Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Dec 1974, p. 20

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86 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Dec 18, 1914 Phone 8783131 Holy Rosary Church festival ight and recesved a Ca thotis' Wsmes's -ctegue s-lessing ovation. Tise choir beld tise anouai pot lanh hou bers invied bock ta S. speosTesdoy, Dec. 10 Agnes Parish in Jnnunry. seladies res-ieod o visit JrsDiyMDmeto rnm Snto Clous and gitto vctoria Hrbour, er weeexchanged. Ms Ralph dougiter Jrs. Walber, ber Anderson playedlhr piano so godogtrAnMs o Crismoss-ou svgsog.O Ilda Tylor, Jrs L. Hoe, sitwos pelfomed hy Mrse and Jrs. J.Luisrsby sere Merritl, and a donne recent guets o Jrs. Oam demosstralîon as gisen y Morley Oais St, and ttended Barhra Vondeoheos-nl.tise Geoce Cburcb Chrismas A mot enjoyahîr evneog Bonone on Dec. 7 was ad y ai th lades. Chistie and Woods Real Mr. and Ms Reg Tiss o Estale Lsd hetd n Chrismas Cnmpbeils-îile reeenly opn ouse osFridoy an- retursed fromohiilidoy tlestsenoon, D)ec. 13. ta tise BahiamaIslonds. About 60 husiness people Bet Reoty and nsurance attended tie succestut social Ltd. ield a Chisstmas opn gtieing. ouse os Frdoy aternoon. Tie Miton Fire Deprt Dec. 13. menlheld itsChristmas bingo Sioly fIsererllrs, layrroun Wednesdoy evening, Dec. and tenants enjoyed theis lsilis about t00 people social gtherinil and tom ed allendiof. tie nem Traalgar Squre IvanSi hepherd is chairman otlheoways ond en Nesw residenîs- on Wood- ommilîemiicis arranged wrd Ave are: Mr and Ms. thencvent. Proceeds wlgo to J. Keirnan and amly trrnm sorsssponsoring a misor Ednhuegi scollond. Mr- and hockey trm Ms H.Halnd avdlOsly Mn ecmr aMI roso Asco England, Me. and Mayomoes1 al Jrs. J. McLean and aoeemoing Wilson Ave. their doogiters rom Toronto.Mc. neso address odMs, D.Es-up avd Theynld:Mr. andJars. daugise tos oMssssaugo. O Osr adtoiy r Me. and Mrs P Brnes and Tooto, Mc. and Jrs. D. sontfromnTorono,.Mravd Pikeig andtlamilyterom Mes. BSmithsand suon fuom Brampon. Mr nd Me.H. Domoocîrso and MJanad Glodfroy and tomily rom Jrs. D. th om nB rump- laisille, Mr. nd Ms.T. ton Nyisomp and amily tesm Wr oelcome tlise rfamles Ooiville ond Hottosd MMe o orltossnand MrsC.Wong and family rom Jamoîco. M. and Ms. Roly Row-ry Fslis Chose M. Bell ond tamly rom rovelîd Is-SI. Agnes Prsh Toronto. Mr. and Jrs C insWaterloo lasl Wednesdoy Mohmed andtoamily teom evenngloussg allie7.15 Toroolond Uganda,JMr. and mass. Fllosof lise ciurcis Jrs. J.Fleel asdtoniilytfrom le iste chioîr fr-c a Ioakille, Me. and Ms. D. one horconcertfrllualamily Tihoro and daugiter roso Just the good things .... oise lonily bs i llen 001 of0aiearly habit e ted. A lie iegmng ofoia nioyear ee ould assess ai tie good hinsso and telis oltie hd about lie ear just pssed. Wedthenvpeojenltelist opsmwebh o te nwyar flres our laitloflgood thiogs ta1hisppened in 1968, keepsin in od lie ciildreno pain are ages 2 ta 14 un iad a gvod garden