4 The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Jan. 9, 1974 CHARGING IN after stealing the puck from the tisird goal of the Friday night 6-5 win. Burlinglon ,Mohoawk power play unit, penalty kîller Ken Fay edged the Flyers 5-4 on their home ice Sunday lbeat goaltender Rîck Kat.achanoski for Flyers' evening aflter somne questionable oeils. Largest crowd in four years as Flyers nip Mohawks 6-5 A total of 585 patros-thbe lasgenl regodur essilenrowd in leur yrars- 1usd lelo, Mil- les Aresa Friday sigbl le satnb th or beeoso Ces- tinentla1 Flyer oîp tbe Burtîsgleîî Mobawks t-5. Fus see net disap- ponid. The guise isarked ,ýibetirst limie tbe rrergasiied Milles trais bus bers cein pltely logelber. Action oner sleppod ai tbe thued raeked Flyr and the second plans Moawks ex cbaoged allunbs os tbe sels. Sreodaf niters Tbis sus the second game olu fOtrer guise series with Litle Fireines :1 Beech Bres.1 Scott Grecs. Faul Boisas 004 Cbnie Beynol de selnhed Beeck balles wîlk assis10 rerdiledltoBfrentlAc aonîod Tus Accurone Gios Screrii snorrd foc Fîreme.n trois Bichard Bef nricb. Litte Csntiace 2. Rebellait Loidgr 1 Mibe Laube and Charfîn Wakelyeeersed los tbe Foc- Brios Lîek nelîrd the Bebeksb courtr fon Wonnes Smith. ATOM Si. (lots Calot :I. Mmsbra.N Fuels Il Hfonnie Lonkie scoerd bine und Tus Foscre addcda ciogitn loi Sf. Clair oîlb aesislo goiog te Scott Chudligb and John Dasoy boomn piayed shueul <ol. Dec Toneli Mîke Knefnk. Jîm Pegkl. Bob Foclern od Mark i)' Moley cack oefled Lais Service cousnes white Jor fGcody and f;[ses Melonide Onnossof, Jeif Freosina sconcd fice ion Lions wîfh flog Boodes aodso noseckppo li Wlnie Hardwure 1. tîlîto Upbsistsso 1 Duevid F.ses enorrd ion UpbIsceny trois Ksoie oseor Demisnions tafy was solebed 3y Jobs Crîenî luist Dav'id Boues. Belley Fuels 1. Biehad MeTavflsb ocored for Auto.Budy trois Waye Green. 05551 Aibnei kos'ked in the Baile'ygoal. Jeli iannbe uscil o al trick and Oobby f.eosey chiged ini a paie Ion Fay's seil singles eemîng tenu, Mark Teasdale and Mike Brilluis. Assiste sest le Jack Feeslr, Leooey, GlIens Gîli and Robert Marre. Frank Koypers. Steve Savarduand Jus Pryor sbured MeCuaig goats front Kuypers and Dseayse Riddell. O. .1 MiBos Au.werisg Services Lloyd Richards sorel frons Pul Wilkinson and Mark York. David Kran- Oerfisgioe. Miltîo edged by fle firs gante -4 inthe ferai fooalat OSuday cverisg. Ffyer cliplais BarotO Mrry slarted tbe Golflonger squad soli ig silfi a f.30 gea H orneeidifbaflong 1fid- îeg peck Isos Beed Nielses asd Boy Love. Duse Ferles enersd for flurfingion lise insî lofer. Ff yens regaied tbe fr04 lobes Aies iOronden deOlecled delencomn Bob Ruek's drive 010 tbe top of tbe Mohuwk nage. Ken FaygrFfys lise goal fled ohen e stole tbe puck froon tbe Burfîngles poses play sqad, broke is sohufehy peoird fthe olouloul. Mile Morts. Loocul 49102 Marine goals re nclled liy Easf csscry. Scott Prier asd Vittorio Trente. Trene ,idiJohn Chasri dres asscîcle Tracy Murray scoed 101h Sfeelisonker goal s ith bel p leeisMilleCorbet and Dannse Milieu Truoel Service 2. tiiaa's Chieken i Traîni goals noise f Barri Snowi and Oreli Cotâtes ishil aossusîs orsI le OSois and Asdy Bousaf. fioug Ocîpof enered tbe Cichro goal frosi Murray floPhailf 0.teoe liner i. W, Jeflrey. N. W'ollaston and. Ooeard ceoecldlfor ike police osifi Jrffrey and fuyard pinkisgoup siele scord for eai'erwith ill florkin ckafkiOg uya paine1f assis15 f.rolieregislered an Beti B'sc 6. imes Bitiarde 3l Bon îLaouche chunked in a hal trine ion Beil'e as Jus F arrl r opdi pair and Giord Mears and <nie King chipprd in peine of Farefl. Claorbe, Disg Glb ert and Mark Horoisg. Guy Marsball sored a pair for .iîis iii Carl Bell ad- diog aoken Assiefeisere redifnd Wayne Mueday. Cnaîg Ochreiker oa Tom Cheeseisano aloste and depesîfcd the peck ec sMohawk netndr Rick alonliaseki t0 niose tbe epesîsg perlait Deug Serre tlilied for Mo- secnd sf0000. Ibes Siese Croeksrîgbl cnsecled for tbe Lyîsg score. 