davîid Ford. Don organissbMissbareia iey Mîllo SI ,mv', Mev, Trry rendred a brauîfut anîbera, Ford at hOttawa andi Mc. andi Siocere sympatby isex Mev, William Botbatîee, tendeS io the hamiy o) the Scheltcc, ttc ilmuebro Orfore laie Mes. Archie Armstrong, retarvîog tîîheirchomerio the mbopassed away onFriday. mrv, thce eco Ptetained Jan. 4. htermeni 000)0n ai the home af theor heother Dmagb Prebyterias Cborch Mc rad Mirs, ilph Ford, cemetery. Mes Armstrong bOetitao ttc Thmrsday, Jan. mas predeceascd hy hier 3 itol,îmtcdioner. tecs hubanS ansi a daughter «atto-voiîg coere hîs sîsîrs Jean. To mouen thetloss of a Mcvs Edith Joyvce, Mes. dcar mother are Ada <Mes. Huomer M1)cCvn. Mte andi Tom Peter> of Detroit, Mrv. AlrvdFord and sverat Florence <Mes D. Gray) oh of thcc famillrs Milton, Murray oh noyse andi Kcnccl h Peaock rctaeoed Edwaed athome, aiso scverol for ts oimester la Waterloo geasdcidrro. She is a Usîocrstty mherc he is srvivedhby twosistersbMrs. majo<clng in etcctcicat Bastido oTorono andbMrs. enginering, Oarton, IHamilton ansi a bratbec Horave tickecest, Toroto. Mis. Johnî Lestec Si, mi Milton isted ctth the Wîttard Featbcrstmv tomoto tor Chcrismav daiî Mes C K Joc v i. t in g aiib fer sê-ovcctotoc NI,,, Jessic Jacîv in Toronîtto Bîctbday reectitas ta: Cheryt Ano Postcack tiRontoti Ooosfied, Mcv Ki-o MtcKat Macy Andcrsoo, l'oc) Stit iv and Eîteco Marcshall boco ni tht- 0ev tomnofa Mitlton. A son ai Paol and Bart) Slithi. Strvrvi mos beo a. 4.04 Oila.m. iOhstite- tc>tt>tt f>t ospitat. Shout six hoors lter Mcs. O lttîtît iOcIaan, 10 Sideoad gale tcoith to, a, ihy loy aI Sîtiio istiîct Hospital. The b.,1 a the licol )abt baot aiiton District Htopital thiv vioc. The Salbba bai chiid for finit fan are brys. Satiba Base Line Bd. i The DeHaan b [ice in the fan thee keothees Mes. Debaan gos set of twins Dc. DrHaans bcd no hahy ai press hi Correction The- bc2. 197:3 issue of Dagoîid as r The haiton inctasird a calir wov thr lcoloreonoi'lonel A. Fortes- A. Pearson, cue Icogaîs.a or ahistorian charge oI rero> and0 olîctor oi the historîcai tbe Parliamentt seiono the ilcpactmeot oh tboulb Col. Dug Na>tional tîfclccotit 1507. the original mec '['c Ata ofReiemranehookbof ememb vo Socoo) lcîombrsee Alan Besidor an \% 01no Accîgocd hy Col. did the art mort Tbnmpson tbere bas bren sonmeronsidration f0 mas ing niaffit th ie beeshoilie office ta aileviate conding at domsiomnbheadqoartes. Tbernemonumber at tomn bail is 878-7211. Tbot nombr willmorb for thevariety of afiies ait tnmn bail and at broebvilie. Aeeording ta Me, Tbontp- son, maler and semer sers-ires miii remaintbefunetinnof Ibe foal governmeni for the liie bing. Any querles absoft planning, semers and mater nbnuid go to the toal levol of rovernen iris. If il sould miii bie, says Tbompsun. In baiton bis the muiciipal staff is oplif bel- meen a nmber offnoains for the lime belng. Staffers miii be ai tbe former Es- %uorsîng Tomnsbip offie on t evernî,i Lîne, at the Gesrgefomn office on Main St. and theenieeinsgoffie n Mapie Ave. E. Ta Seernib Lise Cieek Administralor Daug Pritebard miii maie fenes bis presesi office on Main Si., Gesrgetown, 10 tbe Esquesisg munieipaî building on the Wiib bies miii go smo secetaarîes and tbeplanning deparîmnesi ader Marin Vendîtti. Teasurer Lloyd Petaron and bils departesnent mill stay aI 36 Mais St. in Gesrgetown. Tbe inspeetion departesent, sobece building prmitas piambing permilseare=ioe miii moveop toithe engiee- ing offie on Mapir Ave. E. For ibose planning mar- rîagra ragriences miii sttib avalabe ai >50 Main st. Actoo munieipal offices mii siuy mbere tbey are for at teant the not six mosibs, aeeoeding 10 Me. Pritehard. In spite of censide cas- ditions insmme arass il ap- pears municipal olaffers moeking for tbe ballon legiosa Ciiine il' Milton Co.ooeil asnd ballon buIls Coueii ar.eallreadyto g. At the reigionai iront ait oh the serviees nomaly delivered tram the eonly ad- ministration building on blesSes Ave. milI continue ta, be bandted Irnes Ibal building, for tbe immediate future aI teast. by pboning 870-1801 