4 Tii. Casadiaf Champion, 50.4., Ooc. lB, 1974 IADIRS""I1 I M ileage ru :1 rate 18 lfhîod of mohoo pao wonder juif eho Coijocillor Waloon reprofenlo up thera if Milton. Yusirsvery troty, W. O. Broies, Editor, lSrfoeTraIl Noue. Employeeo of Halton Boord of EducaSon uolng Oseir owf rais for buolneos wllf recelve for Ose fnl ~pe mile13 mile un 007 milee ottor 'Oie fîral 5,104. Board memberS bave 1100f recoîvino a stralghl 15 coOli mil drivon. ilopormf. ut Busineon ond Fimuce Bruce Limlley bld Ose boord Ibe rate sliautd h. adjusled upsuards. Tbe If- Dear Sir: o.cmm,0001m0.suaossoso Genorally if 10 aehsolwedged that the adiblional $3.750 per yeo Miltaf Plaza won Oie O.P.A. lDirty Plaza Acardl o few mootbo bah. Asd 00W te add ta Iliat bosor <'Il il .rus Lees recmtly waa Oie O.D.P.A. lOstarlas Dorkmt Plaza Acordl. Allbmifb, becalme 0f darboma It wao difflelllt te got an exact to studv cuflif, Il woo nated Osat md ntae ai 24 lit thIf paot weehesd!Tl~stcasrfow ose way ta bide Ose dirt and jualo an Ose lot and Ose leadershi poOsolen and Ose oallt chuah of eemest 0f Os e esteasce, but it if 0 poar rellection as Ose taies aI Miltes. Tien saut chairmef 001 Sm sarpilood OsaS Ose merchasia of Ose rmeaf cice-chairman O plaza haveat fsrued Ose ouner ta tabe ~oltoa Boord of Elfoci octiof. milI te omasf 111e 15 il lfsromrefuoetashapthereat leaofllfr hersofacsmmitteeOseb daiestaies area is dean osd ieell Sfhted. la formisg ta atudy Perbopa far Clirlatmao Ose Plaza owaer partosittes for leader cauld at leaot pot a orge candle OS ~ miOsis 111e syoteza. block ai rament ot tbe natroara ta Ose 7051 chairmea E daao. Im sure ho casld collet Ose mosey Badnor oad Frad ArmI for Osis tram Ose happy merchouts is Ose aad cice-cholrperfas Plaza! Alexoader oloaf Yaors truly, trustero BOl fteorlfafd Dr. p i Ose I Ose otios s~I~ raIe Dose lfeodrich Heles Loch oie lrsatee Op- R.R. t. Miltes pulalmeatu ta Ihe commiltee. ~W~4f ~ YOUNG FACES AGLOW belong te the kindergorfen claso ut Roberf Boldwîn School ou fhey omoit their furu ta feU Saab whaf they'd like for Chrisîmua. b the bockground are tise faîry Tinkerbeli, fuiryfule character Wee Willîe Winkle and a couple of clowns. Rumor hou If one of the clowns waa principal John Leaz, bbc otiser David Coulson. Corol Moi-ny, Elînar Snow and Bull Lysos also gave ai their Urne au they visibed bise clasuroornu ta the delight of bise cistidren. "Hello, I'm an alcoholic" young man teils Forum Ry Jayor Bealas Hello, l'm au olcabalic. Rab. Id lihe la 0s~namels ut my periencm tatane md olter I jaised Alcahalicu Asonymaus' The yoosg mou speoblail mon 11517 19 yearsalogeoud 11e beld speilteand on luteme group ut studealu il Millon Diatricl Higb Ochocl, same aI wham mere sal mach yauneer Ibos bimuelt Tbe studesls lislened suilh pathy as Rab eeloled hîs daushill olraggle sullb drues ond olcahal. tram Ose lime 11e tash tas lieut drink aI 111e 0f- ailS ta 111e preseul suhes 1 cossam gel biilher aI A.A Osas lever did suîlb muai changiso droga" Hippy ssw lteelboppynasubesaid Befaraldîdol hausu bau la live-ilu ou simple os Ibal, I didal mou hum la live." He euploised hum bis graud tather droab oud hum bis toîher evealaolly euded 0701 A.A. I sou suhot alcobul did onil Il suosul Ooppy ar greal. îtuaupuîsausaaarbume I bod a laI ai reseulmeut ai my father oud Ibols a hiller." Is spile ai bis uuboppy hume île caused by alcabol Rab didat cecasize 111e prableulu him~If outil bu sutcaduced la A.A I cauldul cosîral my driubiug balîsuas 111e 1001 g5y Il lia0 ual. everyoue clou bueus bol Rab laid boo~ be dcaub aluuuoudooolddcillbiulbe