14 The Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. Jan. 9, 1974 Halton His inaugural "happy and sad"9 says HIi Atitheinauguralimeetingi orign inoaPh.D. ihetin. Turning t0 the Hooroble chard. Mr. Armotrngn remioded courii of the Haton Hilin counrdl Tbnrnda 1; ne can form on Jim So, a guest ait be sme n atter ibn pasing o ctdtog ateai. aftîroon in îte rederoratot aitgac t- a h ne !oon inaugurai. Mayor Hi otoied lte' byluot opp nig hit an ' op toi you to break lthe tintement levni ni Enquesîng ntcong antheaiieianrtInte, 'lenpecî aosistancefrnyn councior for Word 4. m L olii ni rentrictiv-e mniciipal building, Mayor ithroe mnîctiînes t. hali andti he prov-incial goneen- His appoiolmeot fitied thte parochioliim", said! the Tom Iiii describodti he oc- haveaunitet ownn,aidtse ment ointe ihis ns your vacancy reated by thedeatt rector caso oas hbappy and niayor. sontbod ni municipal oi 6Acah.m RIptIey. Io conclusion ho inid .,ad'. He esiodtforciient and gnvecoimeot'. counicil ite greaiest om cuin mo orktiogoither lu, The maynoand couociiinct, Rev. H. Lieweiiyn, boncou pliment itis coolncil coulti He said the iiaenn are mahoithe 0000 to a nacrent, Oith the exceptinof nioue- recnor ni Si. Aibon in tien receive icom fture naying gnditye in a nynteen and rctninded tite 70 niiinr 'Mille Armtrong, 0100e Williatms and St. PauaIt in generatinm would bho ibey niih lin orîgin in modiaevai nookoru ihere are 35,000 nvvcrn in ait the beginning oi Nornai, benon. bis proto i bt lthe finonation wel'". Fngland. and neeng il peopeinnthe 120square mile the meeting by Ciecit ministry in Hamilton,tr d During lthe bolet busineuss repiacod by a sysnnitilsi area, Adminiruior G.D. Prit- ii an histioccasion,"and meeting, rnunicii passei n oTh litey yaj e Holmes Iejects fire~ chief job oorcil the rigitn orro monoyautl taxes are ollected. Buikema -Holmes districte hesenoeeim Snow, initer ni ijovcomeni Services, congralulateti members ni conrit on their Mîrti tinmes, longltime pcomaiurc racin by lte Mr. Mocroot toniended initferthe jot ni Ditrict harmonous mort in taon. Acion Pire Chiet, lucrd public. hI cal]ilt detumutn ihoco ioouid be nop man Citiet ni Arion Ares 10 Micit 'bing lte scia municipalty. dlown the job ni Halon Hilln ni ibis man's citacter. bo- renitootible tor everytbiog Hoime. hI juni told Reginnai Fiee f'bîci, on iauay 2, il fore tbe n'unie situation cmuid andi termeni iboiing ni two A nimilar motion 10 bire Citairman Alian Mason t .as coicaloti ai tbe Haln bo distutuod." distict citiets bore lte bic- Mon Oaibema an District ion bati be bani solîlei filsu tIlflv firs cocgo lac meoeting. Mc. Duby suint be woaid iog ni a Halton Hum Ce, el.Cbiet ni Geiorgetown Pire accommodaion problems as 'londay nigbi. ttup oin ditrict cbîitf, 'pono poliiyAeapmdiitlteam eanily on ynu bave", uaid lte Aiioraoboocr'-bcisilingde- ba= on discussins itii Only CnunrîllorsnLevy and twornantiln Levy and Minisier, ceterciog 10 lte bait-. courîl nooered Mo. Hol oitblle lie departments "IL Moccoot oppoueni tbe motion Morowi opponei. vpato prnblom encounterei by Ilaiton 1onICoal. RepeIlog caI = Jius stalme, Reinoa n 1. Allent Massn saidli Haillon HMils beti been tno ctalysi ibat brogit lte tnooly togletber, mien regional c vernmenl bolets more ig ltudieti Doring a tom shtort remariai ity uomne rouncil memitert, Coantitior Les Duby sainti ie anti ail toutil more militad by tbe obsoigea breagit about by o mandalnry regolltion. "I wont to, usq sonne of the exprlnte gan ernm 14 yeo n mancio goen ment tor lthe nom nom- mnily', ite