~Iu MILTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESOAY, DECEMBER 18, 1974 'lPa 15Cent Improved bus service suggeste Extended route, hours of service would cost town $82,000 year Auget e dtue stmpd bu evice Iu tacet. Tise <7 s tudy sugge-ta estendîng tise ~~ houes c ~f serice. ceu te cuet lump 60cm *19,700 Oc 1 Tu he.faUreo.fth siudy ai ech sop =seeey .0 mninutesuiesieadfonce eery 60 ieOc endr t maic urefo rîdees. A sofetuce je ecinftio theI iservice, bath Inbos of Sereice ant ieores coscee. Theeiomc cureely cc'e- teacts miib Miltcn Bus Lises ~Angry f ~oppose ~ atc Federatios et Agricu.tace mmbees base eoied 41-30 againsi tbe Spepet lusd se policies ltaiece apprcved by thc -y4Ontaeio Federutico of 0,Ageiculture anti prmot by Ration Land Use Commiliee The policies woutti haie meuci freezing gond fatin- lant in ac agriccltc ai .q, zng ~Tite voie came Tcecday \' aller a premeclalton by OFA o ce-prosidecl Fracnk Wal and. antiaangry eebange that SKin wl ~ring in ADVENT CANDLES were lit as part of a Chrictruas concert ut St. Paul's n e w y ar United Churceh Sunday. Debbie Gowland Iights the angel's candie. The e e concert followed the morning service and included songs, an original ~ A 94ctcad17 t play and finally the visit by Santa Claus. About 20M attended. h uireti of Milleniaec Ç2,? gilneagate galbee l iýte ~,* êai~ oeticiai "tome square in Sferot fthe toise bail te ring o e ail ritegngw A deoil ity-lam appeoei bp Miltus Courcil Mondap migbl miii bon hueting in lte ectîre tion 0f Miltos, if il receivs lise secmuary tece reodicgs. Tise isp-lacc bad eaelier containeti a provsin lta mould proiit the disebarge of firearms in lise urban smsviced area bat cot rural arsa. We lise by-iaw meut iseire coueicîl il mac amescledtia put lte mboie mcw in a no disebarge suce. Tise draft byp-lais as prsnteti M Ocday ci gis hîil ase alceeed ituntig ou prisaie land mits lise camsent of the landomner. Whole tems Tillte isaasamtendedie tiie ti clause and le es th ie proisibiieti a rea te misr lte miscle toms. f0 maites provision for Biermns O ise useti undier a mrter of situaticns. ililsarp conspanis or peace officers ic thte lamOul extcutice of tboir dutims ami usyoue dscisargiug firourmu uprided fcr uder degtau adls listocit ami pouitry proieetion oct, le exempt. E.cem plîcs alo are eteed to lood and gui clii properbles acd le citeel and target ciotoeing ranges. Thte change in lte by-lais mas prcsptid by a plea trois ceutîcîllor RieS Day. He epoite of îrrecpeeeîble sportsmen and ledîcoleol tisai ilmwasclet ecsarip ce, ltai ail sisilors trois Hamilton aend Terontole r trrmspoesiile ami ail local peeple mers respoccible. Anytlilng dit muses Day read a letier rois a isoiae ie bis isard mbe isted lte corestyof game euritee home tis yearand expessei alfear ltain elte absence et garne, ituenters maulif be cbaotieg ai acythie ltai He eoleti the bie huciers badifreelt uelisas ltecame lime aibece would base free le bike ie lte isotis. OHaieraewold jus have te go fanter amay le tunt ami plan tripe a littie more in adu oece. Coueîlice Jus Watcen eaid Dopes ioreiee mere uetee. He co id be maculta buter bat feu lite preposet bp-tam prusîdedthefO bout ef boit orlie mhec Oie derisicewa the laedoee'c. "Ifbemwaunts la allis iutauicg be may, andi if bo doecelt lOis op 10 ic' cci tOchef ct f bout isf teelie squirec, rabitis and deer," Day relet. Wanssdccc eassis Couscîllor Rosi Pomadiait taveretia dccc utiug season asti cuggstod lthe scelisers part et Naccagameyu Joad mure eee thec pour titacever betere. He suggesteti lte animaiu oauid clarse te dealit df ct buied. Ac i stantiu lte ity-lais wiii efteciively bas ail itucicg iii tbe limites of Milone. lThe bp-lais s ecpecied te, corebefore couricil eurly ie lite cois