mom cooiedomosslyfoodthnsfeoceptfor volillore and sro s-.or irieod Jrs. Kenondy from Port Credl s-sied us- s-we fusanu vcan ...nearelias-fistsial Geondmo Benlonisusîil ,vn.Il on ise ad good hidays tOs somnmer as lion collages wn e glad sial doddy is senl agoso aller is operalsus- ion s- wnos siomsg andtfor pcnoss-5ai Rock- ion lad ousr avouai bisîelday coui-oulo ohere dad maode bisu as-ous rînd polaloes oser an opon ire ion .e d god sciSois tel gel isciler esery yer îao1rniocîoinllibs uis oaabitlot peoddnf!î ion weloe or nnghiorMrRobrsl"He giveS me sandy. Loror addnd). - on re glad sial mummyted a chasseetaleas-el lu New' Yaris.Sasiatoon and IOttawa. îMommy as tS ) neloe msmmy anddaddy hacisal beor rgood ngisisse Jrs Pyall un rn gladltoihavsucs-goodtfrlendsoas the Jas ,Oilysc luvn Goandou --r ciurcis I tihe' boys- dovI s-llssîy nie fordis-lgiof aObisit thinr past I'Il gis-c you hlis sofisad lhinssg about 1900 s-, sI x is k c~May your Christmas bloomn wth gond feeling to laist throt:gh the hlîdays and always. Were gratefoul for yosr business, Thank you! Henry Gorter Florist *Poinsettias *Mioed pans OAzaleas eCyclamen .potted MasosaeRoos 0 CaO Fomero *Cisristmasî Arrangem'ents Kilbrd e8784213 Torono, Mr. and Ms. D. Dosmore andsons055rom 'Toronto. We eteome thes o l Milton. Christmas came early ai lise home ot "Dot" and Jean Wiht, 48 James St. Tieir daugiter Terri and her hssiand Major S. J. OFarrerl, miso houe een lis-ng in Mosonee for ise years, slopped user osnlieir may 10 England miere lhey mut tbe living oc ose yeor. Also visiing ere the Wrifits' dagiser Colleen, ber b usbond Eddie Bor and son Jamie teuni Seamatea miso milI telsnNeso Brunswicks us Dec. 25 Biti's mother and slp laiher Jr. and Jrs.R.F Pordy lso atended lise tamily gelltogether, Happy birlhday isises go to Sean Lopes 8Lorne Scots Dr. mio elebaled bis hr lidao n Mosday, Dec. If. Sean elerated iis day silis aparly t is home on Sunday.Attending ere blo grasdmotiser Ms. Aleandra Lopos. Brono and Meissa Lopos and tamily, Dr. Tony Lopos and tamily, al o Toronto,Slinns sisters Judy. Irisa, and Zoe, and Art and Dlores Melonson and tamity. Milton. At alon usum UCW Christmas meeting names 1975 officers for Hillcrest \/i ne press Tentysix members of Jrs. J. Beilbody. fond pledge Iis year iS be Lunch Hlcrest United Church Wo- Newsofficers $32. W. Bird, mes ttededtbsonsal he ~ dis f ~ Jar. Jhn Wslloce tbashed Mms. F. men etnDe. 0.tie ameetiteng r to oferdsy, al=tsoereqsosible for tIse iali boit opeedb Jr.R lsnidoeby Wbons tbdhalbeutts wh edaCrsmsverse, ore os follomo: members wbo worked on Mes. J. Carsey rend the minutes o the laot meetîno Pot preaident,ars.R. bor, iicludisg the retirisg and Ms. H. Robinson re il so odent, ar. W.preident. tise tresurers report. Mrs. Bird; recording secretary, L S.siisu àeod o tisontsyss Mss. J. Crnes: correspond- note for money donted for ing secretary, Mrs. L. Somp- The sandwiches tn t he Fred Vctor son; treonrer, Ms. H. Rob- Mission. It