Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Dec 1974, p. 7

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WAY APPEARANCES by Santa Claus are nchoduled but aIl are siolcorno la tho pro-Chrisîrnas preparation. Here Santa Claus, seppearing set tise Christmnas concert set SL. Paul's United Churcis follomsng the olornina service, gela ail tise dotais frorfn one yousag confidant. AVAY IN A MANGER mas the setting aend differont Christrnas Carals more prosentod by Use Junior Sunday School set St. Paul's Christmnas Concert Sunday. One mnore stop sraund Use morld, and Mary had a baby, more imo of the carola presontod by tho grossp, soon bore in action. Council grant for crippled children held until new year A reqarsi for fisoocial assstasce fract Ose Credil Valley Asocîiaio far Hasdicapped Children cas rs!erred Mo budget sessions Sy Milton Coeil Moeday nigisl. Dan Kennedy, Secretas for tSe Associative, bld cesrcîl Ose assaciation SapeI le auliarise tise psrchase s! a three acre parcel ai land ait a meetinsg Ohs ceeS. Ho said ce fend cas at Fris Milse Partcay ansd Barohacntsrpe Rd4. and aassidiessed fora trealcoîlt centre far pisysieally Sasdîcapped ans ccîppled claldres. Kennsedy speeof adefinte sseed for a centre la carve Haltes and Pool ansd mis!d cassy ehsîdres receiced loy lliue or, is so cases, no treaisseef. Spa .aleSsoeai He said the centrce cesid sasew chldres Mo ceceice Ireatmenl and lise speesel odacatioas Sa s seCensas'Y. Kennedy sas! cestruction plan calod fora sslari ins JaIY s! 19ms. Tise itsistcy af Healtis las agres! Mo paY tO lisrds ai dse apprssved cocat ansd ib is aplso CVAHC Mo ralse lise recfaisssg tisird, ar O! lise $320,000. Kennsedy j FOR TOUR CHRISTMAS DINNIR IWl HAVE iFRESH TURKEYSI è 12 - 14 U11. Averago e This WeeMs jSýecil gSIDE F BEEF l.S T-OONE * SIRLOSNI STEAKS_ l.I~ ROUND STEAK ~~3 BLADE * SHORT RIB ~ROASTS l iGROUND CHUCK h . SP I I BEF LIVER 1Sb.5Pef SUMMERI 1-SAUSAGE lb. $te 291 0 " Mi . hve l Rout Sieecaesss sa d nooonieo&foecs' Mo Ci lapes 550,000o cas be raised lisreagS masicipal graots frac Halles an4 Pemi regiona. Ho said sacS a grant aaîld carS est le abouit 35 ceats per Sossehoid in Hallae The Cenadian Champion, Wed., Dec. 18, 1974 I ~ amtnfla APPelS againol a deelsas Grant Aleader oss the Sfio laseyer Mes. M-r1e geasst leaaiesss for titres Fosorli Lises!f Nagasela. mas aoaecoeaul inlsaning mels oflad Sas Sesn Ho bloends lai ssehdivide Parla tise eosssctloe change its dge isy Haltes Planninsg a! lds 233 acres and ause tise mnd alle prosesftise Sec smittee. lasd for noblte type case ai a plannsing meeting Tise tonds are vwssed Sy residestial devopmnest. De 10. Chnr 5eàStnces j S.STEPHEN'S ST. PAUL'S CHURCN THE ST. C O PRESSYTERIAN Hosrnisn,Ooslerle THIE UNITED CHURCH (Anglican) CHURCH 0F CANADA IN CANADA Sundey, Dec. 22, 1974 MainSc tt.aJamescSI. KNOX CHURCH Theâsh500udaylInAdvmlt ev. W. M. Irwlo MILTON steo a.m.-Hely communian Saporciinc Minsclr Roc. Peler Barrow nd Ch areS school. Orgaacstand Choir Leader: IldCrlmlMoSiraW' December 25th Mec. Harold Magne 077-1252 Chrstas ay Senday, Dec. 2'2, 1974 Sandow, Dec. 22, 1974 Chric.m.