014 il hosme MilIcn regaîsed coe]of o Ites g ân sI dying mis fie 1lr he is se Nie] ese tka Mersy Love pues, debrd poli Kalachauski and suid tbe puet homr. Oerfîsglss'e Jobs Gloa leedlbhe rangercurfy sinte Ibird period bel Ffyer fer- Partont Insane 3. C'-tar Yoer 'orid 2 Adreo Binksoo. JelI Perirce and GlennSwaoe scored for Parleit in a cour frain brIlind wol Aceleleiseel te Cinkso., Waler Pockechy. Densis Duranterand Gncg Coloýnr geais cre ecorrd ky Basdy Sf. Jobs and Henry Brinice it an asist goig te Wayne Day. Pigment and Cbemlsal . capesOO 2 Van McCbaif scnred a bai ticikand Lorry Durante noise up il lise fer Pigmnt. Singles re ored kv Kerry <iches sl Jobs Mclii isreîh. Boer Defloi rarssd a paiî.r credfiled le Mntfiraiik, Terry Dlouglas, aod B,îcdy Brios Fisc and Don Bichards scorrd fon Super- sef rois Grog Thomas and les Sergent. Ksnigbt's Meneuer 5, Billes Aauto iiodn S Jobs Chuffînon aod Sire MeCaun cach scored i pair fer Knîgki's oîlh mruce Oousfed uddîog a sinogle. Jobst lrniosd drro'a pain of ovoîcîs wiîl kilers as geîsg le Oousfefîf McCaun and Mdille Taylor. base Asderchek netîrd liso for hils oilk Baedy KosIer and Ckunk Afnonh aise nsol cking mankere. Aodecek and Bob Oye caretd lise assists ecs th sin eler geîsg te Mark Nînkis and Onîan Flacino. SALES andSEVC FR000 5755sa. LISOAR TWUN SEASONS 7523 Winsfon Churchill Bhid. -SS. iog01-S est S.o sNsoavl ward Rick ridgman termi- olnd asy Beriieglas boer bes he beobe ln e fscore on a greaf indisiduolfrt.e Fay and Bon Tisnibined on tbe pois le Bridgman. Larry Fieviien lied tbe score for Mobaiwks esilb fie inuels rcainig inthe gante. l.eagee feadise Bill Seecres point lofai oses tbe goise asbefdlte unsassîiso tbe Fischer goal. tartior A poireofliise ponaliesîts Burtiegles broogkl sel the Milton peser play truis. Ray Love leund tbe corner et the Mohawek goal ith a les blueiser *Tbe pose le Love eb sullicd bank by Bridg- muaad Merry. The P'riday sigbl sis lif Ffyers osf oue peote bebisd Ibe secesd s et Mobauko uilk aanaceloegain alrpet e of points isbes lbey e'isilrdl Burfieglon Seeday sigbl. Flycrs o nef go loetoh1e gaur seithoul esporieseed deenese iHugbi Marshal, duelacnîejuredsnosr Friday. and Pele Cbanbiacb. duelse a lie guise suspesion. Flyr coach "Pie" Lee msadesoecanbages in thre'(. fense nonsI pier le the Friday galn., mue.g Breol Bsey frois tbe nearguard Positison t0 f eigb ss os tbe 0 roesI e.i , irî Lek r idgril fise-an coco traitr ii Bob Rush. "botauscle"l Les msadr the isoo te udd moe"mse' le bis lurs isard f se. Flyre iserr confident of a Susday sis allter postîsg the Friday sîgbf oiclery. LouOns h.gh soi.. Audrne Maoe 291; ludies' Club t iîlo Audre Maon 71, me's Ciao single, Deaonu ray 209; mens 0g tri.e Frnk l.nOooc 7lu 297. Juse 015il. ,14 suel Rg 05,0. dc icydernue lis. Jack 110er 0,uci tilesi Frei Rlan M9. Raeyisalons u49. 