DonV8 Pay A Fuol irns Salary Fer A Paru Tise Job . verioad 345 Lekeshore Rd. E. Suite 854 Chamber of Commerce Buildin Oeknil le 845-6663 EARL G. BLACK B.Cam., R.I.A., C.A. Clienfered Acceenfeet 1e3 Main St ., Milto Plions t78-6542 Gardon and Lomax Cliarfsrsd Acceenfants 70 Main Se., Milten 878-7251 i ALUMINUM Windows & Doors GLASS and REPAIRS STORE FRONTS WlJ. KOSKI L IMITES 32e Siscies Ave. 8708f652 KAISER ALUMINIJM SIOING Sottt Fecea,Winde.s atd Deens, Awncngs, Cerportand Perch Enclosures Railngs. Eecestrcceli.ns Federal Industries a!t Canada Foot et Porsnflis Sf. OAE/ILLE 845-0318 Jack Reeves ALUMINUM INSTALLATIONS Fren FEstîmeleS 854-9817 SMALL APPLIANCES Cien ad eopairedl Ceii 878-4430 ecse et 41 Bows St., Mil- ton. d233 BONS s STCK s-ETIIN DAE Gearge C. Jackson Reg. Rspnessnfetics Miltes Direct Lite 639-591 6 Ecsfings 8782580 Hilî's Baakkeeping & Incarne Tas Service (Est. in Miteon since 1965) 68 Ma. St. W Ail plieses et bSekeePtog fer businesseand indiiduels -Payrii -Acccctts Receceale -Incenne Tac -FnencIa Stoleentsl, _Ty p. cg Phole icpy.cq Caîl 878-9762 d7f BRICK-BLOCK & STONEWORK ChisIteys, Pirspîîcfl. Ateretiless, Repeins & Additions Plie AL COULSON 878-4,484 d22 Fresittg Additions Rsc Retitns ec RemSI ROY GALLOWAY R-R. 1iMottet 854e2e24 deft Deep Steamn Etractnt4 Carele sninq n.eto lied nece.nnendtd lit cerpet lse nq n.etntd. Tht dr , 1s ec:rectsd fnef is lie ditterence'1 878-3969 Tili 9 p.m. daea DURACLEAN CARPET IL UPHOLSTERV SERVICE 878-6194 ttiil topo. DRAP ERY BROADLOOM *Industriel *Come.nrcial Reedymae Dorapes ilstock Fer Custeon Servce Ce s s <e 6FnO HOME APPOINTMENT Carpet installations Ceshien Fleerittg end Insrecrnce Repeins, elisr nspeirs and rsstrsfciing. t78-.4280er 877-6302 TOC BESI FOR LES F1008 COVERINGS Armnstrong Vinyi CAR PETS Csiaese Erecss Olym.pia Pssnitss Cerenet ln asd Ocdeer CARPET CERAMIC TILE Milerns lrest end n.est cecetre. 340Matin St. Miutes 878-3435 Fee pe,k,nfa,ý,f o. CARTAGE & MOVING MIL TON, ONTARIO Aperftmnt leese-Office sCARTAGE eerai-Contreef Perei Dsliicry Dispesai Service Pres Estisates PFs Cocrt. ecs Servce CALL 878-3351f We Cater ta "PaessLctcseons s Banquetfs *edd.sgs And teatue liose baksd Breed, Reils atd Pastris DEW DROP IN CALL <eRS. WAYNE 878-9229 ar 878-5111 PRECAST IN UNIT STEPS Replaceoldsleps Is cialled us esst Cathea Cancrete Reslenaliens Lld. 2OManlus Si., Miltes 878-6853 dt ACTION PRECAST CONCRETE & SUPPLIES *Ssptic Tenks *Weil Tis *tirter Cencrele Pneducs *PIastic Ssssr Pipe Pmping Servcce 853-1529 HALTON MASONRY BLOCK LAVING CONCRETE CLAUDE 878-6397 PAUL 8378-9701 ditrai NEW CONCRETE WORK Welkt. Sîect. Beec'ccl FIe.,,, flie, cebs5. cees-. cetend.h, CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS LTO. 25o8MARTIN STRE ET 878-6853 Halton H Ils Cantractîng a*Etcecetufg *ctatbne *septu. Bed *Cencnste AC TO N 853-1582 PACONI Oead Stock Remnoval - LIMITE0 Of dead et duselilsd CaHise BLAKELOCK CARTAGE adHerses. eo Honefce eApartsent hn 46 692-44.219C Bn1 MesLc o.297 eo Lgli Indcstrael- erCommerca oDel tvres 1 RSMKS forPno eMtvin and Enrapean Dressrnaker Dimnln on psnsenelizsd stylisg and ton Cocntoscs Sersice afd perfect ft Le,' Retes Caîl 878-5222 CaIlLyda Deys Sdf 