pour for format approval. oeremop mili he eegaeîued aund epumerei iy cte bisses cemeci service lte unformai beilr n g cecemeup hue gaiberet cîtizees tegether lea lte Street, iteeeaih lte tome bail bell tomer. le say Oare- mciile toe paeeuog pear and greet ttc iecoeiiegt5 tiap milb gusto iemulceees asti miita roud oftAulti Log Kinumes oegaeiuoec bave sel pet fucoliceti tise celeelios eft lit peares official belli- rieger. but hope 10 base an acceuccesectin le ime toc seul Mootiayes Champion. In reetyears aproinetciti- zen bac heen citacesi do lte bocers. Sieceecu ril7 iscief aceempacies the mîdeigit singeecîinthehrie efrai. The ceremocy ucuaily dOSta aeoud11.45p.m and entseby 1205 a.m., ils heevily ncs silaied ity lte cilly chimale, lic opes te ail and lbere'c ce admission chaege-everyoe fawc in toci an tbe tac Neis Yeae'e Esc beil-eîeg- iegs ereelauncciedeonthe eve <liCtWu.d .. P.S la5 Fear dognapper in area Two valuable dogs disappear le tbere o dogeapper operatief lu the Milton aires? Ai cocu ose local reccdeel bhiche ce A beaulîlul blonde Afghtan, il meetts cfd aeil cilS (cci tsappeaucuil propeciy os Tccmliee led nerDerry Rd. ifiser ieda Redtiall reeureed le iedti ire irocits boit map up lte lace andenoeîigcof tbe eg. A titorougit ceorci of lthe ocopccly and checkse isith i-igliliîis tiitil tii tu i uii tic cý lhe diogs chilie Foîur daysecachier. a mile roati, a bloc ticS hounsti ts- appeared Oesn acciser borme. I lticith yie a re tbe onlp lise poceitreti doge os ihie eoad,' site said, Trtc oiiir suid hec Acghan lias the roie ii er place hout il and another dog seeows are JEorIy deadlines Chnampion publishes Monday next week Yar Champion will be published two daya for next Monday's issue have baien advsnced tio *rUoe during Chrltmfisan iNew Year's weeks. 'tburday, Dec. t9-omsrrow. News dsahdllnea Ition dates are Monday, Dec, 23 and 5 p.m. uroday; display ada 12 neon ¶uda â'ý,Dec.3 Sboeaua bi>th Christmas and clausified disply 5 p.m. Thursday; lasslli ohldaYs fgon the regular word ada 12 noon friday. *Mhlcatlan dates. flecause of the earlier pbication achedule, The office of Thse Champion will ha closed deadllu for ail newsan display advertisieg Christmnas Day and Boxin Day, Dec. 25 and 26. Afghtan mas soi the type of dogto rue aisapon lisceme, eepoilly allier acmitle meionthtoron Oea porchrod ainislaeey-loobîeg, glacce he'.s ail epeisisi dog," cite saîd. Ladt Marcithlie camne memau tact a goud (leriso Sbepserti pop fecs lte camne psroperlp. Il bati lisedti iere sic mondats andti uth ltime ac boliugit tl mas strunge il mcclti disappeur su mys- lericuely. Mise Retidaîl euggested Tise Champion sisceld puiait a marniug tu utiser docg ocses c te an eye ce lteir pets n boware cf strangees in lte diutrict. "Es- peetals asiutn Christmas, 1 mculd baie le sS soyune calae loue liseir tiog," se.saiti. "'ose hti aialo ervice toc $19,700 cu1.i'iy peeya il le iowm u'oslto topl eilbih hiso ma ie oplionc octied en the eerllhcteSrice csis ocid jump le anecsiimaicd $82,30 suggestions 'lTe sludy .liessnoeccom- meedattees bu t caggccs isays theservice cecidhbeion ecdsc it toieistn tee Pascisa ai lte Mieiciey et Transportation aed Cern municatioes preceeied tîed- iegeef tueoeycaedlodytou Miltoe Cooeoîil Moeday elgisi Acemitee comprecdof titeurhmemitersoftcoueiil isili deil isiit lte cltidy aed 'armers f reeze sais Haltes Fetieatice vice- p resîdenl Harold Middle- itrulicocieto confronaion with ceocrai memberc. White seeal taceteri readiiy ageet te lte cerd lac p reservation et ageiculioral laed, itey ecpreseed coccees about isit tormi aiom pensaion isoud ite made asailabie ishec lteir laed cs desaluei. Near tee-lur-ati Thte meeting appeaeed as Of it migbl taret ie a free toc- uai mitee Middieiteoo tlriedt