Equal opportunity Board wiII st ST. STEPHEN'S CHU RCH HotrsisyOntarlo Sanday, Dec. 8, 1974 Tise 254 Sacday te Aduent 11ia.m.-tottng Frayer and Sermon 11it5 a.rne.-Csueli Saluai A rural Chorus Inaà raral uammanlty. CHURCH 0F, CHRIST t4t2 Beiansta Bd., West Mister Blafard Porsylis Sacday, Dec. 8, 1974 tutu0 a.m.-itHe Salsasi Classes tor ail ages. 1lf-00a.m tfasotsg ouship 8.00p.m, Proaaitg ufthlie Gospel, ST. DAVI1D'S and NASSAGAWEYA PR ESBYT ERIAN CH URCH ES Mînlsere Oua. Douglas Loi 854-2157 Sacday. Dec. 8, 1974 Service ai Huly Commaniot. c.00 a.ua.--Ciarch Suisool io.ige.m.-Worshlp Service St. Dauld's 1 1.15 a.m.-Csarais Sahual and W.orshp Service MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 OntarioNSt. N. 878-2022 ChisttaOs gatiseru i tes nameot tise Corai Jesus Christ Sandoy, Dec. 8, 1974 tt.30 a.m.-Breaktng Bread 2-15 p.mn.-Sanday Sahoal 7.00 p.m.-Gaspel Servtce Wedsesday, 8 p.m.-Frayer and Biste ruadlng. Ail Are Welaame to Thme Servtces. For od sentnotls Son lto lise murid la asedemn lise wortd; isal lise tise wortd thrugs hlm migsi ho saaed. Jtohn 3-17. thunh Srntces] ST. PAUL'S CHURCH 0F THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Mate St. al James St. Rev. C. M. hrmîn SuperalsinB MIileer Groom. and Cirîlroder: Mrs. Harold Magee Sucday, Dec. 8, 1974 l1.0i arn.-Chue G111 Guest preaciser. Ben. James MuPedden, ProaionB Oclucer mush provincal goveesmecl. Nursery FacillîleS Auailaisia AI lare WalaBCr BOSTON AND OMAGH PR ES BYTE RIAN CHU RCH ES Metsier: Boa. W. B. Lewis, B.A., B. D. 078-4428 Sanday, Dec. 8, 1974 Bile Sunday 9.30 a.m.-Worsilp Service & Churus Saisoal (nursery Omagis mîoti a.mn.-Woshlsp secouce & Cisurui Saisoct. (nursery fauililiesi. Yos are melcome te merssipwmlthus. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHU RCH A loaloassnohtyof Tise Footeausta t Assemites 01 Casadla aeield Rd. andi Hwy 'S Faou Oea M. Cirsesen Toi. 876 2064 Tise Lard's Day Sucday, Dec. 8, 1974 t110.0 ..MatengWorsip uta0 pas -Fanaîa Frayer t.0I p.u.S - ue intun Eantgelt5tth Soraice Wedoesdoy 8 p.. Frayer eai Htbte Stady. WCisnseer shisl ctl tpot THE PR ES BYTE RIAN CHU RC H N CANADA KNOX CHURCH MILTON Mîcîster: Rea. Pater Sarumw Icterlas MarceraitO 8771252 Sanday, Dec. 8, 1974 11.00 a.m.-Dliie Coesip Bev. Douglas Black of Brant- ford miii preacin 1 connectIon mils tise cuageegalton's eill for a mtelster. 9.45 c.m-Senior Csarais baisool 10.45 c.m.-Janler Cisuruis 7.00 p.m.-YoUsg Peoples Sociaty Nursery taîllies aualast EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Commercal Street, Miton. Pastor: Dr. J. B. Armstrong Sunday, Dec. 8, 1974. 9.45 a.m.-Sanday Schout ced Fastor's Bible Cassfor affiuits. 11.0t a.m.-Sarmue "Tisa C.rd Cas Mode Fleshs." 7.00 p.m.-Sermon "Tisa lima ut Jesas' Slrlh.- Taesday, 10 a.m. Coffee, Hur and Buste Slady. Sering our preOshotOerI. Cednesday 7.30 p.m. tteeting for prayer and Btible Stady. Came and bieic a Frtend GRACE ANGLICAN CNURCN Oclue. Oua. Duncan Callace. Orgouist: Robert F. Argat Sucday, Dec. S, 1974 Adveut Il 0.00 a.m.-Huly Communion 9.30 a.m.-Sestue Cisarais Saisaut 10.30 a.m.-Matis and Ser mac. ;0.30 o.m.