commentet. Cmmclillor Ricitard Howili coogratlaaed lte tommIlînee anti tite canîraclor mito mnoited on lthe tiecorallog of the toutil nitamiter. Ho sid be hoet toonril moutd stop in ltreeeiemooi ley uoomed 10 o b in ut tbe inagual, '-but 1 doub Il," be A nmillng touocilior Ernie Spiten rose and looking oser 10 lthe press table and remorbed, "On beoai ot lthe toostil 1 mont toi welcote lie A rerepton for couillses tisoir mines, and guenla mues beli lter In SI. Miton's AneMiran citoci baIl In Glus Wi lams Halton Hisl 13-mon Cosmla esonsista Mf Mayor Tom HMU,% and couincilloro 0.W.- MoiCoude, J.T. Horst, LA.c Dnby ofi Word OsC' - .i1ln. L. Consu, R. Mi e, and R. I. Howili, of Word Two. CoiloE.Syken, K.. oith aod ETHyde of Ward H.G.W. lvM.T. Artn-* MW :eRi Morrow o(;, w or ILS AUOBD 87-22 a 878-325 of Actln ire Ares sud ruse asiniilarnifetr iKern B homa, pani rbiri ci iiroolî ion Fico i)opurimnvo, o ibo mint pavillon %illo lb Gfenotgon Pire Accu. Tbisîve toho ponition Pire Ch'biof n Hullon ii vi Di or tbe objections o Couneijînen liv tiorroa an Harr l ,evy.voutriil vote luir in tho eveoioig 10 p Me. lolmon. il be urropin lb ob. tve 000e val ary aso 'a errod by the Georeoni Fiee Cii joni nier $12,0«f Tbr dehule nav lourbei ni hy îî admirniraion rom miiie erenomondlioi ,vhivb siaird, "si0cr Me. M iioline. buv derliord tho poti lin ofi lalion Huml Fir, 'bîvi. or reoniwmnodti a 1 hc postiion lie oilored o Koi Riioimnîu.avd ane% poniiioi ni mil ltime Lleputy Pire Chbic hco nlered lu Mic Holmos" A motion by ounrîllors I.,e Cone sud Ibike Aemnironî unbod tbe erommoodulnoi bo roîrrird by rourîcl Couvrîllor filer Mocronvsait bc bavtedbhe admooiraio romnîiitee revommondaln snelie uanid tu enlublint polivies fo e 00n 100.00 bhrr should hcon oiera top mut. Il nould bhebude, ru ny niber oay, we coui, end up mithbinsmyrs 'ib oqul aniborilo ' lie said the rstablisbment lord n dîvîdr tho municipal _ ine chiol wuld ho responoilile foreavmllr lbair theotier-, vaîd 'uiorri lie ompoaoîeed bhey balud, ,uicrinil for a lire vbîrl. ihrbcmanvbon de- cined, and athedto bc hocon- sidercd fo thepostioin ofDe- polo ihiel ,[le iben uobed foerarrnord voie on the rejerlion ofith Ibo mmiie v reommendain Ceutîflîne Ruvsell Miller atreed %viih Mnrov vapîlît lhcy vhold 001 doicai the adm itiviralin vommilieros reermmeiiduiion. Coonvîllor Ro nBooth vbaiemoini of honoraI Atdministratin ruomîirte, -aid tho voonvleleri bati peut dr, oe ie cif and îm indisteri rhioin. Hr voit ihe niar olred tho job de- îlined.uand oiicrodioroad the iete rom tir. lolmen t n a krthe situation rleario Mle Hlnmestihanbe od n cîinefoitheir fli ihhm io oilerî ng hîm theojob, and nuîd bceoasoillinggiiudonhishel, bt ,ivvr Ibmn ho hod bort sulect tir pever iticsn stance- 1 ieel mo'irvrpaoro îvold drirai thr purpaoe of tho lire deparimrlnl'. ho viol- ed.Nie llnlme-iieniontoutt ihul hi- ti viiovderd for , iiiiller MIr Oîîîbemu he job rom ilioulî lv un eilconi- i-el; ndi îîould pui Mr. Ho- ioii'-îoisorndueo ponition". (oil1,i'lîîo iiincillnr Bomth. [le lîggesird go distrri ,hiei- lie vired and a rom- miiriosetopivoi-electiarhi-i. iheniiih examinaoinv luivlîne Fai MvKevoîe ponitin ut drpuv rhîi rvtluîred, -Wr ae artudan exrellent fire peotection syt- Len in yeucv pool'- ouîd Mr. MrcKenzee lie sluird ton morti rmpbunio hon bren pîed on rittentexamina- lionv,.andvloîmrdiladership portthe vlutreobigare nbo have dooc uteceln job iîrdor Mîvb limes, ILeïioiveriing, de Mc- K,,,i (>11 -in 1 1 -pi ,lr one0li imm atoriiy and lurti of rot- trol."