ta lîmit dialogue le airitcen quections and verbal as- Peler Beaci slood ai lte roe cf lte auditorium ai ErestclDrury Sebel for lte Deaf and insicled on peaing Mîdihook ibind iîh itaedcon hipe ai lte riel of lte com and caîd the Fedecalios had calird lthe meeting and Ifeac motelt goitie te rus il. tI ocac fi speat,- oaid Bracit Middlciteoobs cotisai 10 afleis Beacitu 'i pecit troagit acgey sloîits trois at sections oflthe oollo "Farmners areiteîcgitlack- mailed ' ose former sitouled as altera aboto lte mom yelled ai Mîddleiteohk and accuced itim of trylso tui force farmero e lii codorcîcg lte bri itelore they had itees gîsco an opportUe ily 10 hecome completeti tacuiliar isiith il. "lisa farineead ce i tliig me isit i sac do isîith my land," acotiter facmec citouled. Eseclualiy fleacit aiteised la cpeab and a givecperissionoio prececi hic itrief. Hc bold lthe galteciof be Oelt iosuflîcent moite reommeedatiaec ta Paseika bldc coceocil ltai 10 ai appeoeîmaie 100 bouse- hottin j Milton Heigbte said they isouiti use publie transit lii Milton if il eecovn To aisommodate titoce if houcehoidc Paveita salid a traetscabtcervice caaidite ieaaguaaed. Thot isoolses a coitcidizedltaxi ruceîegierom tite tfeighic ta Sicelce Aoc. isiere passeogero iswold icacofer fa . isaîiicg hS ad moite lthe linal section et lte tip iet on Go ie thle may? That seviceisould iostan vahidîly of a teansf ee ai Siee tese v. hee tie cah is outil- in a short distance of lis destination. Paseika said the systeis ssas suggested tomake use of public transit. He suggested il the cab wee a]] the 'ay int. toise il isouidn't fikely quatîfy fur sohoîdy. The study indicated that the routes sersîced by Miltiin Buas Most of the p=pi icho peesseditereci. Paseiba 'btanî d th ey ee ppi iodicaiei lieyd hae =i mt mioreethan SM feeto a bus Stopý (orreoll bus service toies tees 6.45 ais. tiS5Ai pm Moedaythrîough Fridîaad 9 ais tio 45pis on .Sataeday Ae addîdional hus racefon Dorscet Parkt ta the hîgh cchool inthe morningfad provsion ifýenido ta haie a hos go lui Fîit thheet Stop je îîeder toeialoe ascoeeciii one hior latuer.Moeday. Tocs- day aed hhedneeday, and te c .oS on Thursday and Fridav and to 7 pis on Satocdoy. Piselha said the eîdeechip POSTONG THEIR LETTER le Sunta Claus, c o North Pole. aie lsilîs Uisa and Lori Hall, age 4. Huudrcdsef Milten childree bave seutlechers te Si. Nick, oullioîng Iheir Christmas ocantc, and pesled lhemn at lte special Santa'sLeller Box je frontcf Milles Departeno Store os Mais Sf. Sat an dis helpers cn leylaed are lryîng bo get as answer cate everyace. Private meeting Discuss budget ons l[ ice yeor capital budget fioecas Monday igbl daeltg a private meeting of cuil.i Laelyearaedlinpeior yearc buodgetfdiscussions hase becs daneeinopenecourcioand in fulsies of lte public Milton Cousciisslaled peliey iclbal ail meetings are public mt lthe excepiono uthibe ltai peersonnel maliers. Nltly gei lp A'sked isby lie pceliiiiry discussions eregoing toie ieid in camera tie yeae. Mayor Ane MîacArthuar saitd it isoîld be clased unlîl lthe mlity gcîlly mac delit isith "Tisciacif itas dose o good job tu public relaltioce sasîc nwemereeplil ons tor splî1 .. ltai, o ite saîd The ice year lorecactis ca guide toi- capital opesdicg oser the test lise yeas cealch cl the ilîcecasl ce updaied byue yearso hece os a lisays avil.o hic FIItEFIGHTERS STAND SILHOUETI'ED by contents includiSg a tractor were dectroyed. thpe blazing ruins of a utility shed ait the residence Mlilton and Burlington firefighters reaponded to of Gary Hourd. The Sunday nîght blaze caused thbe caîl on the Guelph Lino juat north of Lowville. an eatîmated $4,990 damnage as the ched and I i e I 1! WiII ban hunting throughout town Estabilshied 1861 - Vol. 114 No. 34