878-3234 dt McPHAIL ELECT R I LîMITED sINDUSTRIAL . COMM ERCIAL s FARMO & HOMES sELECTRIC HEATIRO INSTALLATIONS 66Cliarles St. Mitet 878-9513 -877-5795 CIPERATE. GORD OOWNS Leader Backlie Service 258Bel St. Miltee 878-9451 FARM BUILDING Steel Roof and Repairs PHONE EnENINGS PLEASE Waterdawn 689-1086 MoHrrisforeessn Gseorge E. Herie. Central systese i,'stelled by Iicesed technicien. Meterial esd labor gusenanfsed. Phone 878-6032 Fe estmtets end Ite s VERN'S JANITOR SERVICE Offices, Baenks Pectotries 878-4618 dit MILTONCo let>R VICE -OFFICES . INDUSTIRES Jtie Stervc 878-6388 KITCH ENS Bp OAKVILLE KITCHEN CENTRE 93 BrotfeRoad 827-4611 Men. -Fri.f s Set. f 12 MCKERSIE MODERNIZE ne(fiPc ra: Hose Lt Y OUR KITCHEN eýe l14Ma .s. MilIton iLet cs hlp yoc plen yocn ktclien fer stticiescn and lisacty iscieding prs- Ocr 22nd Veer et helpfcl, fin'ised netunel terdsood coettfcsttvc cabinets. sAsk ter e fretl brocliure et 878-4452 Cho- B, CcceIecILdý GNR 700 Main Stneet E. Miltof s -- COs* 878-2351 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Exceened. cenc dicensi theld n.d Eceen rences.& GARDEN SERVICE CALL ROGER Lefdscapinf Sedditg 878-5492 1Sed Supplies Lest. Main- drnt tonafnce In Gncndeand Aboeeronend Comernecial, lndcsfnial ITwauli and Tupîng and esietti FREE ESTIMATES 3344Ma!nSf.W. JOE SEELEN 878-9070 dt7 MILTON N__ORTH HALTON 878-3337 TREE SERVICE NERAL BUILDING cRtnecel eChin Lu nk Fsfcing cHccss Wreckung CONTRACTOR FuicIeuc Spec .3 F41IP " 0s.nedeling Acton -853-2179 s Altenetcns o, C,s (416) 529-4454 "lewconstction Alst LesnMaitence Wsed Ceflitg GiO E R V )EW ,DI 878-3534 BERT'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS FIc.,& SAiI Tuin, - Cs,ui Tuin fied. hous refe D GE CREATIVE m EMORIALS LTD. 1900 nten o SI. S. Terontoe826-1263 GRANITE AND BeONiZE MEMORIALO Sncenuty liennice Satisfacltion PHON E 878-4111 or 826-1223 NADALIN Electric Ca. Ltd. 3153 Base Line Read. Miten- TOWN 0F MILTON TELEPHONE NUMBERS Teewn Cls k and Treasue s nspet ef eBuidings, Plumng,~ Tren lies Plannitg O recto Con'," ee ofAdcssten Towcn Seperintsndert Recreetes Office 87e7211 2,31e&S TerentelaS îeuo WorksOareg e- 5,pissing Rd. Nolit CeIl s Wardi- Trafalner Word2-Milton Wa rds 3Nessegaeeea 5eecege Platt t ff 886171 F,îs Cicel's Officoeoie89251 En.sngsncy Fi re 070-6922 HALTON REGIONAL POLICE 878-5511 KEN'S NATURAL GAS SERVICE ftsdenti Comernncial Indcstri Westinghoeuse Hcnidifens Saes & Instellateons 878-3281 BP Canada Ltd. Agent GEORGE B. THORNBORROW Hoe nd Fere Fucel Oil ie sel &Oas 2ienoc Bn n Service Fc nae eCeentts 878-6538 0F - SPECTACLES MILTON CENTRAL 218oMainsStneet LIBRARY Tues & Wed.H9-5 Set. 102 Brue Sf., ESAMINATIONS Milton ARRANGED Tel. 818-2879 CALL f63 11Sf e, 878-2131 Mcnday 12non 0-5.P- 878-5923 dit desntl Tctsdan eSeasu f.OP.nt. IMPROVE VOUR HOME Tlicnsdey ;z40' .0-. H- . CLR MTE BYda 9.30:s. .20.P.5. , ispensing Opticians Addisg a bath en necreest, repairns saills on ctilings. paintuing en deccratine. CAMPBELLVILLEBi-- OSE CÀLL ODES ALL BRANCH LIERARY Lion, Cccemeuty Centre wedays, c pn, le 10P m 878-5936 esLscit te Weekttds, îles. tae6p m' Frse Estims dit6 Cespbelliles enpcn Tel, 856 2702 Ocelistes Re's presetîn fiiied 100rMý L ,L ý Tesdet l3.0p.s. -.e.s.. 6M71TRAPALGAR 8060 Thcrsden ce0ps .