The Canadian champion, Wed., Dec. 18, 1974 13 GUARANTEED PRE.OWNED AUTOMOBILES DEMONSTRATOR 1914 PARISIENNE 4 DOOR HARDTOP Wii, actontatte. poesr ststrin, pae braites, rde ht Wall tires, wbeai Renais. Finieitad ntgit bismth matichIno ciotit interter, dark bluet vnen root Equipped witit delcos asotomnatic air condifienIng. Lie. No. HOYVU3. PRICEDTOSELL 1957 GMC VAN O cpiindsr refeutit engine, ideaI fer thse camping entitesait. LIE. Ne. P63751. PRICEDTOSELL $795 1913 DODGE DART 2 DOOR HARDTOP 6cyintlsr aontic, radio. FinIsitsd ln gun metat gay mitt contrestIng Interlor. Lic. ne. NBP157 $2895 1971 FORD '12 TON PICK-UP 6 Cyiinder standard, radio. nsm peint and tires. Pul recen- ditioed. Lic. No. C78107. $2195 1973 GMC %4 TON PICK-UP 307 VS Aetomatic. iteanp detn sespension, pics Onsrsied tires, oe tinistitd ln CrIiee Red and oe ln Turquoise. Lic. Nos. C70.t44--C70-143. $3295 1973 DOOGE VAN 6 cyiindsr, aeoiiiary. pajssanger seat, tinished ln egg-siteii beige. Lie. Cto22. $3195 1972 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE 4 Speed transmission, radio, tinished In Canarp t'eiiom mitit centrastint black Interler. Excellent conditien. o mloeate. Lic. FCO 462. $1895 1914 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE va, aetomeatic. ful squipped Inctedint delcoS air cenditioning and AM / FMe stnree radie. Finitttsd ln sert mist trence oinS matchIng deluee Interier and a contrasting mhite vinyi root. Lic. No. HOX 072. $7995 SAVE PLENTY BY BUVING THIS "AS IS" SPECIAL 1969 FORD GALAXIE HARDTOP Lic. No. DSK1t6 $650 1970 BOSS MUSTANG FASTBACK 4speed console, bucket seats, radio. Lic. BUX 738. AS IS-Wl LL SACR IF ICE $1295 1970 FORD TORINO 351 VO8, tour speed, radio, tinished ln Sheroood green mits biack interlor. Compietein reconditioeed. Lic. DSN 527 $1995 1973 CADILLAC ELDORADO CONVERTIBLE Leadod. Finished in Occaneet red oith white top and white leetiter Interier. Lic. OAA 930. SALE SPECIAL $7595 1913 OLDS TORONADO 2 DOOR HARDTDP Fciiy eqoipped and tinIshed ln Bombay Yetiem with saddie interier and matchino yeiioo top. Lic. AYR 324 $3795 1973 OLDS TORONADO 2 DOOR HARDTOP Fin isted in Burgundy oit Sungundy ciotit interion and cunmpementing black top. Cumpleintlieded Includinq air cti nIng. Lic D0975. $4295 Use 0ou Conenentt GMAC Time Payment Plan 388 main St. Miltoun 878-2355 29M34 AMERICAN !~H M OTOR S VALUE BUYS FOR THIS WEEK 1972 DATSUN 2 DOOR DELUXE MODEL L8110 Automatic transmisson, radio, white waii tires, whe51 000- ers. FinIshsi ln orange oith matohIng interier. Ver, nIce cenditien, drIvan onip 36,344 miles. Lic. No. 05X03 Special $1585 1971 MATADOR 2 DOOR HARDTOP Finisitsd In metOiiic brown mith custom intonior Incieding Individcal rectinin t saits. VO. sutemsatio, pontler brakes Powsll, teering, radie. Lic. No. DSZ190 $1995 1974 MATADOR X COUPE 360, V,oetonnatic, radio, Indinidel reclining sets. Finished ln ton metait with geid siripe. Latss tilrn 11,000 miles-rosil stosrp. Lic. No. isOXias $3995 î973 PINTO WAGON Ecenomicai oritine, autemnatic, radio. Finished ln iitht mataiiic grsen. Lic. No. ALCOOO. $2695 1969 FORD 2 DOOR HARDTOP VO, automnatic, power steerngo power brakes, radie, radiai white viil tires. Lic. te. DRZO3O $1495 1912 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 DOOR Lbc. No. ADS275 $1495 1969 GALAXIE 4 DOOR Vil, automeaio Lic. No. DRZ035 $999 1911 DATSUN 510 2 DOOR Finished