-o Comuio soal0-Seciel Christmas attar-Moe emecean 11.00 a.m.'-ChrIsimac service A rral Churah ina rua Sornicn-spnsial masc. 9 45 & m.-Senior Charch aommaîlln. Sormen "tehal Chlld c SâlcoI ' _________________ This?" 1a.4a .e.-Jaeiar Charch CHURCHOF CHSRST Gusprachr, Roc. James Schoal ichlldrmn cliit i lh iotadde., Proaione Officier paemis lac first part as O42risennia Rd. teoci ailS praviniael gocorcecent. cervice). Ministor 7.00 p.m.-Ooenmbor 24 7.3a pr.m , -'Christmes Richard Parcylh Chrictmas Ove famle caai Peslival of Scriptace ansd s78ss6o6 cing le the Pnllship Raom. Masc, ueder the directionl Sanday, Decessber 22, Narsery Feoililles Aveleisie s! the Yssg Paopis of CKssa. 1974 AlieceWeicomC NurserynPeliilAneailn o0.0 a.m.-5i511 Schas S.DA I'So classes lac ail agos BOSTON AND NSSAGIDaEY it.00a.m.-PMacngftechep OMG PRESSYTERIAN Gspepl.Pecisa h PRESBYTERIAN CUCE SeplCHURCHES CU C E Micstr.Mieleler Miniser; Oea. Douglas Lowre EMMANUEL Roc W. R. Lowis, B.A. B.D. 85-25 BAPTIST 878uO 4428_ CHURCH Sandlay, Dec. 22,1974 Sanday, Dec. 22, 1974 Cemmercial treet, Milton. Chii ano .0assCar a oal 87103542 CrsmsSna .0am-hrhSho Pester: Or. J.R. Armrsrng Boto 10.00 Service SucaDec. 22, 1974 9.30 a-Chr tma i.aae.m.-Caroi iegie5eand Service (narsery fa cilies hrsmmi unho a.m.-Sacdae Schoal St. t3eoid's and Pacler's ailen Ciecc fer Omegh 11.05 a.m.-Chach Sclomi aduits. 11.00 a.m.-Chrcstmec and Wshi p Sereiee 11.aa a.m.-"Rnadi' lac Sercico (narsery lacililmi 7.30 p.m.-Chareh SeSmi: Christmas". Selaicl Roc. Pal Lick Lancheoe ad Pegeelt James Rase. PamlleChristmasCOCort Tuesdoy, Decemnber2d 7.00 pc-m Cntals: "The Feiacelo the Service Caeiilhl Services Jayeac Cews ai Christmas"7.0pm Nocesla Wodnecdan 1a.oa a.m .- ou are anleemae 9.00 p..NsOeya Pamiiy CIristsmas Service worchipallhaus. I.0 GRACE t DAGICAN Came and Seing a Friond G AEA G IA HSGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH CHURCH Roder,, Roc. Daceen MILTON GOSPEL AlciWOOSnl tallace, A loal asemb of Organicl. RobaIt P. Aqeill HALL Tie Penleeclaia Assembi, 3060lia Si. Cl87S 2022 et Canada Sanday, Dec. 22, 1974 Cheeedaes gahered ine lhe Wakefield Rd. aed Hay. 25 AdoniIV mareo theC Milten 8.00 a.m.-Heiy Cemmunion Lord Jesus Christ Passer. Rec. M. Chrisseesren 1a.3o a.m.-Pamiiy Service ______Tri. 878-2064 far Preparatien for The Lard's Da y Chrîimas Sanday. Dec. 22, 1974 7.3t p.m.-Psioei ai Nie Sarday, DWffc. 22, 1974 Leceens and Careis 10.30 a.m.-Breakico Bread Christmas Oas 12.02 p.m.-Saeday Scheai 9.45 a.ce Saeday Schaei 00.30 p.m.-Ths Holy 7.00 p.m.-Gospol Sordie i1 i0 ta.ceMoreelca Woraler Echistc ai the Catiity Wednecday, I p.m.-Prayor 600 cee Famiy Prayer aed ssii readico. 7 1 pm c e J.. Christmas Day Ail Are Weicameio , Ecaeaeliss.c Sercice 0.0 a.m.-lSe Haiy These Servces Wedeesday 8 p.m.-Prayer OEuharc5 and Bible Siody. Tharcday, Dec.* 19 Par cela yoc is bacc tis day -~Whseer shallcail cpon 00.00 a.m.