-t cep.5 BRITANNiA 8060 AT Richard's Wark Shap Set. dey 2Opn eee4.Optn ORUMOUIN And BOOKMOBILE - Ceottage Cere Haltes Ncrseries Arthur A. Johfnson D. D Home, cottage repaire 5316 Trefalger Rd. M TN24Mi t aed maintenance Eeery oflien eededen 5.20 MiLT 8-21673 St 854-2100 dr psm. 8.22 878-3672 Aponten dsff -BROCHUR ES - PUjBL ICAT ION S e-BUSINESS FDtM7 sWEDDINO STATiONER,' A Cespîste Desugn aed ProductionService 878-2341 % Dîlis Printîng &Publîshîng Ca. Ltd. 91 main' Si., Mltos. HOME RENOVATIONS (Ail Pliass) FREE ESTiMATES ec f enfs Etcens Oethneess Rtetetg Painting Scott 853-0342 Mitch's Roatîng and Scrap Cars Pir Fres PIck-Up Service Plione 844-8290 dtf Sewing Machines SALES-SERVICE R E NTAL PHONE 878-6861 Miltan Fabric Centre 12 Mernt treet Services and Rspe.ns ont ail makeset ses t.g.tmecintts VIC MORROW SIGN PAINTER --et yecn locatietn -eat yecn conence Burlington 637-9740 HOUSE PAINTING tsterisn A Estenios Reesonall Rates Atwaod Painting & Decarating Co. 844-0206 827-3366 Sercing flie Milton Arse 68f GIL VANSOELEN PAiNTING CONTRACTOR NDUSTRIAL-RRBIOENTIAL INTERIOR-EXTERIOR Celi lies for Pree Estisatfs 878-6137 Box 11e. Milton Pîastering & Stucca AIi1Typsoflitccco New Plaster. Repeins.e Coce CeiIIsgs Aidereliot Plasterilsg Ce. 878-2016,68t-6211 Cait Col lect 1.0. Carrie Pluonbing Repeirs 24 Heur Sernice 878-2452 f8 Kirk Maintenance Snowplowing Orivt-eay c & Parki ng Lots Hsie.ntuia & InduscecO 24 000f SERVICE 800'< NW: 878-5412 054-231li Cettracts santsd. indcsftril Speciaheuin neofuncsad stesfleuefe- ongenel ne peins. i SNH Steel sork on barons. LANDPIO Free Esioates SNOWPLOWING Cali Cellect 078-4yn4efterî 519-856-4721 dit 279-6144 (24 lire.) 68i This space is available for your commercial message 878-2341 sonf WATER THE WAY ;T SHOULO BE WATER REFINERS A Division of Westsay Fels 20Vea nsoetSee , Ce inHalte.. Ceeunt, *F REE Instelletnn & *LOWESTMcnthln Reetel Rats Bus. 844-9781 (enenitfgs & oneslends) BUS SOHEDULE MILTONandTORONTO Le. Milten 7.05 o s.. 10.15 a.., 4.20 p.,. 0-8-15a.m. e-e8.3 p.. b-.30 pm An. Milten 10.00 e.., 6235 p.s., -7 30 0.M MI LTON a nd K ITCHltENE R Le, 6.25 p. Ar. Miltont 7.05 e.m. 18.15 OALTandEKITCHENER e-Sefcrday only o Sunday orHolday b>-Friday. -Teês. Tlic 5, Sal Onl MILTON U PHO LSTE RING Oece yocr fcrnitcrs beectully ne-cpheîstsrsd lin t insf creffssst. Hendreds et tfs faies tres sliici to cnoose. Free Estisate Ne oligaton fer etls eand EerI Bente. 878-9401 dstt CHARLIE'S WELDING Weldinf-Rten5 rsPortable eth Li Lne CHAS. SPECK 878-5365 DTP RENO'S WELOING Rt,,c etes APLOINO HEFAIRS- PORTABLE lic e Srd Sderead. 878-2640 di f*Rail sgs- ledee & Otdoer .Roon Ocdens CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS LTD. AlIEne Di Pede 250 Merlin St. 878-6853 A VERY GOOD YCAR, AGAIN: AACTIC CM CHEETAIl 75 SI the t of ci Se ,cc.ids Per'tice pics CO-focrt 1Sn.t s cn Arctni 340 cr 440 Acycccy ychgo ihecnî Miltan Marine and Spart 25 CommercialîSt., Milton. 878-6521 68f if caste se sers fo 80 755 clssec, Csaig Reye et ORUMQUIN GARAGE HORNBY 878-4807 d.n9If dit u p w Fe LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORSI] 1 SNOW PLOWING 1