in Ooid. lic. No. DSK922 $1495 PLUS MANY MORE GREAT CHRISTMAS SPECIALS ON OUR LOI CLEM ENTS MOTORS 0F MILTON Brttte St. just North of HoSpîtal 878-2328 S, RICHARDSON CH EV-O LDS HOME 0F CH EVROLET NORTH AMERICA'S NUMBER v AUTOMOBILE 1913 IMPALA 4 DOOR HARDTOP Finisited ln CratSerri, witS Black clotS inteteor atd Black, uinii roof, eqcipped muSh ve engine, automatto transmission, pomier steeltg pomer Srakes, radio, white vial tires and miteel discs. Lic. no. HEHO18 1974 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP Finished ln Dark Saddte mtth Saddie clotS lonter. Eguipped mitS Va engife, aunomatto transmission, paller tteering, tomer Sratooo, radio, white malt tires, oSfei discs, ont, 6,000 miles on iSis Seauti,. Lbc. no. H0X191 1911 FORD GALAXIE 2 DOOR HARDTOP iFinisited in Daro Brown wtS e Bon inteteor. Eguipped i mitS VOI englue, automafie ntransmission, power steering, pomer Snei<es, radio, air conditioting, white meii tires, oSeel disco and radiat tires. Lic. no. BST15 $2350 1971 TOYOTA CUSTOM 4 DOOR SEDAN Finished ln Brigit Yetioo mitS black ittnteni Eguipped wiSh aufemettic transmission, radio, eleoti reat detroster, mhtte maill tres etd mitent disos. Lic. ne. AMD696 $1895 1912 VEGA 2 DOOR NOTCHBACK COUPE Fintlshed in Forest Green mitS e Saddie intenter. Egutpped wit stndard rnsmssion, radio and Sucket seens. $1950 1910 PONTIAC 2 DOOR HARDTOP Finished in mediom Saddie oit a Seddie cietS interior and Brown cinyt roof. Equippad muSh O ci,. mngiti. eotomatic train mission, poer steering, pomer briese, radio, white oeil ttneseand oSent discs. Lic. No. BUC327 $1995 JACK RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDS LTD. Hwy 25 S. at Derry Road FOR SALE cocens, Sen. ne. LL29C4B4324O. $3595 1974 OART SWI NGE R Big 6 eutoma tic' powen steening, nadio, vinyi noof, mtnite mai tines, a nd wheel co ers. Lic. ne. HOY09Ol $3895 1971 U ST E R340 Hi0 h pertormance 340 VII, eetomeatic, pomertsteeing. poZer bnaesm radio. Lic. ne0. FKB3te. $2095 BRAND NEWCOLT4 D00R 100 engine, 4 speed transmission, Lic. ne. 103344 $2,995 878-2962 e 878-5394 88 Ontario St. N., Milton 2iiMA34 JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE àHSE Ray Addy RAY'S CHRISTMAS SALE 1972 MAZDA 1800 STATION WAGON One0 emnen. clean car. Lic. Ne. BIX 3177 CHRISTMAS SALE PRICE $1895. 1969 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR SEDAN 318 autemnati,poemrntteeing, pmoerales,nradio. Lem miieage,eone mon Lic. No 009 i700 CHRISTMAS SALE PRICE $1395 1968 FARGO '12 TON OIff." Sox, 8 cylindier standard, towmileege. oneownen. Lic. No. C66742. CHRISTMAS SALE PRICE $1395. 295 Main St. Milton Servicing the Motoring Public fosn Oven 60 Yuans Ray Addy tifs: 077 3495 878-99 1 ý, o [', i(lp 42 THE CANADA TRUST COM- 29mge34 202 LeketUene Rd. E. -Oakoiie, Ontario. ictrfor Chemleters Fui, Eguipped Ultna Moden ROMA HALL 3090 STEE LES AVE ., MILTON, ONT. Maeo 00 1915 Seukingt nom for DANCES - WEDDINGS - BANQUETS CONVENTIONS, ETC. il Accommoedations uP te 400 "O' x0 o-' derce fion " Excellent ban teciîtes and kitchen " Contnoiied lîgUting Moen decor oFuiiy eguipped sou nd syton eCompleten n ecyciing fliten systom For further information &Seokingarrrn1190nt P LEASE NOIE CARMELINA SEDITA WILL ACCEPT YOUR RESERVATIONS AT 878-240, O A.M. T06 9.50 OR 878-6527 OR 878-4903AFTER 6P M 878-2393 878-3812 3_______________ bun1alow ________________________Dotnteten locatfO on one acrf III cnt wfee Aco and0 ei on 5119, o AiuCtîrn Service Chris A. Schouten A UCC ION EE R Saleof ea il types ule onducted anyuhenfý Tel. 878-2576 e R 3 Mil1ton, Ont. Wdîd Brownridge L.