Public speaking Traps and frees birds to escape jet engines Utriclt Watermnn ina lov- er ut nature nuIs pets hie epfare tinte and= eor h lere hi concers for eotgyi. He trapu birde ut the Internation- al Airpurt and nave tisent front certain destruction, eitier front tise jet englues et tise airptanes or tise bltets et officiais' gene. Ho and ibe-mnded triendu trop thse birde lntely birds ut prey schnas the Snuwy Osul and tise Bald Eagle)inl a net muele trop. A ggon lau med ae bail and w 'n tise larger blrds enter the baeket thie II- 000 eaps Tise ibirdaar thonb: i ansd If ttteg Watermntan taisles tlnenta tee airea apert froint tise alrpert and ses tlen free. Waterntann was epeaing feua tascinated audience ut ta te t4-year-olds ut Brnvitte Sehll Weduesday ntoreing. A se tn eld a magnificeint white SnoyDttoattue lie told bctItis bird lu tbe main proisile ut tise aipot "Iisn Arctic-bred isird ba=n fsac of mais," iso exptataed. "Tbey don't even isnec man in ttir euntmy and thates why GREAT HORNED OWL is banded by Ulrnch Waterrnann weti tise bnp of Tony Vadeeka at Brookvtlle School on Wedneeday. Mr. -Walter- manin bande tise bîrds he catches attse airport, tisen freen themn 1n another part of tise country. winners The grade publie speaising finale weeu hetd et Martin St. Senior Schoot thie peut week cith winnern clionen front grades six ,, evu d eight, cînnern were: Grade nie. tient Mars Seendees, second Anne Aikeuliead, tinird Hillary Willoughby; Grade noven, nay ae ebot Tey nuin- te ai ther Trunt aesad are attracted b y thie nuide open speces at tine afirpert." If a bird has been injsred Weterntann teises it hoe witis hies ta hin bird liesptat lu Georgeto. Many bve been **elit by ueuated lintero?' lie nays. "Hunters ebeuld ba fair," ho confondu, "If yea go huntiug (and he adesits lie aoeel yoe uheeld shoot nubat you go natteor, net rareanIntaLser le ds." Osld Esglee 1n Ontarie there are only fine pei etaId Eagles lft, Watrann claints, "t tad eue bsssh io by a lester bentiu grundhogu," ho naid "T qauqille, a ntintaise te ntahe!" Watermntan illnatrated bts lecture wits attidee of înl and baotiuattare riAe=r ugk naiareset t edage they cere te, thie hirds e seu percbed on intallation equipeet and nittiug ou the take-off etrip. In au attoi5pt te pretect thie satety efthe planes, aicpurt efficials triod nhnatiug tise hirde. This op- ,paentty only added lu tise preblent an iujured birdo cereisindered trent taiig a quicli escape. * As a grend finale te bis vinit to Oroolivilie Waterotans banded a Great Hereed Dcl for the benetit et the ntudents sud set it troc an tliey catch- ed f-ont tise schlt ciudew. A LITTLE PUZZLED when ho firot opened if, Stuart Selsouten son caugist on nehen tise box wae tinally open and a banging block set urus unveilcd. Stuart wes une ot over 10 youngstero who had tuen and get a gitt frem Sinterklees ait tise Dutch-Canadian Club's Chritmas party Sunday. chosen tîrsi Ceunie Rubarts, second Robin Haydee, Ihîrd Shelley Eais; Grade eigki, fîrsi Karen Blacisturi, second LUri Van Pleef, third Lynda Rend. Thee stadenie ciii guettet the urlinat finals earty ini Janeary and severat o etuent dîtl ho taking pertin1 the Opimint epeakiug ceniestino ttis pring. Hockey Mustangs are 50 - 50 Playing lu- an ex ibird prd.Tise oily geai peuided teagee ibis yeax, the cas =-re isy Aidersool higi s cnhoolt Milton Rnis Ktemp eith unde c Mutag are winnieg shoot minutes let iho ath e . 50 per cnt ut the tinte, ac- Paul Neletin înjred ciia curding te Coachs Don Loonard ts ede tisetripr a tieiean escellent isacs atoe an aor tse ustang aed fo'rth gne Tbursday the touis sixte Noet han liore a loant roturned tu Milton tron t nroog player ibrouglieut the Ourlingteeith a t-e Ions to seisn Alducnbeitu th e bigk usesi league. Millt playoro cere nlreng ibrughos thel garne, net- nsnotieg Uâe op ep ition 22-i14. B A k Aefewed scoring pîcyn LABI IN polig gesties a ikev t cîthîn ras e of serî'i Fins Furniture Coacliestilante the oun on Milton players tirîug in the AT veCvoev vO Invest MILTON 10 Scouts PLAZA Ton Milton baye ocre lu- vented ino tise coridwide lirotherheeld ot Sceetiog on Tbarsday, Dec. 5. te Scoetig ceremnien are a traditienai pert et tis rerm ing and tise lovos.9.tiierem ix nrobaly the mosi important cereoiy lu a bey's Scouting experi .ence for it le in thîn ceremony ihat he makes the Scout Promise.