was decided to son. Salvation Army end $25 to tbe Blvation Unit conveners are: seing Army. onit, Jrs. C. Wriggtmmwortb; PICK-UP TRUCK Estertoismeot starligbt (contact personi, ln iton & Area Entertainment mos pro- Mrs.Te.Bosfietd. EVR TUSY - sided hy Karen and Doe Committees are: citizen- VR USA Wcisos miso ptoyeol on tieir sbiond social action, Ms. J. 87-8522 -carots. A devotionat by Jars. Jrs. J. JCaNob; commonity Thssotmodadiosoie eu dtmro o othe osl nason s. H. Nurse tuocdrhy Ose T MEotH.nMCo.J. 0dTorCnninghnd dosstdtothmoseoobyMs E.JCootiaoOt C. J. etredonn Nu0.Crst.Mas. .tt soogtuOO goe a rs. .BuFWils ar -F ore losed a hop nisch oo v hot an. orte o entitChrism. shtop , Jars C. WilooMs. phi onger s o rrinsd i-on tone press i apes rom he solo rt sociol tssctlooHNurseR tieablouno et rame..0Fe.ncs ducted bisa rs.F. rp teJs C W lgm Il was oiWibythenT."Aren C.uinrTrdytofor lmratsuditrs JNars ; Mc Chrismas" ons n randsn M.Poi, a. G.Win r oio rB. ~u Graps ae plcedin ahoo whih bs nobotom areaingingil omnmters. . ail-n Chritma" wa a adin ydeal, Jars. . Cninb om; ftamp Ion Fami/y Page Advent wreath, candies studied Tise Chrsmas meeting ut lise Robertson Auxilioey WMSiasolithe home of Jrs. S. Lociie, Court Si. mies 20 membees and I visîlor met prior inth ie meeting and enjoyed Chistssmas couies and robe, lise ooums decoraled is the testive moud silis iolly. gloief coodles, ils lise m an g er c rents peedumîntîno Ms. Locie mleomnd lise ladies aller miicis 0 Cume ail yr FailisOol M iss E ChisholtO pr eeoed lise nominating _ep hl bics accepled hy lise eiof Tise 1975 eeruolvis-nSas tollomu, presîdenl Mrs. SLociiet ient vice Magre Duncan seuy. seras. Geoce Bradley, ex- pense and sopply Eca Cissioini and Marie Mos- mian, Glad Tidiof s secy. Mrgrel Duncan, pioniol Loora Munen, ossuciale membors Margaret Wilson, bisseldoy crds Blanche ElliolI, gel el nrds MoarelWilson, social Elishel Co ,rne, prugeaso Gras-e Bradley, Buth Lus-bsn, Margorel Duncani. Es-a Chîisuo, TiseirnoKennedy, Elisel Crnie. Fromlise pocerds outhlie aioioal rummage sle il w05 decided lu donte lu Esangri Hall, Scot Mision and lise W.M.S. allocation. Tise sin leeteanhs othlie members as eslended 10 ailtmso in any ay conrihuted lu iis ettort.Tise colection mon dedicated ils proyer hy 224 MAIN ST. 070- EASY T( Florence Bell. rose candies- Es-a Ciishuisnopeord lise Christmas parstuof lise pogramm ýilis Adset forlie Faonil" ahen fromtlise December Glad Tîdiof s us-mg lise Adseol Weal i i'iiflise fours-cdles. Cisdie i reprrsrnted lise ispes o lise pro phels long ago fsr somneor miso mold drus-ne Israelfrom truble and mar 2.o te sbe isrhlice il Jesos- misu iad nou s- otela hoisme fr lu s c u m in g . ' " ' r lise s o g g s u s -g hy lieangels-anuouonist glise aufo.Otchegî_savnd ioehîb heofi h lis sisi Jess and Hisfaili Thio mos înlerspecsed ils s-rois and biblereradiofs- Mrgarel Dons-an sang tise iusely solo "Nigisl of Nigitsîs w ilh Lora Muscs- ailise