Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jan 1974, p. 16

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32 The Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. Jan. 9, 1974 (Iiampilofl Eitr g . There will be ns illusions on Milton Cousait about the financial implications of Halion's largent mumfcipaiy with the amallent population, if the words oi Maysr 1,nioe MacArthur in her inaugural iddress are ahserved. Mosday nighl in a pleasantly formai inaugurai, te mayor bold ratepayers lte area is lte cbild of lte province. "In ils wisdom the province decided ltaI titere should ho four orea municipalities rather titan tree proposed by te County Cauncil," the mayor noted. She called, however, for apecial con- sîderation fros lte province if lte area "is goîng to survive as an economic unît wititoul bringing the ratepayers la titeir knees." Reviemîng lte needa of lte various segmenta ol lte com- munty, lte tnaor cmpitasized ail muat ho constdered miten we look at mit 1 fear may ho an awesome budget. " The mayor defended thte council action in tas plans ta spend $6,000 ta fattisit lte aem mayoras office, soting il mas really lte office of lte tomn oi Milton. "Tite council decîded ta furnisit il witit Tite lemptalî s talaways 10 teit il Is someone ralter titan write il. Titats mity editors and reporters allen gel tsld about a person's agreement ar disagreement witit a pobic actian, as edilorial vieili- point, or a public altitude. Il is interesting bal far more effective would ho a ltIer ta, lte editar oui- lining ltai slrongiy iteld view. Ssmelîmes we're icrilitized becihuse me don't suddenly loke up lte cudgels far a point of view ltaI is expressed 10 us. Bear sn mind ltaI issues are pressing in from many aides and our space for comment ta limited. A simple, brief, sîraigitfarmard ltier la lte oditor wit yaur name signed ta il con be oves mare effective titan more comment fram as. Neat lime you're îsclined bo "sound off" ' 1 us, put il in a toiler lit me can prIaI. Titat wilt gel traditional furniture witich mil sot break down mitit age. ActualIy age wiii enitance il if me care for il proporly." Council is no doubt fully amure of lte unknown financial im- plications ltaI lie aitead, and lte tenor tif lte mayor's address spoiled oui some of titose un- certainties in terms of provincial support and lte costs caf starting up an onlarged municipality ltai spons 135 square mites, sparsely populated in relation Ici lte otiter Halton municipalities. We misit councillors mell as titey agonize in lte days aitead mitit maintaining and extending ser- vices miie stili stahilizing a mil rate ltai is mithin lte react oif loxpoyers. Thte past three years bave secs a rolativoly stable miii rate in Milton and taxpoyera miii find il difficui bo accept ltai regional govornmont sitosîd im- pose nom itigitor levels of taxation hoyond titose miticit musI resuli lromn normaily increasisg cosis. If taxpayors or cosicil bave any ittusions, lte mayor bas certainiy sougit b diapel tem. your point of viem ocrons and you may ovon foot botter aller having mritlon il. We urge, of course, ltai you alato your case fairly and mabhoul malice. Freedom of speech stiti roquires some responsibility too. Theo inaugural meeting of Milton Couscil Monday roflocted careful arrangements and considoration far lte public ltaI attended. Those responsiblo for the dotails are 10 ho commended. Respectable for- molily in keepisg itit lte historie evont il mas, mas suilahly mixed otith ploasant informaliiy mticit allomed cilizons and olected of- licials bo greot oucit othor aI lte conclusion. Oser 1tM attonded and tadicaled toeir inIeront, miticit indicates somotiig of citizen participation. OUR READERS WRITE: Pl.