- Firni Milton Scout Tresp bau added use te recreits le te roll. They are Anthony Eige, Maris Cannon, Peut Brown, Marc Walis, Scott Richardson, Josephs Tietemaxu, ,ietf Wiliiec, euh Percy. Noil Breo and Emmanuel Aoaninn. Prenidiug ai tise ccremexy ocre Troep Sceeler Rocco tesote. Auuistant Troop Scealer Bon Nealh and Dintrict Cemminnioner Peut Lîingen. Tise ladies aexiliary served cettce and hol cheeviate iu paete and Irrends efth1e nec Scouts. The Canadien Champion, Wed. Dec 18, t974 83 Youth Pagei SNOWY OWL fasclesaten thse citdren ait Brookyile sehool an Ulrics Watermann shosoe tise bird he catight at Toronto International Airport. JOUR R MADERS WRITI:I te the Haltex Reien Conservation Autiserityns pro posod buedget for 1975. Tise Autherity bas anked for four miltion dollars for tise acqeixitien ut lahetroul prnperties. t forlt ta a tees qeestins shoetd ho asised about the prosnt perpene and poticy ofthUe .R.CA. Fer example, if recreation is te ho the namne ut the garni, uldo't taepeyers' meoney ho more olits ly epeni if tho H.R.C.A. anninled esci ton lu the cosety tuedevelop a rerreaionat complexesn lands il already oun wilisin or near thie lin- darien o uths ikontns? Ih is difficuli te enderstaud cky the autkoriiy coeld evex uuggest an amonn t t our million dollars tise acquisition et emali acreagen cisicis cas only accemmodate a taunoching dock or parking facîtlies fer thie foc chu co alford a boat. Witli reterence lu preneni Autkorily petici', han Iliore iseen a cisaoge front thie one ofatew years ago when [armer' lands ocre expruprialod for lise luceni possible price? If the landseare lu ise uned for lise saute perpoes (Le., recreelionail why are't taisetrunt propertiu lu o ru e- preprialed aine? il ueentn te me ikai if the laisefroni acqeinitione go thrug as propoed, the pochote et a tees ili ho cntily lined willi taxpoyeru' meney for tise henefit of lise priviieged tees chu clt lie aisle le enjoy use addîlîonat facitities t wilci prenide. Sînereiy, Peg Fraser, TocerS.S., Ferguu. ONE HUNDRID AND TWENTY-SECOND N A SURIES A Mark of Progress in Milton Constructin healn recentl n 70 towubause anits le the Valieyven Subision oneatrlo St. Tise humes are Salueblti inY ntesteurY Deveispotnent LIS. Th j:$ tonouedevelpments uteaf eeral tubaissllt eiilton in the pâlitvear. Th ton bese developmeltt adjinsu a sifle aotlly area In tisamelection. Istrasue Pregramme 2118 Main Street E. Milton 8829 Yase oppotteunty te boy front tise mnfacutueruimpote -drop in oeand Q M mITIff chono feues eut targe selectiou. TisoeèLJU~ baauita ligbt iettue are manuuacteted tigbt hote lu Milton *Lighting *Motor Sales *Exotic Lighting *Repairs *Commercial *Industrial *Domestic *Motor Rewinding *Air Conditioning *Manufacturîng *Installation * Estimates * Appraisals NADAL!N, ELECTRIC 313-4111 TORONTO 826-1223 3153 STEELES AVE. W.. MILTON THURS., FR1. & MON. tili 9 p.m. SAT. & TUES. tili 6 p.m. tili CHRISTMAS Sale ends becember 24ee-SpeclalIy peuhased items on sale tu exteitt of stock. Canedian Tire prontises tu otake every effort tu contineexepply of advertIsed preducts, but we reserco thte right te lotit sale quantifies. Steep nowaand use tout Canadian Tire creait Cardi 459 MAINST MITN»8824 t e eu home 7~I AExportiteitaIItd wth0t pieso e' ent audsa o n 3 tovoten iront Railings la Match DECORATIVE-SAFE PERMANENT ESTIMATES CATHEA CONCRE RESTOIRATIONS LTD. 250 MARTIN ST, MILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA L818-6853 aaaaa M" - .sÀ _,_ uu-MMMMMV&