-Juir Savday Shisua. Tisarscay Dac. 5 t0.Oaa.m. Huit Commanion Yaa ae aimays weiturale at Grace Csri "f jast baya na eaaoissdrop THIS SATURDAY 9:05 as 12:15 MILTON'S OWN RADIO SHOW features the MILTON GIRLS PIPE BAND performing live tot the MIDAS GOLD AWARDS MINOR SPORTS PRESENTATIONS The fifth onnuol Midas GoId Awords for Soccer &Lacrosse wîii be presented this week on Milton Morning . .. Dit Kennedy Ford. A'number of lads on fhe BRIAN BEST REALTY Soccer squod wiII receive owords. OSCAR TRAYNOR MARK TRAYNOR JOHN VANDER VLIEI JAMES BAIRD CHRIS CHIMONIDES AI BEST RON CARROLL JOHN TARNOWSKY TOP DOG RADIO IN HALTON mIS o oarsd of ldy aed a iseni in eecomn dilo tisa m th nus ie saine aparlasilies for mumen in lise speless as exse for msen if danti 0. opaeunities dl already exist. .Eveti thougs lise siudy mas ouith orined aimant uuanimuly muai truslees iudlcaled tisaI tisey feit tisere mas no prabisn in Nattas. Tise termis af relereoce pracide for au investigation uf relative upparlonitims fac mes and mames ai ail leveit; in tise systemn and t0 malle recommendations la esase equali af opportasily and enroueagement lue ad- vareent and teadershsip if oecesuary. Tise 15 permfl cummittine eupecled ta repart isaci iy Dec. 31, 1975. ise cummitteo is made up af trustes, senior administration, elemestary and seaondary teachers and principalis and tisreo mim bar fa tise public. lu prasonting tise matasn Mes Alexander vaid musi administratars and trutees isave assumed tisat there euisted a fuir and equal air partuoity lac ain, yel in 1974 we do nul isave 0h00 one maman aI tise senior ete uf administration. There are ihree momon principals ai ucisoals for tise relarded but anty tour acamon principals ast af 81 in ather scbaals." Shis aid tise Hallon Hoard compares iavarahty mush alter areanowits regard lu ths inclasion ai mamen lu leadersipi groupu, vice principal appinîments and aven pîntaipat appuinimeats. Tp ep ore "Hamever, if me are la tap bhe hum an resaurces bha me bave ta tise fatlest estent lise isard tevet. If we cao identiiy and develupt uniy four wumeu lu lise level ai pin- cipal lu our regfilaefeisl front a staff milci inctudes 1,0 mn, lises lie tuats ai leadership ptesîil cas usdy be ats la arysmad ullimalely luta idsl. ie masy luls lel lieee noprolem and indicaeu isai a sludy would asty serve ta sauel tisai viewpoini Ada 1H11, Itirertair ai lise Fnderalod Wumea Teacisers Association ai Ontario indîcates tisait s ual She tld isis reporter lisan il masolt an ify question. "Tisere is a praislem" She ualed resstts ai easdomt sueeyu ai sume ai Halti leae eses iudicate avec f0 par cent mauld accepi posiltaons ai espuiiity if tis positious weee offeeed isut unly 50 per cenit mad apptly foc tisa positon. Hie imptiod tisai lise system Praided encauragement lue mo a l ouy arely for omon. Sise satd men are appacised via lise geapevîno and advised tisai sa and sa's positin is cmiagaopen. Tisai duasu happes wilis wamneu ase indicaled. Trustee Tauy Goodyne sammed sp lise canceen of sevecal trustees wisen hoe idenlified wisat ise mît mas a danger ai suais a stady. Ho said tise danger ai people feeling a certain namier ai appaintasenis had la ise lettrit did exisi. Trustee Fred Armitaga ameuded tise matiou ta delete tise relerence lu upportuOities in leadership for wmmOand the motian 000 reines tu asflaiy intuateadersisip and op- partauity ia educatias. Mes. Alexander uaid lise amendasent 414 aat affect tise teras ai reforonce and mautd nal weahea tise com miltee niiorts. Flesi principal Trustee Edua Haisinson, a foraser administratar mils tise huard, recaited hum Jim Singleton