-li Commaunion a taciace, aloice is Christ tho the smeof ashle Lord chahl Se Cea areaiaays aisicamo Lard. Lahe 2: il. saced.' Ram. 10:13. at GraceoCharch e PELANO Vison a masn sitat sny project, no rnattor how big or srnall it rnay ho, ho mUti agroe tisaI Use proper tools 10 mark miii are a rnust. They will mnakie any projet a lot eser ta cornploto. Corne in and see our selection of quslity tools foaturing narnes like Stanley, Dioston, Lufkli, and Black & Docker aend choose a gifi that mill plusse any mnan on your Christmnas gif t lsi. HAND SAWS SANLET HAMMES DRIL SETS. S'eied Fesses $5.95 Peserd Freat $3*45 d ie.$67 STANLEY LEVELS Latkis Measseino Po!Prou Fiis 7.40 TAPES TROWEIS $1.75 Prie! Front $2.3G Prie! Pesos STANLEY ARROW STAPLERS B1OC1 PLN- Prie! Fessa 12.95 i UTILITY KHIVES FrIcs! Frocn $1 .90 OncantLiisîsOMITRE BOXES mislas & Omisor rcdFo PROPanE LgTORCH DRILLS Froc $1 4.95 $2.30 PROPAE TOCH BacS & Deciser Speeil $12.7O SANDERS srass19s95 Vo have rnany other hand and pomer tools la stock ta choose frorn including Jigsams, Circular samo, and Roufors, aIl perfect for Christrnas gifts. A Greot Gif i Ido. 2 pîece sot. 8 9 Vo now have olectrical iterns in stock ta f111 your requirernts for otatlet boxes, swltches, wlring, etc. Most iterns you wauld need ta do a roc roorn or an addition are la otock. Vison yoss ment Us give s gif; o! elegaoce-Choase a decorative borne accessory frorn the dlstinguished cardiage bouse collection. Each accessoryls beautifully packaged ready for rihbon and your personal glft tag. DECORATE, COORDINATL, 8EAUTIFY WITH DECORATIVE HARDWARE Whellser your project is redecorating, rernodeling or building a nom borne, select the individual hardware accents you need frorn the claosic Carniage House Collection. Thon watch hom they harmonIze mhen you beautsfy an entry may and accessorize any of the adjoioing living areas. For the firat Urne, beautiful hardware cornes la cnordlnated styling, alloming you 10 unify your decarating therne in every roorn of your borne. '"VOUR ONE STOP HOME ~elANM2D no»IMPROVEMENT CENTRE" S 818-2351 Mo. .oTus o6 Fi.a vnng'i g.ura gtl 8ONLY S lllSSI Sooeested List Prîoo Sale Pi Model 2220 AM/PM Sterîo Roce oe 40 WATTS RMS 39900 33 6 ONLY O 60OWATTSRMS 55900 MoranazMoe e2230OAMFM Seeo Roceov oj ONLY0' 90 WATTS RMS 69900 53oo» Marante Model 2245 AM/FM Sonro Oecever 4 OLY140 WATTS RMS 85900 " 9>oo 4 OLVLimited quentit'es only as shomneat time O! plat ng this adverticament. Maronte Model 2270 AM/PM Slmoeo Recoicer ANYTHING LES nnaarant~IS LES HI-FI 0f course you don'f have ta b. an audio boif f0 think Maranfz but if you're a thorough ahoppor ..careful about making the righf decision and concernied about geffing the very best for pour mooey, poufi enyd up witb Marantz. Complote lineofa TV Antenna Eqaipment je Stock. Save Money, Simple Installation Instructions Avoulable for tise Handy-Man. Flippance & Carr Ltd. Milton Plaza - For T.V. Service 878-7627 827-4153 * 827-1580 Oekvlle * ZE-5-1830 trlbnn

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