()%% NI EN, SANN 'atiEN sitt a5il.i.IE'5 THANKS ircar tir: Es ert"-pcîngi t Rmt gmnditntion ta wrt aruter ibsnbîng ihose îa's ishoar inonmaaus. thoseguyts1anit'haalntowave 10 tbrough a stasiaîîndsbîelîl1. Ihase gapo oho saind and plaoa urcouantrt rads lhroughaai the lioglsiocr. Thes arr saata rradt aîib a cha la put tas hack oncthe rount gain Swmiho la the Teisg1 gel insolvedîith cfi,ali's jobs andnve gel thai leteef utlhsii'., t ti 1am daine it Thanhs lellas, 1 fo onti appreciale tsar efforts. W. A. Johnson. W It 2.,itocbmod, Doar Sir. On Dec, sue Milton Senior Cititons Oechostra oas osîitedtia ontertain Ibe volorant aI Sunntbraob ttanpîtat and the rast ofiuebus iare oasaundeearitten ht tho Milton Oeaneh of the Roaa Canadian Legon 1amaoendingaonimasocopy ofthi ltteotthaohs rrceisrîtby aur orchestra toe tho performanceame putlon Yt., truly, lbo, BrSadley Lioe Me. Scadîciv Thons po and youîbandfu, acsepting mnr invitation ta came and pet'tarm tae owr eterons. Theo dat' aa mare sacconctai thon I ee couid hope for. You rtt' eemsd ho gel lhrmigb ta thmse mn with 51a~end music wbieh tboy knsomamoti an whtehi broaght haab SO mant' cenaries, bath happy asti sad. Ao I issbed aonnuiht caai, I sans main--kana I base sot sSn s milo in neek"-milicO and ciappisg their banda, cohue sliii aibsos latagit bock the lears on Y Wn onego hrougbt bock tho nonsaree of licus dayso long iga I mont cantesa that Iboro more sri patients aho inîtiallt cautti nul bo pet- suadoti ta attendi tour pertormanco bat suha. altea tris of toar tiseIt munical pîncea isere propeling thonnscaff wîth tremeodos sperd. la thoir ahoolehaîns toasa the tanroamn anti tho munie-anti asstoatouraoilsawa.tberhall mas pacbeti sîtb oheolchsirs. Namras timon dorîng the taooîs5i dat. thet havec espesnnot hum, macb bthe hiadt eoet t'ose music anti aanga anti bapoti that perhaps t'as oat como anti plat'fo ie m agaîn. Once agaîn t asult i tîb ta tbanb poui anti tsar geasp ion giving ai toaewis'a sa unsettîahtt 10 hring a lttoe happinnas nfIa the tivs of othoma. lioti opu att. Sincore.ît, Mita Petors Head Nurse Ett Sunnybrasb Hospital, Toronto. lilIAItS TRSTEE IIEVIES SlirrESSFUc, VEAII Tbe Edîtor: P'ram Ibm trustees (19713 ufthIb Milton Public Liheany tsal] reaîdonta oftheonomit mapantird Towno ot Milton a Happt and t'cogccasîsmv Ne'w Yi'm io7a! As thi' ierl hgias , it .î ppcîîpeîas to pysnehoisîge tii 1971 P'csm the gocm of ettort s h ring our toma ast oftheb "Mocaanica Inatîlate" woation la the tnqnqtti foaadot basmont ai the Tomn Hali, ta the penuotit "stao- front" atap-gup iibramp accommodation, 1973 sans a rejuv'enated detorinoion 1u atrisn fornlmaiy grr~ focilitica and raie tam the Milton Pub le ibrant'. Yourilibrary trustees, wit a groat eal of cume antd dolsmmisation, aemebiing camparative tacts and obatistîcali n- parinans,viasiig came doeso f Ontario tib;ranmc aiane-Taaik aipprnprioio action ta ngage autaaritativo archtctuaol odvice. Fraya sne cocon attrectins pro- sntaliosu the truase chos tu appointi lhe LIKE A PICTURE POSTCARD, thte stream beside Sîxteen Mile Creek's waters. The recent snow turned Rotary Park lakes on a beauty ait of ils own as the Milton and district into a minIer wonderiand. whitensa of the basks blenda witis the black af the <Staff pittol ifU Sug~ Laat onobas cuottmt meationod thal onapeababte apocios, tho roadcoalte. That romindod me ot a speech 1 made about Gond Roading Hiabits tasa geaap ai hoaaour studonta. Sa 1 dua se the spoecht aad propaoetbisamoob to paa aluag sanrtfthe more worthoble paois la il. Il's sot primarli ifor stadonts. but