Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Dec 1974, p. 24

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It's time again for Christmas concerts W' BIJSY STAGE CREW prepares the flats for the Martin St. Senior Sehool production of Dicken's Christmas Carol. AUl the students are involved, cither onstage or off, with the energetic undertaldng. Front left are Duane Stark, Marco Bernabei and John Taroawsky. Three major concerns emerge from visftation l'ie Uifled Bioardof Si. baterie'oflalcocereO. specia mausic;.Crisas l'autl' ntd Chorchiteard a Thte Board sasclisord lte Rie Service, 71so7.45 p.m., deta-ltd and informiative motiotalSt. Paul'smill Famiy caroi servierinihe reor trams Jm Dîlis, donale 10 lte United Citurcit Felloaship Boom; Suoday, ac tlima of the Intrnatlissai Youth Jas. i2, commuenio oseorevice; t tgrgatî,tval v.iliaiis Excitange ionnir of lte Sunday. Jas. 19, aller lte ,îhtch,ýas iîeld inthe mssih tUited Churcits 501h hir- msroieg service, pot lucit o1 Nttt rîtbr Mr. ill and tday on Juor. 1975 aod Miss dioser and anual Bitdttmeois summariord Nancy Lawrence mas congregatooalmeetig. thi, re-puot, li)tree major oomîoaird as a candidate i oniers oti Programts traim tis congregaiOon andileadership;2 -Ansup- Everycngregalisn in lte__ datgt hiorsitip service; rsyeymsaidfoa- n eeli for a meu's clubt. somersy osdegae ____ lThe i'aeîous commirroe of leom eacitPreyterymi ha 1h,- Biord oif he asiteptiîg choses for ltio rochange ein ______ ths-challensges.îodmuit lte Juse of 19,5 supyporitthe cougreeatiin il ititd hi- hoped lit tese Tite Worsii Committer wes lcoc îwli ite advîued lte follomîs dates &TFO R Theouteah Cmmite De. 2, unday morniog, INSURANCE ttt,,siitd titi Board ltai Chitsmasrvsic itih -Siutnd o hustt-dl CAMPBELLVILLE -S st,,itltotud fttr ail Board nenivis nd hsbans or854-2271 t ives tu parfaite is a renrai a 1 thuit,-oek(trle The -TheChampiomiihe - tud heit ti hîtgus ucith a lus puitlisited on Moday Orsi cenaid hi-n moiee 015 a ment. Tite ormopper office c.ono,-tirati-d effort to miib itclsed Wednesday andf 'reuarge titi spiritual Titursday, Dec. 25and 26. Ils lte lime of yese for Chtristmas concerta and tmo oflitCe Mitsscitois are panng ltre for li same Ma rtin St. Senior Scitoni miii preseet Dicktens' Christmsn Carol, as operetta in threeacls, Dec. 1liand li ai 8 pos. Stodensa front Robt Soldais, W. i. Dicit and J. M. Denyrs scitools miSl have as opotety to see thte per- foprasce et dea reiteaesa Dec. 17 and Martin St. Hoiy Rtseey Scitool hnidn ils Chistsman Festival se Dec. 18 at 7.2 ..Tt citilde athlie echai miii see lte performance aI the dreno rehearnai ltaI morning. -Everysse is sy preclising and every ciassesom in ie- voived, nithr ie sigiog, dancing or mt sitits. As thene tan scitools are close tegether on Martin St. and uaaeiiv sitare perhing tacilities, parens are urgea ta doublie up os rides for lte Dec. 18 productions as parking miii he ai a Hornby Women students wiii see the show Dec. 16. .Every student in lte scitool e c a g i t 15 involved ie somte snme way wiit lte production. Titere Mis. Guy 1Busnell honted lte citangeli iy lte memiters and are 125 je lte cast and lte Decemiter merinf o Hornb Mes. D. Domns and Mes. G. remainder are working as W.1. uies. R. Wi n, pe- Bnsnell provided lunch miita ceea, publicity. scenery, dent, read a pom to ope the surrs ta from a visitor peintrs and ticket sellees. meeting attendedit 14 mem- M.r. Olvr. iters. Thte January meeting wili Mes. L. Sampson read ecr- ite heid ai lte home of Mes. rpnndence fromt lte fnstil- M. J. Brown. W ants fire ue's adopted Citinese boy'n commission Mrs a. rouer 0 aied lit H altos R egise 's morkohop hrid ai Mapie Leaf speciai churcit services Administration Commutter Miiiing miticit deait mitt lte during lte Christmas season. lests lte province nitouid pescenning and marketing ni itave a comminsions poe- toodo. Eatisg and shopping -Santa itas hero itusy siheble itrandlisg saiary itaits weee aioo investigated vioiliog local parties ltis aritlations itleen lte mîit vitamins, mnerais and month masicipalities and the fie additivee i atd on labtels dis- deparimeols in lte province. caased. Bario mayor George Coneereece Harrieglon argued lte com- Mes. R. Wison gave a re- mission shoidd bte sel up ai- portlonthe coefereeceiteid at - ong lihe samne lises as lte Kitchtener Nov. 25 and 26. commissonosespoosihle for Confereoce leaders urged mo- arhitrallng police salaries, mes tlomrite lteir MPs if lte y 5 l He soggesled there mas a cer- ohjecl 10 sameting hem g U E lain degree of expertise dose ity goseromeet, and t oUU t0 he donc. property lamu. Speaker masi Rat lte commile retused Archdeacon arome mito 10 endoese lte Regio of praised the Menoies for Waleeioo's cail toc a tasit raisiog titrer crops a yesr. force os tire protection. Christmas gifis mere ex- ASERVICE±Z ELECTRON CHASERS l 1 TV - STEREO - INTERCOM AUTHORIZED WARRANTY DEPOT " Quasar e Philips " Panasonic a Sylvania / - Repaies To Ail Makes B.E. SOUND 539 Mais St. E., Milton 878-7295 CHRISTMAS CAROL, an adaptation as a musical play in three sets, is being presented tonight and Thursday night aI Martin SI, Senior Schooi, AI a dreas rehearoal Serooge, played by Graeme Inis and hie nephew Fred, by Mark Parkinson, go Ihrough Iheir unes for the uplgenlh time aince Ihey begao preparations io October,

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