- Mr. McVKrnir vlaimvd Mr. omes' apptoisment a not oalital, babasodon comnpeteoce. Ho saitd on an el- foto 10 esove ibe mraiter, be mouid support the smoi ment 10 bire toto separate dis- tric vbietn. Coontilior Les Diuby on- presuei rgrt tit Mo. Hol- mes foel ad in dettine, aent blametheib sitation on0a lwo bas beon tire rbiei toc 13 i-yoasand amtemboler o h cbrigade for 25 yeacs iv more er iban romparable nîlb e nomeo nîl w ibheo years onpecienco no mailco bon if maoy qualificationsnboba," i-addod Me. Duby. Ho said ho noolti nuppri a il reolutioniforiwodîsret ilbchein 10 r1010ib the 10 stsquo dl andrelîetete sraîn onibhe y people invoivedi o Councîlior Diirb tionil, a s momber ni the goneral ad- ol ministraionrommiiiee, said l.bte decînion vo have one chiot i and tnn distt In hbets non loi iaben lîgbiy. -Thoro mat oronîdierabie discossionnîibh botbMr. Buibema and Mr. iiolmen. This ns ont hnon o ce lbnewsîmeda," aid Mr. tHonîi. o Herlaîmed most people ielt i in danger oflosîng Mr. Ooî i hemu. nhîlc Inn distori .vhîif bad bren ioionded ail i along. Hesaidithenstrcturoenold i lolow the pattern of ciller moniripolilico, and inorani I the lime wnotnier subsia- linon in oiboo parts ni tbe innn nould nood additinsu) idistori rhies. lic van the 1role ofPire Cbîefasan ad- 1 insraie n, lîrlodni porbapa fic provenîn pro- tirams ndoinnmerlionnofiirn. "Thin nnuld leavo lte dis- trict thiefÈ 10 desi dlcecily niib the voluoleor brigades. 1 i Aloîl thc meo nouldi lt to andrcommunirat ithiithe Arn Dirict ('hiei, ith nooldbknowthemen andithe tn" Ho urged tho ponsitiovs ni dinserc rbîeio tir iillod îmmediaiely and rourîcl udoocîne orla a Halion Huml Pire ('bief, nilti ooamoaions "tie should roi ri harkt vquare one and roadverlîne forePire Chief, tion " ive withîn our ownooulev."vcomn mnevied Conoillor Ernir Syhet. He empitaniord ibai everyone otinraliedhimnsaid tiore nhold ho enamina- Coonvîior Ero Hyde tuîd "it is moni regrettable ibol Mor. nolmet boy heem oopaued ihe pos ol onrîln had alnuyn aîiodpblic discussioîns ai personal ilon "Our main cnen as to idnsomrene nbn roold nurrevntolly rarr3 onnîlti a volunirer brigade:' saîd Me. nyde. Ho vonrloded hy vayîng. "Wr have tiesn erîiiorzd ho- nau e oc wre fair ovough 00100p dînruvn parvonalîirs in puhlir" inunriilior Iiorry loi y paînird coi 0h01 the rom- milice rovommondulion dîd not mean murtivince tbere wsnotbing offirial LUI ibis mretinti "ifooeteeolned a depuiy rtioi or van do il t10 nigt. lin tho rerorded vote1000e jeri the vnmmiliooreom mendalîn o o niir Mo. Oui- tema the Fi re Chîctos job anti l0epuiy Chiotos job to Me. Hol- me.only Coorîcllorv Mor ron, Miller andLovywere in favor,'oilit te rmaininggion memberv oppnet W'iti ibis motinonut of the noy.* Cnuriillorv Len Duby and iîtormstrong putfor- nueduamoionivniifer Miot nolmon the position as Di s' tIn ('bief foc Avion Firle Counrîllor Morron oppove tho motion on the grountsnthe ponîion ladi seere tiet udvclni anti ponnid nul 0h01 Mr. Hoimes bati not ap plient foe the position ni dis- tin rhîif bol huti avhed tu lie considorei an depoiy 'hîif [le saiii tir bld aluai-, leIi %Ir IOohiiawsI0ý quifieîd lorth ii than aim onrele 'lhave aloviuid 1 oulti vupport Me. toimov as mil lime depoiy rhîiF" Mr. Morenntsaidtiesîimply eserriuei bis rigbiu as a rounrillor si expeesu;ing bis feelings inpublie. Titis sa tbe fist morting meeting of rotoil mter lite pre.;., pple moulnt tube 10 spent in romera, but Fim ntoen tisse - TABAR OPEN 1:m30 AM TO 6 P.M. THURS. & FR1. TILL S F. 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