tf too're nat intereatod. pou cau gs and crp oser tao penn Chrialmua bis. i heame a roadahatie shartît aller i toarnod ta roati My msthraouid muaitas sho tare tbe Olashtight ot of mt bat lttoe and abouta2 an., "sitît Smiiop. yau'tt ho biind ht the lime youre titoon if tas dant stop readîag in darbeseorar aad cabbp- halos" molt 'soeaereding in dabcrners and beightouneson planosand trainsin the batbesam and in botin reolving des and on escalatoersersisce, andtI'manot hliad ytl i don't esen aeae glasses. tirnaofsroo. Cartoe, Saw. iaIodeccurseodeagnd doait draminga isOnO approseti, tedr caitei and basic costraet amardodti 0o baalows bîdder, Thsnlow, Saundora anti Co. oI Burtinglan. Milton Counciltfaîored theproject as i graduatît untattint tamard definitise plans and suppntetithenfinalttinancial eoatta. Yaar LibrartsBarmdtrusteesnare confident that the 1973 Counl i mlI bo able ta meflect mîtb canaîdorabte prîde abea the ara tîbrart' a openeti. As 1974 hogins. a nem board oftrutees mîi ho appaintoti New anti ontargeti. Thon il mitI bc possihle ta relais cantinaîtt' ut eaprtoncm, wbite adding na blomd ta niette increawed respnibiities, Oeom 1974 la oui, Milton aitI eatit' hase smetbing toc aIl Ins peuple-bat aId 1973 desorsos a tut aI mrdît Haping thal att theroid tares anti a hast ot aira unes mitI stop manytie lio e u doostep-our aId oaie and oan neo ei Dear Si 3an d Spice by bilsmiey But t don't want yaa tu think t just igssred my los admonition. 1 have seî'ersisce rradina caby-hs o Intact, vsu cas scarcrty gel yaue hantis os cubby- hale (hbeedats. They en ta have gose tte ayaofspots and sraw at. 1 had touble with that speech tu the ktds. The principal huit suggestod the tapir. (,aad Readisg Habits, and oho mt tal tell him il isas a doit asd stspid tapie? When 1soitdsa' tu rite the speech, 1 coald thiab of asît one gosd radial habit, Many yeaos ago, ahen 1 s'as in publie schoal, they taaght usaln heat classes that pas shosld always rend with the ligbt commeg oser yoar rift shosîder. 1 don't baais ahy, Thoye stitt teacbîag il. Tis gosti radiag habit ts rather useless il ysar left shaulder ns higher thon ysae right ose, as is sannsobmes the case. Andi oI coarse. il yau are readng, Hehrrm or Persian. ,sud eati tram right ta rîft. i serms more loarthaverthe lieht camia over yaur right ahoutder. 1 had ta admit 10 the studrata that ibis wsthe saIt gaSt rradisg habait 1could rrnmrr Thot seemed tu b theredf the~ speech. Thra 1 thought, "tlctrhs Ios no gasd." Sa t canteaurdl that t cautl sut, aithoat pride, bat sdh littte trur at on tradirtin,. tant i hat thr mostatroiu reading habits ut any mali anasoda. t aaggrstrd that 1 tath isteati abaut Sud iseaig Hahits. Thon, if thot tisteneti carrîstîy, anti immrdiateiy aitermatti torgat esnrtthiag t hati saiti. thet asoatd he aetion the sst ta acqaining t?,ad Reainag Hahits. There as gesorat agreement that this a asnsibhle apprah. t asarard them of the tirpîha of degradation t0 wih a readohao ssoutd deacend ta gel has statt. i tld thom 1ha1 an aalathoir or a deug addîrt mautti stsap getymo a ge he oheresîthat tar bis ai.Andaid lhrm ibis isas bld staît rompard ta what the rnadahsttr otd sloop ta. I gase thom an esampie a trionO ot C.frgE. Jacbson minetiuring the osr e ad the habit sert' Trusteecll72 andi 1973 hadît, 1 t t ruck aI butmn but beard tcsm Public Sclstîiîas loienda ihst he hsti msîsgmd ta kick il l'ht î'îî d . l,,tî'lo . ,îpl,,îo oîh, i'i'r tbi' bac. 1 tori hîim on lesodria, Northu a'OUNI'ILCOIVERAG5tE AfIc e ttcas a handsono- Aikh, aîib s asic FOs (ABIE T.V. aha bise turban anti curit. blackbehard. But rigbîoailc1iiaeafrm thedeilîn r: otos, the gîsz