maculai asdilO lu ochoul droob. Hi srged bis audieuce sol la criliciai Ibe alcobolic Hes uicb spicilaolly. useulolly, emolîouolly, bus gaI a disease Ibal cou te arresled,' bc explaiscd Hu huolly gaI lu 111e polul subece bu seuded la driub lu luscîlua prapecly. He laId hou bed pasu ual lcum lus mucb dcsubiug aud have blauh-mls My lnleadi laId messballboddouclbe seul day aud I suuded Ihose leseudo libe I seuded oboles 111e bead. bu quipped. l.eltschml Rab evculoolly suas furred la cave uchual, baviail con oaîaluesuscbuolslbolwuold acceplbim Heweullussocb bol 10usd bis pruhlcm lallosscd bsm Ihece. 'I guI mure suacud as lime sueul ou, besasd Tbehlach-usls boppeuedmoceaudussceaud a lolal chanile luub place I cvsldheauyîbsuglo'auled lu. bollsuauuhilcllsugcuoagbîîu alcobul sî I orsI la deails OsI uf bis mîud ou buuoe aud pîllu. Rîb suas iiually îulrudoced lv AA 1 lidul buosu auy ste apal. alcubul aud ushua I cossue la AA. lsuasdespurale. Ididul suasl lu cou asy mure, IlOSI la Mîllua Ose A.A. graup meeta esery Toesdoy ot 5 p.m. aI Grace Auglicas Churcb Parish Hail. AI-Anas meeta OseruTborsdoys ai aie os duoS Alaleen. ~ELECTIUWY~ I. O.r I.slusss s Cool ta i Tinkecor mliii., ~Eleslrsosly. o Cul au ouporl lar ~ OHeilaif N *Wscseg S 0000 Ciruosîx O g Oddîliacil OulleiS O Soldoor LifBf5 FEATHERSIONE ELECTRIC ~ 0704370 FLOOR FASHION CENTRE Preob cbrlotmîo lIn obolîl WALNUTS lb. linOn - S blodo ClIP lIPS Tobo o LEMONS 6~or Affor 1-4 Kîndu fox. Pkgo COCKTAIL MIXES Plorlda - Job7 GRAPEFRUITS 5 For Job7 Scool TANSERINES No. 1 USA - Flrm. Crl0P No I USA - Vios Rîpo LETTUCE TOMATOIS 2o~da49O 21b0 490 Prooh Loio UBDU UBAU@ O MeilU rom. flVVft@ lb Cbob Nous, or Primo Sl~f fod - Mono Llbby s c GLIVES 1200 _______ FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 T~n~ ONRISTIE 5 GARIEN 22000 ROLLSeoo ~ 2 ~ H E O Smlib j SLICED ~ 2400 COCKTAIL FreshLoMl FAUTA 2 ~. CNUCK DEEF u~ OR COCA-COLA chriollo s Bontormîle SOpie Alaîn 10 WHITE DR EAO ~I Loi vos ALUN FOIL ~ W Cifîfornis No i USA POiedOr RED GRAPES 3 ~ O SPINACU CeBo Pbgo JAVEl 20@iPbOO Froob Lion SHOULDER STEAKS lb PRIME nuoe STEAKS IVSRY DioboS If pou neod somothuog we doo't have, Pnob. Loin jost îsk aid we'II ordor for yoo CHUCK STEAKS lb Froob Loin BLADE Self l'o -7 Vorloolof ASTS mE - Proielue Von Pib PRIME RIS RO ~ LUNCHEON MEATS 3 pkp FroobLoin lb. ooald for Eî ALL SIZES 0F CHRISTMAS TRIES ON SALE NOW - CHOOSE EARLY No. i Canada Suekiof Nivil Sf00 130 00. I Cioidi Woaod Bobs - 5 Kindo OR MAC ORANGES RHUTABAOAS PICKLES APPLES 75~ 9c~ ~oo 550 Slb Bof Yelloe Ripe GM Feoob CbnloOnioO Rod or GoMon Dolîcloas BANANAS CRISP..ITATERS MIXEO NUTS 31b 70 KO. 000 n Sbell ~OC Bof I lb Boaieo Pha. lb Ail Plosouro FLEECY SOFTENER GiSon ~1 .49 10E CREAM ~ ~1.19 JOT LIQUIO FOR 3200 O SW10'O Prfmlum Tondor Toofy Peeob Loin Moofy SAUSAGE MEAT lb 55~ Feooh STE WING Loi,, LIVER BEEF BUTT PORK CHOPS lb 890 39~ ~1 .19 Smfl'o Promlom Sllcod Soif l'o Promlom Pullu CookolI Miplo Loîf OGOKED HAN SMOKEI PICIIOS CANNES HANS ~Bo B~o 710 E~Pbo OUlb. 1'!, lb ~2.59 Mors in store foulures on disploy - Corne in sud Iook urouud I I f o. . . . o I. I k *l I. MILTON BUS LINES Wish taOflfloaflCe thol ihere miii be na bus service 10 Bramalea 011e woekS ai December 23 and E2ecember 30. Regidar service ou commence Jornoary 6, 1975 MULTON BUS LUNES 878-3125 SYERS S GOING OUT 0F THE CLOTHING BUSINESS. EVERYTHING MUSI ANO WILL BE SOLO BEFORE IAN 1' ONLY 10 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT TO SAVE PRICES START AT FIFTY CENTS 228 MAIN ST. MILTON 878.2067 OPEN NIGHTLY TILL 9 - SAT. TILL 6