0ean Ocuey Kan l'Ion, woon i . sac waiO'nOO ocO slociel Gray lert. 5S.d,, Maclcao o 4ln.OR.9hGray A Burboflton goal judge doue Oie oniddle segusding drcidrd th uee ut 54 sgoals. Flyerlass, poes Sunday evenisg clash bel- eoacbh Lee and eseser weunriul Milles Conientcaul manger Vers Goulisg ae Flyers and Burlinglue adaisast Oseodee's geai Mohawks. Tom Johuno did sbuuld have becs counted. sel signal a geai ubes Scores Ovrndee seas Mition's Aiest Oveoden ap' especiatty frsaued and pered tubuvsiflt]ted sing quitesure bebad sced. sbat against tbe Barieglon InOthe othesdressingrelati, luise. Mobawek peesideet Jo Joson csslended the Wbyte Oioagbt il fr4 strucli punkbad slruck thensoaabuar fiecrmssbus anddleuced out. Abrief co- Mohawk managersill Elhi- suillation uîi Oie releree cuitluas sure il abou ned oltîrurd tbe decîsies ne f Othe rossbaut continued goal. sayîeg. "Il's anfotaegoal Most ofgruouling tu Oie jadgen buse le cois trais iuy Miltos felusweens ie sppeoîng luisis fis important Bliegton eauteus a goal guises." 30 seconds lter pusi Flyes Big lead <long WeaOieraii. Miltoe goal Tbe Bastînglen wîn gave judge Glard iseatberali the Mohawsek o big six peint eeslesded Oie pock did me i t md er the Ouerd pluce crosthe line but cseused Off Flycen. le allier Junios B the goalie's skatle, stiOing action a 5-4 seis by Oie the post and koncieg nt. Streelseitie Derbys neer the iseatberait, tibe bih inspe Sleisrocks lf1 Oie Ourlîsgiss cousrrpart, 104 = fseisse ceu osly lue nt iîcb the iigbt yet th pointe belued the Flyr uiOi relereersetesedlaoconoullbhim a guise sn band. aout Oie play. The goal seas Lesm s aiiesedFlyr Bonseiss qtarted the hCoaik*t' ollsrlt gaisul iOhaIoiusiap sbot ie 'The releses reused te lbercorner oflthe Mohawk sel. îaelefylis actîiotaeiies Ovsden and Merry assisted Flyr nuplune Harold Merry on the pemer play maorker. orncoachbBob"Pie" Lee. He sceelinu relueed le comsment or cors gins bis luise leiiouisg the guise. ie s Aors 'The oppesisg teamu spit BI s cee siligoae a6 3e 5 7i Docs split liuoiecye 29 21 37 on w eekend BIs o w ores o8' , 6 Aller impressie ehbiione Osekusîd 2428245 wis oSer Actes and aille il il 32 l5 Siseelsoîlte derîeg tbe L-F.cCisla belidays, Milles Dons and Ouingtone 28 26 25 Il Dents Mises Alsms retersed Garyn McMonssleOok- le leugur pîoy ibis seeb te Rar Loe Milton 29 27l2 5 0 lose 4-1 le Sîreesville and Oul Sbci.ok 00h- pool o i-o sin oner Guelph 16 23 Z5 k48ii Ricb Cbampoossessedlbhe Burliîîîe a8 1e 32 ce osiy Decs and Dents gealine T M Bothwell Streetse'ille Saturday. Ooclinion a8173 Goulleeder Derrick ile.iOAustin 00k. Neelundo earsed the ebaleel lisInl icoes Br.one 3 4 sn the Royal City the seel ton 26p2 51 day. Dot) Milfrd Oak. Millns luse geai cuise iffle Il10 a ý 12 c Il ireom tbe stick nf Tom Obîride roueSH.mMiý. 02.6k 0 2k alter tabieguapees treon Dean ill- 26 an n2 42 bSasly miduay lbrsugb tbhe ___ final elanea. iS vi' cer sîimler o The Millenseqaad Jobi Ibi' protection g.mtse cliene filter et thc play seolisoti Gee orileolor le nhek .us .. Guelph 10-9. Roth forsoardE. aui e>inlyfeiis ai danîgen asd defeeder, piayeself wle't sigoule. Preerne yor beailli Icareîbthe ists. iiidireiloacion. Georgetown wins Pintos smash Guelph Milles Trufalgar Ford Fino Aoms ere squeabed 5-4 en Georgetowno Tbureday bel wafked auay isitb 5-1 and 9000 s or e lepb os tbe uceeed. Gesorgetownescosed four geais le the opesiog periods bof tird poriod Plno goufls trou 0100 ay, Cbnie apl Wayne Hubbe andBihd lilîllîb evened the coulit Milton assiste oses cegislessd by Grillîtho. Alan SNbhols and Barry Bielel. lai e ier Gleorgetoisn scosed the miiee tlf in 1he 1inai psniod. ln Guelph Salurday Chrie Adaises gave Milles os eorly fead silO belp front Wayne Ogier and Dassy Ford. Gluelpb masoged a tird perli]d goal la