ook, dh.iht he mas atll --~ ooe on mbat a ilaing. implemeoatation ai regianai gaveranoent, I tblsb aneoaf tho requiremnto neesuant' befaère a Cobie TV aanspanp receineti ils licence cbnaiti ho canenoge ai Regiocai Cncil meetiaigs. Lot us an aair eieobed repnscecbtattneo sn octiaon! Lei us ane nhostcid op faim ahal. and mhy. Suca coaeroga mai14 ainip md ta befler gavernment. mosfan A. Joson Heomasioeadiaigannid lady'by the bond. i asbod bis wba abo mas anti mbomo thet mea gaiing. He balai the tieoeacp tanko ashanedaisO ho ansmereti albiguaaicip, 'Old frieid Sniie,i1ambanîngaýbatta theaaib, bal i gat lu ge a bab," hotor harinlg off. i heard lter futhie ageai lady mac hic msther, and bcmes oniluits apta the save marbeLI taoderrtaadhle gat$9trltier. Or, a erabatie ow. husmat.0 Oh. t put ho ter lot those hosase stodenta. But thea t triod t0 salien the hioa. Tald themoftsaoeaofthe great discaortos tor wishch rradaotoismi bad hoos respona .sîble. NeaIsa. rrading enoder an appio 10e The aId slary is that ho Oaa slooping, bat lbctrathisthathehodjs jmpibdoak p aI the recentlt publisb't 'E-annp, eýaand sas defiaitrît reading. Appl oi, bit btm an the head, an Ir a cbe.s of Oraitît, m ithoat wbîch wr'dhboinsery graveoobap And thore cas the Greob, Archinodms t te climbrd inIa the bath one dot for a quiet rend. tmmrdiatolt ho opowed bis bha, hoe haro aamelhing masaomng.Heotapodaout of the tub. crtîng. "Paprika!" Ssmeody bot put papriksa inntoad ot bath natta ta hîs mlater. And bhus mas dtacotoood Are.himeden Prnacipte. a sory important la 0i tbr stadt aI physias. t daa't noo mach about the Principlo. hut t thisb il's snmething tibo. -iaIt a bath is hcttcr thon mine. This anecdote beaugbt me tomard my peraration. Itemindod meothatiitneofs ,ioothco God Readiag Habit. Thia made tws. A Goad Reading Habit lbaO ta di the bath-tub. Soutnuea once satd thot the idoat bart ring nituatioa oaa a boy' nitting a rine .aoend afIs log, and Mark Vas Doren, tho gosal (T.S. edacatar sittingoan the athor. Miy natiotfthe idoattlearniagnituatios isaatdtieca csircaam oith thirty-tise hath- tubs inslesd ai doshs. And spoti the Iront, a super-tub. protcrabty ta plut maîora-f peur], lac Mr. Smole Il migbt ho a litIle eapeaaise, but thinb ot thr apeciat citocîs sercouId gel abos tesching Thetpais Armada la biatory. or iitd Mss and tho Sos, in Engtisb. Prhaps t nhautd add that ao'd ho aearing soim-salins T-iE CANADIAN CHAMPION Ni- S, eaan n 0-r..a i - ma sth Pages of the Past 20 years ago Tailes font the Isseof A plac mbicb bac beeu n cone Manaaito fandGA ioaahoasaitheioe owtner of The Actoai Pose Press anti The Canadien Champian, hae laken baba pooteschp ics twa csn, David R. asnd James A. For huai- nsn parposesothefBrin ih b nown as Dilin Prnilng andi Publichi C.Lmîei incbeoti ai G. A. Dlas, Pub altier. The sn- corpoaion wiil lin realit hane litsl ohan- geîslthe aiuicyaofthe paps o poiainig neaisoacie aiitllmee bave heurt aesao- iated for noverai yeaica lu ths Actes oad Miltbacoffines. Pososi plans miii hanener, uaian fcr a dinvisit o-orsisiiitie. Danidi R. Diiis miii continue sn canpielo chreo rdcino espasc Maid ¶omrcap ig Jmesa A. Clla wii hane edilarablp ofthr pablicaions. G. A. Diiic ili montineai as seninor manhor of the Caimpany andi mil] confinas active associa- tionaimthbatThe Fee Posess and Tie Chamspion. A dieseli iraclar provniaol palice founai abandaned lin Onastiaga iainnbi bac beau eiaimed b y a Miltaa man. One aif bis bloed bansaiad Ouled il la doine the 45 miles lu Braait cant ta anc a giol frind, antIeai ieft il. Miitaiuic 19%4 cauicl mac eaaoc in ai the inaugral metingon Tu sda venbtg of tiis eebas Cerk Adoni Srit admielet- ored tie Oudh. Maor Heslip pesided ai Rev .MriDpt Resne a. Cbitds, Couicllos . JhnonCW.Wilson, R.C. Cunainagham, Rooer Reidi, E. R. Peaosa anti J. Cbarotiioob their places aI thte mcrcl tabte. Tho RaItac Contrucion Campant' oI Hamlton, mas amaodod the genonai con- trtiaortheno Lomsiiio graded swho, ta ho ooscted by tho Ochoi Bard ait Ars Na. 1, Nelsn Township, ai a poice of $tisats. 