îoîed ADctionfen F0,0ý Livestoc Phone 878-6730~ Appn4.o4b Ail Types OFFCE t0h, loundny r0097, lare i OFFICE k utCh., liit .0 ru th . 420squae ftnft on se04 bte 50con 3ý nfer l l .0 teo centralidomntome Mi- ý Z' lm area, Seat and iight un l 2767te 1 cludedin rSTt.E lu eut, 20 ýn5 '0, cefO F095150 Eu neety wit tir 3't 91, nfe'ýonle tl MiltOn 01 batr011, mnthii or Ph. JL 87 -2 26 075921. mooil. Heitel Country Inn, et l.t TF 81 u 2345 f18 601. .420 -...VALE, no, 3 ELECT oIC hot -me, el, ol 9o, er tf1detached , 1 w 100 ffre evc Phone 83 BOOSOR fi epleplieOOan e , IItn 099 1112311, , 5TE 0 ah,$50 one mont tref. 01112 TRAFALGAR JAMESile 2 10 ADM I»0 ,.l-r -.. Seer4-79 Ou Specia dte tenlean deo.Ooinbe COMMEOCiAN Ou1ýstoriAL 1,7 JMEtS ADM, 146tf ONEy BDal 378 Te Crd aeul itpnin led S-i5 Rognîun Crntnn n Mu10 tOPfin, 3-4 76 AD-PAG B7 iton hort lcation $0 Sied fo 0100 0104000 N eDnh Ci 796038 Actol 0 5020 ncPJ 85, 054.005 0027 00. or 3 fO22 an t0 curned bymi, vite , k 5m522 O7~. achIe. moeooninenc,376 M, e L damod in nme latmer N OBL Te en,00 9tn hnoidtimniO O urte npc a tfeiis ae , cem er 0 4, 1 090, - p_ tef OM tAL IN 200IA 194rertM witnýN psaro er month ,11 roo n Ste c clîo s 97 sitna i rin iture. p.rl-et.nJa Pux, ts 078. 1,o DAID. O KOid ec Roo OEadt w er sat 409IN MAIN, M80 ILIO 878 5eMltntnnwilno e e ens autsnyGnEe 1 Il , FOR ',A[f 1 V[Hlfl[S fOR SALE 117- 6DODGE0 13RAND NEW 1974 DART NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of iIUGH REID McDONALO, late, ot libride, in th City, ot Buiiingtoe, ln the Regieea Municipaiity ot Haiton, Physiciae. Ail parlions having ani, clais againot the abece est. aie arelon,, fred to tend fuit parti culars of tucS dlaim t0 the under signed Executoreon or betre the 8th day ot Janu. ary, 1975, atter mtAch date the Etete assets wiii be dis. tributed, heing regard onti, toi cla M s thet have titea beae NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, LtMITEO 11 Main Street East, Hamilten, Ontatio LOt 305 Oy its Selicitors in,,tchinson, Thempsee & Hendersen Brnntert and Solicitors, 219 Main Street MI Iton, Onta rio NOTICE os heneby gien ttnat the application ot PARTAF SINGH netding at 150 Witleon Drive, Milton, Ontario, te change hst name to JOSEPH PARTA LIS SANDHU; and tUaIi etht wmie IOGINDER SINGI-Ete JOGINDER <AUR SANOHU and that et fis daughter tnetn JASBIR KAUR SINGH te JESSICA SANDHU , miii Se Seard by tUe presiding Judge ln Chambers aitheCourt Heuse lthen Judicia Ditnict et Heiton. 49 1 Steeles Avene East, Milten, Ontario, on Wednntdlay, tUe 2nnn day et Januaryv, 1975 et the heonr et 10.00 e'clocki n the teteneee. ODATEO at Milten, this ith day of Oncenther, 1974. HOLDEN, PERRAS, FOROAND HAESLER, ,Z Main Street: MLTON, Ontario Se1iitensf. thte Applicant. NOTICE TO CREOITORS AND OTHERS In Ihe Estte et MARIE (MARY) GERALOINE MOPRGAIN, ete et Milten: Ootar e, Married eemen, Ai pontent hecîng cain agaei n1the5 aboye ettatear nequîed tetondtfull particu- lent et tecttcaimts 1e tthe undentîgned Eeecutor n or Unennr thte 2394 day et Jan- ueni,, 1975, ettnnr mttich date thn sttees ettets miii Se dis- tniuted, Ueeing negand enin ,0 clims fitUav e tSen Seen m