lie tbe guise butlMilton barslrd out il fonr goals. Fay solchcd hie tirsit but trink of the year as Eddie Guelsnerneod ose assist Ca p eo isosogedua goal lenis Milon sever foobed bock as lbey efaughleeed Ibeis Boyal City counterpartsSunday. lIeue MeCanns enred bis firsi hat trick of the seaie as (irilliths pelîrd Vies and chiilkrd op a( is <liber geais coasefrn Gosies. Ogier. Adouses. and Brios Aederchek. Asdrnbk and Mark Bradley dreis a pair ef assisis rach wilh single rserded byFoyoand Jfrî Groaiam. Pioles ilifiisrsiier om e tros Braispton Tueedoy and Dundos Saiurduy le 'lri-county eeispeioe. MLEWAE OFF MENS e WOMEN'S a OIIILIRENIS e SUITS ai BOOTS e MIlIS e GOGGLES M BiisO ll Sebeer brouh hi club bush lu tin the Flynes amd clone Oie tient Bulldogs shut out Guelph Miltsn Credil Union Bulldogs blosbed GuelpO 2-0 Saturday on Guelph. Guelph bepl Milles lied up for o gond portlion ofthIe Salme, limitnd the Buildongs te a goal sn eacb e the lient and third perioda. Guelph ooldisloeced Millon ssly in the fumbler of peeallien received -5 -2. Milles goals came frein Nors Fleisinelos, ussisted ky lao Waslcas and front ters Blair assisled by Fleisingto. Mike Sbepberd playeda slnudy lame in Oie sels for Milton. Be muoaged t0 pre- bev ils sbulout, slsppîng o Guelph penalty shol. Burlington goal judoge decidos Flyer encounter gave Burlioglon the lead seiO eight minIs, ges in the middle _erod Brest Hoey cessecle teilton lte in Oie period, pieking up Oses- dens of oth1e pont seboaoil. Jeil Loebridge desouffler ucuist on the goal. wlloy Loe put Oie Flyeen up liti o nule ele ie =eo,a delleclisg Merry's hodts tboller goalie Bok Baekhunder Wîtb the Flyers aller- tbanded Bill Presniak louéb Bob Rus asooand stole aoy le lling a backbasiler user tlyan's shonider. Sjimlroo and Mark Pem- lland managed second perioi goals lu bring the clubu t10 Simltrois sas awaeded o goal al 13:13 efthOe finil period utler Ovnden's dupoled onarber ha0 been culnO bush. Miltoaausoo Mohas 44- 16 andi led in uînr penalties 8-7. Burigton'. Johnt GlIa seusosoado1Itinute msîsndosi when 0e dis- agreed seîOi o siasbing cadi. aaerâl yeePrseiab si MohawekDuae orbes lle i the pesîod see Ose es eli. mesel tbreeisgtflt ekllc suies. Pressiab landnd oe punches, seiesing Ohe boni. Flynen sqnared mit agaloal 1he upalast Streetuville Dierbys Tueaday sigbt in Streelusle 10 confite lOrd spot. ro',Ii place Heapeler Sbuon- rocks seuil it .aei Frlday nîgbt. Flyeen base had troableuallye seit Heapeler uîoning only oe onsou guises. Flyeen buse bud tu camfe buck ie sn the fieal minate te nase n sih the Cams- bridge club. The Milles sqaa oîli be deapesale tolsa FsldY nigbl sein te keep an edge on Ose Derbys. Initie l 1 11Io 113 Ocues l2 as 2 H M. wm TownLau ate H SCOB EIS PRICED F ROM 53 STEELES AVE. 575 878-3222 wo SAVE 20% - 50% SUITS fSOT OS VRAS Wide assorfnrentsofSOTGASOVRAS 100 percent usoof yvo rsted tweeds, saxosies and flaen- sels. Classic patterns in Gin Checks,Plains 20 /3 and pis stripes oormally $120.00 foý OOFF $18. 5 0 0 OFF TROUSERS SHIRTS SWEATERS 25% 25% 20%- OFF OFF 50dFF TIES ITROUSERS BARIAIN One rack ot 200 Pair froosers TAL select tien ail isool and TA L Narmally 55.00 polyester ALL ta 07.50 Ose Pair NOW FR000 The 9 /2 $1.a Pairs $24n.99 OF Serait charge for alterations during this sale Frotta parking of reur of store 878-3302 r THE MAN'S tROP 248 MAIN ST. MILTON Open Thurs. & Fr1. «Il1 9 p.rn. saisie flriotoýski-_ Helmets $175LII11199511 MILTON MARINE 25 Commercial St. Milton 878-6521 senousabout biles. bleo-SkV74 1