50 years ago Tubes frant the Isseof il hJampi.planIary 3,inta The nank ot Hamilton apnd lia Milton Branch in 1877 anti mimed Il aest Mandat ot'oaing. Tbe morging af thBannk ut Coin me rce anthie nank of Hamilton arit inIa efferi on Tanaday anti toaloodat' the Miltas stfics apenoti an that ai the Bank ut Con- mere. moesor, the nom name man the unit nnticeabto changeasi Manager Stuart anti is aId staft are atîli in carge, mscb lu the saaisfaction ai tho paoplin tho ton. Theanoaometinigofithe Hailon Par- mors' Club ma moul atteuded an Saturtiay aftomaiwn, mhen ail business andtirris ar sort ospedilioasi dia ceai aI Peaidont G E ,Gale. eo icr lte fnor 94 mitre, Prosident, E. Harrap; Vice- Prosidont, J. ilimott; Sbippor, J. S. Wit' son; Sec. Treau.P.D. Harttet. Prgramus oI inloroat, cmpising debatea, lectures, rtc. ahI ho gistn intheclubrouai aI saine ai the regular meetings. holti osoot Salse- dat a1 2 p.m Tho juil populiaion a 'tadtuatifour tam tht tinst dat if the toar. m aio of ahein mates dig lime tir drunhonnoas anti one fo asaanct'.The jait bas nat bonmcot siaico Octor 1916. Mns. Preston hati o largo Wtandotte ranI-or anti a tut palîcI ataten tram hec chiabon hauneoan Sandat ntgbt. Oliver Pearsons sal os eobbeil an Cbeitmas Ese. nrtmoonoeightyandininott brothrenaof SI. Claie Lotige Na. 135 Milaon, and Camp- beIt Lodgo, No. 603 Caînpbelillin aitb nov' eoatsvisitars, altenddthenmeeting aithe Masaiaic SalI baiti tant Tharndap ahon W. ara. A. S. Wiiinuî inctalinai theoaticors ion basa. mabing the cereont' mont impoos- aise. Siagise bt' a Manonie chair addei gratip ta thb o ffeat. nie fotiamîng pasi natera ansinitd R. W. So. Jaia. M. Ma- Konale, W. Bras. W. Pantin, G. E. Sitzer Dm. i. K. Andersn, S.R. news, JadgeJ.m. Ettiait A. A. Armstrong, itos. Cann Nafto. C. HSi SuarI. Wt L. Eilit, G. H1. Robinson' M. & Sarclât anti W. J. McClouaban. 100 years ago TaMe CIran ehJanainuf 87 Muni'cipai elioan naninaionsmel held an Man dat ast ana aro as talloma, Namsagamota: One reoveand furmaon ciiians ta chaso. For reese John Bainns anti Archibatti Campbell more naninutot Caadidates for conaicl Messrs. Gerge Easterbrook, James Menzies, John Kea. Duncan Gilin aad Gorge Naeeish. Toma ot Miltiai: W. ru. Lt'on re-electei rooso ht acclamation. Dr. RobronandDr. Free mnuminatoti tir thn Mayaraity Caua- cillon auominatoti as failamal Eas aad: Joseph Brotihers, S. Cenler, J. Lindap, S. Saiant, M. Cunmap, ani John S. Satioa North Ward: C. Niobaan, S F. Taytlbr anti JmsephbMartinaoleceld SouthWard: D. De- war, H. Wlatson, anti Dr. iigar eiocitid. In amaedancooîit teolim'honred cuslomn amosg pelotera ut tabîng a li111e rlaationat ibis festiveesason, we illis- Ps n ppecamait wie Thisowillîoiiî'oa ceadet an capetunlit' ta cealîae hoa ai ahto tho potatton la finish op the acconu- Io utedafrb oasarb. Ste must expess ao caracal ibanha ta ose palmens for tho mnnt favaca casterrd aipan as darne the paci peao, andi rcapsslfuiit' cil a mon- tiSnne ai thelrto nae me cardiatit' vainb est' roader oi Te Campioa a lHame New Yeao. Te papiiaof the uth divtiin, Miltoan Public sciail, pescenied their teacher, Mies Mackenzie, un bier retiring frann the schoai, oubli a 0fioi as an expressian af thelo gonad ni.

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