residentsecanle smitebed toi asy oh the reginnal deparl- S ments aperating fromt the building. Tbose sersv-ires iselade Soeial and Pamity Services, the administration offie, engineing and publie marks, planning and Emer- gey Measares Organ- nto.Deparîmens on tbe 070-201 lise Ibat oprale ou0- side tbe main altie inelade ballon Museum, ballon beailb Unit and tbe eoonty marks garage. lirparate nmnibeer ballon Centenniat Manar bas anseprate pboseandeaon f> bc rear ed aI t78-4141 mhite Tefloigare tbe ebpe ncarge of the vrosdepa rimenis: bennie Viin oiland Pamiiy Servies; Garfield Bromn, administration, Ed Csm- ming, Planning, Dr. J. Cbamberlain, Healtb Unit, Bill MeCrearîr, EMG. Enla brillais, Muem lias Allen, balton Centenniat die sebile Manor. da I Milton municipal sali a, the fera tramn the nId to of i4. He's billon anid tbe Tomnship oI B. Burt Nassagameya bave eromdrd ino tomn ball The building andi inspeetion drpartment ) S tottder Ray Otan, parbs and ment itderiJack eGeabie andmorbs speristendent Brue MeKere ail] mark tramr toms baill Teeasurer Dan Loogbeed b stetidand bis staff miii o rk front yIblbd tii aires formeriy uned as oiiy. Ai ibree poiiee offices in toms baill s live ai 5603 May go tbrre n boraby, The Oroabvitie oftie ibat bas sers-rd as the tomnship aby is one of otfice is suitl open and ily. He bas sparseiy staffrd. Aeeording and a sister. to Depiiîy Ctrrk Campbell 29, 1972. The tonamed tboir tr me.~ I POLLOCK AND -~CAMPBELL portrd, but Maootaviaaof wooebof John ,v.aMoai rbîlteel in Msooo,,aI E g,-,.g Instruclion nf Buildings. Ai- 24TnIne0oon oid designedil aîtf E4 ranîce f tbe ,., m1 d otheb 2WaIeSi aoiv, Relo cat-Pdi, crowdod stf roady to go At Zenith, the qaity Unes ln hefore the nome g... on0 (fHRQMOLORgB25 kGOLO R Model S2966W T~ V 5 HLY $24.01 FOR 36 MONTHS IMMEDIAT FiE DELIVERVledo RIGHARDSON'S 07l 878-2M3 201 Nain St Thun. & Fr!. 911i p. ffiZ~L~~ .~ Council ratif ies Haltn Hits ounil Masda nigt pasaed a long lit Il by, sapitn tf mebr. Ail u a itew ap pointmests tilisent reparted previaasty ln Ibis paper. Alfed H. Daby mas ap- paîsnted Ssprntendest of Services for Haiton Bitts. Caascittar Les Datsy, brother of Atfred Daby, refraiord tramt votisp and deciared a cosilictaof nterest. Clarence E. (lad) Snom mas appaIted uiS tendent obads fr Halta G. D. Pritchard mas named cterk admîsistratar Lloyd Peteros treasorer, Delmae Fresch depaty cierk, Grass Usher depaty-teeasseer, Mrs. Cathy Boaskitt assistant ta the clerk, Hesry Hutzal assistant to the teeasarer, Peter J. Morris toms esîmneer, Douglas Colliman recreation direcine, Doaglas Sargent objet buildisg is- spectar and aonisg ud- misisiralar. Maria P. Ven- dilli pltsser, Haghi Pattersan pareksisg agent and Frank C. Morelle. general wars nprrîntendent. Graeme Goekelle mas engiRge as cbarered - eoffntafr tbe lama of Btalton Hîlîs for Ibis year, and ike lam fhem af Helson. baises andi Lanfîdose kied an toma sotirilors for FIST SI<tSs VOur 10001 pceciou, liesiv is our hralibý Poetil. paticularly cfainvii-anecr- bysering vaiicitoctor ai the firstsi0an o îcas ahnaemol bcalih liai Datsunes new ecnMny nuunbeu. B2O.DATSUN 74 NORTH END DATSUN 610 MARTIN ST. JUST SOUTH 0F 401 818-241 BELL BROS. LIDI FOR DEPENIAULE FUEL OIL DELIVERY FME MME SOMPFORT SERI0E 878-6380 ross brancier "M& 220 MAIN STREET EAST MILTON. ONTARIO PHONE 87eI1241 ONEDA20 Piece Set SWe 1 LIMI FED TIME OFFER i Cancel careers day for Iack of support Careers '74, a piannrd meln Mhonday soben il dîspiay of earerr uppar tar oniy six of tbe 36 tioifies, bas bran eanceiied avaîtabte bonifs bad bren breasse the business elimate soid to pa-tîeipatisg on- mas notenonducive tosuek as dustries. event, Mes E. T. Cbaiia- S combr ansounerd ibis week. Synsors bad inetuded the CaaaManpomee Centre The eveot, sponsoeed hy Dabivile and Disfriet tive organleations and Cbamber ai Commerce, pianord for tbe Gaiasy Club tiaiton oard oI Eduealion inDakvitie in earty Pebruary, and ilabville and District bad bren eancetird at a Laber Couei.

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