liadt eucaaraged hiec andi actatt caaaiuced tise Min stry 0? Edaatn a Wo're availabîs Yes, yaar Chaompion i aoatoSe un Wednesdayai tise talitg n easdtolnts HA LTO NVILLE Jennings enserai Store B ROO KVILLkE Mc îmd's Store ACTON Autie Strfe, Shsse Jim's In aed Ont Banal Milk Store GEORGETOWN Stevns Store Fendiet's Star. Joe's Ttanh SOP Heirea Smaiso Situe SSID150E Spaystde Gesarai Store HORNBY HaesisY Ooaeral Stag Country Fera DRUMQUIN Dramqats Store OMAGH Omagis Store PALE RMO Patormu Siaro Coling's Station N ELSON Nelsus Vaariaiy LOWVILLE Roisartson 0ulf Maai Neo VaOrily Laautiie area KILBRIDE Caule's Stucs CAMPBELLVILLE Moawkmi Inn Earty's Garage Bais's Trucks Sap apera Emsporium MILTON HEIGHTS aiau tiariele Parkside Gaferai Store In and Around MILTON Chalet Restauant, De. Dtup ln, Haud , E,- ien, ,ut Esso, hutoasa s Fruit aroket, West Ei Moats, Meilton Variety, Fith Wheet Stop Harrts Sltltoney, Onakers Sitse Tise Cisampton, Cisiey's Phairmany Ledwots taper Saae, tMilon Deug Mari. Rlaza Soks Shop. Caeavan estaura, taou Milk. Mfaastatiew Restauranti, AItttott District Hostpital ta 25 Service Station. Tise Canadien Champion, Wed. Dec. 4, 1974 9 udy treatment of women permitla emalfe appuinîment secnda =ae in Ontario. poanted ta a utomlar post.i t as Same memsers oi bath aspinia o nl d ar Tia .a eea yea rs agot Tise Has Hon ard isas iseen FWTAO and lise isuard ieei asu ich ih lise l i. a and il mas only hast meek Ihal appiauded by FWTAO lar the buard hasn'l gone fair woma taise a princiaf a thsesecond o wass a p-Sl nromoing as many o'aOtO as enoughinthat drecion yet FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM qà& Special Announcement .... Gallinger Motors is pieased to annoance the addifion ai a Continental Luxury Limousine ta its rentai fieef, ihis has been brought about by the numeraus reqaests for this type af iuxury aufomobile. For yoar special occasions phone 878- 2883 ask for Brenda and make yoar roservaf on. COUIERPIC-UP F-700 -16' VAN CONTîNENTALS * COMETS CFUR00 PICK Up EQUîPPED WITH BOBOATS *MONTEGOS F-100 P-C UPVA ELEC. TAI LGATE F 350 2 VAN LOADER For Carefree Motoring Pleasure .. For a Dayî a Week a Month' a Yeari Orop in and Check sur Economny Rates. *SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES* * i MUSHROOMS 2 14fi, ID 3GREEN PEAS 3 14-.fn CO tCKTAIL DRINKS if ~ ~ SOUP 410o.tn DISINFECTANT SPRAY uPVERUMEN10 ISPC-ED-MEATS Frosh -Lean Fres- Lean STEWING BEEF 9.19 CHUCK o-BLAUE cSTEAKS I99C BRAISINS RBS lb69 Feh-La Freh Len Grun -CROSS RBOR MINCED BEEF ib65c ei Frosh LeanSHORT RI5 ROASI I .09 PRIME RIB STEAKS.$9.29 Frs RI RLATan.2 STA S losian, T-Base $1 hPai "A" Fry-nts59 ST A S Portehouse us. .7 CH OK N AIL FALVOURS 0F PANTA CHIOKENLES '5 CAINED POLEG $3 3 9 1 az tins ON CKEN BREASTS 3 9 ' Arro Stnd)GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE DESSERT PEARs 31 iZ.ûCý Nom S -- LETTUCE 2haad, CLAM COCKTAIL CUCUMBERS 4 DRINK es 69e C CAUIFLOWER 2 Chrsi' 0 B "Big-Oe" Bastecusi 2 CELERY 2 SLICED BREAD 2oz- 79c TOMATOES 2 C Chrs Ho Baisermaso- Sluced N4 oz q ' O-,'nd FsmalRed0e1,cous WHITE BDfNl 32400s APLE Poes -OGade "A" Medum Soa BANANAS 6 CiseaA Tepo oa aiTANGELOS Daimsss 70hu L (Far Aatamat $1ic ORANGES CACAII@U ase) 7oz 01 9N.55Ot (What NewCGamay - PinfltBathStoeI ROM MUC FACE SOAP 3i MoNoSHROOM. "LlsUa FOR DISHES . Cj COOKINO ONIONS1G'.9901 s.FO 174 MIL ST FREB.T87-4