Mayor MacArthur's inaugurai address The Canadten Champion, Mitton, Ont., Wed., Jan. 9, t97à 3 ,"We wiII serve you wisely and welI" The. hllnmlang Ta the nana- 'pion ta i ofHayon Ane lnnugneni maeing nf iMl Conenil. tnllowilng dis la. ductin nf nemhera Mosuly SYnun Honaur Jndge Speogue, Father Murphy, 5eV. Lomry, staff and friends. Tnnightli l ndeed a nique occasion hecaose yan have fleurensmalted a canaicil for o comploe% nean manicipalty, "tchenends tramt the hardera af Minuinnaugo ta Eramoa, takiag la lIna complote manicipalitina and pont of Unnen alliena. This municipalily la, as yo bom, the langent an anrea, and h1 fan the aimatIratinl pnpulolîuan. This in itef posea pralem natepayers wiii have la pnavide cly senvices Ia the ones and it cotd ha cery cmstly indeed. MAYOR MocARTHUR mhe ares, aprawîing out rends ber inaugural lihe a bouat, la the châlit of the unidrenia ta Mhondayn province, la flsn widam Une firsf meeting of tbe 1974 =aiae decided that thene council. bhu h fane anrea municîpolîtna nather thon Name brigade's comnpany off icers Mchaanee la officena ut Mîltan iiire Depononoent were onoounced recrntly hy Fie Chief A. E. Cirmnonn, falltoîag araigatio and a netînemeal. Lt. Murray Connir bas retied and Capt. Wilf Peaman neaigaed ai the sane tinon an the brigade mon divîdiof ias tinefighters n lo fine cnupanles îasteod of the thee that have exsted Ion onvenatyne na Offic ens nos are, No. i Company, Capi. V. J. "sonney" Coninon. Lt. Ivan Ctanridge and Lt. Jino Coolman; No. 2 Comopany, Coptain Harold Canlon, Lt. Gond Keontzaund Lt. Glenn Stringen. The changea and the promoons of tieefightens Jîno Cauln and Ivan Ctaeeîdge ta the rn ofu l ieutenant mene appnosed ai the fine airas boandas tant moeeting. Hockey, Scout grants passed at final meet Geanta of $1,500 lu the Miltoan Minan Hockey Association and $200 lu the Boy Scouts Associatian wr appenod in a iet yeor-end moeeting af the Milton Ponka and Receatian Cononotten Tant werh. The Board revieaed a difficait finaciat ynan aIler consaleuctîaa ut thecon mnoîy centre building in Rlotary Park on which conta tan nsceeded natinoatea. Fuoda ton the peujeci canon tnonthe LîPgrnat and teono devntopnenl contiutions and budget cota.. cammilmnent Il oas nopecird thecon noillen might atightty rocerd lia budget hut nonnbeen co- cueered in meeting the 1100 graieon ohich acommnit- ment mas frît tomandu the groupa' apenotiana. Choinnoan Jinm nulsex th.eth-nepoae hy th.e bul Weaayin alhonesfythil uonit yonct.i flicth province ouil have to gie thty Ile efn n, have, ameutai nonîderation to tIn hy ynan clance, beea aode chitd if itila going to survive te fondana of tne early asnan economic unitmithoal yeaea of the infant. Tinis we hnlnging Une nalepayera tb ane mnone lian witting tu ha, their kanae.. MacNabb chats oif b Milionas first womaa mayar, Anne MacArtbur at n reception fallawing Mon- day's inaugural meeting of tbe neno council Mra. MacArthur paid n wurm persnal tribute to Mrs. MucNubb dnring ber inaugural addreso. (Pbaota by R. Downsl Faîhfen Mrpny npke af goadwili and na-openalian. t peomîne y ou ait th1e reginaa t enelt, ta dm amnst la un- apert wit the athen tuicplieaonadligain Unei goodwil. fi han heen naid, finit no man is an island. Neithen in a mafinipatity .We get only in nean what non une pnnpaeed tou give. At