piao. Tis e îssof agu s-er recrîsed andisung os-- lie slver coin tree followed itîh indisidual prayers- iy lise memiers Tise Chistî-mas sripturermas- rend hi Mar Bush Iconn a porin---Iin books of Mallsews-. s--P. W Couise olteriof lise Ch'ist-mas- prayer, Christmas- greetnlîs eereadtfrumJacs. Les-a Day and Jrs RbetcCookis Christmaon nes-s.age Tielua Kennedy pres-esled sne lus-ny Chris-tvas- lsougisuand puniss-tIlai hase hem asours-e of isessif luhec sv--ctlie Chrstmas s-ras-un for mas-y yeors- Mro. Sos-arOivser s for at MILTON ro IVE GIFT CERTIFICATES FREE GIFT WRAPPINU. ou mayuseouor conenienMary St. enracenodircl from free off sleet parking mras. C'hristlmas-nsess-ge ofPeae s- s-uriseart atCisma! s-Ires-sInf telint'ps-laI ihere ino pooce bsIus aIsuhicis Gud hruugillu o rlhisn lise isumai t ors ut tesos on Chistîsmas I:îy, and lise open iseart rnad: t10 ce-is-eHM and occept lionm,is-ai]isolis requsced for isul leur pooce. Florence Si-l lihauissd lise speakser ond al] iohiad parlîcipoîrd in the meeting. Tise singiof ut many teaulilol caols added ns mel lu lise meeting mtis Phylis Peddîe accomponying. Tise meeing closed ils tise tormingofothlie riesdsbip ciecle and repeainf tise Mizpois ienediclion. Buses ut coohîrs ere pacisrd lu he dîslrihuted 10 lise sisol on. PRE CHRISIMAS SALE 10% OffJ SEVERYHING Layawoy for Christmas" S 217 Jainsst. E.,Mîions 878-4055 if's Christmas party-ing time al over thle world Santa suggests KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN TO HELP MAKE THOSE PARTIES A SURE SUCCESS HIave )'f>u triaid or eew Buffet Service for ',froups of thirty or more. frWie kickvci Main & Commercial St. 878-4111 pianiste, Jrs. F. Wicsss, Jars. A. J. Roddeil, Jrs. M. McLauglio; stemard representlsa IJCW, Jars. F. Wcbson. Arcbives Archivits for 10750 On ieep Hilîret hstory up-to-dte are Jrs. J. Wickssn and Jars. W. Beomridge. Il as decided liat ise meetings witi te held in lots and on tise second Tomsday evening of tise monts, s lot year. A mission and service mh as served by Jars. dars. B.iJMcClure and Thmpnn asc- bufflwd M. CL A I N (b l.k UALITY CA4U gFOOTWEAR FORMERLY TOM DEAR SHOFS dim uc- MENS & BSOYS % SLIPPERS i rom $395 WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION 0F ALI WEATHER WINIER BOOTS FROM $99-% 221 MAIN ST. Thurs. & Fn .Till 9 p.M.818-6902 STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN DURING PLANNED ALTERATIONS Pleasing Gifts fnor That Special Lady *COSTUME JEWELLERY * SCARVES * HAIS *PURSES * GLOVES * BLOUSES * SLACKS *LONG AND SHORT DRESSES * PANT SUITS M o E : yoare invited to drop in 07V 1tir50 and sbop fth l ades on Vour CHRISTMAS PARTY-ING TIME We have just received our complele new line of festive long gowns kl ome cYceQent qgt ideog! USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY! pleu-98,of mlton PeI)JEXCLUSIVE LADIES WE AR 24e Ma-in St. 878-3961 ~4 ~-~--~ ~ '-'- ---vi'-. -. - -moi L-

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