one of Une fient nteeeing commillee meetiag held Unin Tati, the Mayor ut tChe Town of Mi ton an Ihat lime, said thot it anoad he necessary tu bine a neeanuen and an enginee, an onden for the toma ta get itn foin ahane uit Une negionai tevet. The ineananen inn have hined. Thisncouaicilin lata uniadonn han dnnadnd that a ptannen on mont have. If Unin haphazard fasn w must have numeane eniUn the nu- pertise in thatlime noi guide li. The gnowth ai Unîn toma han been phenamenat an the tast few ynaen. How gnod it a' or bowhbad,I'm net pdepa nai,, hameven 1 do Uniah ibeth time han camne tbat me mont snnioanty canniden ond neses ue position in orden to give tbheat senvice ta ail aneas. This me iatend lu do ut the dittenent teveta aven cbicb wnhave cato. The cetral nonn ot tii $15Q,OOO over budget 0MB approves funds arena can be bulit The Ontariu Municipal Bard han appnoved the nupendîtune ut an addilional $150,00f tocuoven the conta of a ne ril n Milton. Forer Milton Mayor Belon Seat noet ssith the 0MB Feîday and pesented the cuncît's posi- Eatinoate loe the peateci oaa $«0,000. Pernoission 10 apend that amouat mas grna- ted nantien by the DM11. The lo bîd, homesen. canon la $150,000 usen the pnajected prive. Milton Area Board bad cuaidend gnîaaheadoîlth part ot the proleci aad ns%, ingsonne partsaofthepera- luaontnininhed untit neut cer. Couacil feli the peajeci ahud bhehult in is eatinety and pernoissiontforthe ente projnct oaa tinally granted aflter Fnidayus houe-long meeting in Toronto. The bown ow han pernois- sinta apend $556,000 The neo annna witthehuilt on the site ofthe neo high achmtl ai thensoath-east coraner ofthe Thied Lion and Main St. Me. aent aldheereceived a verbal uoy fen the tondine Feidai, and faonoa] notifies- Oin as expected sono. and dedicalian tb the ok nofevc tC rSa Sf "n romnilenas baUdow er 0 Police, fire chief year-end.The prosincial Depaniment Sp e9 at Fiw v iew yran-nd.ou Trnsportatioa and Cuom _____ municatins han neponird tippen Buntiaglon Citinean 'The annuat meneting oITT onty 1.8 pencent of ait Ontario Foumn ba lnvinO Moiton's alsu nient dienons a u rvenin motorist have pouhased renooai police chie( and 1974 and reviras thee KNOWFAf'TS ir 1074 licence rnena Bueioglon's fine uhiefto1 peupoard constitution Caficne ocsesn none uinheen, nompaned isith osen speakad ootlinnethe changes changea oane isood change moreati 10 ue tper cent lastiear. i oieadnepoeto the nime ut the goup ut fr.unl soe ho Lonatty, the licence bureau 1h01 eeguooat gosennmnt tippee Butangton Raiepayena niler. boyau need tocheck at Ctenent' Paunt andWall- havehrought aithe goun' Associatiaon, aothen would itosnew symoa s u ith bnoo't papierreports onty 603 annuat moeeting scheduled non allen the guoup'n boandanien fonts and fnl unmnut'lite stinhen aatd tibm yean Wedneaday, Feh. 16. lu inctade oaty thane trenamet Whenoaas th1e tact conoened itbO8M ptlatae Potine Cbief Kenarth Skee' pe= eies nemaining in aievu had a check-up? a! hs linon tuai yean, la- nutandFine Chîrt Reg Law Bungo (suth ut Deri, dcatuag salea 10 date are oITtbheepnaettnupoun hu Rd.) and the thind wit nevsa dasa anti, 36.4 peu ceat the eegionatiatian ot Botion the noakn-up of dineclona campanedowilhthe poinial afftstthe people of aoheea eepneenîng vuniuares S62 peu cent figue. tleigtoo. RED ROSES were preseated la Mayor Aune MacArthur as s000 as she nous swnrn inta office Monday nîgbl, by Councallor Jnm Watson's daughter Aulama Watson. Poob .Dws toonmustasuvise'i uthisaires la tnoly guiof lu be rnpreentativeofthe pepl. t arn giln lu be aubing the plann?,ingg and ecunumîc utnsnlopnonnt cmmitten ot , clu frisgc e ia depth coasideation to the varius oayaîthatonecan adthce The steets and sinoatha ut the aider ares ot the 1000 nouaib hnejuenateoven the comnlg ynars Itis necenaey lui ha conceenied o lb no areans, botut i s et bittle une il we allo thenod todecay. t am cancencd about peplie Who have relied un tixnd Incane. t undnnestand that thene is son relief [ruom the province in the oay ci tas nehates. Wn wilf be investi- gatiag eseni, detait. Oue anion citinens nned a meeting place ibis on must considen. Wnhave cubai an have tadai, because ut thein efforts in the pasi Then thee are nue uehau andnrural citinnns woaethe magecarneras Thnytufomust bo conaideedobhe oc look ai osai t tean mai, be an aonsonoe budget. Thee is aise Our ycutb. Wn. oittnendeasu .eînnn paot ufthiis lange ares lu noata avoulable eceation ra andtlibraiyls.iliieadu- upenatenwoilbaction boardn lu body. 1 canoot tbn specitîn about otae otr L t 199 h ppn 8u7ton oM neato to t GEaO RGotîELTON thal be dlaims. ond quie wînnly, tat .. mould h =n aetubuy it in thnee un MIe office as yoan otfice The dom miii atmayn ba Open. You wittbn amaynmwecomn cubeiben yuu bave a cnm plaint un yoa have tant deoppdîin tuchat. Thesariounaries ofthe manîcîpatity bavn ben deaigaated lu vaninun counicilona. Cuncitton Powys and Cuncîtton Watsn muti nepnnesrtyou aithennegioaal InsetI Cuncîllon Powys oîtt sevnteeintnnest spcticaly ut Milton and Councîtton Watson witt be avaitabIk lu ment tne qunsticons ut nesidets in Nassagaweya noath ut Nu. 20 Sideeuad. Courisuttunu Day and Gondon ibl er e tiabsilli e Wand One Cauniciltona hantanson, Harrns. Keanta and t<o'uMTtbnnnepesnlnglthn needa ut the Waed To resideats on unbau Milton. Councullan llooadub udtl ha in contact it unsidenos of Nasaueya uoeth ut 20 Si de adi and Couneullun Clenonthennsidnnts of the Buriungtuu anna noaa p.rl of Wand Tee. t bavn nunni, cnfiderie- i hbcunctad thenvtafftau basve Tbny are hee lusev i uand may tey do t sly and oeill Wbatnene one acbuevc wut nns'nnbn bylthenuonuofone pensan. Ttmay bcune pee son's idea bîît the maîcuity musticocun temalleil a ealtyi 1tcan pomise thncuncil and the staff uni, boues ut bond u'cnk and peobably mun, frutrations, buu'esne. if on have confidence and use orcommun anelun s' une tew" w cn tpe'a the taopayen ialaly unty bifben tanna and trustthensenvicesl'iltha as gond as on bad unden the utd syntnm. Citunens ut Milton, the Couacîl con base nu enone aboutithe pant asnsuch on con unly sai, lu you that on il on dilugenty tunnsrn yoU ousnty andowetlin acomon tone abuon. tf on do nul panicaodlahnnsnni, dayasit consand do the best on con iben oîth the Geace ut Uo andbunrdsnoehand thnc- openation of a concere!dand cuoptetiait, an, trust 1h01 wi ttneoi be ond. J U DGE A LA N SPRAGUE presided wîlb dîgnity and bumor al, the inaugural sessin uf Miltn Counncil Mauday. Karens Flowers s"y ohat yu really uat to your sypath, l oraneents sipe biquets coluetai plants for yoa. Kacnn's For Shan lin h Mitn Plaza 878-2881-fan * quality ld endly e 4' ' A